Pimple in the groin area in men

When acne occurs near the genitals, each person not only begins to experience a lot of inconvenience, but also panics. And these worries are not unfounded, because such “neighbors” can be harbingers of serious diseases. Acne in the groin in men is no exception, so if unpleasant itching occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


It will also be useful to determine what exactly led to such unpleasant, itchy formations under the skin in the groin area.


If we talk about the reasons for the appearance of such a “surprise”, then most often experts diagnose:

  1. Hidradenitis inguinal. This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the human sweat glands. As soon as the Staphylococcus aureus microbe gets into them, red pimples appear in the groin of men.
  2. Contact dermatitis. This disease appears due to skin irritation due to the application of chemicals to it. As you know, the skin in this area is very thin, so redness forms near the genitals.
  3. Psoriasis. This disease is quite easy to distinguish by scaly nodules in the groin area. Under no circumstances should you try to remove such flaky formations yourself, otherwise you may provoke capillary bleeding. As a rule, psoriasis is a chronic disease that cannot be treated; all that remains is not to provoke the appearance of nodules (wear loose underwear made of natural fabric).


Pimples in the groin area in men can appear for many reasons, so experts have developed a kind of classification of such itchy growths.

Blackheads on intimate parts cause the least discomfort. However, this does not mean that you do not need to fight them.

As a rule, a black pimple can be either singular or multiple.

It is quite simple to distinguish acne - it never appears on the mucous membrane and most often occurs after shaving. Also, when acne occurs, a person may begin to experience weakness. However, since this is a less dangerous disease, you can get rid of new “neighbors” yourself.


Dermatitis can be infectious or non-infectious. The latter manifests itself if a household or chemical irritant gets on the skin. Typically, such a rash goes away quite quickly after treating the skin with an antiseptic. However, if an infection is added to the formation, then dermatitis turns into a rather serious disease.


Such pimples in the groin in men usually do not hurt, but the itching is simply unbearable. Also, when combing, the ichorous material is separated.

If dermatitis is not treated, the disease will only progress, spreading to a larger area.


Quite often, acne in the groin in men secretes pus. Such boils are very dangerous to health, regardless of their size and number. The fact is that there is an active blood supply in the genital area, which is why even a very small pimple can begin to spread the infection throughout the body.

A purulent pimple in the groin in men, the photo of which is shown below, usually hurts and itches very badly. You can distinguish such a growth by an abscess that is about to burst.


Some people squeeze out these pimples, but this is a very dangerous activity. Under human nails there are a lot of bacteria that can get under the skin. It is best to remove such pimples (especially large ones) from a specialist. To do this, it is not necessary to see a doctor; purulent acne in the groin in men can be easily removed using a cosmetic method.


A large number of parasites can live under the skin in the groin area, which cause acne. If genital hygiene is poor, then lice and scabies mites may appear in the hair.

To determine that a person is suffering from parasites, it is first necessary to carry out a visual inspection. Although the “enemies” are extremely small in size, they are quite easy to notice with the naked eye. It is also worth paying attention to symptoms. If the itching does not go away and you want to itch around the clock (anti-itch medications do not have any effect), then there is a high probability that parasites have settled in the hairline. Such pests must be destroyed as quickly as possible.

Molluscum contagiosum

This disease is characterized by the appearance of dense pimples with a height of about 2-3 mm. At the same time, the growths do not itch and do not cause serious inconvenience. Most often, the source of the disease is in the groin area, slightly above the genitals.


When you press on a hard pimple, a small hole appears in its center, from which a curd-like mass of a yellowish hue is released. This disease is more of an aesthetic nature and cannot cause serious harm to the body.

In order for acne in the groin in men to be treated correctly, you must first contact a dermatologist and get a consultation. Based on this, you can get rid of unwanted formations yourself or carry out the procedure in a medical or cosmetology center.


To quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, squeeze out purulent deposits and soothe the skin, you can use:

  1. Iodine lotions. In order for the pimple to ripen faster and not become infected, it is necessary to apply iodine to the affected area. This drug can be found in any pharmacy today, either in the form of a bottle of dark brown liquid or in the form of a convenient felt-tip pen.
  2. Aloe. Almost everyone has a plant in their home, which is most often called agave. To quickly get rid of acne and disinfect the inflamed groin area, you need to take a clean knife (preferably dip it in boiling water) and cut off a small piece of aloe with it. The cut agave is applied directly to the pimple. It is best to stick the aloe with a plaster so that it can have an effect for a longer period. It is best to do such lotions at night. The course of treatment is 3 days. Agave heals scars quite quickly and disinfects the skin. In addition, aloe dries out pimples.


Also good remedies are ichthyol ointment, sea water, ordinary raw potatoes and calendula in the form of a tincture.


To prevent the appearance of unpleasant formations, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Monitor the hygiene of the genitals and the area around them.
  2. Change your underwear at least once a day.
  3. If the “rudiments” of subcutaneous formations begin to appear on the skin, it is necessary to wipe this area with chamomile tincture (it also helps well against ulcers).


Acne in the groin in men, the causes of which were discussed in the article, can be very diverse, so you should not self-medicate or resort to traditional medicine without understanding what led to such consequences. Only a doctor can rule out serious diseases of the reproductive system and prescribe the correct and most effective treatment, in some cases medication.

Acne can appear as a rash that affects large areas of the body, or as single rashes. A neoplasm that appears in the groin area of ​​a man is one of the most famous types of skin diseases.

The reasons for the occurrence of such neoplasms can be completely different, which determines their danger to human health. The problem should be treated responsibly, because failure to contact a specialist in a timely manner can turn out quite disastrously.


Main features of the problem

A pimple in the groin area can appear in completely different forms, depending on what problem caused it. The neoplasm can be purulent, but it often looks like a reddened bump on the skin. A person will immediately notice that something is wrong, as the affected area will itch and cause a lot of discomfort. This skin pathology occurs due to the fact that the fat ducts become blocked. The sebaceous glands become inflamed. They cannot function as efficiently as before.

Rashes can be divided into two main types: non-inflamed and inflamed neoplasms. The first option is different in that there are no symptoms of inflammation. However, the person feels discomfort. Neoplasms, which are characterized by inflammatory processes, can be completely different (nodule, pustule, papule). The roots of the formations are quite deep. They can cause pain, preventing you from moving freely.

Also, acne in the groin area in men often manifests itself in the form of boils. This is a disease that is accompanied by the presence of abundant pus. Colds belong to a separate group. They are red elevations, inside of which there is pus. It is worth taking a close look at the tumors to determine their type. In this case, you will be able to choose the most optimal treatment option, on which a lot depends.

How a pimple develops: main stages

The development of neoplasms occurs in several stages.

There are three stages to this problem:

  1. mild - the total number of pimples does not exceed 10 pieces, and they appear singly or in the form of a rash;
  2. medium - the number of neoplasms can reach 40 pieces, you can notice inflammation and medium-sized boils that cause a feeling of discomfort;
  3. severe - mixed rash (inflamed and non-inflamed) of more than 40 pieces, large purulent pimples, cold rash.

If any stage of development of a skin disease has been noticed, you should immediately contact a specialist. A dermatologist will help you choose the treatment option that will be most optimal. The risk of harm to human health is minimized.

Neoplasms in the groin: main causes

All neoplasms can be divided into two groups: acne, which is not dangerous, and pimples, which indicate the presence of serious diseases.

The main reasons that influence the development of such pathologies are quite simple:

  1. lack of knowledge in the field of personal hygiene;
  2. hair removal not carried out according to the rules;
  3. wearing low quality underwear;
  4. tendency to allergies;
  5. colds;
  6. spending a long time in the cold.

If everything is clear about the reasons, it is worth understanding what diseases various inflammations may indicate.

So, you need to pay close attention to the main symptoms:

  1. hidradenitis inguinalis – the problem is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which is characterized by small pimples, severe itching, and discomfort;
  2. contact dermatitis - an allergy to synthetics or household chemicals, which manifests itself in the form of small formations, a constant desire to scratch them, pain;
  3. boils - appear due to inflammation of the hair follicle, and purulent pimples increase in size gradually;
  4. psoriasis are characteristic nodules, scratching of which leads to their growth in the form of plaques, and the disease itself is chronic.



There is no point in delaying contacting specialists. Advanced cases are difficult to treat. Patients who come to the dermatologist on time can count on quick and effective relief from the problem. At the same time, the risk of relapse is minimized.

Treatment methods for groin acne

Acne in the groin in men can be treated only after the patient consults a dermatologist. It will help differentiate the rash from dangerous diseases or confirm their presence. If the cause of acne is not a disease, then you can get rid of it in the following ways:

  1. the affected area can be cleaned with water in which ordinary antibacterial soap is dissolved;
  2. Vishnevsky ointment should be applied to the groin twice a day;
  3. the affected area can be returned to normal by applying a compress obtained from the leaves of the aloe plant;
  4. To make the ulcers ripen faster, you should use iodine, applying a tampon for at least 15 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide will also help disinfect and dry out pimples in the groin in men, and it is recommended to treat problem areas up to twice a day. Levomekol is also an effective drug that will eliminate inflammatory processes and allow you to get rid of the main manifestations of the rash. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the body with this product twice a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

You can try preparing a mixture to treat such formations at home using simple ingredients. To do this, crush two aspirin tablets and mix them with glycerin. This composition is applied to the problem area twice a day: in the morning and before bed. It effectively and quickly eliminates any type of rash without harming the human body.

Common irritations are easily eliminated by the Rescuer and Healer. If the skin damage is too severe, then you should use zinc ointment. The most difficult stages are treated with creams such as Zinerit and Dalatsin. You can ask the pharmacy for another ointment that is designed to solve similar problems.

It is worth treating inflammation located in the groin with all responsibility. If you let the situation take its course, you can get an unpleasant result. Modern means and techniques make it possible to get rid of the most serious rash if you consult a specialist in time. Don’t be ashamed of this problem, because there is nothing here that needs to be hidden from doctors!

Prevention of acne in the groin area

It is quite difficult to cure pimples in the groin in men, so it is easier to prevent their occurrence. This is easy to do if you remember the existence of simple rules.

So, what is the prevention of the appearance of a rash in the groin area:

  1. clothes - choose underwear made from natural materials that do not fit your body too tightly;
  2. shower – take a shower or bath daily, thoroughly cleaning the groin area;
  3. detergents - choose personal hygiene products that are designed specifically for such purposes;
  4. nutrition - avoid eating unhealthy foods: fried, salty, smoked, spicy;
  5. stress - try to avoid nerves and stressful situations, as they negatively affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  6. vitamins – take a complex of special vitamins, but only consult with an experienced dermatologist in advance.

Simple preventative measures will help you prevent this unpleasant problem from occurring. You can save a lot of time on their further treatment.

Dangerous diseases

Doctors have proven that acne in the groin area in men may indicate the presence of dangerous diseases. Some of them can be obtained without protection during sex.

Among the most common options are:

  1. syphilis - characterized by a small rash in the groin area and white pimples on the penis, which begin to fester over time;
  2. herpes - the patient feels a strong burning sensation in the groin area, and individual inflamed blisters can turn into ulcers;
  3. pediculosis – characterized by an abundance of pimples and constant itching in this area;
  4. Molluscum contagiosum is a flesh-colored wart with a crater in the center.

If you have one of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. It will help prevent further development of the disease by choosing the optimal treatment method. People should be careful when choosing a sexual partner, as mistakes can lead to such disastrous consequences.

Acne of various types, single and in the form of a rash, is a very common occurrence. Acne in the groin in men is one of the types of such skin diseases. Their reasons may be different, as well as the degree of danger to human health.

Acne in the groin in men most often is not a serious disease and, apart from a certain inconvenience, does not manifest itself in any way. But very similar formations can also be the result of diseases, incl. and those that are sexually transmitted. The appearance of acne in an intimate place should alert a man, and the pathology should be treated after consultation with a dermatologist.

Features of acne

In the broad sense of the word, acne in the groin in men includes all inflamed elevations on the skin in this area: individual acne and blackheads, rashes of various types, colds, boils, etc. These could be red, inflamed bumps, or they could be ulcers. In any case, the formation of acne is a skin pathology associated with blockage of the fat ducts and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, causing disruption of their functional activity.

The average mechanism for the formation of acne can be represented as follows: a secretory anomaly of the glands leads to an excess of sebaceous secretion and a thickening of its composition, and follicular disorders lead to excess horny tissue that clogs the follicular ducts.

Infectious propionic bacteria actively develop in a nutritious fatty environment in clogged channels, irritating surrounding tissues and leading to an inflammatory reaction.

According to the mechanism of manifestation, acne is classified as non-inflamed and inflamed formations. The non-inflammatory (open and closed) type has no symptoms of inflammation. These include comedones of white subcutaneous acne in the groin. Inflamed acne has several varieties: papule or nodule (small bump with redness); pustule (an abscess with a red rim around a pimple); nodule (a large acne with induration and redness); subcutaneous pimple or cyst, which has a low bump above the skin, but deep (up to 10 mm) roots.

Boils can also be classified as acne - an infectious disease with purulent formation (a red tumor with swelling of the surrounding tissues and an internal yellowish abscess, which then acquires a green tint). A separate group is represented by cold pimples - bright red bumps with internal suppuration.

Acne development level

According to the degree of spread of skin pathology in the groin area, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. Mild form: non-inflamed pimples, single or scattered, no more than 10 pimples.
  2. Medium form: the number of comedones can reach 40, various inflamed pimples and small boils develop.
  3. Severe form: non-inflamed and inflamed rash (interspersed) more than 40 pieces, painful cold rash, large boils.

Causes of acne in the groin

Acne in the male intimate area can be divided into non-dangerous acne and formations, which can be symptoms of diseases. Non-hazardous pathologies of both types can result from the following reasons: lack of personal hygiene; epilation effects; wearing synthetic tight underwear; allergic reaction; cold effects; hypothermia.

Sebaceous glands, which are located close to the surface of the skin and are visible through it, are sometimes mistaken for acne. A similar trend can be seen with hair follicles. Such phenomena are not pathologies and do not need to be treated.

A rash and individual pimples in the groin can be symptoms of the following processes and diseases:

  1. Hidradenitis inguinalis is an inflammation of the inguinal sebaceous glands caused by the penetration of Staphylococcus aureus. The main symptom is nodules and small pimples with itching and pain.
  2. Contact dermatitis: an allergic manifestation to detergents or synthetics. Symptoms: acne, swelling, itching, redness.
  3. Boils of an inflamed hair follicle: initially appear as a small pimple, gradually developing into a boil.
  4. Psoriasis: scaly nodules that grow into plaques when scratched. The disease is chronic. When scratching, capillary bleeding appears.
  5. Seborrheic dermatitis is pimples that coalesce into red plaques.
  6. Fungal disease: watery pimples.

Dangerous diseases

Pimples in the groin can be a signal of the development of dangerous diseases of an infectious nature:

  1. Syphilis: a small pink rash in the groin and pimples on the genitals, developing into open sores. In this case, the first manifestations can begin in the groin 30-40 days after infection.
  2. Herpes begins as a burning sensation in the groin with the rapid development of individual blisters that turn into ulcers. Relapses can occur due to hypothermia or nervous stress.
  3. Pediculosis: a large number of pimples, itching. The causative agent of the disease is the louse.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum: pimples in the form of flesh-colored warts with a crater in the center. Inside the formation there is an infectious mollusk that can be transmitted from person to person.

Possible diseases can be classified according to the type of acne in the groin area:

  1. rash in the form of papules and plaques: candidiasis, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis;
  2. rash in the form of vesicles and blisters: impetigo, contact dermatitis, pemphigus;
  3. rash in the form of spots: dermatophytosis, seborrheic dermatitis, erythrasma;
  4. rash in the form of pustules: candidiasis, furunculosis;
  5. scaly rash: dermatophytosis inguinalis, psoriasis, erythrasma, subacute dermatitis;
  6. rash in the form of erosions: impetigo, candidiasis, pemphigus.

Treatment of acne in the groin

Acne in the groin in men can be caused by various reasons and signal the existence of a disease.

These circumstances indicate the need for examination by a dermatologist before starting independent treatment.

If it is possible to differentiate acne from dangerous diseases, then purulent non-dangerous formations can be cured with a common set of procedures:

  1. the skin area in the groin area is cleaned with a solution of antibacterial soap in water;
  2. apply Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment 2 times a day;
  3. a compress of aloe leaves is applied to the affected area;
  4. To accelerate the maturation of ulcers, iodine is used (a tampon soaked in iodine is left for 15-20 minutes).

Hydrogen peroxide, which is used to treat acne twice a day, has a good disinfecting and drying effect. Treatment to eliminate the inflammatory process can be done with the drug Levomekol, applied 2 times a day until cure.

At home, you can use a product made in the form of a mixture of crushed aspirin (2 tablets) with glycerin. The composition is applied to the groin area 2 times a day.

Irritation is relieved with fatty ointments Rescuer and Healer; and severe inflammations - with hydrocortisone ointment or zinc ointment. For difficult stages, Zinerit and Dalatsin are used.