What is the electric shock procedure for the face called?

Since the advent of electricity, procedures using current have increasingly appeared in medicine. Its effect allows you to achieve an analgesic and preventive effect.

In the microcurrent procedure for the face, low voltage currents are used (in contrast to darsonvalization, where high voltage and low strength currents are used). This technique will tighten sagging skin, smooth out scars and wrinkles.

There is no consensus among cosmetologists about the benefits of the procedure. How effective is microcurrent therapy? What are its contraindications?

Microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy is aimed at rejuvenating the skin of the face and body. It gets rid of swelling, restores elasticity, and reduces existing wrinkles.


Microcurrents for the face do not affect muscles, unlike myostimulation. The impulses are directed to the cell and vessels (blood, lymphatic). They are saturated with oxygen and vitamins.

The influence of microcurrents triggers a number of biochemical processes in the cell. Harmful toxins are removed. Blood circulation improves and lymph flows out. Indirectly, the procedure affects the muscle fibers in the upper layer of the epidermis.

The influence of microcurrents

Healthy cell function ensures elasticity and youthful appearance of the skin. With age, the normal functioning of the cell membrane becomes disrupted. Metabolic processes are disrupted, and the synthesis of biologically active substances (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid) is reduced. Aging and cell death begins, which leads to wrinkles, sagging, and skin pigmentation.


Weak currents act at the cellular level. They restore the normal functioning of the membrane and cellular structures. Increase blood circulation, eliminate inflammatory processes. Stimulates the production of necessary enzymes.

The complex effect of microcurrents allows you to smooth out wrinkles and restore a healthy complexion. During the procedure, the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels are strengthened, which accelerates the removal of harmful substances and leads to overall rejuvenation of the facial skin.

How is the procedure done?

Microcurrents are a physiotherapeutic, hardware procedure. It is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Electrode with a special tip. A gel (or conductive cream) is applied to the face and neck. The cosmetologist moves the electrode over the problem area, performing massaging movements.
  2. Gloves with connected electrodes. A thermal mask is applied to the face and neck area. There is a film on top of it to enhance the effect. A cosmetologist performs a massage with his hands dressed in gloves.

Indications for the procedure

A microcurrent facial procedure will help even out skin texture, smooth out unevenness and wrinkles, and tighten sagging areas. Before conducting a session, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin of cosmetics. Foams and scrubs are used for this. The better the pores are cleaned, the more noticeable the effect of the procedure will be.

  1. age-related decrease in skin tone (flabbiness, sagging areas, wrinkles);
  2. swelling of the face;
  3. atopic dermatitis;
  4. skin pigmentation;
  5. itchy dermatitis;
  6. restoration of the epidermis after surgery;
  7. scars, cicatrices and other skin relief defects.


Microcurrents can be prescribed by a cosmetologist not only for the face, but also for the body. The procedure is recommended for getting rid of stretch marks and swelling of the legs. It will tighten the skin after liposuction. Restores the elasticity of the buttocks and breasts.

Microcurrents for the face: contraindications

There are restrictions for conducting a microtokiny session. You should avoid the procedure during acute respiratory viral infections, flu, and colds. Taking certain medications may cause skin reactions.

Contraindications for the procedure:

  1. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. presence of a pacemaker, implants;
  4. herpes, fresh scars and wounds;
  5. epilepsy;
  6. the presence of inflammatory processes on the face or body;
  7. heart rhythm disturbance.

The effect of microcurrents

The painless microcurrent facial procedure lasts approximately 40 minutes. Reviews from patients agree that the effect is noticeable after the first session. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, and glows with health.

After 5–6 sessions, a clear oval appears and the double chin disappears. The procedure helps eliminate sagging of the upper eyelid. Relieves acne, rosacea, acne, age spots.


Cosmetologists warn that for a long-lasting effect it is necessary to do several procedures. One course consists of 10–15 sessions.

Microcurrents for the face help regenerate the epidermis and normalize blood circulation. After the procedure, wrinkles and scars are smoothed out. Flabby, sagging areas disappear. This preventive procedure helps rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.

Types of microcurrent therapy

Before starting a microcurrent facial procedure, you must pass an individual intolerance test. Conductive creams and gels can cause skin reactions. Before the session, be sure to undergo a high-quality medical examination and consult with a cosmetologist.

Microtokidia comes in several types. Only a dermatologist-cosmetologist will help you choose the appropriate sequence of effects on the skin, depending on the indications.

Lifting allows you to achieve smooth skin, completely eliminating wrinkles. Microcurrents affect the face, neck, and décolleté area.

Disincrustration aimed at cleaning pores and sebaceous plugs. Microcurrents will help restore the functioning of skin secretions and narrow pores.

Ionic mesotherapy will relieve swelling, bluishness of the skin, pigmentation, wrinkles.

Lymphatic drainage will restore water balance, having a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the epidermis.

Reprogramming of facial wrinkles normalizes metabolic processes, restores skin elasticity and facial contours, and eliminates facial wrinkles.

After a microcurrent session, cosmetologists prescribe a skin care program. These are post-procedural activities that will enhance the effect.

Microcurrents for the face: price

The total cost of the procedure includes:

  1. skin cleansing;
  2. applying a conductive cream or gel;
  3. microcurrent treatment time;
  4. processing area;
  5. restorative cream after the session.

The most expensive procedure includes microtocidia of the face, neck, and décolleté - 5,000 rubles. A less expensive complex - 800 rubles for the area around the eyes.

The most popular procedure is microcurrent for the face. Reviews (average price: 2,000 rubles) recommend getting a subscription for 10 procedures. The entire course with a discount will be 15,000 rubles.


Beauty salons have developed programs for anti-aging therapy. Thus, “Microcurrent lifting with the introduction of ampoules” costs from 3 to 30 thousand rubles. The Microcurrent Lymphatic Drainage program has a price ranging from 3 to 40 thousand rubles.

It will not be difficult to perform a microcurrent facial procedure at home. Reviews from doctors warn that before using the device, be sure to consult a cosmetologist.

Therapy at home

The procedure is safe at home. If the tingling becomes painful, the pulse frequency should be reduced.

Microcurrents for the face at home will help restore problem areas. Before purchasing a device, you should check the frequency (from 1 to 300 Hertz) and pulse strength (from 20 to 800 microamps).

You can purchase a device only with microcurrents (approximate price – 1500 rubles). A combined device will cost more. Its options may include procedures for myostimulation, vibration massage, lifting, thermolifting (price from 13 to 40 thousand rubles).

Microcurrents for the face at home involve the use of a special gel. The skin should not be dry during the procedure. For better conductivity of microcurrents in winter, aloe vera gel is suitable. In summer, you can use cream with cornflower extract for dry skin.

Features of the home procedure

At home, a microcurrent facial massager will help solve a number of problems. With its help, enlarged pores will narrow, dark circles under the eyes will disappear, and hair loss will stop.

The effect of the device may not be so noticeable. This is due to the fact that there are restrictions for home devices (as opposed to professional equipment).

It is enough to carry out 5 procedures per week. The general course can range from 20 to 30 sessions. After which you should take a break for 6 months. During these six months, maintenance, one-time procedures are allowed (once a month).


How to perform microcurrent facial treatment at home? Feedback from girls comes down to the fact that the most striking effect is achieved by the procedure in combination with collagen masks.

  1. Before the session, clean the skin of cosmetics and apply a moisturizing toner.
  2. Apply conductive gel. Do not smear it all over your face at once - it dries quickly. Apply gel to areas.
  3. Perform microcurrent exposure according to instructions.
  4. When finished, remove the gel from your face with a napkin.
  5. Wash, apply cream according to your skin type.

Reviews about the procedure

Reviews of young girls (under 30 years old) recommend carrying out the procedure once a week for six months. This effect will help keep the skin in good condition and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Women aged 35 years and older claim that it is best to carry out the procedure at home 3-4 times a week. A clear facial contour will appear, pigmentation and swelling will be leveled, and the overall skin texture will be smoothed out. A course of 14 procedures is quite enough for a long-term effect. In order to maintain facial skin tone, repeat the procedure once a month.

The lifting effect is possible only after 5–6 procedures. But its effectiveness in the area of ​​the chest, abdomen, and buttocks is questioned by some cosmetologists. In the fight against cellulite and stretch marks, the procedure can lead to slight improvements. But it will not completely get rid of problem areas.


Cosmetologists warn that contraindications should be taken into account before a home session. If there are “golden” threads or dental pins in the affected area, this is a reason to refuse the procedure. Only after eliminating contraindications can side effects be avoided.

Before trying the microcurrent facial procedure at home, reviews (the price is quite reasonable) recommend conducting a one-time session at a cosmetology center. The specialist will explain the mechanism of action. Shows the order of zones and movements. Will recommend gel and post-procedure care.

Negative reviews mainly belong to ladies of the older age group. Women over 50 years of age are more often dissatisfied with the effect - it is minimal. In addition, the high price for the entire course discourages clients. Therefore, most women prefer to buy devices for home use. But there is also a drawback here - their efficiency is less than on a professional device.

In combination with special nourishing cosmetics, exposure to low purity currents works wonders. This technique is called microcurrent face lifting or myolifting. This non-surgical, absolutely harmless and painless action has many advantages, which read on.

What is myolifting and its advantages?

Myolifting is a method of hardware solution to the problems of aging skin. Weak currents generated by special equipment are supplied to the problem area, to which vitamin, concentrated cosmetics have previously been applied. Multiple muscle contractions are performed on all layers of the dermis, as a result of which they are strengthened, tissue turgor and tone are increased, and the production of important collagen fibers is stimulated. Thus, the effect of facial rejuvenation is achieved.


Microcurrent lifting has a number of advantages:

  1. delicate, soft effect on all layers of the dermis and the vascular system including;
  2. the procedure is carried out without pain, without surgical intervention and without violating the integrity of the skin;
  3. high efficiency and versatility of lifting action with low currents. Positive changes occur not only in the dermal cells themselves, but also in the capillary vessels. In the complex, a noticeable effect is guaranteed after the first session;
  4. has a mild lymphatic drainage and tonic effect on facial tissues;
  5. this technique promotes the rapid removal of toxins from epidermal cells, strengthens the walls of capillaries and improves blood circulation in them, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  6. narrowing of pores, reduction of swelling, smoother facial contours and clear contours - this is not the entire list of positive changes after microcurrent therapy;
  7. no complications or side effects after the procedure. After each session, the use of cosmetics is not limited. This applies to home and folk remedies for skin rejuvenation.

Prerequisites for performing the procedure

Myolifting is aimed primarily at improving the health of the skin, therefore it is often used:

  1. to eliminate the effects of hypertrophy, atony, scars and stretch marks of the epidermis;
  2. in the treatment of dermatological diseases;
  3. for preventive purposes to prevent deterioration of skin condition;
  4. in the fight against skin hyperpigmentation, microcurrents activate melanin production;
  5. to moisturize dry and fading dermis, slow down the aging of epithelial cells;
  6. as muscle lifting and improvement of the natural frame and facial contours;
  7. for rapid tissue restoration after injuries, plastic surgery, laser rejuvenation, chemical peeling and other procedures associated with damage to the upper layer of the dermis and requiring a rehabilitation period;
  8. from bags and blue under the eyes.


Restrictions on the use of myolifting

Despite its effectiveness and harmlessness, microcurrent lifting has many contraindications:

  1. abnormal heart rhythm, cardiopathy and the presence of pacemakers;
  2. lactation period or pregnancy;
  3. the presence of metal implants (pins) in the bones or gold threads in the skin. The exception is dental prostheses;
  4. oncology, epilepsy and mental disorders;
  5. inflammatory processes on the skin or in the body as a whole, periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  6. increased body temperature (over 37°C);
  7. intolerance to electric current of an individual nature;
  8. herpes, neoplasms and pain of an unknown nature in the intended area of ​​influence.

Procedure for conducting a current therapy session

  1. A special preparatory period is not required, as well as a rehabilitation period.
  2. A superficial examination by a specialist and analysis of possible contraindications.
  3. Makeup removal and thorough cleansing of the facial skin from fatty deposits that prevent the conduction of currents.
  4. Applying a special conductive gel to the surface.
  5. Setting procedure parameters on special equipment.
  6. Direct impact using electrodes. They can be conical, with metal balls and cotton swabs soaked in a special lotion, or glove electrodes. The microcurrent therapy scheme includes 10 basic movements that will provide treatment to the surface of the face.

A myolifting session usually lasts half an hour. It is recommended to perform the procedure up to 3 times a week. The course of microcurrent therapy is 10-15 sessions.

Additional recommendations from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists unanimously recommend the technique not only for the treatment or rejuvenation of facial skin, but also for preventive measures of aging and improvement of the dermis. Correction of facial asymmetry after an unsuccessful Botox injection can be performed with currents.

However, do not forget about healthy eating and quality care. Properly selected lifting cream, cosmetics for cleansing and toning tissues and gymnastics for tightening the oval of the face will eliminate the need for radical measures in the next 10 years.

The benefits of this therapy are colossal - this is noted by specialists all over the world!
