Signs caused by a combination of different indications of color and composition

Oily urine is urine whose color and composition are similar to the color and composition of oil. Although such urine is malignant, if other indications indicate well-being, it is not so bad. However, if the sediment looks like olive oil, it is very bad. In general, pure olive urine is not good; This is the kind of urine in which you see the color of olive oil, tinged with yellow and green. If olive urine appears after black urine, this, as the wise Rufus testifies, is a good sign; The worst thing is olive urine at the beginning of the disease. When the signs indicate the severity of the disease and the patient emits olive urine on the fourth day, it foretells that he will die on the sixth day. The sudden transformation of praiseworthy signs in the urine into blameworthy ones serves in acute diseases as evidence of imminent death, for this indicates that strength immediately fell due to severe painful phenomena. Oily urine sometimes indicates dullness of mind, as it appears due to drying out of the brain.

In acute fevers, urine with pieces of clotted blood, if the tongue is also dry, is not a good sign, and if it is also black, it is even worse. Blood flows out with urine during acute fevers only due to its great causticity and rupture of blood vessels and ducts, and it thickens due to the great hotness of the urine.

White liquid urine with foam and a yellow cloud indicates great danger, for it indicates excitement and great acuteness of matter. We have already talked about liquid black urine and that is enough. Thin red urine sometimes at the beginning of acute fevers. turns into thick and white; then it remains cloudy and unclean like donkey urine, and begins to come out involuntarily, and this is accompanied by insomnia and anxiety. All this indicates spasms in the sides, and death follows if favorable signs do not appear and prevail, for the urine becomes thin and red only due to the predominance of hot yellow gall juice, and it thickens and thickens only due to the severity of the disease and the excited state matter. It is said that scanty blood-colored urine is not good, especially if the patient with fever has inflammation of the sciatic nerve.