Hairstyles for short hair for women 30

Turning thirty is a wonderful time, a kind of springboard for future changes in life. For some reason, many women are afraid of this date, not realizing how wonderful a time of their life awaits them ahead. Fashionable short haircuts for women over 30 are what will give you unique beauty and set you apart from others in 2018 2019.

Surprisingly, according to statistics, 90% of women change their hairstyle a few days before or within a few days after their thirtieth birthday. And 65% of them are experimenting with short haircuts.

Meg Jay in her book raises the question of realizing oneself at thirty and how to feel happy during this period of life. One of the tips from her book is that in order for changes to begin to occur in your life, you must first change yourself, at least externally. For example, give yourself an unusual short haircut.

In today’s article we will talk about what short haircut is relevant to wear this season, how best to get a haircut on your 30th birthday and how a haircut reflects your character.

Let's talk about the advantages of short hairstyles and styling

Of course, short hair has a number of advantages. The first thing to note is the condition of your hair. Let's honestly admit that as a result of constant dyeing, our hair stopped looking perfect. Not to mention our ecology, which directly affects the condition of our hair and skin.

Many people assure you that the next miracle remedy will definitely save your hair from split ends, and perhaps if you regularly apply it to healthy hair, you will be able to keep it in good condition for as long as possible.

However, you cannot cure already split hair with any fashionable product. In this case, only cutting off the damaged ends helps. Well, if you have already decided to remove about 5-10 cm of length, then why not take a chance and dare to become even more stylish with a short haircut, which is certainly in trend today.

It should be noted that with a properly executed short haircut, you can change each time without much effort. By styling your hair a little differently, you can change from a strict style to a romantic one and vice versa in a short period of time.

Also, the advantages of short hair length include the time it takes to care for it and style it. If owners of long hair usually spend about 1.5 hours on these procedures, then with a short haircut this time will immediately be halved.

Garson haircuts for short hair for women over 30 - trends

In 2018 2019, short fashionable haircuts continue to be in trend, and one of the brightest representatives is the garcon haircut.

With this haircut, you could often see such celebrities as Charlize Theron, Rihanna, Audrey Tautou, Natalie Portman and others.

This is a very elegant embodiment of the style from French hairdressers. The fact is that garson is a boy, translated from French. The graduated strands, the lack of a clear shape and the always slightly tousled appearance of this haircut give it an unimaginable charm. This is exactly the case when a very short haircut looks very feminine.

Fashionable Pixie haircuts for short hair for women over 30

“Pixies” appeared and immediately became incredibly popular in the 50s and 60s of the last century. At first, Audrey Hepburn got an incredibly touching short haircut for the film “Roman Holiday”, and that’s when the first wave of interest in this hairstyle passed. And after that, when, thanks to famous stylists, Lesley Hornby was turned into the well-known Twiggy with a pixie haircut, everyone wanted this haircut.

Also thanks to this type of haircut, the beautiful actress Mia Farrow gained her popularity. But today it is no longer the 60s and hairdressing art does not stand still. Nowadays, the pixie haircut is especially popular; they prefer to combine it with shaved temples or make it more elongated in the manner of a bob haircut.

Today this hairstyle can be seen on actress Jennifer Goodwin in the TV series “Once Upon f Time”.

Haircut Cap for short hair for women over 30 - photo

This haircut looks great and certainly makes you look much younger, although it does require regular trips to the salon. This is probably the most whimsical hairstyle of all of us considered today.

When making such a haircut, you should also decide to cut your bangs, then your image will become not primly elegant, but slightly perky, but, of course, in moderation.

Fashionable bob haircuts for short hair for women over thirty

It’s probably impossible to remember a more classic and common short women’s haircut than the bob. The classic bob has shoulder-length bangs, cut straight in a circle. However, today there are more than 200 variations of this hairstyle.

Bob haircuts were especially popular in the 20s of the 20th century. In Fitzgerald's time, all women wore bobs, silks and smoked cigarettes in cigarette holders. But the bob haircut remained timeless and retained its popularity for many years.

Since the style of the 20s is especially popular this season, stylists all over the world have again turned to the bob. If we talk about celebrities for whom this haircut is especially suitable, the stylists have compiled their own list.

Here are some actresses from it:

  1. Charlize Theron;
  2. Emilia Clarke;
  3. Adele and others.

Stylish asymmetrical haircuts for short hair for women over 30

For some reason, in the modern world there is a stereotypical opinion that asymmetrical fashionable haircuts are only suitable for teenagers. However, you and I understand that this is far from the case. If you have recently turned 30, this is a great reason to give yourself an asymmetrical haircut, which is incredibly popular this season.

You can choose a choppy haircut like Victoria Beckham's or a long asymmetrical bob, which Paris Hilton wore for many seasons. Don't forget about styling if you become the owner of this haircut. With it, you can no longer just get up, comb your hair and leave the house, otherwise you risk looking unkempt and unpresentable.

A striking example of an asymmetrical bright haircut combined with lilac hair color was Kelly Osbourne.

Let's look at hair care tips for women over 30

After 30, you should pay more attention to caring for your hair.

Here is an approximate list of necessary procedures:

  1. Daily care. Even the most expensive mask will not work if used occasionally.
  2. You should not wash your hair with hot water; it is better to give preference to warm or slightly cool water.
  3. You should not use a metal comb; it is better to give preference to a wooden one with natural bristles.
  4. Trim your hair ends regularly.
  5. Don't forget to use heat protection when using a curling iron.

Also, many stars advise switching to proper nutrition and exercise. No matter how strange it may sound, these two factors have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair and skin.

No matter what haircut you decide to get for your thirtieth birthday, we hope it brings you the change you're looking for. And good luck to you.

Hairstyle is the basis of a good image. It sets the tone for your appearance, can hide age and correct the shape of your face. Short haircuts for women over 30 make it easier to care for their hair and make their appearance more noble.

What determines the choice of a short haircut for a woman after 30 years of age?

After reaching this milestone, a woman truly blossoms. She already knows how to present herself, buys things that suit her and are not imposed by fashion, and has mature beauty. At this age, ladies usually become more confident, sexier, and get rid of their complexes. To highlight all the advantages of your appearance, a stylish short hairstyle is perfect.


The most successful short haircuts for ladies over 30: photos

Here's what you need to pay attention to when choosing a hairstyle:

  1. facial fullness;
  2. face shape;
  3. age-related changes;
  4. facial features.


Haircuts that improve your appearance:

  1. A bob with side bangs. An open forehead often shows age, and straight bangs look rough. An excellent solution would be side-swept bangs. You can add extravagance to the image by making an asymmetrical bob.


  2. An elongated bob without bangs. If your forehead is smooth, you can choose this option so that the strands frame your face.


  3. Short bob without bangs. This is an excellent choice for those with a square face and refined cheekbones. This hairstyle will highlight your eyes.


  4. Pixie. This fun hairstyle helps you look very young - it suits those with a round and oval face. It is easy to style - just wax or gel.


  5. Curls for an elongated bob. A well-executed hairstyle can remove ten years of age. Curls can be made using a biochemical perm or you can create them daily using a curling iron.


Which short haircuts are best to avoid?

Not all short haircuts are good. Some distort their faces and change their appearance for the worse. This:

  1. Very short. This option is suitable for a small number of thin women. Don't go too extreme and don't expose your temples.


  2. Straight hair with bangs. A regular bob with an even cut and straight bangs can add age. It is better to make asymmetrical or oblique bangs, but the edges should be milled.


  3. Chemicals for short hair. We have all seen such styling on our mothers and grandmothers. You shouldn't follow their example. Chemicals are generally not the best option if you care about the health of your hair.


After thirty, it is best to choose careless curls, asymmetry, oblique bangs, and elongated strands. A bob haircut, an elongated bob, or options with a cascade are perfect. It is important not to forget about hair color: it is believed that blond hair makes you look younger, but too much blond will cheapen your appearance. You need to choose a fashionable haircut based on your type of appearance, and wear it with pleasure, and then you will always look young and attractive!

To look younger, ladies choose appropriate haircuts that give their face a fresh look. However, when creating a hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the face, nose and eye color so that the result is not disastrous. Let's look at haircuts that make you look younger, as well as how to choose the right option.

Today we present a list of haircuts that can stop visual aging. When you look at the before and after results, you will be amazed. However, not every hairstyle is suitable for a lady with a specific type.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and want to know which option to choose, we suggest you pay attention to the list of the best hairstyles that make a woman look younger:

  1. cap;
  2. bean;
  3. "like a boy";
  4. cascade;
  5. bob;
  6. curls;
  7. careless styling;
  8. models with extraordinary bangs.

Photos of the listed hairstyles are presented below.

Hair color that makes a woman look younger




In the process of visual rejuvenation, it is not enough to make an appropriate haircut. The color of the hair also matters, especially for ladies over 50, when gray hair is noticeable. When someone gets the appropriate coloring, their age immediately drops by 5 or 10 years.

Let's consider what hair color makes you look younger:

  1. chestnut;
  2. black;
  3. pomegranate;
  4. cold blonde.

It is not recommended to use shades that age:

How to cut your hair to look younger?

Short haircuts, which have been visually removed for several years, are included in the list of trends this season. If you don't have enough skills and can't decide which hairstyle will make you look younger, check out the haircut options that will look good on your face type.

Take this list with you to the salon, and the hairdresser will advise you on the model that can be used in your case. Made by a professional, this hairstyle can decorate every woman.

Below we will look at what haircuts make you look younger.

Short “Like a Boy”


A common short model among women over 50 years old, which can visually reduce up to 10 years of age. However, it gained popularity among young ladies, and the haircut does not always suit mature ladies. The main thing is to choose it correctly for the type and shape of the face, then it will add charm to its owner.

When choosing a hairstyle, go to a beauty salon, where the hairdresser will advise you on the option that will produce an effect on others. He will also advise you on hair products and masks to prolong the youth of your face.



This haircut model recently added to the list of the best hairstyles that make women look younger in 2018. Such haircuts as a cap will suit any lady. Don't forget that the beauty of this hairstyle lies in its styling.

Creating volume in your hair requires daily hair care and blow-drying. Below is a video on how to style these haircuts.



These options for women's haircuts have long been loved by ladies of all ages and have complemented the list of beautiful hairstyles for every day. But do not forget that a bob looks old if it is poorly chosen, so consult a stylist before wasting money.

The master will analyze your appearance and face shape, and also show photos of women for a more vivid representation of your future image. Based on the results, the hairdresser will choose a hairstyle that suits you perfectly.

Cascade on short and medium hair


Haircuts such as a cascade look good on a woman of any age. A multi-layered hairstyle for short hair visually makes you look younger and suits any hair shade. Also, caring for your hair is no hassle, which is very important for adulthood.

The cascade is also suitable for women over 60, when the skin of the face is not so elastic and needs to be hidden in places. It is worth noting that the hairstyle lightens heavy strands and adds volume to straight hair. This type of haircut is ideal for overweight ladies.

With wavy curls


This hairstyle option has gained wide popularity. They are appropriate for special occasions and for every day. Older ladies can return to their youth - a time when any haircut looked elegant and beautiful.

Haircuts for women with wavy locks are a reflection of charm and elegance, they make ladies stand out from the crowd and make them desirable.

Cascade for long hair


This is an option that makes a woman look younger, so it is often chosen by older ladies for long hair. Among other advantages, ease of care and installation is noted. The cascade makes the image gentle and feminine, so it will also suit stylish fashionable girls.

Hairstyles with slight negligence



This haircut option is the latest in fashion. Among the trends of recent years, lightness and carelessness have been noted, which applies to hairstyles, beauty and makeup.

Models with slight carelessness and naturalness make a woman stand out in the crowd; these hairstyles make you look 10 years younger without exaggeration. But do not forget that this haircut requires daily care and styling. To look well-groomed every day, you need to style your hair before leaving the house. This requires more time in the morning to restore beauty.

Long haircuts


This hairstyle option is suitable for ladies over 60 years old. Long, beautiful curls inspire respect for the owner, look like an addition to the status of a serious, business woman, but at the same time they make you look younger. It’s not for nothing that they say that long hair is a sign of femininity.

With profiled and cut bangs


The latest fashion trends include a non-standard version of bangs, which will make a middle-aged woman look younger. Also, this option indicates the ladies’ awareness of fashion trends and their successful use in their image. Such bangs make women look younger up to forty years old, but are also suitable for young girls.

Options by age of women

Hairstyles that make you look younger are selected in accordance with age and face type. Let's consider options for youthful haircuts for women of different ages.

Beautiful haircuts for thirty-year-olds: fashionable and free


Choosing a haircut for a woman over 30 is not difficult; the only guide is the shape of the face. Due to age, different options and styling are suitable.

If you are thirty, then hairstyles for women over 30 will suit you, as in the photo:

  1. Cascade.
  2. Curly curls for long hair.
  3. Kare/bob - will rejuvenate a woman of any age.

After 35 years










For 35 year old ladies, haircuts are done for well-groomed, shiny hair. If after thirty-five years your hair is “straw,” then any anti-aging haircut will look ugly and even add several years to your hair.

Stylists recommend that women over 35 avoid voluminous styling. It is better to choose careless options: light curls or a weak braid.

Haircuts from the list below are suitable for medium-length hair for 35-year-old women:

  1. cascade;
  2. a bob that will visually remove your years;
  3. curly curls, perm;
  4. careless styling;
  5. models with non-standard bangs.

40 Year Old Style: Wisdom Rules the World

















Choosing the right haircut after 40 years is very important, because it not only helps to focus attention on the youth of the face, but also to hide imperfections. The straight shape of the nose can be easily corrected with the help of thick bangs for the owner of straight hair; a snub-nosed shape in women of forty years old looks with combed curls.

Older ladies should avoid hairstyles that age them. Otherwise, age will only visually increase.

Choose haircuts from the following options:

  1. bob/bob;
  2. cascade for short and medium hair;
  3. cap;
  4. "like a boy."

After 45


Let's look at hairstyles for women over 45 that visually make them look younger:

  1. Cascade for any hair length.
  2. Cap.
  3. Short bob/bob.

Youthful haircuts for 60-year-old ladies
















The following styling models are suitable for middle-aged ladies over 60:

Name Description
Cascade for long hair The best option for women of this age. Thin strands become easy to care for and stand out from others.
Curly curls Also suitable for long hair, especially with a thin face, making the look more feminine.
Kare An elongated version of the bob is suitable for ladies who do not like to wear long hair.

How to choose the best smart hairstyle?

What hairstyles are very youthful and are universal for any woman? In this case, choose a cascade. It suits ladies with any face shape, even square ones, and has no disadvantages compared to other types of very smart haircuts.

Dark, red color and highlighting

Dark shades are great for making you look younger after 40 years, but red, highlights and light shades are the choice for 35-year-old ladies. All of the above coloring styles look good on women with blue and green eyes. By choosing this option, you can look at yourself as a young woman and look younger.

Lightening is the path to youth


Lightening, like red hair, is considered one of the hairstyles that makes a woman look younger. Therefore, such shades are chosen by ladies under fifty years of age. Note that cold lightening is best suited. Warm blonde tones look vulgar and only emphasize age.

Lightening is suitable for women with gray and brown eyes, also be sure to cut your hair properly to look younger.

Determining the optimal hair length

The length of the hair is no less important in the rejuvenation process. Do not forget that hairstyles for short and medium hair are suitable for women over 35 years old. After this milestone, short haircuts have aged many ladies, so the best solution would be to grow their hair longer.

Long curls make a woman more attractive and feminine in the eyes of other people, especially if the strands are loose or tied into a ponytail.

When is bangs important?


Whether bangs are appropriate or not depends on the shape of the forehead. A high and square forehead is a flaw that can be hidden with bangs. If the forehead is low, the bangs are grown out, otherwise they concentrate attention on the small round forehead.

Curly curls and messy hairstyles







Curly hair is the latest trend. They are appropriate for creating hairstyles at any age that make a woman look younger. Lazy hairstyles are chosen by ladies from 30 to 45 years old, depending on their face shape.

If you are thirty-five, then hairstyles for women over 30 that require daily styling in the morning are suitable. Such haircuts make ladies look younger, even after 30 years.

Stylist tips

Let's look at what stylists advise when choosing anti-aging haircuts for women over 35:

  1. Be guided by the shape and type of face.
  2. For your hairstyle to perform its anti-aging function, it requires regular care, time and effort for daily styling.
  3. Do not cut your own hair, even if you have skills in this matter. A rejuvenating hairstyle can only be done by an experienced salon technician.
  4. Any hairstyle requires appropriate makeup.