Propolis for face against wrinkles

The main medicine of bees, comparable in action to the strongest antibiotics, is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Propolis began to be used on the face thousands of years ago, having discovered excellent regenerating properties. For youth and elasticity, you can prepare your own creams with a natural product. The product is also effective for caring for problematic, acne-prone skin.

Benefits of propolis for skin

In cosmetology, propolis is used:

  1. Treatment of acne and pustules;
  2. Healing of wounds and cracks;
  3. Rejuvenation and anti-wrinkle treatment;
  4. Removing toxins;
  5. Restoring the immune properties of the skin.

Propolis contains:

  1. polyphenols;
  2. aldehydes;
  3. alcohols;
  4. flavonoids;
  5. essential oils;
  6. pollen;
  7. steroids;
  8. minerals;
  9. vitamins A, C, H, E, P, group B.

Using propolis for the face

Bee glue has an excellent effect on the surface of the skin. Thanks to its antiseptic and bactericidal action, it eliminates acne and rashes. It also has a beneficial effect on wrinkled, flabby epidermis, smoothing out wrinkles and refreshing color. It can be added to ready-made creams, lotions, tonics, or made into tincture applications for problem skin. Ointment with propolis is applied pointwise to acne, soothes, and promotes rapid recovery.

Propolis tincture

Depending on the purpose, there are water, oil and alcohol tinctures. Skin care recipes help tone and strengthen facial vessels and improve microcirculation. Water tincture is more often used in the form of compresses for sensitive and flaking-prone dermis. Alcohol can be used to enrich entire cosmetic lines for oily, problematic skin prone to acne. The oil tincture should be used for rejuvenating massage, as well as in anti-aging therapy.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Alcohol tincture

Result: tones and refreshes, promotes rapid regeneration of the skin, effective in the treatment of acne.

  1. 10 gr. propolis;
  2. 100 ml alcohol.

Preparation and method of application: chop with a knife or grate, pour the resulting crumbs into a jar of medical liquid. Shake daily and wait about three weeks. You can use propolis tincture in alcohol to enrich ready-made products, dilute it with herbal decoctions and wipe the integument; it is not used in its pure form.

Cream with propolis

Nourishing cream with natural bee product perfectly moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation and increases the immune potential of the dermis. Effectively used during the recovery period after peelings and other hardware procedures. An excellent tool for modeling facial massage.

Video recipe: Natural face lifting cream with propolis at home

Propolis lotions

Result: for the treatment of acne, purulent pustules and removal of comedones.


  1. 30 ml of chamomile and calendula decoction;
  2. 15 drops of propolis tincture.

Preparation and method of application: prepare a tincture for facial skin depending on the type, for oily skin with alcohol, for dry skin with water. Add healing liquid to the strained broth, moisten a cotton pad and place on the cleansed problem area. After five/eight minutes, replace with a new compress, thus repeating the procedure up to six times.

Application: use in the evening after removing makeup for a week.

Homemade recipes for propolis face masks

Propolis masks have cleansing and regenerating properties. Natural glue in home recipes allows you to rejuvenate and nourish the epidermis. Activates work inside cells, whitens and refreshes the integument.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Result: it’s easy to make a propolis mask at home to smooth out deep wrinkles and improve turgor.


  1. 2 gr. propolis;
  2. 15 gr. coconut oil

Preparation and method of application: melt the butter, add propolis crumbs, stirring with a stick, put in a water bath to boil for three minutes. When it cools down a little, spread with a brush over the entire surface of the face. After resting for thirty-five minutes, remove the remains with a napkin.

Acne mask

Result: An effective addition to anti-acne and duct cleansing tinctures.


  1. 20 drops of alcohol tincture;
  2. 10 gr. black bread;
  3. protein.

Preparation and method of application: turn the bread pulp with protein into a paste, add bee product. Distribute on covers and leave for twenty minutes.

Anti-greasy mask

Result: a mask with propolis tincture gives a healthy matte tone, reduces gland secretion, and dries out inflammation.


  1. 20 drops of water tincture;
  2. 2 teaspoons oatmeal;
  3. coffee spoon of wheat oil.

Preparation and method of application: dilute flour with thermal liquid, add tincture and wheat oil. Steam your face with a compress, then spread the healing composition with a spatula, wait about twenty minutes, and finish with traditional washing.

Mask for oily skin

Result: a cleansing mask allows you to narrow pores, restore structure, polishing the relief.


  1. 1 ml alcohol tincture;
  2. 20 gr. yeast.

Preparation and method of application: dilute the yeast with mineral water, add propolis liquid into a homogeneous paste. Distribute the finished product onto the skin, following the movement of the lymph. Wash after twelve minutes

Mask for dry skin

Result: nourishes, relieves dryness and flaking, saturates cells with life-giving elements.


  1. 1 gr. propolis;
  2. 20 ml aloe juice;
  3. 10 gr. cocoa.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze out aloe juice, mix with bee crumbs, put in the refrigerator for a day. Combine with cocoa, apply to the skin, leave to act for a quarter of an hour. Complete the facial treatment using the traditional method.

Mask with propolis and honey

Result: it is useful for combination skin with lumpy texture to carry out cosmetic manipulations once a week.


  1. 2 ml propolis tincture;
  2. 10 gr. honey;
  3. 5 gr. decoys.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing honey with propolis, add the cereal. Steam the surface using a compress and apply the prepared mass. Finish washing after half an hour.

Mask with propolis and clay

Result: recipes for problem skin give a healthy color, eliminating pigmentation, sagging and inflammation.


  1. 1 gr. propolis;
  2. 15 gr. red clay;
  3. 30 drops of pomegranate oil.

Preparation and method of application: dilute Moroccan clay with a decoction, add crushed propolis and kernel oil. Apply the composition, rest for about a quarter of an hour, then wash.

Mask with propolis and apple cider vinegar

Result: it is worth carrying out home peeling to rejuvenate the face, increase collagen synthesis, and accelerate skin renewal.


  1. 15 drops of alcohol tincture:
  2. 20 ml apple cider vinegar;
  3. 5 gr. starch.

Preparation and method of application: after mixing starch with fruit vinegar, add alcohol liquid. Spread over the surface and leave for no more than eight minutes.

Rejuvenating mask

Result: at home, smooth out age-related wrinkles, improve the oval line, relieve swelling and signs of insomnia.


  1. 5 gr. propolis oil tincture;
  2. yolk;
  3. banana.

Preparation and method of application: pass the fruit through a sieve, add the oil infusion and yolk. Distribute the soft, plastic mass, pressing firmly to the surface. After forty-five minutes of action, remove the remains.

Nourishing mask

Result: helps against wrinkles, and you should also use homemade cosmetics to care for dry skin.


  1. 1 gr. propolis;
  2. 20 drops of rice oil;
  3. 20 gr. cottage cheese.

Preparation and method of application: steam the cottage cheese with hot milk, add grated natural glue and rice oil to the paste-like consistency. After distributing the nutrient, leave it for half an hour, then remove it with a sponge.

Exfoliating mask

Result: removes the stratum corneum, stimulates renewal processes.


  1. 25 drops of alcohol tincture;
  2. 10 gr. soda;
  3. 5 gr. sea ​​salt.

Preparation and method of application: after combining the components, apply to moistened skin, leave for five/eight minutes, repeat the face mask with propolis no more than once a month.

Video: Beneficial properties and how to use propolis for skin at home

Reviews about the use of propolis

She prepared a water tincture herself and began to wipe her face with propolis instead of lotion. Within a month, the skin became more elastic, the morning swelling disappeared.

As a teenager I used propolis for acne. Now, if acne appears, I add the tincture to the ointment and apply it at night, by the morning the inflammation calms down, and after a day it completely disappears.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm on VKontakte - write, I'm always glad.

Uza, or bee glue, is the main apiary product, whose benefits surpass the healing qualities of honey. The properties have found application in folk medicine and cosmetology. The reasons for its prevalence are the function of a natural antibiotic and stimulation of cell regeneration. Therefore, propolis is often used for the face. Preparation of remedies based on bonds is possible at home.


Benefits of propolis for skin

The healing power of a bee product depends on the composition of its components. Uza is a brown or dark green resinous substance produced by winged workers. Bee secretion is formed by collecting material from tree buds with further processing by insects. To this is added a small amount of pollen and wax.

Composition of propolis material:

  1. vitamins – K, A, E, group B, ascorbic acid;
  2. minerals, trace elements – manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium, sodium;
  3. flavonoids, aldehydes, alcohols, polyphenols;
  4. organic acids, essential oils, pollen, resins;
  5. enzymes, amino acid series.


Propolis is used in cosmetology due to the listed composition of components, which together show benefits for the whole body. Effect on the skin:

  1. restoration or activation of protective, immune functions;
  2. cleansing of toxins, waste, decay products;
  3. rejuvenating effect, smoothing out fine wrinkles;
  4. acceleration of the regenerative abilities of cells and tissues;
  5. elimination of acne, blackheads, rashes, age spots;
  6. normalization of the production of collagen fibers and elastin;
  7. strengthening capillary walls;
  8. pain relief, elimination of symptoms of the inflammatory reaction.

Bee glue exhibits natural bactericidal, antiseptic, and antifungal properties. Products made on the basis of Usa are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity or allergies to beekeeping products.

Using propolis for the face

The use of bonds as a healing agent has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin. The prepared mixtures help against acne on the face, blackheads, rashes, and redness. The common problem of sagging, wrinkles, and changes in skin color can also be easily eliminated with regular procedures. Application options: lotions, ointments and creams, tinctures, addition to ready-made cosmetic products.

Propolis tincture

Propolis tincture, used for facial skin, helps strengthen and tone blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Three types depending on the liquid base:

  1. Alcohol is a brown liquid with a yellow or red tone, a specific aroma and taste. Most of the components dissolve in alcohol, which gives the healing infusion its full properties. The product helps oily skin, eliminates acne and other problems.
  2. Aqueous is a less concentrated liquid compared to alcohol tincture. Esters, resins, vitamins do not disintegrate in water, so they are absent in the finished infusion. The water-based product is used mainly for flaking and high sensitivity of the skin.
  3. Oily - appearance, smell, taste are determined by the base taken. When dissolved in vegetable oil, esters and fat-soluble vitamins are transferred to the finished infusion. Benefits: comprehensive skin care, relieving inflammation, enhancing regenerative abilities, rejuvenation.

Varieties of homemade tincture of uza give you the opportunity to choose depending on the type of problem. Contraindications must be taken into account. Alcohol infusion is prohibited for use by people allergic to alcohol.

Cream with propolis

The cream is prepared on a fat basis. Use Vaseline, lanolin, wax or animal fat. Main qualities: healing of minor injuries, fight against pathogenic bacteria, pain relief. Favorable action:

  1. nutrition, skin hydration;
  2. elimination of microscopic wrinkles, age spots;
  3. activation of the immune forces of the dermis.

It is common to use creams as a restorative agent after hardware procedures in beauty salons (peelings, cleansing). Another option is facial massage.

Propolis lotions

In the form of lotions, propolis tincture helps against acne, purulent pimples, dry or oily skin. It is recommended to apply the external healing agent before bedtime. Mode of application:

  1. Take 60 ml of strained herbal decoction of calendula and chamomile.
  2. Add 30 drops of infusion from uzha, mix.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad and apply to the problem area for 5–10 minutes.
  4. Replace with a new lotion, repeat 5-6 times.


The type of tincture used depends on the type of skin: for dry skin - water, for oily skin - alcohol. Lotion made from tincture is characterized by a local effect, this helps to quickly cope with the problem.

Homemade recipes for propolis face masks

According to folk recipes, a homemade face mask usually combines other ingredients with propolis (oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, clay, semolina, chicken eggs). This complements the bond and enhances the healing properties of the mixture.

The recipe depends on the skin problem to be dealt with. Remedies for acne and wrinkles, for rejuvenation, nutrition or hydration, and for dry or oily skin surfaces are common. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The combination of bee glue and coconut oil is an effective home remedy for wrinkles. Beneficial properties: maintaining skin elasticity, returning elasticity, tone, healthy appearance. Recipe:

  1. Melt coconut oil (15 g).
  2. Add propolis shavings (2 g).
  3. Prepare a water bath, place the dishes, stir the mixture.
  4. Boil for 3-4 minutes.


After cooling to a warm temperature, cover the skin on the face with the mixture, spreading it over the entire surface with a brush. After 30–40 minutes, remove the residue with a paper towel or napkin.

Acne mask

Propolis for acne and for cleansing pores and ducts is usually used in the form of an infusion. The main advantage is the removal of toxins and accumulated impurities. Preparation, method of application:

  1. Mix 10 g of black bread pulp and egg white.
  2. Add 20 drops of uzy tincture in alcohol.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Cover the surface of the face with the mixture and leave for 20–25 minutes.
  5. Remove any residue and rinse your face with cool water.

Black bread helps smooth out wrinkles, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relieve irritation and inflammation, and restore protective functions. Egg whites enhance the listed properties, eliminate acne and redness.

Anti-greasy mask

A product made from oose, wheat oil, and oatmeal will return a healthy matte tone to the face, reduce the secretion of sebaceous secretions and dry out the skin. Recipe:

  1. Combine 2 small spoons of oat flour with thermal water.
  2. Add 20 drops of tincture of water, wheat oil (1 coffee spoon).
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.


The face is pre-steamed, then the entire surface is covered with the resulting mixture, spreading with a spatula. Leave the healing agent for 20–30 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water.

Mask for oily skin

For high fat content, a product based on tincture and yeast is recommended. The main advantage is the cleansing effect. Preparation steps and application option:

  1. Combine yeast (20 g) with mineral water, 1 ml of liquid from the alcohol.
  2. Mix the ingredients and distribute evenly over the skin.
  3. After 10–15 minutes, wash your face.

Yeast is not very common in folk recipes, which does not negate its effectiveness. Beneficial properties: narrowing pores, eliminating oily shine, reducing the production of sebaceous secretions. Combination with bonds will enhance the healing power.

Mask for dry skin

Using bee glue together with aloe and cocoa extract removes dryness. Recipe, application:

  1. Make an extract from aloe leaves (20 ml), add uzha shavings (1 g).
  2. Place in the refrigerator for 1 day.
  3. Take out and mix with 10 g of cocoa powder.
  4. Cover the face for 15 minutes, rinse.


The beneficial effect of the healing mixture is to get rid of excessive dryness, flaking, nourishment, and saturate the skin with life-giving substances (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants).

Mask with propolis and honey

The combination of natural beekeeping products (honey and bee glue) is a remedy that helps with various facial skin problems. For preparation you will need only natural ingredients.

The recipe is to combine 10 g of honey, 2 ml of propolis tincture with 5 g of semolina. Cover the surface of the face with the mixture, after steaming the skin. Leave for 30 minutes, wash. It is better to wipe your face with a napkin.

Mask with propolis and clay

Clay is often used as a component in cosmetic products. Combination with bee glue significantly enhances the healing power. Recipe:

  1. Dilute red clay (15 g).
  2. Sprinkle propolis shavings (1 g), add pomegranate oil (30 drops).
  3. Cover the skin, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.


Benefits in returning a healthy complexion to the face. Other advantages of a mixture of clay and propolis include the elimination of age spots, sagging, and signs of an inflammatory reaction.

Mask with propolis and apple cider vinegar

A product with the addition of apple cider vinegar to bee glue is used for self-peeling. Recipe:

  1. Mix 5 g of starch with 20 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add 15 drops of alcohol infusion.
  3. Stir, cover the front surface, leave for 10 minutes.

The useful composition helps to rejuvenate the skin by stimulating the synthesis of collagen fibers and activating cell renewal. The beneficial effect of apple cider vinegar also lies in disinfection.

Rejuvenating mask

For older women, the beneficial composition of an anti-aging product will help them fight skin changes. Recipe:

  1. Rub the banana through a sieve, add the yolk, 5 g of oil tincture.
  2. Mix, cover the face with the mixture, pressing firmly to the surface.
  3. Leave for 40–50 minutes, wash.


The healing properties of the mixture are aimed at removing puffiness, circles under the eyes, smoothing age-related wrinkles and folds. A nice bonus is the correction of the shape (oval) of the face.

Nourishing mask

To nourish the skin, you will need to evaporate 20 g of cottage cheese in milk, grind until smooth, mix with 1 g of propolis and 20 drops of rice oil. The mass should be applied evenly for 30 minutes, then remove the residue and wash. Benefits for the skin in nutrition, moisturizing, getting rid of wrinkles.

Exfoliating mask

To remove the stratum corneum (dead cells) you will need a mask of 25 drops of alcohol infusion, 10 g of soda, 5 g of sea salt. Mix the components and apply to pre-moistened skin. Leave for 5-7 minutes. The power of the healing mixture is in activating renewal processes.

Propolis is a panacea for problematic facial skin. The bee product provides the skin with maximum concentrations of beneficial substances, which improves the appearance of the skin, nourishes, moisturizes, heals, eliminates age-related changes, acne, acne.

Using propolis for wrinkles on the face: application, contraindications, mask recipes

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Bee products are very useful. Honey is one of the most popular ingredients in homemade masks. But you can also use other products, in particular bee glue or propolis. Let's figure out how to properly use propolis for wrinkles so that the reflection in the mirror evokes only positive emotions.

Product Description

The substance with which bees seal the cracks that appear in the hive is called bee glue or propolis. Bee glue is produced by worker bees that collect resin from buds and young leaves.

Natural propolis looks like a solid mass, its color depends on what raw materials the bee used. Propolis is most often brown with a reddish tint. But it can be brown-green or even black. The smell of the substance is specific, but quite pleasant. The taste is bitter.

People have long learned about the healing properties of bee glue. Even the ancient Egyptian priests used this remedy for embalming the dead. Propolis is also widely used in medicine. This substance is a strong antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action. It is able to destroy bacteria, fungi and viruses, relieves inflammation and pain.

The use in cosmetology is due to the ability of propolis to stimulate cell renewal, as well as provide them with protection from various negative factors.


Bee glue has a rather complex composition, it contains:

  1. resins – approximately 55%
  2. natural wax – about 30%
  3. tannins – from 15 to 35%;
  4. minerals – about 20%;
  5. ethers – approximately 10%.

In addition, this substance contains nicotinic acid, thiamine, and retinol.


When planning to use propolis on your facial skin, it is best to purchase natural bee glue from an apiary. Using a pharmacy tincture is not the best option, since such tinctures are prepared with alcohol, which dries out the skin greatly. The use of alcohol tincture is justified only when caring for very oily or problematic skin. In the latter case, the alcohol tincture should be applied pointwise to the areas of inflammation.

You can make homemade tincture or various masks from natural propolis; recipes for preparing cosmetic products will be given below.


The use of propolis will help get rid of various cosmetic defects, namely:

  1. get rid of acne, relieve skin irritation;
  2. achieve healing of wounds - scratches, burns, herpes rashes;
  3. eliminate superficial wrinkles;
  4. provide epidermal cells with additional protection from negative factors;
  5. remove toxins from cells and intercellular space.

The product can be recommended to girls of different ages and with different types of epidermis. The main thing is to choose the right recipes for homemade cosmetics. The use of this tool will be especially useful:

  1. for problematic skin, on which purulent pimples often form;
  2. to prevent the appearance of early signs of aging;
  3. for aging skin to eliminate superficial wrinkles and tighten.

Precautionary measures

Important! Propolis, like other bee products, is a strong allergen. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to apply cosmetics with natural bee glue to the face without first testing for skin sensitivity.

Just apply a drop of infusion to your wrist and watch the reaction. If the skin turns red, there is a burning sensation, itching or rashes, then the product should not be used. If there are no negative reactions within 24 hours after application, you can safely use bee glue to prepare homemade cosmetics.

Preparing the tincture

At home, propolis tincture against wrinkles can be prepared in water, alcohol or oil. These tinctures are used in different ways:

  1. water can be used to prepare tonic or lotions for sensitive, flaking-prone skin;
  2. alcohol will help fight excess fat and inflammation;
  3. oil is an ideal product for anti-aging care and massage.


To prepare this product you will need:

  1. Pure water. It is better to buy distilled water for injection at the pharmacy, but if this is not possible, then you need to take filtered water and freeze it in the freezer. To prepare the tincture, melt water will be used.
  2. Natural propolis. You will need 30 grams of product for every 200 ml of water.

The tincture should be prepared in a clay or enamel bowl. First you need to grind the propolis very carefully. Pour clean water over the prepared raw materials, drain the liquid after five minutes, and dry the remaining sediment. Then add clean water again and heat in a water bath.

The preparation process is quite long; you will need to ensure that the beeswax dissolves in water, but it dissolves poorly. In this case, you need to remove particles that will float to the surface and throw them away. Having achieved the maximum possible dissolution of the raw material, you need to remove the container from the heat and let the tincture cool. After this, strain, pour into dark glass bottles and store them in the refrigerator.


To prepare this version of the tincture, you need to dissolve the raw material in medical alcohol, the ratio of components is one to ten. For example, for 50 ml of alcohol you need to take 5 grams of propolis. To dissolve the raw material more completely, it must be thoroughly crushed.

Place the crushed raw material in a dark glass bottle, fill it with alcohol and shake thoroughly for quite a long time. Place the bottle in the refrigerator for 10 days, remove and shake daily. Then strain.


To prepare an oil extract, you can use a ready-made tincture with alcohol. You can use olive, sea buckthorn, and rosehip oil as a base. The oil is mixed with an equal amount of propolis tincture, and the mixture is placed in a water bath. Heat for about an hour, this is necessary for the alcohol to evaporate. Store by pouring into a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator.

How to use tinctures?

You can simply add a few drops of tincture (the type of tincture is selected depending on the skin type) to finished cosmetics - belongings, masks, creams. This enrichment of the product will make the cosmetic more effective.

It is very easy to prepare a homemade tonic based on alcohol or water tincture. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile, sage or mint (you can mix all three herbs in equal quantities). Then take 25 drops of tincture per 50 ml of decoction. Apply toner twice a day to cleanse the skin.

Mask options

Masks with the addition of propolis tincture can be made 2-3 times a week. The course consists of 15 procedures, then you will need to take a break for at least a month.


This composition option is recommended for dry, dehydrated skin covered with a network of wrinkles.

To prepare, you need to heat 15 grams of coconut oil until melted, then add a teaspoon of propolis oil tincture to the composition. Mix all. Apply to the entire surface of the face for forty minutes. Then remove the residue with dry cotton swabs or paper towels.

When planning to use propolis for wrinkles around the eyes, you can use the above recipe. You need to moisten clean gauze pads in a warm oil mixture and apply them to problem areas. It is recommended to cover the top of the compresses with pieces of parchment, and then place a terry towel on the face, which is recommended to be preheated (for example, on a heating radiator). After half an hour, the compresses are removed, and the remaining oil mixture is carefully removed with cotton swabs. You can wash your face only half an hour after the procedure.


Recommended for problem skin with inflamed acne. You need to take a slice of rye bread without crusts, soak it in water and squeeze it well. Separately, beat the egg whites until fluffy and mix with the bread mixture. Add 20 drops of bee glue tincture with alcohol. Apply to skin for twenty minutes.


The composition perfectly rejuvenates and is suitable for aging epidermis. For cooking you will need oatmeal. This product can be easily prepared at home using an oatmeal grinder.

A heaped tablespoon of oatmeal should be diluted with a small amount of water or milk so that a thick “dough” is obtained. Then add twenty-five drops of wheat germ oil and water tincture of propolis into the mixture.

Honey with semolina

This option is suitable for aging skin, as it perfectly rejuvenates and smoothes.

A dessert spoon of honey needs to be heated and combined with propolis oil tincture, stirring until smooth. Then add a teaspoon of semolina into the mixture and let the mixture stand for about a quarter of an hour. Apply for thirty minutes.

With clay and essential oils

The mask is recommended for mature skin, as it smoothes and tightens.
A tablespoon of red clay should be diluted with cold infusion of green tea. Add to the thick mixture:

  1. 20 drops of propolis oil tincture:
  2. 5 drops of geranium ether;
  3. 3 drops of sandalwood oil;
  4. 2 drops of lemon ether.

Apply the composition for a quarter of an hour.

Apple peeling

This composition is used to remove the top layer of keratinized epidermal cells. For preparation, natural apple cider vinegar is required. Never use regular vinegar!

20 ml of apple cider vinegar is mixed with the same amount of clean water and 20 drops of propolis alcohol tincture. Potato starch is diluted with the resulting mixture to obtain a fairly thick mass. Apply the composition to the skin in a thick layer, rinse off five minutes after application. Do not use this recipe if you have sensitive skin.


This anti-aging formula hydrates and smoothes. The basis is fresh cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or more. 50 grams of the product must be thoroughly ground, adding a little sour cream or cream. Add a teaspoon of propolis oil tincture into the creamy mass. Apply to face for thirty minutes.


This composition is great for rejuvenating and removing signs of fatigue. The mask can be used as an express remedy if you need to quickly refresh your face after a busy day at work or after a sleepless night.

Mash half a ripe banana to a puree and mix with fresh egg yolk. Add a teaspoon of propolis oil extract to the mixture. Apply a thick layer to the face, rinse after forty minutes.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Propolis is a unique natural substance that has the properties of destroying pathogenic microorganisms and accelerating metabolic processes. Bee glue tincture is recommended for the treatment of acne. As for rejuvenation with the help of this natural substance, you should not expect a miracle. Of course, homemade masks will refresh the skin and help smooth out superficial wrinkles, but they won’t be able to deal with deep folds.

Remember! Propolis often causes allergic reactions, so first you need to make sure that your skin is not hypersensitive to this substance.

Women's opinion

Women who have used propolis to care for their skin leave good reviews.

I started using propolis a month ago in the form of a water tincture. I have problem skin, covered with comedones, and inflamed acne often appears on my face. Within a month of using the tincture, the skin became significantly cleaner, painful inflammation no longer appeared, and the complexion became healthier and more even.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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I take very good care of my skin, so I look younger than my age. But just a few years ago a network of wrinkles appeared under my eyes, which I struggled with with varying degrees of success. But propolis just saved me. The bags on the lower eyelids disappeared, wrinkles smoothed out, and even the upper eyelids tightened up a little. In a word, I am very pleased! I recommend this product to everyone, but keep in mind that it can cause allergies!