Acne on the face damage

And acne happens for a reason

Damage ↑

In most cases, women turn to sorcerers or magicians for help, because this ritual requires strength and high energy expenditure. In order to prevent the boomerang damage from returning, all details of the ritual must be observed. It is best to carry out this action during the waning moon, but exceptions can be made, given that in this case more energy will be required. During the ritual, it is necessary to be careful and have the skills to avoid retaliatory influence.

Signs of damage ↑

The damage begins to take effect immediately

Damage caused to the face appears instantly. Many diseases appear on the face:

A person can even fall under the evil eye or the influence of damage “to change the face.” This is when the victim’s face is, as it were, given to another person, and in return they put on an old, ugly and disfigured face. Over time, a person who suffers such a fate begins to quickly age and lose vitality. Not only the body ages, but also the human soul.

Elimination of damage ↑

How to remove damage done to the face is of interest to many people, especially women who have been negatively affected by magical forces. You can try to perform the ritual at home yourself. It's simple: after the full moon, during the period when the moon is waning, light a candle (preferably a church candle) at dawn. Place soap, a towel and 4 cotton napkins on the table nearby. Everything must be completely new.

Removing damage to the face is a rather long and difficult process. Read the “Our Father,” prayers to the Mother of God. Then you should read a special plot:

“Terrible lessons, the touches of others, the touches of others, no matter whose you are, melt as foam melts on water, wax on a candle, dew on the grass, and let all the dirt disappear from my face and body, and let it go into a wind-borne ulcer. She will burn in the fire, lose her strength, and fly back to the one who sent her. Amen".

Say it out loud 7 times, making crosses over the napkins each time.

After reading the spell, wipe your face with each napkin 3 times and put it in a bag, which should be taken outside and burned at an intersection. While the bag is burning, do not stand in front of the smoke. Until the fire goes out and the entire contents of the package turn into ashes, you cannot leave the intersection. When you come home, wash yourself with soap and dry yourself with a charmed towel. This must be done within 12 days. After the ritual is completed, the towel must also be burned at the crossroads.

If you have just encountered this scourge, you can handle it on your own. But if this problem has been haunting you for a long time, you should turn to an experienced professional magician. In any case, consider your strength, because this ritual requires very strong energy.

Hello! For about 6 years now I have been suffering from severe rashes on my back, acne also appears on my face, and their number is growing over time. I’ve already tried a lot of treatment methods, both cosmetic (from the outside) and from the inside, with zero results (((it’s even getting worse. And a couple of days ago, a friend took me to see a fortune teller, I was shocked by what I heard: a big evil eye , and damage in the form of small change slipped into my pocket. I have never encountered such things before, and I did not believe in such things. But doubts are already arising, because for some reason it is impossible to solve the problem traditionally. Tell me, maybe someone has been in In such a situation, what should I do, continue treatment on my own or look for a good “grandmother”?! Thank you in advance for your answers) experts

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Now pimples will be a sign of damage.
And you don’t trust the grandmother who “diagnosed” you?)

Now pimples will be a sign of damage.
And you don’t trust the grandmother who “diagnosed” you?)

Everyone is their own worst damage. And if you go to any fortune teller, they will definitely lie and scare you into bringing money. Don't be so stupid please.

How many fools there are in the world, dear mother (c).
Author, I don’t even feel sorry for you.

scribe, are there really fools who go talk to their grandmothers about acne? I hope it's wiring

Guest Now acne will be a sign of damage.
And you don’t trust the grandmother who “diagnosed” you?)
I don't want to believe it! I was always wary of such activities. But I don’t know what to do anymore, how to recover?

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a friend of mine had this happen.. I went everywhere.. then they found an ulcer, had surgery and went through

scribe, are there really fools who go talk to their grandmothers about acne? I hope it's wiring

on the topic: go to church if you have a craving, the placebo effect is all that matters.
Well, or look at other magic forums - there are tons of these methods, how to remove

why did you come here to the trolls with such a question?)) or don’t be aggressive in response))

acne is the result of bacteria or protozoa but not the evil eye, instead of taking money to all sorts of grandmothers, it is better to be examined by doctors

A friend of mine was once jinxed, the woman told her: what good skin you have, and the next day she was covered in acne, her cheeks, chin and neck a little, she had never suffered from acne before, it was only six months later. I don’t know about you, but go to church if you believe in it.

why did you come here to the trolls with such a question?)) or don’t be aggressive in response))

Girl, go to a gastroenterologist and dermatologist, because acne is the result of impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. And more positive things in your life. Good luck!

A friend of mine was once jinxed, the woman told her: what good skin you have, and the next day she was covered in acne, her cheeks, chin and neck a little, she had never suffered from acne before, it was only six months later. I don’t know about you, but go to church if you believe in it.

Girl, go to a gastroenterologist and dermatologist, because acne is the result of impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. And more positive things in your life. Good luck!

It’s surprising - in this topic there are only skeptics who do not believe in money, damage, or the evil eye. And as soon as someone writes “I’ll tell your fortune on the tarot” or something like that, it’s immediately a full house of people wanting to chew their ass

This happened to me and I suffered for years. Then I was lucky with a dermatologist who prescribed antibiotics. I took it for a long time, more than a month, everything went away. Also Shiseido cosmetics, a line for problem skin, helps relieve inflammation very well, there are washes and lotions.

This happened to me and I suffered for years. Then I was lucky with a dermatologist who prescribed antibiotics. I took it for a long time, more than a month, everything went away. Also Shiseido cosmetics, a line for problem skin, helps relieve inflammation very well, there are washes and lotions.

There’s no need to go to grandma’s. Grandmas are the first evil. Go to church if you believe. And change bed linen and towels more often.

And that cunning granny offered you to remove the evil eye for a reasonable fee?

Get checked for subcutaneous mites.

do not wipe your face with a towel
Do not smear the skin with anything (only if the cream is moisturizing)
have orgasms (you can do it without sex)
take vitamins (eg selenium)

It’s surprising - in this topic there are only skeptics who do not believe in money, damage, or the evil eye. And as soon as someone writes “I’ll tell your fortune on the tarot” or something like that, it’s immediately a full house of people wanting to chew their ass

Nonsense. What another evil eye. Looks more like demodicosis. Go to a dermatologist.

If you've gone through all the doctors you can, then here's another thing for you: acne can happen from excessively fatty foods (and you can still be completely healthy), as a manifestation of PMS (and they don't disappear because you don't really deal with them, but every month new ones appear), even from synthetic clothing. Choose!))) And go to the dermatologist again, let him prescribe you something local. And the cosmetologist just helped me.

Author, they wrote to you correctly, go to a dermatologist, and for peace of mind, you can perform a simple but very effective ritual for removing damage. I'll write which one in a couple of minutes.

Oh, the programs on certain channels are already bearing fruit. Fucking marketing =)

I’ve never had acne, but here it breaks out on my shoulders, I burn it with potassium permanganate and it helps, although it doesn’t go away completely, for a while. I also don’t know what’s the matter

To the doctor! Believe in the good, in what inspires you, pleases you, makes you better. And if you are so suggestible, then go to another doctor and explain that you are in despair and therefore believe any grandmother. Some people see a three-headed Chubais when they see a squirrel :) Good luck! Do not give up!

Acne is the result of a hormonal imbalance. And if you start making money, it’s also a result of mental illness. It’s better to go to a therapist and a gynecologist-endocrinologist, maybe the ultrasound will find not only stones, but also something else, God forbid. Well, or continue to believe in damage, take money to fortune tellers instead of treatment.

And probably while she was sitting waiting for the reception, the grandmother herself put pebbles in her pocket))

Hello! For about 6 years now I have been suffering from severe rashes on my back, acne also appears on my face, and their number is growing over time. I’ve already tried a lot of treatment methods, both cosmetic (from the outside) and from the inside, with zero results (((it’s even getting worse. And a couple of days ago, a friend took me to see a fortune teller, I was shocked by what I heard: a big evil eye , and damage in the form of small change slipped into my pocket. I have never encountered such things before, and I did not believe in such things. But doubts are already arising, because for some reason it is impossible to solve the problem traditionally. Tell me, maybe someone has been in In such a situation, what should I do, continue treatment on my own or look for a good “grandmother”?! Thank you in advance for your answers)

Because of my nervousness, I began to feel severe pain in my lower abdomen, and subcutaneous pimples on my chin grew in just a few minutes, five of them, of varying sizes. Now I see that something has appeared on my cheek near my nose (((((((((I don’t know what to do (((((I always have problems in the gynecological sense - there’s a bunch of subcutaneous tissue on my chin)

Author, they wrote to you correctly, go to a dermatologist, and for peace of mind, you can perform a simple but very effective ritual for removing damage. I'll write which one in a couple of minutes.

Where do such assumptions come from? What kind of damage are we talking about? If you have acne, you need to go to the doctor and get tested. I also had rashes for a while. Complex treatment helped. I was prescribed TES therapy and diet. The result surprised not only me, but also my relatives. The skin has cleared. I even bought a Doctor TES 03 device for my home, so that if acne suddenly appears, I can start treatment on time and prevent it from taking over large areas of the body.

Well, what kind of money? Here you need to see a doctor. Check for hormones, check for infections. Take the crop. I had acne on my face, all I needed was a diet and courses with Gamma Hydroxy. This cream really removes acne and cleanses the skin. This is a home peeling product. Just don’t expect quick results from it. In reality, in order to see results, I had to take a 4-week course.

this is definitely damage. Well, if you spend money, you will earn money. so don't waste your money on this. Damage really exists, I have witnessed it many times. I won’t tell these stories on the site, but believe me it’s true

Everyone here is so right, go to the doctor and go to the doctor, the person writes - I’ve tried everything!! Whether you like it or not, you will begin to despair!! Now, if, God forbid, a misfortune happens to you, you will also begin to expect a miracle! Pray, turn to grandmothers and wherever possible, so why sit and criticize and bore. Smart guys.

I would have taken Roaccutane a long time ago and not suffered.
And then grandmothers, grandmothers. why are they needed when science exists?

I myself suffered from acne, then it turned into chiria, my hair fell out in bunches, I lost a lot of weight. I passed all the tests, everything is normal. I took antibiotics, injections, vitamins, hormones, did cleanings, all to no avail. I visited all the clinics in the city, and the professional doctors I knew threw up their hands. I went to my grandmother, it turned out to be damaged. Attached by my beloved “girlfriend”. The damage was removed, and within a month all the skin cleared up. Whoever believes will understand.

I had this too, only not acne, but hair falling out, my friend turned out to be so kind, she went to the woman to remove the damage, now ugh ugh ugh everything is fine

Perhaps there is Staphylococcus aureus in the body, you need to get tested, or your hormone levels are disturbed.

How to treat Staphylococcus aureus on the face? Tell me please! thank you in advance!

I personally don’t think it’s stupid to turn to your grandmother. Of course, not everyone is worth believing. and what other facts from your life did she say? I think if you trust this woman, then why not try? if, of course, she does not ask for an exorbitant sum. Treat this as trying another medicine) I wish you to get rid of acne, I’m scared of it myself. I don’t even know what to do. I’m planning to go to the doctor when I have time. and I’ll probably go see a fortune teller, just for fun) good luck to you)

I have the same problem. It seems that if it hadn’t happened to me, I wouldn’t have believed it. For my birthday (21 years old), my “friend”-rival gave me a strange gift: my favorite mascara, lipstick, powder, etc. creepy panties. Of course, I didn’t understand all this and I threw away my panties right away, but left my makeup. AND ALL. IT HAPPENED HERE. My skin had never seen such problems before I was 21 (I’m 26 now). Needless to say, I visited all the doctors and cosmetologists. NOTHING HELPS except the sun and solarium, but not for long))) I’m seriously thinking about damage! Tell me, what exactly are these fortune tellers doing?

I think it’s worth a try, there was a woman who lived next to our house who removed damage, etc. in general, she helped people, but she didn’t take money for it, only food, you can’t imagine how many people went to see her. and if they went, it means she helped.
Try it in case it helps, you can’t listen to everyone here, I myself suffered with these problems, the product PRO100 helped

Well, hello
You are interesting people. They turn to you for help and you keep talking.
Theses from which I proceed in logic:
1. All diseases are caused by nerves
2. Nerves and psyche are connected - physical and information levels of one system
3. Magic definitely exists from the point of view of psychology/psychiatry/hypnotherapy: (Psychosomatics)
And now the trick: we influence the psyche with the “evil eye” and through psychosomatic reactions skin diseases appear.
(analogous to the formation of real kyloid scars when a person is imaginary injured in deep hypnosis)
Malina aka author, YES, it really can be that there seems to be no reason for acne, but acne itself exists and all this is the result of the “evil eye/spoilage”.
HOW to correct the situation? There are many ways.
If you are (really!) a religious person, then contact your priest/imam/guru/mentor or recite an appropriate prayer/verse/mantra, while observing the strict fasting/abstinence required.
If (precisely!) it seems to you that the “damage” was purposeful and quite “magical”, then you need to find a real (from your point of view!) sorcerer/witch/grandmother and ask him for help.
(one of the signs of the “professionalism” of the “sorcerer” is the fact that he does not require payment and does not name prices; you decide how much to give him and when)
If magic and religion do not seem to you to be suitable helpers in resolving such issues, turn to medical analogues - hypnotherapists, or placebo drugs such as homeopathy.
Sincerely, Alexander.

Beauty plays a huge role for a woman. Whatever they say about the inner world and soul, it all begins with appearance. Clear skin and a pretty face are a source of pride for women. Damaging beauty is a very common way among the weaker sex to settle scores with a rival. What kind of ritual is this, how is it done and how is it removed?

Damage to beauty, how it is done and how it is removed

“Don’t drink water from your face.” This is exactly what worldly wisdom tells us, but the owner of an ugly face will never agree with it. Every woman is pleased to see interested male glances, and let’s be honest, envious female ones.

It is envy that is one of the most common reasons why beauty is damaged. In this way they take revenge for something or eliminate rivals in love or competitors in work. After all, the loss of this gift of nature for a woman becomes a serious trauma that can unsettle her for a long time

What are the main signs of damage to beauty?

If some incomprehensible and unfavorable changes in appearance begin, you must first understand the current situation. What are these, health problems of physiological origin that have led to obvious changes or damage to appearance?

In order to put an end to this issue and take appropriate measures, you need to start by visiting a doctor. He will order the necessary examinations and, based on their results, will make his verdict.

But it happens that all analyzes and conclusions show that no objective processes capable of causing the current situation have been detected in the body. The woman is absolutely healthy in all respects. Then there is already a serious reason to think that beauty has been damaged. How can this be determined reliably? Here is a list of the main symptoms:

  1. The skin condition suddenly worsens. It becomes unnatural for a given person, problems appear that have never tormented him before: wrinkles, pimples, blackheads, fading, discoloration, ulcers, etc.;
  2. Facial features change, they become sharper or, on the contrary, “blur”, appearance becomes difficult to recognize;
  3. Chronic swelling not caused by visible factors;
  4. The process of aging and fading begins abruptly;
  5. Lethargy, apathy up to depression, loss of interest in everything that used to please;

The presence of several points should already lead to the idea that you might have suffered damage to your beauty, the consequences of which you are observing.

How to determine who did the damage?

Often women who have discovered this misfortune try in vain to understand who “gave” them this misfortune and why. Unfortunately, in most cases it is not possible to find out analytically. The ill-wisher may turn out to be the one (men rarely resort to such types of magic) whom you think of in the last place. And it also happens that there is no connection at all between the sender and the recipient, the woman just happened to be there at the wrong time.

However, it is still worth trying to clarify this point. Firstly, you need to know the enemy, and, secondly, this will help to avoid unjustified thoughts about someone you may suspect. And this subject may have nothing to do with it at all. Who caused the damage to the face, how to determine the culprit? The following manipulations will answer these questions:

  1. If there is salt in the house, blessed for a major Christian holiday, pour it into a frying pan and fry slowly. You don’t need a lot of it for this, one or two spoons will be enough.
    The performer or customer of the ritual, if you know each other, will certainly show up in any way (she will come, write online, call). To be sure, you can do this two or three times;
  2. Find seven old iron, rusty keys and put them in boiling water, saying:

“Whoever damaged me, God’s servant (name), brought the devil to his home. He wouldn’t give him rest all night, he would drive him to my house.”

Go to bed, you will have “guests” in the morning.

You can’t let someone who comes into your house, just like you can’t take or give anything from him.

If for some reason you cannot carry out identification procedures in person or are afraid, then it makes sense to turn to an intelligent magician, he can figure out the ill-wisher by energy. After all, every intervention in a person’s aura necessarily leaves its mark there.

Was beauty damage done? How can we determine this as reliably as possible?

Damage has its own signs:

  1. Lethargy, apathy;
  2. Drowsiness, but the state of having slept well and being well rested does not come;
  3. Character changes for the worse, bad habits appear;
  4. Waves of panic, frequent hysterics (typical for the first days);

In order to diagnose magical interference in your life and health, there is a time-tested way to find out about it.

Take an egg, store bought, but homemade is better. Carefully, without catching the yolk, pour it into a glass with pre-filled water. Water will work straight from the tap. Now place the glass on your crown, tilting your head. You can hold it with your hand. Sit like this for two or three minutes, trying to relax and not think about anything in particular. After the time has passed, consider what happened in the glass:

  1. If the white resembles a jellyfish, but the yolk remains unchanged, then this is a sign of spoilage. Most likely they did it because of failures, chronic loneliness, tears, negativity in the family;
  2. A squirrel web indicates the work of an amateur and that his interference is not serious, but is still present;
  3. Bubbles on protein flagella occur when a real high-level magician was involved in the work;
  4. When the yolk looks cooked, this is a sure sign of damage to torment and suffering. May indicate a “sent” long illness;
  5. Black yolk and cloudy white indicate deadly damage, which is already working in full force.

How to spoil beauty?

The simplest, yet most effective method is conspiracy. Beauty damage is done using a photograph of the selected person.

The day is Wednesday, the moon is waxing. The photograph should be covered with a red silk piece. Light two candles - red and black. The red one should drip wax onto the photograph on top of the fabric and say:

“It is not angry wax that is poured, but a sore that is given to God’s servant (name). As many stars as there are in the sky, God’s servant (name) will have as many scabs. Neither whisper, nor wash off, nor take a leak. May my word be a castle. Amen".

Wrap black thread around the dripped photograph and also fill it with black wax. Bury all this in the ground.

The result of such a ritual appears already on the second or third day and is difficult to treat.

Ritual on the anthill

You can also do it on an anthill. You need to find it and put a photo there with the words:

“It was clean, it became rusty, there was a lot of beauty, it became little. Even if you cry, even if you howl, I took away your beauty and peace. Amen"

When sending damage, one must not forget about the payoff; as soon as it becomes known that everything went well and the results are obvious (or rather, on the face), then you need to take the gift to the place where the ceremony was performed. It could be honey, cookies, baked goods or booze, but of good quality. The kind you would buy for yourself. Saving on this is strictly not recommended.

How to make damage to replace a face?

You need to take a photograph of the subject where he was shot alone, in full view; you cannot cut him out of a group photo. In addition, you will need

  1. Black envelope (you can make it yourself if you couldn’t buy a ready-made one);
  2. Brush with squirrel bristles;
  3. Black wax candles – 4 pieces;
  4. Black paint with a natural base.

Place candles in the corners of the photograph. At twelve midnight you need to light it and read the following spell:

“The black raven flies on black nights, collecting beauty from faces. He will take her away and from the face of God’s servant (name), standing at full height, he will take that beauty to the dark graveyard. The dead lie there, their bones glistening. Just as they have neither beauty nor skin, so the servant of God (name) will not have it either. The word is the deed, the key is the lock, so no one can help. Amen".

After this, using a brush and paint, cross out or sketch the face in the photo and seal it in an envelope with wax taken from each of the candles. Now you need to take it to the crossroads and leave it there with the words:

You have to return home in silence, don’t look back.

Give alms every day for a week. Determine the amount yourself; it should remain unchanged. When you find out that the process has begun, burn a brush outside the house and throw the ashes at the doorstep of that person. So the damage to the substitution of a face will finally “take root.”

How to remove damage done to beauty?

If this problem has affected you or was discovered in one of your loved ones, you must immediately begin to neutralize it. How to return beauty stolen by corruption?

Removing damage through prayer

Go to church, take communion, repent of your sins. It will be good to fast, limit yourself to smoking, entertainment, and drinking. Light a candle for health to your visible and invisible enemies. Try to forgive them from the bottom of your heart.

At home, put on a simple nightie and place an icon of Christ. Place a bowl of clean water from a spring or well nearby. Read the “Our Father” prayer as many times as you need in order for a feeling of peace and faith to appear in your soul. Wash your face with water and dry your face with the inside of your hem. Cross yourself three times and mentally or out loud say words of gratitude to the Lord for your help.

Ritual for withdrawal with potatoes or apples

What you take doesn’t matter, for example, an apple. Divide something in half and wipe all problem areas with a cut of one half, and the next day do the same with a second piece. Fold them and tie or pin together with toothpicks. Place in the sun or in a hot place (near a radiator in winter). It should dry. While lubricating the sores, say the following words:

“As this apple dries up, so will my illness dry up.”

You can remove damage to beauty with another effective technique:

Whether you need a chicken egg, whether it’s from a store or from poultry, it doesn’t matter. Roll your face with it. The hand should describe circular movements, as if drawing a long spiral.

You cannot tear the egg from the skin; you must move clockwise. Then you need to rinse your face and hands with holy water. Bury the egg and pour the water, not down the drain, but outside under any plant. In advanced cases, this will have to be repeated several times.

How to remove damage to beauty using black magic?

Prepare a new bar of soap, a towel and four handkerchief-sized pieces of natural fabric.

Read the prayers “Our Father”, “Living Help” and “Virgin Mary”, cross yourself and get started. Reading the words:

“Terrible lessons, the touches of others, the touches of others, no matter whose you are, melt as foam melts on water, wax on a candle, dew on the grass, and let all the dirt disappear from my face and body, and let it go into a wind-borne ulcer. She will burn in the fire, lose her strength, and fly back to the one who sent her. Amen".

Cross each napkin, then undress completely and wipe your entire body with these rags, and go through your hair. Used napkins in a bag and at the intersection. There they need to be burned, while it is burning you cannot leave, only ashes should remain, without any surviving pieces. At this time, watch the direction of the smoke so that it doesn’t get on you.

Soap and towel should be used for twelve days. Other members of the seven are strictly prohibited from taking them. On the thirteenth day, these items must also be burned at that very crossroads.

How to remove it if the induced acne on your face is tormented?

When no amount of effort can get rid of acne and pimples, you need to use a charmed decoction to wash your face. On water or herbal decoction at sunrise you need to whisper:

“Just as the sun rises in the morning, a new day is reborn, so the beauty of God’s servant (name) would be reborn after I washed my face. Just as the sun is sweet and lovable to everyone, so I, God’s servant (name), was lovable and sweet to everyone. Amen".

In winter, when new, clean snow falls, collect it and bring it home. Pour it into a jar or pan and let it melt on its own, no need to heat it. When it turns into water, read the spell on it:

“Just as the snow is white and pure, so is my face white and pure. As it goes away in the spring, so will the acne. Amen".

Wash your face with this water morning and evening until it runs out. If necessary, you can repeat until it disappears completely.

These rites are the most reliable rituals. Even a person who is far from subtle matters and working with them can remove damage to beauty.

Remove damage with soap

Say a piece of new soap:

“Wash your body, cleanse your soul. As I was born into the world as a servant (of God) pure and smooth, then that is how I should be. Soap will decrease, God’s servant (name) will be healed.”

Use it daily until just a tiny bit of soap remains. It must be taken out into the field and buried with the words:

“The field is clean, the sky is clear, the face of God’s servant (name) is healthy and beautiful. The rains water the field and wash away the dirt, so my illness will be washed away with water and buried in the ground. Amen."

When the soap in the ground dissolves and disappears, the acne will go away.

Another working way to remove damage from your face: if you live outside the city or there is a field nearby, you need to go there before the sun rises. As soon as dew appears on the grass, wipe your skin with it and all acne will disappear over time. While washing, say:

“I, (name), will get up at dawn, wash myself with dew, go out into the open field and come to Mother Aspen. Take away, mother, the dirt, uncleanness from my body, from my skin. I will be clean and white. I washed away the trouble from myself and tied it to an aspen tree. My word is strong."

Go to the bathhouse, and as you steam, say the following words out loud or mentally:

“I cleanse myself with steam, I wash with water. I leave the disease here to dry, I return my beauty.”

The magic of plants

Magic advises using not only spells and rituals, but also herbs. The power of nature combined with the effects of energy techniques will give results faster and better. You can buy the herb at the pharmacy, but if possible, collect it yourself, without using iron objects (knife, scissors). It is best to do this in the morning, at dawn. They should not be dried in direct sunlight, but in the shade.

You can use any herbs that are good for the skin: celandine, chamomile, tansy, wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, calendula, chamomile and others. Well or spring water is preferred. If there is no such thing, then you can take a water supply, but you need to defend it. At this time, there should be no quarrels, swearing, or swearing at home.

Conspiracies for decoction are read the same as for pure water, unless this is specifically stated in the ritual technique.

Now you know what damage to beauty is, the signs, how to remove it from yourself or another person. This type of damage is one of the most popular among women. Despite its relative harmlessness to the object, it is capable of significantly poisoning the life of any rival.