Pimples on the butt before menstruation

The entire human body, including the facial area, is covered with hairs growing from follicles. The follicles also contain sebaceous glands, the main task of which is to facilitate hair growth by providing them with “lubrication.”

A disease of the sebaceous glands and follicles is called acne, resulting in acne and pimples appearing on the surface of the skin.

Acne is a disease, inflammation of the sebaceous glands. There are keloid, medicinal, professional, necrotic, red, and ordinary acne.

A pimple is a small inflamed bump on the surface of the skin.

How does a pimple form?

The sebaceous glands of the skin produce an oily secretion that performs the functions of protecting and moisturizing the skin. If there is too much secretion or its consistency is too thick, then the sebaceous glands become clogged, which leads to their inflammation.

The source of inflammation is an excellent place for bacteria to live and multiply. The result is the appearance of acne. When sebum comes to the surface and comes into contact with air, it darkens, resulting in the appearance of a dark spot - a comedone.

When sebum accumulates under the skin, a white ball is formed - a closed comedon or subcutaneous pimple. The most unpleasant manifestation of acne is the appearance of inflamed comedones or large pimples.

When you try to get rid of comedones on your own, the consequences can be very serious. At the site of removed pimples, spots, scars, and potholes may remain, which will be problematic to heal. The main reasons why acne appears can be divided into several groups. Below we will look at each of them in more detail.

Internal causes associated with general problems in the body

Poor nutrition

It is believed that one of the main causes of acne is an unbalanced diet. If the daily diet does not contain the required amount of amino acids and fatty acids, then the body is forced to produce fat in large quantities. The consequence of this is blockage of the ducts and the appearance of acne. A long-term carbohydrate-free diet can cure the most advanced forms of acne, as well as prevent the possible appearance of new acne.

Excess iodine in the body

Lack of iodine is a common phenomenon in Russia, which leads to many people beginning to consume large quantities of iodine supplements and iodized salt. But excessive intake of dietary supplements and vitamins containing iodine often leads to exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the facial skin. The result of an overdose is the appearance of acne.

Side effect when taking medications

Taking certain medications that cause hormonal imbalances in the body (including birth control pills) can lead to acne. Often the appearance of acne on the forehead can be caused by taking antibiotics. Taking steroids also contributes to the development of inflammatory processes.


A common cause of acne on the nose is demodicosis, a disease caused by microscopic mites. The main food for microorganisms is dead skin cells, and with a decrease in immune defense, mites can penetrate deeper into the skin, causing inflammatory reactions.

Internal causes related to hormones

Natural hormonal changes in the body

During adolescence, the most common cause of acne is natural changes in the body's hormonal balance. The appearance of acne on the forehead, chin, and cheeks at this age is associated with an increase in the level of androgens (male sex hormones). A “surge” of androgens is the main cause of acne not only in boys, but also in girls.

Under the influence of steroid hormones in the skin, there is an increase in the number of secretory cells of the sebaceous glands - sebocytes, i.e., there is an actual increase in the number of cells that produce fat. Along with an increase in the number of cells producing fatty secretions, a simultaneous change in its composition is recorded - a thickening of the concentration. These changes lead to the formation of plugs in the ducts of the hair follicles, making it impossible for sebum to come to the surface of the skin, which is why adolescents develop acne on the face.

Bacteria living in the mouths of the ducts of the sebaceous glands begin an active reproduction process. The products produced during the life of these bacteria cause irritation and cause inflammation.

Hormonal levels are inherited genetically, therefore, this cause of acne is caused primarily by a hereditary factor.

Disruption of hormone production

An increase in testosterone during adolescence is quite natural. However, after 30 years, such changes in hormonal levels are a reason for examination. This situation may indicate disturbances in the production of sex hormones.

The appearance of hormonal acne on the face can be caused by conditions associated with changes in hormonal status (for example, abortion, pregnancy). Only a visit to a dermatologist or endocrinologist can identify the exact cause of “hormonal” acne. Women will need to consult a gynecologist and may need a series of laboratory tests.

Increased hormonal levels before menstruation

The action of hormones also explains the premenstrual appearance of acne. Premenstrual increase in hormonal levels leads to the appearance of rashes even in women who do not suffer from acne. Those who are susceptible to inflammation of the skin's sebaceous glands note the appearance of purulent inflammation immediately before menstruation. Acne most often appears on the chin.

External causes of acne

Cosmetics with a certain composition

Cosmetics containing squalene, sulfur, red pigments, lanolin, its derivatives, vegetable and mineral oils often provoke acne. The situation is complicated by the fact that in an attempt to hide cosmetic imperfections, more cosmetics are applied to the skin, aggravating the course of inflammatory processes. A kind of vicious circle is formed.

To eliminate this cause of facial rash, it is necessary to purchase skin care products labeled “non-comedogenic.”

Squeezing pimples

Attempts to get rid of acne on your own by squeezing them can lead to infection in the layers of the dermis and epidermis, which can aggravate the process of inflammation. The resulting infection is transmitted from infected elements to healthy ones, infecting them and causing acne. Frequently touching your face can lead to similar consequences.