Professional facial peeling products from Greece

Day after day, the skin is exposed to the negative effects of many factors that lead to a deterioration in its condition. Various cosmetics and procedures, including pharmaceutical facial peels, help to cope with the consequences of this exposure.

Pharmaceutical peeling preparations


The word peeling is translated from English as exfoliation. This procedure involves the removal of dead cells, which promotes skin renewal, enhances its oxygen supply and activates blood supply.

The peeling procedure can be carried out at home using both ready-made products offered by cosmetics manufacturers and those prepared independently.

Much of what is sold in pharmacies can be an alternative to expensive cosmetics.


Freshwater coelenterate sponge in the form of powder or ready-made gel helps fight swelling and redness. Thanks to its noticeable tightening effect, badiaga has acquired anti-aging status.

The powdered product must be diluted with hydrogen peroxide and applied to the face moistened with water. Keep the mask for no more than 5–10 minutes (until you feel a strong burning sensation). After applying the procedure, temporary redness is observed (up to several hours), which zinc ointment will help to cope with.

It is better to use badyaga gel by mixing it with liquid honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.


Calcium chloride

The peeling roll can be used in two ways. In the first case, calcium chloride is applied to a clean, dry face; after it has dried, a second layer should be applied. When both layers are dry, lather your hands with baby soap and gently roll the lumps off your face using massaging movements.

Second option involves performing the following steps:

  1. Lather your hands with dye-free baby soap.
  2. Dip your fingertips in calcium chloride.
  3. Apply the foam to the face with massage movements.
  4. After 5–7 minutes, the mask can be washed off.

The peeling effect is achieved due to the fact that calcium chloride, in the process of interaction with soap, forms a calcium salt of higher carboxylic acids, which rolls off, removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis.


Important! It is recommended to carry out the first procedure with a 5% solution and gradually switch to a 10% solution. A contraindication for the use of calcium chloride is the presence of inflammatory elements.

Boric alcohol

Boric acid, which is part of the composition, has disinfecting properties, tightens pores and has a beneficial effect on the regeneration process.

A cleansing lotion is prepared based on boric acid. Ingredients: St. John's wort decoction (200 ml), lavender oil (10 drops), boric alcohol (1 pack), camphor alcohol (100 ml), calendula alcohol tincture (100 ml). Mix the broth with oil and pour in the alcohol components, pour the mixture into a container with a screw-on lid, and store in the refrigerator for no longer than six months. You can wipe your face with this lotion in the morning and evening. The result of use is a reduction in acne and acne.


Gel Curiosin

The pharmaceutical purpose of the drug is the treatment of bedsores, trophic wounds and fistulas. But due to the presence of a large amount of hyaluronic acid, which dissolves dead cells, it deeply cleanses pores, moisturizes and evens out the skin.. Curiosin can be used as an anti-aging agent. The gel should be applied 2 times a day, after removing makeup.



The use of the drug as an anti-aging peeling is justified by the presence of hyaluronic acid and aloe juice in it. The gel is applied to the face locally (mainly on the skin of the eyelids) with patting movements. The product should be used for at least one and a half months. The first signs of skin improvement should be expected no earlier than after 3 weeks.


Important! Only Blepharogel No. 1 is used for cosmetic purposes. The use of the gel by girls under 25 years of age is not advisable.

Homemade peeling recipes from pharmaceutical products

You can prepare the peeling yourself. To do this, you need to purchase the components in advance at the pharmacy. Here are the most successful options:

Pharmacy glycolic

Cleansing the epidermis with glycolic acid molecules is a common manipulation in beauty salons. Its popularity is due to the fact that it is suitable for any skin type. The effectiveness of peeling is due to its antioxidant effect, activation of elastin production, smoothing and moisturizing effects.

The procedure using glycolic acid is carried out as follows.

  1. The drug is applied to clean, dry skin using a pipette and distributed over the skin, excluding the area around the mouth and eyes.
  2. After 2-3 minutes (later the time can be increased to 10 minutes), the acid must be neutralized using baking soda: soak a cotton swab in a soda solution (8 mg per 100 ml of water) and wipe your face with it, starting from those areas where the strongest burning and redness.

For the first session, it is better to use glycolic acid in a minimum concentration, gradually increasing the percentage of acid in the solution. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a week for 1–2 months.

Retinoic (yellow) peeling with Dimexide


Before you begin the peeling procedure, you need to prepare your skin. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of Dimexide in ¼ glass of water and wipe your face with it. After 45 minutes, neutralize the acid with a solution of baking soda (8 mg per 100 ml of water).

Now you can proceed directly to exfoliation. Retinoic ointment must be mixed with vitamin E (1/1). Apply the composition to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. After this, neutralize and rinse with water after 5–8 hours.

The result of course use (3-4 sessions) will be soft and velvety skin.

Peeling with amber and fruit acid

In addition to its general healing and cleansing effect, succinic acid has the effect of a biostimulator, which triggers regenerative processes and tones the skin.

Recipe: 2-3 tablets of succinic acid should be crushed to a powder, diluted with 2 tablespoons of boiled water or orange juice. Chopped citrus zest will help enhance the effect.

After the solution is ready, the skin needs to be degreased with tonic or lotion, steamed a little and applied the first layer of the mask. After 5 minutes you can apply the second layer. After 5–10 minutes, the product must be washed off.

Photos before and after



Solving various problems

Now let’s look at the features of using exfoliants to solve various aesthetic problems of different types of dermis:

Dry skin

Moisturizing glycerin peeling will help here. Glycerin is famous for its moisturizing properties, and its ability to attract water molecules has made it a popular cosmetic ingredient.

Based on a pharmaceutical solution of glycerin, you can prepare a moisturizing exfoliant mask. To do this, take the solution and mix it with boric acid and ammonia (2 teaspoons each), add grated baby soap in the same amount. Apply the mask to the skin until dry, then rinse with water.

Black dots

Mattifying exfoliant mask. A black scrub will help clear your skin of blackheads and get rid of toxins. You can prepare it from crushed activated carbon tablets (10 pieces), diluted with water until it becomes sour cream. Keep the mask on for no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Problem skin

Skin prone to increased sebum production requires special cleansing measures.

Aspirin mask eliminates shine in the T-zone, removes excess fat from the surface of the skin, helps narrow pores and cleanse sebaceous ducts.

Recipe: Grind an aspirin tablet and mix it with liquid honey until creamy. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions


Most exfoliating products are not suitable for people with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. The solution in this case would be peeling with lactic acid.

This is the mildest option of exfoliation, which gives the skin elasticity, tones and moisturizes.

To carry out peeling, you can use lactic acid in bottles or purchase Hilak Forte drops, which consist of 90% of this active substance.

Attention! For the first procedure, it is better to dilute lactic acid with water to obtain a 5% solution (1/32).

Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and apply to your face, starting from the forehead. When using for the first time, do not keep the product on for more than 2 minutes. With repeated manipulations, you can gradually increase the exposure time. It is better to rinse off the solution with cool water.

Ready-made cosmetic peelings

Cosmetics manufacturers can offer ready-made pharmaceutical products with exfoliant action. Most of them are based on acids in varying concentrations. These drugs will help lighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, cope with skin rashes, smooth out small scars and scars, and improve cell regeneration.

  1. With AHA 8%, manufacturer - Premium (Russia). Price - about 700 rubles. Contains fruit acids (malic, citric) in small concentrations. The gel is intended to eliminate skin flaking and seborrhea and effectively fights hyperpigmentation.




  1. GLYCOLIC (for eyelids) from SKIN LABORATORY (USA). Price - about 800 rubles. An additional bonus of using the product is strengthening blood vessels and increasing skin elasticity.


  1. GLYCO LIPOSOM from Biomatrix (France). Price - about 800 rubles. The plant biocomplex with liposomes, which is included in the composition, actively reduces the depth of wrinkles, not only facial wrinkles, but also senile ones, and also slows down the aging process.


Procedure protocol

General recommendations for cleaning at home and safety measures:

  1. The first exfoliation procedure should be carried out with a preliminary allergy test: apply a small amount of the selected product to the elbow area, observe the skin reaction during the day. If uncharacteristic rashes appear at the application site, it is better to avoid using the product. Please note that slight redness and burning without causing severe discomfort are normal.
  2. Do not use decorative cosmetics after the procedure.
  3. Contraindications for cleaning are any damage to the integrity of the epithelium, herpes and other inflammations on the skin, high fever, pregnancy and breastfeeding, colds, infectious and viral diseases, and allergic rashes.
  4. To reduce discomfort during peeling, you can resort to cooling your face with a hairdryer (cold stream).
  5. Before applying any product, the skin must be cleansed and degreased (tonic or lotion, preferably containing alcohol).
  6. After cleansing, sun rays are contraindicated for the skin, so cleansing manipulations should be carried out during the period of least solar activity: autumn, winter.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts do not recommend deep facial cleansing with chemicals at home. However, gentle superficial cleansing can be done independently and, according to cosmetologists, will cope with many skin problems. Here are some reviews from beauty experts on the most popular types of at-home peels.


Patient reviews

The opinions of women who have used pharmaceutical preparations for peelings are different.

Some people note the positive effect of the event.


For others, the experience of using pharmaceutical drugs has become negative.


Most people advise seeking help from professionals.


Whatever cleansing method you choose, strictly follow the recommendations, and then beautiful, well-groomed skin will become your best decoration.

Useful videos

Facial peeling at home. A drug from a pharmacy for peeling.

Fresh, velvety, smooth and tightened facial skin after 30 years is not just a gift of nature, but the result of regular proper care. Part of this care is facial cleansing.

Peeling is the removal of the upper keratinized layer of dead cells, which creates a barrier and prevents free access of oxygen and nutrients to the deep layers of the dermis.

The market for cosmetic products offers various options for ready-made peelings for independent use at home. These drugs can be purchased at pharmacies.

Let's find out the names of the best pharmaceutical facial peels from well-known manufacturers, budget products, how much they cost, and how to use them.

Efficiency of pharmaceutical products

Pharmacy peels are based on acids of varying concentrations.. Once on the surface of the face, they dissolve the layer of keratinized cells without injuring the epidermis.

Types of peeling depending on the acid concentration:

Deep peeling requires anesthesia, constant supervision by a cosmetologist and a specialized medical facility.

Facial peeling options purchased at a pharmacy:

  1. Deep cleansing – the layer of keratinized cells is eliminated with complete cleansing of the pores.
  2. Lightening – pigmentation gradually disappears, freckles and age-related dark spots become less noticeable.
  3. Eliminating visual defects – small scars, scars, traces of acne, post-acne.
  4. Smoothing out fine wrinkles – shallow expression wrinkles at the initial stage of formation can be easily eliminated.
  5. Anti-inflammatory effect – heals existing pimples and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  6. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands – dries the surface of the face, eliminates excess sebaceous glands. The shine and blackheads go away, and the pores become smaller.
  7. Accelerates the process of cell regeneration – blood flow improves, the production of collagen and elastin is activated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, all metabolic processes in cells are more active.
  8. The layer of living epidermal cells increases – it thickens (with age it becomes thinner, which leads to premature aging).

Today it is difficult to meet a woman who does not know what professional facial peels are. The popularity of these cosmetic procedures is great, and beauty industry workers delight their clients with new types of exfoliation. Gentle reagents, high-tech devices, non-contact effects - all these advantages encourage millions of women to resort to exfoliation. However, if a woman encounters exfoliation for the first time, it is difficult for her to make a choice. Before going to the salon with confidence, you should study in detail what facial peeling is. In cosmetology, there is a classification of types of exfoliation, each of which is good for its own skin type and solves a certain range of problems. The salon master will certainly give good advice during consultation, but you should be fully armed. There are analogues of expensive procedures that will achieve this effect but for less money. In addition, having the information, you will be able to evaluate the qualifications of the cosmetologist and protect yourself from the side effects of the exfoliation procedure.

Types and prices of procedures

It is important to understand the following: the best peelings are those that are selected correctly taking into account the skin type and the woman’s health condition. Each type of exfoliation has a number of indications that need to be considered.

According to the depth of impact, exfoliation can be superficial, medium and deep. Depending on the type of dermis of the client, the salon master suggests the intensity of exposure to various reagents. Applying the required amount of a chemical reagent, adjusting the intensity of the laser beam or the strength of the flow of the gas-liquid jet are methods by which the desired intensity of the procedure can be achieved. Prices for exfoliation (on average in Moscow) depend on the depth of exposure. Superficial light peeling costs about 2,800 rubles, medium peeling costs 5,000 rubles, and deep peeling costs 13,000 rubles.

Modern facial peels from the point of view of the active substance are of the following types:

  1. Using chemical reagents: solutions of acids, alkalis, salts, which exfoliate the epidermis layer by layer. This is how professional chemical facial peels work. If superficial exfoliation of this type can be done at home, then medium and deep chemical exfoliation should be entrusted to a cosmetologist. The average cost of chemical exfoliation in Moscow is 1900 -11500 depending on the reagent, as well as on the depth;
  2. Physical effects on the epidermis with UV radiation, steam, liquid nitrogen, and a gas-liquid mixture. The price of this type of exfoliation is from 1500 rubles. up to 5000 rub. for the procedure;
  3. Impact on the epidermis with biologically active components - enzymes, vitamins. Enzymes are obtained from plant materials: papain is isolated from papaya pulp, bromelain is isolated from pineapple juice, etc. The average cost of enzyme exfoliation in Moscow is 2,000 rubles, vitamin (retinoic) exfoliation is 200-35,000 rubles;
  4. Mechanical exfoliation is carried out with microscopic aluminum oxide crystals (microdermabrasion) and a diamond-coated tip (diamond micro-grinding). A brush (dermabrasion, abrasive peeling, brushing) or a composition with abrasive particles (scrub) can be used. The price of mechanical exfoliation depends on its type, depth, and averages from 100 rubles. up to 62,000 rub.;
  5. Ultrasonic exfoliation is performed by exposing the epidermis to high-frequency vibrations. The average cost of this procedure in Moscow is 1,700 rubles. per session;
  6. Laser facial peeling is carried out using laser beams. This is a very effective way to get rid of skin problems, but its cost is high - from 19,500 rubles. for the procedure.

Many women are interested in the question of which exfoliation is best to choose for rejuvenation: chemical peeling, physical exposure, laser exfoliation or enzyme procedures? Several types of exfoliation can be called universal, but only a specialist dermatologist-cosmetologist will tell you which one is right for you individually.

Interesting: many interesting alternative products for exfoliation in salon conditions have appeared on the market, which rely on substances created by nature. Their effectiveness is sometimes not inferior even to a deep chemical or laser procedure. An example is the French professional facial peeling “Soin Pilling Gommage”. It contains natural extracts of echinacea, ginseng and grapes. Acting gently, it improves the structure of the skin, removes dead epidermis and impurities.


When choosing a peeling from a cosmetologist, you carefully study the price list. Glycolic, phenolic, fruity or milky? Which one should you choose? Of course, a specialist will give you a sound recommendation. Let's take a closer look at what facial peels there are, their features, indications, and contraindications.


The most popular facial exfoliation is superficial peeling. As a result of this effect, dead cells of the upper layers of the epidermis are removed: horny, granular. Normalization of metabolic processes is also noted, the formation of collagen and elastin increases. This is a gentle peeling and requires virtually no recovery period. The procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Age-related changes: fine wrinkles, loss of elasticity, uneven complexion;
  2. Acne, its consequences;
  3. Defects in the form of scars, scars;
  4. Pigment formations.

Mechanical surface exfoliation comes down to the use of scrubs - compositions with small abrasive particles. Ground fruit seeds, coffee beans or rice are effective but gentle.

Many cosmetologists say: if you want to exfoliate your skin carefully, the best peelings are fruit acids. In this case, we are talking about superficial chemical exfoliation with compounds based on substances from citrus fruits, cranberries or sugar cane. Retinoic, ascorbic, and azelaic acids work more effectively.


Professional mid-face peels act on the entire epidermis and affect the papillary area of ​​the dermis. Intracellular metabolism and collagen production are effectively stimulated. The result is noticeable after the first session.

The median effect is carried out by trichloroacetic, salicylic, retinoic acids with a higher concentration of up to 35%. This type of exfoliation is performed only in a cosmetologist’s office, as there is a high risk of burns or complications.

Physical medial exfoliation can be performed by fractional laser thermolysis, laser or diamond dermabrasion.

Medium facial peels are indicated to solve the following problems:

  1. Pronounced age-related skin changes: wrinkles, sagging, loss of elasticity, pigmentation;
  2. Acne, post-acne;
  3. Hyperkeratosis;
  4. Warts, papillomas;
  5. Uneven, dull complexion;
  6. Scars, scars, stretch marks;
  7. Cuperosis.


If you ask a cosmetologist which peeling is the best for facial skin in terms of effectiveness, you will hear unanimously: deep peeling. During this procedure, the epidermis is completely destroyed, followed by the papillary layer of the dermis to the reticular layer. This manipulation is a full-fledged surgical operation and requires general anesthesia. Almost all layers of the skin, and along with them wrinkles, age spots, scars, are corroded by laser or chemical reagents. Only a small layer of tissue remains; the body independently grows “new” skin.

To the question: “Which peeling is the strongest?” The answer is undoubtedly: deep. It is indicated for the most serious skin defects: deep wrinkles, deformation, sagging skin, scars and scars. Therefore, deep exfoliation is performed in the presence of serious indications; it is not recommended for women under 55 years of age.

How to choose facial exfoliation based on skin type and age?

Before choosing a peel for the client’s face, the cosmetologist objectively assesses the biological age of the skin. The fact is that each age category has its own characteristics. Young girls often experience acne, mature women experience early signs of aging, and women over 50 experience serious changes in the deep layers of the skin. The best facial peel will solve the problem with the least possible impact. Accordingly, different exfoliation methods are recommended for different indications. A specialist will advise which facial peeling is best to choose.

For mature skin

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, a mature woman notes with disappointment that her skin has lost its elasticity, wrinkles and pigmentation have appeared. Which peeling is best for rejuvenation?

In adulthood, a woman may choose superficial exfoliation to restore freshness to her face. A more effective peeling for facial rejuvenation is medium or deep. Medium exfoliation returns the skin to an even texture, eliminates scars, removes age spots, and smoothes out minor wrinkles. Deep exfoliation has the most traumatic effect on the skin, but significantly rejuvenates it. Deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the face becomes smooth and elastic.

If you are thinking about which peeling is best for rejuvenation after 30 years, then choose superficial exfoliation. It will eliminate fine wrinkles.

What peeling is better to do at 35 years old? At this age, exfoliation with a deep moisturizing effect is chosen. Superficial or superficial-median exfoliation with laser, chemical reagents, cryopilling should saturate the dermis with moisture and stimulate collagen production.

The types of facial peeling used after 40 years are aimed at combating aging. The most popular is glycolic exfoliation, which is effective and causes minimal adverse reactions. The peeling procedure with retinoic acid slows down the aging process, stimulates oxygen saturation of tissues, and improves blood circulation. To achieve maximum anti-aging effect, phenol or laser exfoliation is recommended.

For young skin

The most effective peeling for a young girl’s face is superficial exfoliation. At this age, the skin is not characterized by changes associated with the aging process. Peeling for young skin can be used to combat excessive dryness and pigmentation. The compositions of exfoliation products should be selected for targeted hydration. Superficial facial peeling using exfoliating fruit acids, enzyme cleansing, gommage, and the use of scrubs are the best recommendations for girls aged 20-25 years. The most gentle effect of the procedures is combined with their sufficient effectiveness. They will give your face a radiant, healthy look.

For problem skin

If a cosmetologist notices skin problems in a patient, he is especially careful when choosing an exfoliation procedure.

Oily skin often needs to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. What are the best professional facial peels in this case? Diamond exfoliation helps eliminate acne, inflammation, coral exfoliation cleanses the skin of impurities and dead epithelium.

What peeling is most effective for problem skin? If you have acne and its consequences, the following types of exfoliation are recommended:

  1. ABR exfoliation is carried out using a mixture of salicylic acid and catalysts. It eliminates inflammation, suppresses infection, treats acne;
  2. Almond exfoliation is done by extracting almonds. The procedure eliminates bacteria, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and tightens pores;
  3. Salicylic exfoliation dissolves sebaceous plugs, eliminates comedones, mattifies the skin.

Remember: a cosmetologist should advise you on which peeling to choose for a face with skin problems. The wrong type of exfoliation can cause excessive dryness of the skin.

Are there any contraindications?

Exfoliation, even of a gentle type, is exposure of the skin to a physical, chemical or mechanical irritant. Any exfoliation can cause side effects, complications such as burns, allergies, and inflammation. Therefore, be careful, ask about what facial peels are available with minimal harmful effects.
There are a number of general contraindications to exfoliation:

  1. The presence of mechanical damage to the skin;
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood;
  3. Skin diseases of various origins in the acute stage;
  4. Individual intolerance to exfoliating components;
  5. Oncological neoplasms;
  6. Pregnancy, lactation;
  7. Presence of mental disorders;
  8. Acute infectious disease with hyperthermia;
  9. Pathologies of the liver, kidneys.

Interesting. In the current ranking of chemical facial peels in cosmetology, phenolic deep exfoliation occupies a special place. It is the most effective, but the most dangerous. Phenol is a highly toxic substance that can cause serious intoxication of the body in people with chronic liver and kidney diseases.

In consultation with a cosmetologist, cosmetic peelings are selected taking into account the client’s health condition. Be extremely careful, do not forget to indicate all existing diseases, as well as allergic reactions to drugs.

Professional facial exfoliation products

It is logical that cosmetologists use professional facial peeling products in their practice. Based on personal experience in using certain formulations from various manufacturers, beauty salon specialists compile brand ratings. Here are the most popular brands of professional facial peels that have earned good reviews from cosmetologists:

  1. Products from this brand are especially good for problem skin. They are hypoallergenic and solve almost any problem. The range includes 40 different formulations for all types of chemical exfoliation. The acids in these products are in perfect balance with softening additives, suitable even for sensitive dermis;
  2. The properties of this brand's professional facial peeling can be described in three words: combating skin aging. The line of products allows you to specifically regulate metabolic processes in the dermis. Also, with the help of these products you can effectively fight wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, scars and telangiectasia. The line includes pre-peeling care, products for superficial and medium effects. In their composition, the chemical components are softened by the acidic component, which allows you to get an effective result without side effects;
  3. In the line of products of this brand, two types of exfoliation can be distinguished: Alpha complex and ABR. Alpha complex exfoliation is superficial and suitable even for sensitive skin prone to allergies. It contains fruit acids, L-ascorbic and salicylic acids, papaya and fig extracts. ABR exfoliation is intended for oily skin with inflammation. The effect is carried out with a mixture of salicylic and fruit acids with the addition of vitamins A and B.

Products from these brands are not only effective, but also gentle. Therefore, if you are already accustomed to the results of scrubs, try facial peeling in a salon that uses professional products from the listed brands.


As already mentioned, a good facial peel is one that has been chosen correctly. An important aspect of the success of the procedure is the skill and experience of the cosmetologist. It is better to choose it based on recommendations from friends and acquaintances. This way you can evaluate the work of the master “obviously”. Before selecting a specific facial peel, a professional will study your skin type in detail and ask you about your health status. Before the procedure, the specialist must do an allergy test.

If your goal is to rejuvenate your face, ask your specialist which peeling is best for rejuvenation. According to your age and individual indications, the salon master will select the appropriate procedure.

Don't forget that the effectiveness of facial peeling also depends on the quality of the products used. It is better if these are high-quality materials from reputable brands.

By following these simple recommendations, you will be satisfied with the results of cosmetic procedures and will enjoy youthful and healthy skin.