Retinoic peeling protocol








Protocol (Anti Age Cream)


Cream mask based on retinol and a polycomponent complex of acids and plant extracts.

Indications for use

Skin microrelief disorders (scars, wrinkles)


Herpes in active phase

Dermatitis in the acute stage

Infectious and viral skin diseases

Pregnancy and lactation

To perform peeling you need:

Cleansing foam FACE CLEANSER

Degreasing lotion CLEANSING LOTION

Peeling lotion SALEX 25 or SALEX MJ

Cream - mask ANTI AGE CREAM

Pre-peeling preparation

For 7-10 days, the patient uses pre-peel preparations at home daily:

  1. in the evening PREPEEL GEL and POSTPEEL CREAM;
  2. in the morning SKINOLIGHT.

Chemical peeling

1 step. Cleanse the skin with FACE CLEANSER foam. Dry the skin.

Step 2. Degrease the skin with CLEANSING LOTION.

Step 3. Using a cotton or gauze swab, apply SALEX 25 or SALEX MJ peeling lotion to the skin. Wait until the liquid phase of SALEX 25 or SALEX MJ evaporates. Do not rinse off. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, apply 2 and 3 layers. Do not rinse off.

Step 4 Using gloved hands, apply ANTI AGE CREAM cream mask to the surface of the skin, including the eyelids. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. To enhance the penetration of the peeling, it is necessary to carry out the treatment by rubbing the cream mask into the skin for 2-3 minutes.

Step 5 Exposure time for the face is 10–12 hours, for the body up to 16 hours. After the exposure time has expired, wash off the cream mask with water using the SKIN CLEANSER cleansing gel. Apply SKINFEET cream.

Post-peeling care

The duration of the post-peeling period ranges from 2 to 7 days. During the entire post-peeling period (until the end of peeling and complete rehabilitation of the skin), the patient must apply SKINFEET or POSTPEEL CREAM several times a day as needed. It is necessary to warn the patient about the inadmissibility of forced acceleration of the exfoliation process, the use of scrubs, brushes, etc., as well as the inadmissibility of visiting a solarium and using other cosmetic preparations other than those recommended.

Expected reactions after peeling

Erythema may appear and may last for 2-4 days. There may be slight swelling of the skin. After 2-3 days, the patient, depending on the protocol, may experience fine lamellar peeling of the skin. The intensity and duration of exfoliation depends on the degree of hyperkeratosis in a given patient, as well as on the peeling technique. In some cases, acne may worsen during the post-peeling period.

Peeling program

Peeling is recommended to be carried out once every 2-4 weeks.

Chemical peels for the face are available at LaBeauteМedicale. The creation of preparations for LaBeauteMedicale chemical peels began in 2013 and the first products of the line entered the Russian market in 2014. The line offers a wide range of formulations that allow for both superficial and medium chemical peels, as well as preparations for pre- and post-peel care. All products are manufactured at our own production facilities that meet the highest standards and fully comply with the requirements for registration of cosmetic products.

Company's news

On July 1, 2019, managers of the company’s Partners from different regions of Russia gathered at the LaBeauteMedicale training center.

On June 3, 2019 in Moscow, on board the motor ship BLAGODAT, a congress of distributors of the LaBeauteMedicale Company was held.

On June 3, 2019 in Moscow, on board the motor ship BLAGODAT, a congress of distributors of the LaBeauteMedicale Company will be held.

On May 30, 2019, the Training Center will host the PREMIERE of a new seminar “Secrets and lifehacks of combining minimally invasive techniques in correction schemes in the area of ​​delicate areas of the face and body: eyelids, neck.

Peeling based on 5% retinoic acid and 50% dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide)

The chemical peeling Block Age Peel Gel contains dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide), which actively penetrates the skin and significantly increases the permeability of all biological membranes (including skin cells) for retinoic acid, ensuring maximum effectiveness of peeling. Also, dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide) improves metabolic processes and has a moderate local anesthetic and antimicrobial effect.

As a result of the use of peelings based on 5% retinoic acid, skin aging is slowed down, fine wrinkles are eliminated, skin tone and turgor are increased, and intracellular metabolism is normalized. Thanks to the powerful balanced stimulation of the epidermis and dermis, after the first procedure, soft tissue lifting is visible, dryness is eliminated, and reparative and rejuvenating processes are launched. Due to the main distinctive feature of peeling compositions containing retinoic acid – the absence of primary tissue damage, preparations of this group are an ideal remedy for the correction of photoaging and hyperpigmentation.

Unlike other peeling agents, retinoic acid is not aggressive towards the patient’s skin, due to which compositions based on it are safe and characterized by an extremely low percentage of complications. This is due to the low penetrating ability of retinoic acid, therefore the thickness of the patient’s stratum corneum, its pH value and a number of other individual characteristics greatly influence the effectiveness of the procedure.

Indications for use

  1. Fading skin
  2. Fine wrinkles (“purse string”)
  3. Post-acne scars
  4. Post-traumatic and post-operative scars
  5. Hyperpigmentation
  6. Solar and senile lentigo
  7. Ephelides (freckles)
  8. Actinic hyperkeratosis
  9. Photoaging
  10. Striae (stretch marks)
  11. Laxity of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as the inner surfaces of the shoulders and hips


  1. Atraumatic
  2. Efficiency
  3. Short rehabilitation period
  4. Low risk of complications
  5. High security
  6. Pronounced stimulating effect on the dermis


  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  2. Acute inflammatory rashes (herpes, pyoderma, etc.)
  3. Infectious skin diseases (trichophytosis, microsporia, etc.)
  4. Acute period of any disease
  5. Violation of the integrity of the skin
  6. Chronic dermatoses in the acute stage
  7. Excessive skin exposure
  8. Pregnancy and lactation
  9. Severe vascular atherosclerosis, acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke), angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coma
  10. Severe liver and/or kidney failure
  11. Cataract, glaucoma

Preparations necessary for peeling

  1. Cleanser Mousse Medic Control Peel (MCP)
  2. Peeling gel Block Age Peel Gel

Preparations for pre-peeling preparation and post-peeling period, for home use

  1. Prepeel Active MCP Pre-Peeling Cream
  2. Revitalizing cream Vegefarma MCP
  3. Post-peel cream Postpeel Light or Postpeel Active
  4. Cleanser Mousse MCP

Peeling protocol

Stage I. Pre-peeling preparation

For 14-21 days at night, the patient should apply Prepeel Active or Prepeel Light cream to the facial skin, previously cleansed with Cleanser Mousse cleansing foam from the Medic Control Peel line. In the morning, apply Mediscreen SPF 85 sunscreen.

Stage II. Chemical peeling

1 step. Cleansing. Apply Cleanser Mousse to facial skin, distribute with light massage movements and leave for 1-2 minutes. Rinse with water. Dry the skin with a paper towel.

Step 2. Add the contents of the bottle phase No. 2 to the glass bottle phase No. 1, after which the glass bottle is tightly closed with a lid and mixed thoroughly, shaking for 2-3 minutes until a homogeneous transparent yellow mass without foreign impurities is formed. Pour the resulting composition (5 ml) from the bottle into a dry glass container convenient for the procedure. Use the finished composition within 24 hours.

Step 3. Using a dry brush, apply Block Age Peel Gel evenly to the skin. Do not apply to the eyelid area.

Step 4 On the face, the exposure time of the peeling composition varies from 4 to 12 hours: the rougher and more insensitive the skin and the more pronounced the hyperkeratosis and signs of aging, the longer the exposure time. When performing procedures on the body, the exposure increases to 16 hours.

Step 5 After applying Block Age Peel Gel to the skin of the face or body, the patient goes home. It is necessary to warn the patient that during the exposure time of the gel there may be a pronounced burning sensation, which spontaneously disappears within 1-2 hours, slight pastiness/swelling of the skin and increasing erythema. After the exposure time recommended by the specialist, the patient independently washes off Block Age Peel Gel with water and applies Vegefarma restorative moisturizer to the skin.

Stage III. Post-peeling care

The patient should apply Vegefarma cream as needed until the exfoliation process is completed. It is also necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and use Mediscreen SPF 85 Medic Control Peel sunscreen.

Expected reactions

Erythema may appear in the area of ​​the procedure (similar to active tanning in a solarium), which persists for 2-5 days. Slight swelling of the treated area is possible. 12-48 hours after peeling, depending on the severity of hyperkeratosis, large-lamellar or small-lamellar exfoliation (peeling) is observed in this particular patient. Due to the fact that retinoids penetrate the papillary dermis and enter the bloodstream, exerting a systemic effect, exfoliation can be observed even in areas where peeling was not performed. These phenomena are expected and are not symptoms of an allergic reaction. It is very important to inform the patient about this during the consultation. On days 2-3 after the procedure, the patient may be bothered by itching, as an individual reaction of the body to retinoids.

Peeling programs

The basic course consists of 3-5 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 6-10 weeks.

When considering the Mediderm yellow peeling protocol, you need to know some of the nuances of the healing and rejuvenating procedure. Today we will try to understand in as much detail as possible the specifics of such cleaning - how it works, how effective it is, contraindications and warnings.

Operating principle and effectiveness

Retinoic or yellow peeling is a delicate type of skin cleansing that combines four areas:

  1. gentle removal of dead, “non-working” particles of the epidermis that interfere with the normal functioning of tissues;
  2. correction of age-related changes on the face - the product has a slight lifting effect;
  3. therapeutic effects on the skin (hyperkeratosis, seborrhea, oiliness, acne and other problems);
  4. elimination of pigmentation, whitening of the epidermis.

The procedure is a superficial peeling, that is, it affects only the upper layers, which guarantees a minimal recovery period and an almost complete absence of complications and pronounced side effects. It’s not for nothing that yellow peeling is called a “weekend” procedure. If you do it on Friday, then on Monday you can safely return to your usual lifestyle.

Mediderma retinoic peeling is considered one of the safest and most effective. The secret lies in the composition. The complex contains three retinol molecules with different rates of action, which ensures long-lasting results. After all, the level of this active component in the skin is maintained.

After a brief excursion into the theoretical part, it’s time to inquire about the effectiveness of the drug from the Spanish manufacturer.

  1. Stimulation of skin rejuvenation. Thanks to the influence of active components, the processes of production of collagen and elastin cells are accelerated. Regeneration processes are stimulated, the condition of cell membranes improves, which enhances protection against free radicals.
  2. Increasing local immunity. The epidermis receives sufficient potential to combat infectious agents, the risk of suppuration is minimized, and acne is prevented.
  3. Evens out skin tone. Thanks to the effects of retinols, the activity of enzymes responsible for the production of melanin decreases. Pigment spots are eliminated, the face acquires an even tone.
  4. Adding freshness. Removing dead cells helps improve cellular respiration and nutrient absorption. And this affects the appearance. The face becomes fresh, soft, pink.
  5. Lifting effect. Small wrinkles are eliminated and more pronounced ones are minimized. Creases and jowls are corrected.
  6. Fights acne, pimples, milia, as well as scars and scars from old rashes.

Mediderma retinoic peeling is indicated not only for women who have noticed age-related changes on their face, but also for young ladies under 30 years old who have certain problems with the epidermis.

Let us repeat - yellow peeling is not an overly aggressive procedure; it affects only the upper layers of epidermal tissue and does not provide for a long recovery period.

Are there any contraindications?

Mediderma retinol peeling is a universal procedure, as it is suitable for any age and any skin type. Here is a list of problems that can be dealt with:

  1. manifestations of photo and chronoaging;
  2. decreased production of substances responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin (collagen, elastin);
  3. unhealthy, grayish complexion;
  4. hyperpigmentation, including age-related;
  5. hyperkeratosis;
  6. seborrhea;
  7. increased fat content, tendency to form sebaceous plugs, comedones, milliums, acne and pimples;
  8. increased dryness of the skin due to impaired oxygen metabolism and nutrient supply;
  9. changes in the structure of the skin, uneven microrelief in the form of wrinkles, creases, jowls;
  10. some dermatological diseases - according to the indications of a dermatologist.

Interesting fact! It has been proven that under the influence of retinol the number of atypical cells in the skin is reduced. Therefore, retinoic peeling is a prevention of skin cancer.

But there are also a number of contraindications for the procedure. For the most part, they are standard for any chemical peel. We remember to avoid disastrous consequences instead of a blooming appearance:

  1. individual intolerance to retinol, its derivatives or other components of the composition used;
  2. eczema and some other dermatological ailments;
  3. weakened immunity, infections and viral pathologies;
  4. elevated body temperature, regardless of origin;
  5. skin photosensitivity;
  6. warts, papillomas in the affected area;
  7. violation of the integrity of the skin in the work area;
  8. fresh tan;
  9. history of liver disease;
  10. taking medications with vitamin A or retinol derivatives. At least six months must pass from the completion of such therapy;
  11. pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

It should also be noted that planning pregnancy is also a relative contraindication, since retinol has a toxic effect on the fetus. The procedure should not be performed one year before the planned conception.

Many women are interested in a comprehensive solution to the problems of fading or problematic appearance. In particular, the question arises: is it constructive to carry out salicylic peeling before performing yellow Mediderm?

We note that experts have different opinions on this matter. Some argue that this option will help improve the result. Others consider combining two chemical peels unnecessary.

However, it must be taken into account that there are various problems that require extraordinary solutions. If a woman has very pronounced hyperkeratosis, very oily skin with all the accompanying problems, then the cosmetologist may prescribe salicylic peeling to prepare the skin for the effects of retinol.

Cleansing with salicylic acid will help soften the rough upper layers of the epidermis, dry the skin a little, and relieve inflammation and irritation.

Retinol peeling should be carried out some time after salicylic peeling. The specialist will tell you what time interval should be maintained, based on the client’s individual indicators.

Mediderma yellow peeling procedure protocol

Exfoliation itself occurs after the preparatory stage. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will tell the woman what and how to do so that the effect is maximum.

Pre-peeling preparation begins 2-4 weeks before the planned procedure. The duration of the preparatory stage depends on the skin type and related problems.


  1. Bring your medical card to the specialist and, if necessary, undergo a few simple tests to determine contraindications;
  2. carry out an allergy test with the exact composition that will be used for peeling;
  3. regularly apply a special pre-peeling cream to loosen the epidermis to ensure a deeper effect of the active composition;
  4. if the epidermis is excessively dry, it is recommended to undergo a procedure (or several, on the advice of a doctor) of mesotherapy or birevitalization;
  5. if you have a history of herpes infection, it makes sense to take a course of antiviral drugs;
  6. A few weeks before peeling, limit your exposure to the open sun and do not visit the solarium.

The protocol for the yellow peeling procedure with Mediderma is as follows:

  1. cleansing the skin of makeup residues, dust and dirt;
  2. applying the contents of the ampoule;
  3. applying the contents of the sachet;
  4. covering the treated surface with film for a quarter of an hour.

Then the film is removed and the client can go home. There, after about 6-8 hours (the cosmetologist will tell you the exact time), the composition should be washed off with neutral soap and warm water.

During the post-peeling period, the skin may turn slightly red, and slight swelling is possible in the first hours. Then peeling occurs, but not always. If the skin is peeling, then under no circumstances should you pick off the scabs yourself, so as not to injure the epidermis and cause an infection.

You should use moisturizing creams unless a specialist advises you otherwise. After a week or a week and a half, you can wash your face using a scrub to remove the remnants of flaky skin, but not before!

Please note that yellow peeling gives results after the first procedure. But to achieve a lasting and long-lasting effect, the procedure is carried out in courses individually selected taking into account all the nuances.