Ghee for facial skin

Cosmetic ghee belongs to a class of ghee that originated in ancient India and was widely used in Kurdish, Afghani, Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Nepalese and Sri Lankan cuisines. The oil is used in traditional medicine and religious ceremonies.

This type of oil is also called ghee butter. It is used as fuel for oil lamps in Hindu rituals. It is the aromatic oils for the lamp that are of great importance during Indian rituals.

In India, the sale of fake ghee is prosecuted by law enforcement officials. Ghee is also sometimes called desi ghee or asli (natural) ghee to distinguish it from vegetable ghee.

The amount of fats and fatty acids in 100 g of ghee:

Total fat content 99.5 g (153% DV)

Saturated fat 61.9 g (310% DV)

Monounsaturated fat 28.7 g

Polyunsaturated fat 3.7 g

Trans fats 4 g

Omega 3 fatty acids 1447 mg

Omega 6 fatty acids 2247 mg

Other non-fat nutrients are per 100g of ghee:

Cholesterol 256 mg (85%DV)

Vitamin A (61% DV)

Vitamin B, C, D 0

Vitamin E 2.8 mg (14% DV)

Vitamin K 8.6 mcg (11% DV)

How to properly prepare ghee?

Ghee, or ghee, is made by slowly heating butter while the milk separates the solids from the fat and the water evaporates. The sediment is removed, leaving behind a golden liquid. Remains are removed.

To make real ghee, you need to get raw milk, then bring it to a boil, let it cool to 43°C and add curd (Indian yogurt). The mixture must be left covered at room temperature for about 12 hours, the curd is then churned using ancient methods to obtain a specific type of cultured butter. This butter needs to be cooked on low heat until it turns into ghee.

Ghee is a wonderful food to cook with as it can withstand high heat, develops wonderful flavors, and changes the flavors and aromas of foods. These can be either saturated or unsaturated fats. Ghee can be used for medicinal purposes in traditional Indian medicine.

Like any other ghee, ghee is composed almost entirely of fat, 62% of which is saturated fat.

Use of ghee in medicine

Ghee is used in traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, which is a healing philosophy that aims to balance various elements in one body. Ghee is highly valued in India for its ability to enhance intelligence and memory, remove toxins from the body and slow down the aging process. It is also used to soothe burns and relieve pain. Some researchers, studying the potential of ghee, claim that it can be used to reduce “bad” cholesterol in the human body.

Ghee for cooking and baking

Ghee can be used in place of other fats and oils for cooking. Ghee is an ideal fat for deep frying because its molecules begin to break down at a temperature of 250°C, which is significantly higher than other oils used for cooking. At a temperature of about 200 °C, its properties are better than those of most vegetable oils.


How to prepare ghee correctly

Ghee and Ayurvedic Recipes

Ghee is a substance with an ointment-like consistency, which allows it to effectively absorb other substances. It can increase potency. Ghee is widely used in medicinal formulations. Because of its unusual ability to mix with herbs or other substances without losing its own properties, the oil is used in Ayurvedic practices. Ayurveda, as one of the varieties of alternative Indian medicine, considers ghee to be the best oil in this regard. This is because it is made from different types of flowers, each of which has different properties.

For example, ghee has an effect that allows other herbs to be more easily absorbed. Ghee is of invaluable importance, as it not only strengthens the digestive power, but at the same time strengthens the weakened body. Ghee also has other healing properties, which we will tell you about.


Ghee - ghee

Use of ghee in rejuvenation and therapy

A person who takes ghee with milk is freed from fear, diseases, has a beautiful complexion, is ready to have sex every day and has no problems with women. Ayurveda is famous for its rejuvenation treatments. The combination of ghee and milk is one of the best anti-aging tonics that increases vitality. In the Ayurvedic concept, ojas (the highest form of energy in the human body, the amount of which determines the spiritual, intellectual and social status of the individual) covers all factors involved in the prevention of degeneration and the formation of natural immunity. It considers the essence of all tissues of the body, and without it we die. Syndromes such as AIDS involve an insufficient supply of ojas. Ghee is physically similar to ojas in that it is white, yellowish and smells like fried rice.

An Ayurvedic concept helps explain why ghee increases ojas. Indeed, an aversion to milk and ghee is one of the reasons leading to fetal malnutrition during pregnancy. Ghee mixed with fruits is also prescribed during pregnancy to strengthen the uterus, and it is also used to nourish the fetus. Ingredients such as ghee and herbs work to enhance ojas. While similar to ojas, ghee is also similar to reproductive fluids (known as shukra in Ayurveda). For this reason, ghee is widely used in Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs.

For example, penile massage with ghee is recommended for people with low libido. Women can use ghee to massage the pubic bone, which helps strengthen the reproductive tissues.

Butter is in the arsenal of almost every housewife. Its composition is rich in microelements and vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, thrifty housewives consider this product not only from a gastronomic point of view. From wrinkles around the eyes, to caring for damaged hair, to making skin care products for the face, neck, and décolleté - all these problems can be solved using this product.

Benefits and harms

The main component of this type of butter is milk fat. It includes in a balanced manner:

  1. fatty acids
  2. phosphates
  3. fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins (A, D, E K)
  4. minerals (selenium, iodine, manganese, zinc)

The cholesterol it contains is the type that is used by the body to nourish the intestines, brain, and nervous system. So moderate consumption of oil in food cannot negatively affect health.

In very rare cases, allergic reactions to the use of this product are possible. This is due to individual intolerance to the milk proteins it contains.

Many people are afraid of the rather high calorie content of butter (650-700 kcal). This is a really high indicator and women refuse to eat it daily for fear of gaining excess weight. However, it is possible to use the oil as an integral component of cosmetics that can be easily prepared at home.

You can find other equally useful oils for home use if for some reason butter does not suit you. For example, avocado oil, rosehip oil, walnut oil.

What oil can I use?

The butter that you decide to use for the manufacture of therapeutic and prophylactic products must have high quality indicators. In its production, the use of flavors and dyes is allowed, but their quantity should be kept to a minimum. When purchasing, pay attention to the fat content (from 50% to 82% depending on the variety), as well as the complete absence of vegetable fats (otherwise it is a spread).


There is an absolutely simple way to check the quality of butter. To do this, you need to place a small piece of it on a well-heated frying pan. If it does not gradually melt, but actively separates into water and fat, then you have either a product of very low quality or a fake.
Don't forget to make sure that the product you are purchasing has not expired.

By the way, butter is not the only product from the kitchen that can be effectively used for rejuvenation for example, cocoa butter for the eyes also perfectly fights imperfections.

Remedy for wrinkles around the eyes

Homemade (or store-bought, but good quality) unsalted butter is an effective remedy for combating wrinkles around the eyes. It can be used in its pure form and incorporated into medicinal creams and masks that can be prepared at home. Let's consider several options for using it:

Eye cream:

  1. You can use pure butter as a substitute for night cream under the eyes. To do this, apply a small amount of a high-quality product to the previously cleansed skin and massage it into the area around the eyes with the pads of your fingers with light massage movements, leaving it overnight
  2. You can prepare a homemade eye cream using the following recipe: mix 2 tablespoons of linden blossom and chamomile, pour the mixture with 0.5 cups of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 6-10 minutes, let the broth cool. Next, to 1 tablespoon of softened butter, add 2 tablespoons of the prepared broth and a few drops of castor oil. Beat the mixture well until a creamy, homogeneous consistency is obtained. We use the prepared cream instead of night cream under the eyes, driving in with light massage movements. It can be stored in a cool place (refrigerator) for up to five days. Then you should cook fresh.

Nourishing masks for wrinkles around the eyes

In order for the masks you have prepared to work with maximum efficiency, you should follow several general rules for applying them, namely:

  1. It is better to apply masks for the skin around the eyes an hour and a half before bedtime
  2. Before applying, you need to thoroughly clean the skin around the eyes
  3. Apply the nourishing mask for 15-20 minutes. During this time, take a comfortable position (preferably lying down and relaxing)
  4. After completing the procedure, you should rinse off the remaining product with warm water and apply the night care product that you usually use.

Now check out some recipes for masks using butter. Surely among them there will be an option suitable for you.

  1. Curd: Combine 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese (preferably with high fat content) with half a teaspoon of natural honey, 1 tablespoon of warm milk and 1 teaspoon of butter (softened). Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly until it reaches a homogeneous consistency. Now you can apply the curd mask to the area around the eyes.
  2. Banana: Mash 1 tablespoon of banana pulp thoroughly, grind the resulting puree with 1 tablespoon of softened or pre-melted butter. The mask is ready.
  3. Yolk (removes wrinkles, swelling of eyelids): Separate the yolk of 1 chicken egg from the white and combine, mixing thoroughly, with one teaspoon of softened butter. Apply a thick layer to the skin around the eyes (using cotton pads).
  4. Potato: Make a puree from one large boiled potato. Now combine three tablespoons of puree with one teaspoon of butter and rub well. Please note that this mask works effectively as long as it is warm.
  5. Bread: Remove the crust from the bread (preferably white) moisten the crumb generously in melted butter, squeeze lightly, distribute evenly over the skin around the eyes.
  6. With Shea butter: Combine 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley with 10 grams of butter (pre-melted) and add 1 teaspoon of Shea butter (karite).
  7. Shea butter contains unsaponifiable fats, natural antioxidants, proteins and triglycerides. Due to this, it has regenerating properties and, as part of the mask, activates collagen production processes.
  8. Bean: Grind two tablespoons of freshly cooked beans and combine with the same amount of mashed potatoes. Then add 1 tablespoon each of butter and olive oil and mix thoroughly. If the mixture turns out to be runny, you can thicken it by adding a little wheat flour. This mask works effectively as long as it is warm.


Other uses

Vitamin E, which is contained in sufficient quantities in this product, is very beneficial for hair and facial skin.

To nourish and moisturize dull, damaged hair, use the following methods:

  1. Recipe No. 1 (in addition to hair treatment, it is suitable for getting rid of dandruff). Ghee or Ghee used in Ayurveda (melted in a special way) 1 tablespoon mixed with milk (100 grams), olive oil 1 tablespoon, add a few drops of eucalyptus. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements, and the residue is distributed evenly along the entire length. Then wrap the hair with a towel and leave for half an hour. Next, wash with warm water and shampoo.
  2. Recipe No. 2. Thinning, dry hair is nourished with a medicinal mixture of vegetable (almond, olive, castor) and butter combined in equal quantities (1 tablespoon each). After washing your hair, apply this mask in an even layer for half an hour over the entire length, then wash the hair with warm water and shampoo.

For facial skin care, masks containing butter should be used by those with dry skin types prone to flaking.. The following recipes are very effective:

  1. Moisturizing mask: mix 1 tablespoon of soft butter, ripe kiwi (pulp), add 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask to the facial skin for 0.5 hours.
  2. Exfoliating mask: mix in equal parts (1 tablespoon each) banana pulp, natural honey and soft butter. Mix until creamy, apply to face for 0.5 hours.



Reviews on the Internet regarding the use of butter as a remedy for wrinkles around the eyes and general care for dry skin are not very common. The main reason here is that this method of combating age-related changes is not widely known. But those women who have tried the healing properties of this product definitely recommend it as an extremely effective and efficient remedy.

In conclusion, I would like to note that even the highest quality care for the area around the eyes, facial skin and hair will not make them truly healthy without using the principles of a properly balanced diet, an active lifestyle and a healthy sleep regime. You should give up bad habits immediately and your body will tell you: “thank you!”

Ghee is a healthy product, widely used in medicine and cooking, pharmacology and manual therapy, as well as in cosmetology. The structure has a similar consistency - it is fat, which contains useful micro and macroelements, amino acids, antioxidants and mineral formations. The only component of the substance, the excessive consumption of which can be fraught with cholesterol. However, rational consumption of nutritional mass is accompanied only by a positive effect.


In alternative medicine, there are two types of preparation of ghee - European (Russian) and Ghee (Hindu). In fact, the first option is used mainly in cooking, and the alternative method is indispensable in medicine and cosmetology. Naturally, a similar consistency can be purchased at a specialized store. However, it is preferable to make the melted mass yourself.

In India, Ghee butter is made exclusively from the milk of sacred animals - cows. Ghee is used for religious rituals, used in the treatment of chronic diseases and in the preparation of national dishes. Therapeutic Ayurvedic massage, for which Hindu chiropractors are famous, is carried out using a similar substance. Local residents view the Ghee mixture as an animate object. The country even has an anthem invented for this consistency.

Structural composition of ghee

Increased interest among European peoples in ghee appeared after studying the structural composition of the substance. Most scientists were surprised by the high concentration of beneficial compounds in the product, which has long been consumed orally and applied to the skin by Indian residents. The consistency of Ghee contains the following substances:

Vitamin complex – “PP”, “A”, “B2”, “B3”, “B5”, “E”, “D”.
Beta-carotene – 0.4 milligrams.
Saturated fatty acids – 64.3 grams.
Ash – 100 milligrams.
Water – 0.7 milliliters
Micro and macroelements - manganese and calcium, copper and magnesium, zinc and sodium, iron and potassium, as well as phosphorus.
Cholesterol – 220 milligrams.
Polyunsaturated omega-3 acids – 2.9 grams.


Ghee is a 100% natural product that is optimal for consumption and cosmetic skin care. Adults and children, men and women can appreciate the beneficial properties of Ghee substance, because the list of contraindications for the use of such a consistency is extremely small.

Useful properties of ghee

Ghee, the use of which in cosmetology and pharmacology in India dates back centuries, has a number of useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the body:

Does not burn at high temperatures compared to most vegetable oils used for cooking over fire.
Reduces the harm of eating fried foods, because the product contains no carcinogens.
Accelerates metabolic processes.
Improves the functioning of the digestive system, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sharpens vision.
Rejuvenates the skin, stopping the aging process in the body.
Prevents the occurrence of mutations in the cell membrane, protecting against the negative effects of free radicals.
Increases brain activity and performance of the central nervous system.
Removes harmful waste and toxins, food waste and excess fluid from the body.
Strengthens the immune system, preventing infection with viral diseases.
Increases the level of stress resistance.
Improves the perception of information.
Positively affects the endocrine system.
Eliminates pain in joints.
Relieves migraines and insomnia.
It becomes an indispensable laxative in everyday life.
Cleanses the liver, ensuring full functioning of the organ.
Restores hormonal balance.
It is a potent aphrodisiac.
Enhances the effect of using basic medications and pharmacological agents.


Ghee becomes indispensable in the “fight” with rough skin on the elbows and heels. After 3-4 cosmetic procedures, in which the main component is Ghee, such areas of the body become soft and smooth.

Methods and steps for preparing Ghee at home

To save on visiting a cosmetology center, effective procedures using Ghee oil can and should be carried out at home. Traditionally, there are 4 ways to prepare ghee without leaving your own apartment:

On the stove - the consistency simmers on the burner in the pan (sediment may burn).
In a water bath - the substance is heated in a small container placed in a reservoir of water, which is placed over low heat.
In the oven - a pan with chopped pieces of butter is “sent” to a traditional oven, where the heat completely envelops the consistency.
In a slow cooker, the substance simmers in a bowl of similar equipment for 2 hours in the “Stew” mode.


Regardless of the choice of method for melting butter, it is important to follow the following sequence of actions in the process of preparing the medicinal consistency:

When heating the creamy mass, use a capacious container with a thick bottom, in which the resulting sediment will not burn.
Cut the product into large pieces and place them in a pre-prepared container.
Place the pan or other vessel used to heat the substance over low heat.
Wait until the hard pieces of butter begin to lose their original shape.
Reduce the heat to low, but leave the burner on.
Carefully monitor the ongoing process in order to promptly remove the film that forms on the surface of the liquefied substance.
Do not over mix the consistency.
When the product turns amber or yellowish-golden in color, pour the mixture into another container to avoid burning the sediment that forms at the bottom.
Place the container with the substance on low heat again.
After 15–20 minutes, remove the pan from the burner.
Place the Ghee in the refrigerator to cool down the heated consistency.
After a certain period of time required for the substance to cool, the product is ready for use.


The texture, shade and taste characteristics of ghee directly depend on the quality of the original product and the duration of the boiling process. However, the consistency should always have a yellowish color and a pleasant aroma. If you purchase a similar substance in a store, be sure to pay attention to the above structural features of the cosmetic product.

Recipes for homemade masks based on Ghee oil

The widespread use of Ghee oil in cosmetology is due to a number of beneficial properties that such a consistency has on the human body. Regular use of masks made from melted substance allows you to moisturize dry and rough areas of the skin, make wrinkles less noticeable, prevent the appearance of peeling and eliminate other defects (acne, pimples, scars, blackheads).


This mass improves blood circulation, nourishes the epidermis, restores the structure of follicles and bulbs, and accelerates hair growth. It cleanses curls of toxic compounds, prevents the occurrence of dandruff and protects the scalp from external factors (sun rays, frost). Ghee oil can be safely added to commercial conditioners and balms, used as a hygienic lipstick, or used as an anti-aging cream at night. Recipes for nourishing masks that can be easily prepared at home:

Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon melted mass 20 grams of applesauce 10 ml thick honey.

Procedure: mix the ingredients thoroughly Apply the resulting consistency to problem areas of the skin rinse with running water after 15–25 minutes.

Ingredients: 3 drops of lavender essential oil the same amount of rose oil 20 mg of melted mass 150 ml water.

Procedure: add lavender extract to a previously prepared container of water moisten your face generously with this liquid Apply a thin layer of Ghee to wet skin Rub in the aromatic ether of rose using massaging movements After 30–40 minutes, rinse off the remaining nourishing mask.

Ingredients: 20 mg Ghee 4 times more mashed potatoes 0.5 teaspoon turmeric.

Procedure: Mix the above products in one container Using massaging movements, rub the substance into areas of the body where there are skin defects After 20-30 minutes, wipe the areas where ghee was applied with a damp cotton swab.

Ingredients: olive oil melted substance packaged milk 2 drops of castor extract.

Procedure: Add the above ingredients in equal quantities to the tank mix the components of the regenerating mask thoroughly rub the resulting consistency into the hair roots evenly distribute the substance with a comb along the entire length of the curls wash off the mask 20 minutes after application using shampoo.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons licorice root identical volume of calamus extract 50 mg ghee.

Procedure: Heat the required ingredients in one container over low heat Stir the mixture periodically, removing the resulting film from the surface cool the substance and apply to the scalp Rinse your hair thoroughly after 30 minutes.


After a cosmetic course using ghee, the hair acquires a natural shine, becomes velvety and soft, and the skin becomes smooth and radiant. A natural product that does not contain chemicals allows you to stop the aging process in the body, improve your health and enjoy youth.