Baby program about anti-wrinkle cream

How to use adapalene anti-wrinkle cream? Adapalene was recommended for use by Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy!” as a rejuvenating facial. What are the subtleties of application? When and how to apply?



Cosmetologists have found an interesting use for Adapalene cream, which was originally intended to eliminate teenage skin problems - acne, acne, etc. It turns out that it can also be used as a cosmetic product with peeling properties.

But in this case, you need to be careful and several important rules so as not to harm the body and not develop dermatological problems.

Why such caution?

Adapalene cream contains substances that break down sebum, which means it has a strong drying effect on the skin. Therefore, those with dry, problematic, very thin and allergy-prone skin are better off using proven products and not experimenting with Adapalene.

But even for those who have normal oily skin and no problems, the following should be the rule:

  1. Apply Adapalene gel to clean, dried skin, except for the lip areas and the eyelid area.
  2. The gel should remain on the face for about an hour and a half.
  3. after this period, you need to remove the remnants of the cosmetic product (we wash with plain water, not tonic or makeup remover milk).

It is better to do this procedure at night.

By the next day, the skin will turn red and begin to peel.

At this time, it is important not to subject the skin to any stress: you cannot apply cosmetics (foundation), you cannot be in direct sunlight, you cannot “help” exfoliation with scrubs or other mechanical actions.

The skin must mature on its own (like after a scratch or small wound - if you tear it off, the skin that has not matured under the scratch will also peel off and itch). Considering that all this happens on the face, it is absolutely necessary to be patient and wait for the skin to cleanse itself from the top flaky layer.

At the end of the procedure, your face will have renewed skin.

And of course, you should not subject your skin to such a test often; it is better - no more than once a month, or even less often. Take care of your skin.


Elena Malysheva recommended using Adapalene anti-wrinkle cream in the program “Live Healthy!” She said that although its main action is against acne and for skin whitening, it was recently discovered that Adapalene helps get rid of wrinkles. You just need to use it with caution, as it is quite a strong remedy and should not be used more than 1-2 times a week. Adapalene cream is clearly not suitable for dry skin, as it has a drying effect.

The cream contains retinoids, and this is a fairly strong active ingredient, so it should be used carefully, it is better to try it on separate areas first.

You should not use it if your skin is irritated, or after peeling or similar procedures.

Pharmacies sell various creams and gels that contain Adapalene. Their price starts from 400 rubles per 15 grams



In the latest program "Live great!" Elena Malysheva recommended using the pharmaceutical drug Adapalene anti-wrinkle cream-gel for the face to preserve youth and beauty.

This was in the context of using facial scrubs and exfoliants. Malysheva spoke about the importance of regular peeling of the upper, keratinized layer of skin. After this procedure, the facial skin becomes fresh, smooth and velvety, as clogged pores are cleared and the production of subcutaneous sebum slows down.


Malysheva confidently advised studio guests on creams and gels that contained adapalene. Also called Klenzit, Differin, Glenmark and others. Many cosmetologists have been using them for anti-aging procedures for a long time.

How to make peeling with adapalene at home:

  1. Cleanse your face, remove any remaining makeup
  2. Apply a thick layer of Adapalene gel to your face, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips.
  3. Leave for 1.5 -2 hours to act
  4. Rinse off residue with warm water


By the next day, the skin on your face will turn red, and the next day it will begin to peel off. We continue the procedure, wiping the face with moisturizing and healing agents. It is strictly forbidden to remove peeling mechanically: peel off, clean with other exfoliating agents.

Not recommended:

  1. Exposure to the sun during rehabilitation
  2. Wipe your face with alcohol-containing products
  3. Use foundation

Pregnant women and people with hypersensitive and dry skin should not use adapalene-based peeling products.


The procedure for such peeling is quite tough and active, so it can be done no more than once a month, or even less often. In any case, it is better for young girls to avoid frequent use for peeling, and use only in case of acne or acne as a medical preparation.

By the way, such peeling can be done at home using badyagi powder - also a pharmaceutical drug, which is popularly known as a means of getting rid of bruises.


Since the program “Live Healthy!” dated June 22, 2018, I didn’t watch it live, but I found it in the recording. Indeed, it is in this episode of the program that Elena Malysheva gives advice on the use of a new anti-wrinkle medicine, namely Adapalene cream.

At the very beginning of the program, together with the invited guest, the famous singer Irina Saltykova, we were talking about peeling, which renews the skin. After this, we started talking about the cream, which contains Adapalene. In all countries of the world, this cream was previously sold only by prescription. Now this cream is sold without a prescription and only in pharmacies. The cream is known as acne cream. It is sold under the names Clenzit, Differin, Glenmark.

This cream actually has two mechanisms of action. It is used as an acne cream and adapalene has an exfoliating effect. Adapalene builds collagen and the skin tightens again. In this way, wrinkles are eliminated. This cream is very strong and can only be used once a week. According to Elena Malysheva, if the dosage is exceeded, the skin can be damaged. After using the drug, you should not be in the sun, wipe your face with alcohol-containing products, or use foundation.

The use of the cream is not recommended for pregnant women and people with sensitive and dry skin.

Now how to use this cream to get rid of wrinkles. First, you need to remove all makeup from your face, wash thoroughly without soap and dry your face with a clean towel.

Then carefully apply the cream-gel in a thick layer on your face and leave for about two hours. After this time, rinse your face with warm water.

After two days, the skin will begin to peel. In this case, you need to wipe your face with healing products. But under no circumstances should you scrape it with your hands.


Watch the program "Live Healthy!" possible on this service.

As the years go by, the amount of collagen in the skin only decreases. How to stop time? The host of the “Health” and “Live Healthy!” programs has the answer to this question. on Channel One, general practitioner – Elena Malysheva. She is also a cardiologist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences and professor. Elena Malysheva has been working on television for almost 30 years and during this time she has hardly changed. The presenter and doctor is 57 years old. She is open about what helps her slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

You can watch the broadcast of the program “Live Healthy!” (active link): in 12 minutes, Elena Malysheva tells how to choose the right anti-wrinkle cream, conducts a series of experiments and reveals her secret to youth. Watch a fragment of the program or read all the information in 3 minutes!

Before moving on to the recipe and choosing the right anti-aging care on the advice of Elena Malysheva, a few words about how skin aging occurs in general and is it possible, if not stopped, then slowed down?

Skin aging. How does this happen?

Leather - our largest organ. By area. On average - almost 2 square meters. Let's remember what our skin is made of in order to understand the mechanics and causes of aging.

Epidermis – the top layer of skin, or rather 5 layers, which consist exclusively of dead cells. Behind the epidermis comes - dermis, which already consists of two layers. The latter of which contains collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and fibroblasts. They make our skin even, smooth and elastic.

How do the first wrinkles appear?

The production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin decreases over the years. Thus, the “foundation” of our skin begins to gradually deteriorate. The epidermis increases in size, and collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin - which supported it all this time - decrease. The skin becomes thinner, and the epidermis partially “falls” into the dermis. The older we get, the less collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin there are in the skin, and, accordingly, the more wrinkles there are.

These are the internal causes of wrinkles. There are also external ones, there are not many of them.

  1. Smoking
  2. Exposure to sunlight

We will not dwell on them in detail. Both factors dehydrate our skin, so we must give up cigarettes, and in the summer we must protect our face with SPF creams.

How to stop aging? Tips from Elena Malysheva.

  1. Monitor the air humidity level. Indoors – humidity should be 60%. Even dry air causes the skin to die and age because moisture is drawn out of the skin.
  2. Don't use facial oils. Oil does not help moisturize the skin because it does not retain moisture and simply accumulates on the surface. In addition, oils clog pores and lead to skin irritation.
  3. Choose the right face cream. It should contain hyaluronic acid, urea and glycerin.

Choosing a cream: the best anti-aging ingredients

These three components help retain moisture in the skin. 1 gram of hyaluronic acid holds 6 liters of water. 1 gram of glycerin is one and a half liters and 1 gram of urea is a liter.

Elena Malysheva says: “Of course, the parameters of hyaluronic acid are better than others. But usually this component is added to creams in small quantities. It is much easier to find a cream with a high urea content. For example, 10% urea is super hydrating. Most often, such cosmetics can be found in special lines for people with diabetes.”

Elena Malysheva generally advises using any cream with urea for the face, for example, for the heels. According to her, this is just a marketing ploy by companies - separate creams for hands, feet and face. Moreover, she herself regularly uses urea cream for her heels. Here's a first-person story.

Can I use heel cream on my face?

Cosmetologists and dermatovenerologists may disagree with Elena Malysheva. The structure is the same, but there is still a difference between the skin of the heels and the skin of the face.

Irina Kulakova - dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist at the Clinic of German Medical Technologies.

“Let's start with the fact that the skin of the face, hands and feet are very different. Even if we take the stratum corneum of the skin (epidermis) for comparison, it is thin and very sensitive on the face. On the hands, the stratum corneum of the skin is more developed, and on the feet it is the most powerful layer, so the creams will differ greatly even in their softening components and base. Foot cream is the richest, it is adapted to pass through this entire thick stratum corneum. If you use foot cream on your face, you can get a problem in the form of a rash, clogged pores, even up to the germination of blood vessels: the skin will not be able to process such a base and for it it will be like a greenhouse film, under which infections can develop. Hands are often in water and get injured, so hand cream contains glycerin and special healing components, they soften and nourish the skin of the hands. If hand cream containing glycerin is applied to the skin of the face, then instead of having a moisturizing effect, the skin will begin to peel off. In foot products, the emphasis is more on healing cracks, antifungal effect or reducing sweating. It all depends on the problems that need to be solved with the help of cosmetics.”

So what should I do?

Elena Malysheva chooses a pharmaceutical heel cream because she is sure: it is impossible to find a cream with all three components in sufficient concentration - urea, hyaluronic acid and glycerin. We have also been looking for such a remedy for a long time. It turned out that it exists!

And not just one, but a whole line of skin care products with urea, hyaluronic acid and glycerin. NUMIS MED UREA. We have selected especially for you options with the best composition - according to Elena Malysheva.


Day face cream with 5% urea Numis Med, 50 ml
The result: facial skin feels less tight and has a youthful appearance. The pleasant texture is particularly suitable as a make-up base. This is a special product for the care of very dry, sensitive skin, which contains highly effective urea and hyaluronic acid.

Night face cream with 5% urea Numis Med, 50 ml
This rich night cream contains moisturizing ingredients urea and hyaluronic acid. Provides intense and long-lasting hydration for dry, sensitive facial skin. Reduces fine wrinkles. Supports skin regeneration throughout the night. Also ideal for daily skin care in cold weather.

Moisturizing face mask with 5% urea Numis Med, 2×8 ml
Refreshes dehydrated skin, protecting it from drying out and giving the skin additional elasticity. A special complex of active ingredients optimizes the skin's own defense system. Panthenol and vitamin E intensively care for the skin, guaranteeing it a feeling of comfort, as well as a youthful and fresh appearance.

Deep cleansing face mask with 5% urea Numis Med, 2×8 ml
Optimal for skin prone to inflammation and hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands. Regulating, soothing and cleansing peeling mask with a double effect: firstly, moisturizing urea cares for the skin, and secondly, abrasive particles eliminate the manifestations of keratosis pilaris and ensure gentle removal of dead particles of the upper layer of skin.


Foot balm with 10% urea Numis Med, 100 ml
Provides special care for extremely dry, rough and cracked foot skin with calluses and corns. Along with intensive skin hydration, urea protects the feet from excessive keratinization and significantly improves their condition.

Hand balm with 10% urea Numis Med, 75 ml
Special care for very dry, tight and painful hand skin. It has been proven that with regular use of the balm, the level of moisture in dry skin increases significantly.

Body milk with 10% urea Numis Med, 300 ml
Thanks to their intense moisturizing properties, urea and glycerin protect the skin and reduce the feeling of tension and tightness. Milk forms a protective film on the surface of the skin, which significantly softens dry skin, reduces irritation and itching.


Heel cream with 25% urea Numis Med, 50 ml
This intensive care product helps prevent excess moisture loss. Highly effective urea moisturizes and soothes painful, cracked heels. Regular use of the cream prevents the appearance of new cracks and infection of existing ones.

There was recently some program called Live Healthy, where supposedly Malysheva recommended a specific cream for all kinds of wrinkles.

But no one will remember the name anymore.

Author of the publication

Achievement received 02/02/2019

Title: Reliable Bearded Man

Achievement received 10/31/2018


As far as I remember, I recommended a wax cream based on natural propolis from the Zdorov company.

Here are reviews about it:

I saw this program. Malysheva advised using a cream containing urea on the face. Please note that this is urea (i.e. carbamide), and not urine, as many people think!
Urea is known for its moisturizing properties. It is usually found in hand and foot creams. So she advised using foot cream on the face, which supposedly smoothes out wrinkles.

My mother also watched this program. And I wondered where I could get this urea to drink. Well, sort of, in order to nourish the skin from the inside. So, under no circumstances should this be done. Urea is a fertilizer. It is poison for people, because we have a simple, single-chamber stomach. You will die immediately!
Only cows can process a small amount of urea (about 120 grams) into protein without harm to their health.

In general, Malysheva says that creams are not effective and recommends that everyone inject hyaluronic acid. She herself has chips all over her face, she doesn’t hide it.

I don’t watch Madame Malysheva’s program, I’ll tell you from my life experience: not even the best anti-wrinkle cream helps with these same wrinkles. The process of aging and the appearance of wrinkles is inevitable. I remember how my husband bought a cream for insane (at that time) money in the Lancome company store “Golden Rose”, a cream that was supposed to smooth out my face in two weeks. I was horrified by the price, but I didn’t upset my husband and bravely applied it to my face for two weeks. What it (the face) was, remains so. Therefore, advice: take care of your face, go to a cosmetologist for a massage, use our native creams “Carrot”, “Sea Buckthorn”, “Lanolin”, when you get older, you can do meso, and your face will be fresh, well-groomed, but not overtightened, not puffed up , your face will be natural))

Why won't he remember? Malysheva advertised a very specific cream. It's called ADAPALEN. She told me that the cream has long had pharmacy analogues and that such creams are used to combat acne. One of the creams with adapalene Differin. Malysheva emphasized that you need to use the cream strictly according to the instructions, once a week, do not go out in the sun, and do not use lotions containing alcohol.
My comments on the show. I don’t watch “Live Healthy” myself. But my mother constantly refers to medical advice from this program. Sometimes, out of curiosity, I listened out of the corner of my ear. The advice is a little better than what you can find on the Internet. For a serious medical program, “Live Healthy” is frankly not up to par. But it is quite suitable for increasing the horizons in the field of healthy lifestyle among pensioners.
The problem of wrinkles is as pressing for me as it is for any girl. But what about a person with higher medical education? Educationally, I don’t understand at all why acne cream can synthesize collagen in the dermis of the skin? The frequency of use is especially alarming - once a week. What kind of rare procedures can happen to the skin? At the same time, I personally did not hear a single reference to any scientific research from Malysheva. And they must be carried out, the drug is pharmaceutical. I wanted to at least read some reviews, even on the Internet. But with such frequency of use, you can wait for results for years.
I personally have no confidence in either Malysheva or this cream.

I wouldn't blindly follow her advice. It's still a show, plus paid advertising. But the cream, alas, will not help against wrinkles. Only cosmetologist or plastic surgery...

I am also skeptical about creams that smooth out wrinkles. If your facial skin needs help, more serious procedures will really help at the initial stage - the same injections. All such creams only soften the skin, and for the eyelids they also aggravate the condition if you skip a couple of days and don’t use it. I think that if everything were so simple, then no one would do any lifts or other things, but would simply buy a very expensive cream and solve everything at once. There are many examples that the effect of such creams is almost zero and probably Elena Malysheva is simply advertising this product in this way.

Wrinkles are a very bad thing, and no one denies this. But there are many folk remedies that do not require a lot of money, and, most importantly, a minimum of side effects from them.
Wrinkles are a signal that skin aging is beginning.
Few people know that all our processes involve two main classes: bases and acids. When talking about bases, we mean an alkaline reaction.
So, the more alkaline the reaction, the faster the body begins to age.
It has already been proven that it is in an alkaline environment that both pathogenic microorganisms and all kinds of parasitic worms develop. In addition, the alkaline reaction causes blood thickening, which impairs blood flow through the vessels, and increases the likelihood of blood clots, which can lead to both a heart attack and stroke.
Skin aging is directly related to the acid-base balance.
Try an experiment: buy litmus. Drop a little urine on a piece of paper. If it turns blue, then your body is alkaline. If it turns red, it is sour.
Surprisingly, you can use things like apple cider vinegar. Yes, this thing helps with many things. Not a panacea, I agree, but apples and their product named above are generally a miraculous phenomenon.
So, for example, diluting two teaspoons of this vinegar into one glass can be rubbed onto the skin of the face. This will enrich your skin with acid.
Rub regularly three times a day. If something remains from the solution in the glass, and there may be some, then add honey to taste and drink it.
This way you can heal your body faster.
You can even apply honey-vinegar compresses to your face, meaning the same apple cider vinegar. Apply for ten minutes. What is meant here is not pure apple cider vinegar, but its solution in the above proportions.
Although, if it is three percent, then you don’t have to breed it.
By the way, if you don’t have the opportunity to make apple cider vinegar, then when buying, look at the percentage. Apple cider vinegar comes in only three and six percent. If it's nine, it's already flavored chemical vinegar.
As you can see, you don’t have to spend money on creams. Here you risk spending a lot of money, but as a result you will not get anything.
They are advertised that way because they are essentially worthless.
The worse the product, the more actively it is advertised.