Acne on the left side of the face causes

You will be surprised, but in modern medicine there is a map of acne. It clearly illustrates the connection between purulent inflammations on the face and diseases of the internal organs of a person. Diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems, irritations of the gastrointestinal tract are especially clearly reflected on the face of the female part of the population: any destructive change in the body immediately makes itself known in the form of a red spot on the skin. We will tell you which organs in women are responsible for acne that appears on the face.

Where does the acne map come from?

It is generally accepted that the acne map came from Ancient China. However, numerous evidence proves that not only the Chinese were able to identify diseases by painful abscesses on the face. This diagnostic method was popular in India, Japan, and in later centuries in Europe.

Modern doctors The appearance of papules on the face is most often associated with changes in the functioning of the endocrine system. There is even an opinion that diseases are reflected on the face only in women, while this phenomenon is not observed in men. However, many experts reject this theory due to its inconsistency: over many years of practice there have been proven many timesthat acne occurs in all people, regardless of gender and age. In this article we will look at the relationship female body and purulent points located on various areas of the face.

Localization area and possible diseases

Let's consider typical zones localization of acne on the face and neck and find out what diseases may be hidden behind seemingly harmless pimples.

Inferior frontal zone

The affected area of ​​the frontal part is diverse. Most often, acne attacks the forehead itself, the bridge of the nose and the brow ridges. We hasten to please: in 90% of cases, acne in these areas is not a harbinger of a serious illness. They testify about the following points:

  1. The norm has been exceeded eating sweet and fatty foods.
  2. Poor selection of face and hair care products. This skin reaction indicates an increased content toxins in cosmetics.
  3. Bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.
  4. Psychological disorders: depression, lack of sleep, stress.
  5. Wearing dirty headdresses.

Any of the above reasons can be eliminated without resorting to drug treatment. It is recommended to improve nutrition and change its regime, get rid of bad habits, and replace care products.

Superior frontal zone

If you have been experiencing persistent acne on the top of your forehead for several months, worth worrying about. First, visit a dermatologist to rule out natural causes of inflammation, and then see doctors who can check the following: possible diseases:

  1. Lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.
  3. Depressed liver condition.

Wings of the nose

It can be said with almost one hundred percent probability that painful rashes that appear on the wings of the nose signal about inflammation in the bronchi. You should consult a doctor to stop the progressing process in time.

Often damage to internal organs manifests itself in the form of acne in women. The most unpleasant diseases are characterized by a galaxy of pimples on the cheeks. It is important to pay close attention to these manifestations and monitor on which cheek rashes have a constant frequency. Depending on this, the following diseases are distinguished:

  1. Left cheek
    Rashes on the left cheek are characteristic of stressful conditions. If you are often nervous and lack sleep, be prepared for the formation of cosmetic defects. In addition, acne on the left cheek can appear from excessive food consumption. Liver dysfunction is diagnosed as a serious disease.
  2. Right cheek
    Pimples on your right cheek indicate that you have a sweet tooth. Excess sugar in the body invariably affects this area of ​​the face. Also, spots on the right side indicate problems with the stomach or colds.

To avoid acne on the cheeks, it is recommended to carefully monitor the cleanliness of bed linen, hats and hair, and also visit a gastroenterologist.

Between the eyebrows

Persistent pimples in the area between the eyebrows often indicate something is going on in the liver. pathological process. If you observe such a picture for more than three months, we advise you to immediately consult a doctor for examination and making a diagnosis.


Acne on the temporal areas has unpleasant external and internal manifestations. The expected diagnosis in case of a large number of painful rashes is gallbladder damage. Less common are disturbances in lymph circulation or hypovitaminosis.

You can remove acne forever only by eliminating the problem: making them less noticeable is quite possible using methods available at home. Among them menu revision: Add more fresh vegetables and fruits. As additional measures, wipe your face with herbal decoctions, make vitamin and nourishing masks. Read the article on how to make them.

Chin, neck

Pimples in this area are the hardest to bear: they hurt, they are difficult to disguise, and healing is very slow. In women, this arrangement of inflammatory lesions indicates gynecological problems, Therefore, if you observe acne that does not go away, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, acne in the lower part of the face indicate digestive disorders or diseases of the endocrine system. In any case, it is better not to delay your visit to the clinic and get examined by the necessary specialists.

Around the mouth

Pimples around the mouth usually have a cause unrelated with internal organs: they appear from an excess of spicy and fatty foods in the diet and from non-compliance with hygiene standards. So cosmetic defectThis affects ladies who prefer not to spend money on lipstick, buying cheap, unknown brands.

To get rid of hated pimples in this area, review your menu and include fiber-rich foods in your meals. Refuse from night meals, so as not to burden the stomach and not provoke the appearance of inflammation on the face.

Now you know which organs are responsible for acne on the face of women. Please note that the information is provided for informational purposes: do not attempt self-treatment in advanced cases. The best solution would be to see a doctor.

A skin rash, especially on one side of the face, may be the result of poor hygiene or the presence of diseases of the internal organs. If your skin is dry, oily or covered in acne, you need to wonder what’s wrong with your body. Squeezing a pimple does not mean solving the problem, because without knowing the true cause of the rash, you can cause an infection and ultimately make the situation even worse.


Causes of acne

Often, the appearance of acne on the face of teenage boys and girls will not surprise anyone. Hormonal changes in a young body are typical between the ages of 13 and 16 years. But when adolescence is behind, the appearance of a rash, in addition to aesthetic discomfort, causes other concerns. Negligent attitude and lack of facial skin care leads it to a state of inflammation, pollution and clogged pores.

The main reasons for violations of hygiene rules are:

  1. Washing every other time or, conversely, frequent facial cleansing procedures, as well as the use of one towel by several people.
  2. Using cheap cosmetics and/or not washing them off before bed.
  3. Untreated cuts after shaving.

The cause of an unexplained rash on the face may be:

  1. Diseases of internal organs and metabolic disorders.
  2. Hormonal imbalance mainly affects the female sex during pregnancy, menopause, and before menstruation.
  3. Taking hormonal and contraceptive medications.
  4. Depression or stress.
  5. Excessive consumption of medications, sweets or carbonated drinks.


Talking on the phone for a long time and constantly holding it on one side can cause acne formation.

Sometimes it is observed that acne on the face is concentrated on the right or left side, while the other side remains clear. An unexpected factor in infections are things that are used in everyday life:

  1. Pillow and habit of sleeping on one side every night, for example, on the left side. Down or feathers inside can be a breeding ground for microorganisms and cause an allergic reaction from this side.
  2. Dust and dirt on a cell phone, as well as long conversations and the formation of sweat on the cheek can contribute to the development of bacteria and inflammation, usually on the right side.

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Many years ago, the sages of ancient China learned to determine the presence of internal diseases by the appearance of pimples on the face in certain places. It is worth paying attention to the pimples that often appear on the left side of the cheek - they reflect the condition of the liver. There is an area of ​​nasolabial folds close to the cheeks and a rash on them indicates a disease of the ureters (asymmetric to the placement of the organs). By conditionally dividing the face into zones, you can understand which organ needs to be checked. Experts have collected possible options, which are presented in the table:

On oily or combination skin, pores are enlarged and easily clogged with dirt and excess sebum. If the area of ​​oily skin is on the cheeks, then there are a large number of rashes.

Pimples on the cheeks are considered complex and not easy to get rid of. They are difficult to treat and take a long time, leaving behind acne, which, without proper facial care, degenerates into scars.

If treatment is started on time, it is possible to prevent pockmarks and scars on the skin. A scar on the face the color of the skin means that the body has recognized the skin as its own. It is useless to treat a scar at home. Cosmetic surgery will be required, but the results are not always positive. Delaying post-acne treatment leads to spots, pockmarks and scars.

External reasons

Pimples on the cheeks become inflamed. One of the reasons is the entry of bacteria into enlarged pores from objects touching the skin. If there are more pimples on the right cheek than on the left or vice versa, then the reason is a mobile phone or resting your head on your hand. Items touching the face must be treated with antiseptics, hands should be washed and try not to touch problem skin. Sometimes 50% of acne disappears after quitting this habit. You should constantly monitor yourself and pull your hand away; this way you can cope with a bad habit.

A common cause of inflammatory elements on the cheeks is the use of decorative cosmetics. The use of foundation on skin with enlarged pores can cause particles of cosmetics to get inside the sebaceous gland. Various sponges and cosmetic brushes are breeding grounds for bacteria. When applying make-up to a problematic face, use clean hands, discard improvised means, or disinfect after each use.

Pimples on the cheeks are ineffective cleansing procedures. Reviews ask: “Why, after a steam bath for the face, acne does not decrease, but increases?” The answer is simple - neglecting the final stage of the procedure. After any hot procedures (compresses, cleansing steam baths), enlarged pores are closed. Constricting agents (masks, creams, lotions) should always be in your arsenal.

The cause of acne on the cheeks is a person’s professional activity. Work related to fuels, lubricants or chemical materials. The fumes reach a person during the working day and cover the skin with an impenetrable film. With enlarged pores, harmful substances penetrate the sebaceous glands, causing subcutaneous purulent acne. A consultation with a dermatologist and a joint search for a treatment method is required. Sometimes it is enough to undergo treatment, but if the skin does not tolerate harmful substances well, then a solution related to a change in activity will be required.

Internal reasons

Many cosmetologists agree that acne on the skin is not associated with internal organs. But such a statement is not always clear. Some internal problems cause pimples on the cheeks.

Changes in hormonal levels manifest as pimples. During puberty, teenagers suffer from acne. In boys, this is due to increased activity of the gonads, and in girls, with an unstable menstrual cycle. You can wait out this period and the pimples will go away on their own. If comedones bother you, facial cleansing is recommended. It is better to take a course of procedures from a cosmetologist. At home, they make a special mask for teenage acne.

Hormonal acne on the cheeks appears even after 30 years. In this case, consultation with a gynecologist or endocrinologist is advisable. After the examinations, the doctor will prescribe hormonal medications. You cannot carry out treatment on your own; there are contraindications. The hormone missing in the body is identified using tests.

The appearance of acne on the cheeks occurs due to stress. Your nervous condition needs to be monitored. In this situation, drink motherwort, hawthorn or other sedatives.

If acne suddenly appears on the cheeks, it is assumed that the body is intoxicated or has an allergy, a reaction to alcoholic drinks or coffee. Take antihistamines or consult a dermatologist. When acne appears, due to the body's reaction to food, it is advisable to follow a diet for some time. Our website presents a therapeutic diet that helps improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes it is enough to improve the functioning of the digestive system for acne to disappear.

What do they mean

Chinese experts believe that all internal diseases are projected onto the face. By looking at the diagram below, you can find out what pimples on the cheeks mean and identify the problem organ.

  1. Transverse colon, left side.
    Swelling, red spots, pimples, and pigmentation appear under the eye.
  2. Bile ducts of the gallbladder and liver.
    In this case, acne, pigmentation or a vascular pattern appears on the temporal lobe. With severe pathology, the skin in this area becomes porous. The temporal zone becomes painful on palpation. Everything can be accompanied by headaches in the temporal part of the head.
  3. Pathology in the heart.
    Irritation, pimples, pigmentation, and a vascular pattern appear in the upper part of the left cheek at the junction with the eye socket, accompanied by swelling.
  4. Ureter of the left kidney.
    On the face, the projection of the organ runs from the corner of the left eye down the cheek to the chin. If there are stones, sand or other damage in the ureter, red or white stripes appear on the face at the site of projection; sometimes red and white spots can be seen in this area.
  5. Liver, left lobe.
    Age spots, acne, rash on the left side of the face in the area of ​​the jaw joint.
  6. Left mammary gland.
    The projection zone of this organ is located at the intersection of a vertical line that begins at the outer edge of the eye and runs down the face. A horizontal straight line starts at the top of the wings of the nose and runs along the face. The intersection of these two lines will be the center of the projection of the left mammary gland, the diameter of the zone is equal to the distance from the outer corner of the eye to its iris. Spots, pimples, and spider veins that appear in this area indicate a problem with the organ; swelling often appears.
  7. Left lung.
    The projection is located on the entire surface of the left zygomatic part of the cheek. In this area, if there is a problem with the organ, you can notice pimples, spots, red blood vessels, and the surface of the skin becomes rough.
  8. The right side of the transverse colon.
    The representation is located at the outer corner of the right eye in the cheekbone area; pimples, pigmentation, spider veins, and swelling are observed in this place.
  9. Congestion in the kidneys.
    The projection zone of this organ extends to the entire area of ​​the orbit, pigment spots, wen, and papillomas appear.
  10. Liver, right lobe.
    Spots, pimples, irritation on the right cheek in the muscular area of ​​the jaw joint will tell about the problem of the organ. It is especially worth paying attention to the liver if the muscles are in constant tone and arthrosis of the joint develops.
  11. Right lung.
    The organ zone extends over the entire surface of the right cheek. The skin becomes covered with acne, age spots, dryness, roughness, and porosity.
  12. Right mammary gland.
    Pimples, pigment spots, spider veins, swelling in the center of the intersection of two straight lines indicates an organ problem. A horizontal straight line starts at the top of the wings of the nose and runs straight across the face. A vertical straight line starts at the outer corner of the eye and goes down the face to the chin. The intersection of two lines will be the center of the projection. The diameter of this zone is the distance from the corner of the eye to the iris.
  13. Ureter of the right kidney.
    When sand or stones move in the ureter, red or white spots and lines appear on the face. The projection of this zone starts from the inner corner of the eye and runs in a straight line down the cheek through the outer part of the chin.
  14. Small intestine.
    When the organ is diseased, irritation, pimples, and spots appear in the lower part of the cheek from the outer edge. The skin becomes rough and dry.

Pimples on the cheeks appear due to the aggressive behavior of the demodex mite. All people have this mite living on their skin, but in a calm state it is not dangerous. This article describes it in detail. Take a short test and find out if you are at risk - thousand.

How to treat acne on cheeks

Usually they treat acne and do not pay attention to the cause. Under the influence of medicinal products, acne on the cheeks goes away, but after a while it comes back. To exclude diseases inside the body, they are examined in a hospital. When a disease is detected, the diseased organ is treated, and then the pimples are eliminated using external means.

Pimples on the cheeks take a long time to go away. If inflamed elements appear slightly, it is urgent to find out the cause and begin treatment without aggravating the problem. Oily skin intensively secretes secretions from the sebaceous glands, the tubules become clogged, and bacteria begin to grow. An ordinary comedon turns into a purulent pimple.

Some elements are superficial and pass on their own without leaving any traces. Deep formations take a long time to mature, and when they break through to the surface they leave scars and pockmarks. Purulent pimples on the cheeks do not press, there is a high risk of ending up in the hospital with blood poisoning. Treat the skin with antibacterial agents three times a day. Salicylic acid, calendula tincture, aloe juice are suitable.

Blackheads on the cheeks can be removed with Velcro masks or squeezed out with clean hands. Before the procedure, the pores on the face are opened (steam bath), and after cleansing they are closed with tightening masks.

During the treatment of acne on the cheeks, ensure regular bowel cleansing. Eat foods with vitamin A, which stimulates the functioning of the body. Take brewer's yeast on an empty stomach. Drink a glass of natural vegetable or fruit juices in the morning and evening. They refuse unhealthy foods and follow a diet.

When buying an acne cream at a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions and follow them. Such products dry out the skin and apply them directly to the pimple. Before using the cream, cleanse the skin with lotion or gel. Make sure that anti-acne drugs are included in one treatment line. Otherwise, they separate them, using one in the morning and the other in the evening.

Among the purchased facial products, the most famous are:

  1. Skinoren, based on azelaic acid;
  2. Baziron, active substance benzene peroxide;
  3. Zenerit, the lotion contains the antibiotic erythromycin.

Folk remedies

To treat acne and boils, lotions made from an aqueous infusion of burdock root are used.

Anti-acne lotion is prepared from a mixture of yarrow, horsetail and linden blossom herbs: pour one tablespoon of the mixture into 2 glasses of hot water, leave for at least two hours, strain. Wipe your face with the infusion twice a day.

Aloe juice helps get rid of acne and boils. A water infusion of aloe leaves is often used: lotions and rubs are made. For an inflamed pimple, a fresh, washed aloe leaf, cut lengthwise, is applied to the sore spot. Before use, trim the spines. Instead of a leaf, aloe pulp is used.

St. John's wort helps with oily skin and acne on the cheeks. Apply a cloth soaked in an aqueous extract of St. John's wort to the inflamed wound: 200 ml of water per 100 grams of mass. Apply a cotton swab soaked in warm St. John's wort oil to the inflamed pimple. Lubricate pimples with St. John's wort ointment: fresh St. John's wort and sage herbs are taken in equal proportions, ground, and mixed with fresh lard.

Video from a cosmetologist.
