Cream for stretch marks on legs


On the path to perfection, modern women have to face many problems. Among them there is one that is found not only among representatives of the fair half of humanity, but even among men and children. These are stretch marks on the body that occur as a result of various factors. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of them, but it is quite possible to make them less noticeable. Salon procedures, cosmetics, folk remedies, medications and physical exercises that can be performed at home help solve this problem.

What are stretch marks on legs

Striae on the legs (in common parlance – stretch marks) are defects on the skin that appear, depending on age, in the form of white, pink or blue stripes. In essence, these are scars resulting from microtraumas, ruptures of the upper layers of subcutaneous tissue. Outwardly, they look like “scars” of torn edges and connective tissue between them, differing in length and width. A single appearance of stretch marks is extremely rare; more often they appear in groups. Pink (red), purple or blue color of stretch marks on the legs indicates that they appeared no more than a year ago.

As a rule, young scars itch, which indicates the process of regeneration of damaged fibers. It is easier to fight such stretch marks and you can do it even at home. White “scars” on the legs are already healed injuries that are more than a year old, and therefore folk remedies and cosmetic creams will only help narrow them down a little. Tanning also does not help eliminate such a defect, since melanin is not produced at the sites of breaks, and the skin does not darken at all. It is possible to make stretch marks almost invisible only in a salon setting.

Why do they appear?

The most common opinion about the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the inner and outer thighs and calves is a sharp change in weight in a larger direction. As a result of the sudden accumulation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the skin fibers do not have time to stretch and therefore tear. Also, the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks may be:

  1. increased physical activity or lack thereof;
  2. fast weight loss;
  3. changes in hormonal balance in the body, including as a result of puberty in adolescence;
  4. malfunction of the pancreas;
  5. pregnancy, lactation period (for women), during this time stretch marks often appear on the knees;
  6. obesity;
  7. problems with the endocrine system;
  8. long-term use of medications belonging to the glucocorticoid group;
  9. hereditary, genetic predisposition;
  10. use of anabolic steroids, sharp gain of muscle mass (for athletes);
  11. intensive growth;
  12. eating disorder;
  13. adrenal hyperplasia;
  14. the presence of Marfan or Ehlers-Danlos syndromes;
  15. lack of collagen, elastin, vitamins and essential microelements.


How to remove stretch marks on legs

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to carry out prevention to maintain skin elasticity in the form of proper nutrition, the use of a contrast shower, and moisturizing creams in problem areas. It will not be possible to get rid of existing stretch marks on the legs overnight; this will require time and an integrated approach or the help of a specialist. Before selecting an effective treatment method, it is important to determine the type of stretch marks.

To combat young stretch marks in any part of the legs, you need to balance your diet, do water douches and exercise, use special cosmetics (scrubs) and methods (wraps, peeling). You can use traditional medicine (masks, creams, oils) and medications (Kontratubeks, Mederma). A dermatologist-cosmetologist will help you cope with old scars on your legs by prescribing a number of salon procedures: mesotherapy, laser peeling, massage.

Treatment at home

You can combat stretch marks on any part of the legs at home using several methods that must be used in combination. The most important thing is to balance your diet, for this you need:

  1. Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water without gas every day. This will help prevent dehydration, premature aging of the skin, maintain its elasticity and prevent the appearance of new stretch marks.
  2. There are different types of meat, liver, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, dairy products. They promote weight loss, maintain normal weight, and prevent the occurrence of stretch marks on the legs.
  3. Avoid fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods, sweet carbonated drinks and fast food dishes, which contribute to excess weight gain, which often provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the surface of the skin of the legs.
  4. Eat citrus fruits or drink ascorbic acid. Vitamin C promotes collagen production and normalization of metabolism.
  5. Take medications with fish oil, vitamins A, E, and zinc.

After reviewing your diet and changing your diet, proceed to other methods for eliminating stretch marks at home. These include:

Baths with different types of clays, essential oils

Cleanses, tones, refreshes the skin, helps eliminate toxins

Perform mechanical cleaning, open pores, prepare the epidermis for applying creams

Impact on problem areas with special compounds

Foot wraps

Saturates with nutrients, enhances collagen production, improves skin tone

Nourish and moisturize the skin.

Smoothes, nourishes the skin, improves its texture

Medicinal cream for stretch marks on legs, ointment

Eliminate scars, promote cell regeneration

Self-massage (vacuum cupping, manual)

It is carried out using various compositions, massage oils, promotes tissue regeneration and eliminates cellulite

Performed after taking a bath using a massage brush. The method helps improve blood circulation and improve skin tone.


Physical exercise will also help remove stretch marks on your calves, knees, and outer and inner thighs. Lunges and squats are considered the most effective, but if for health reasons you cannot do them, do others. For example, these exercises:

  1. Birch. Lie on the floor, lift your legs using your abdominal muscles and place them behind your head, supporting yourself with your hands. Support your torso with your hands in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, straighten your legs to a vertical position. The support should be on your elbows, touching the floor only with the back of your head, shoulder blades and elbows. Freeze in this position for at least half a minute. Return to the starting position.
  2. Lifting legs with minimal amplitude. Lying on the floor, raise your straight legs 20 cm from the surface, fixate for 10-15 seconds and lower them just as slowly. Do 3 reps.
  3. Alternate leg lifts. Starting position – lying on the floor, the whole body pressed to the surface. Raise one leg to an angle of 45-60 degrees, hold for a couple of seconds, lower. Do the same movement with the second limb. Do 3 sets of 15 lifts on each leg.
  4. Leg raises while lying on your stomach. Lie on your stomach, press against the floor. Alternately raise your legs to the maximum height possible for you, then lower them. Do 30 repetitions for each limb.
  5. Lifts from the half-bridge position. Lying on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle, lift your pelvis. Leaning with one foot on the floor, lift the other up and lower it after 5 seconds. Do 2 sets of 20 reps for each leg.


Salon treatments

If the stretch marks are old, home methods do not help you, or you want to get rid of stretch marks as soon as possible, seek help from a specialist. This could be a cosmetologist in a salon or a dermatologist in a clinic. The following procedures have proven themselves well in the fight against stretch marks:

It is carried out by administering vitamin and nutritional injections to the client, the composition of which is selected individually. Course – 7-15 procedures.

  1. long lasting effect;
  2. increasing skin elasticity;
  3. elimination of stretch marks, cellulite;
  4. requires little time for preparation, implementation and rehabilitation
  1. soreness;
  2. risk of complications (swelling, skin necrosis, allergies);
  3. expensive

A specialist uses a laser to treat scars. There are two types of therapy: superficial (peeling), aimed at eliminating young stretch marks, and deep (resurfacing), which copes with any stretch marks.

  1. no side effects;
  2. the result is noticeable after 1 procedure;
  3. can be performed on several areas of the body at once;
  4. leaves almost no damage
  1. high price;
  2. need to take a course

The cosmetologist makes a controlled burn on the problem area using special chemicals, as a result of which intensive cell restoration begins. The procedure can be superficial, middle and deep.

  1. stimulates collagen production;
  2. evens out the color and structure of the skin, increases its elasticity;
  3. stimulates the growth of new blood vessels
  1. the procedure is expensive;
  2. there is a risk of new scars, redness and hyperpigmentation

They are carried out using kelp or spirulina, pre-soaked in warm water. Seaweed is applied to areas with stretch marks, and then the legs are wrapped in plastic wrap for an hour. Course – 12 procedures.

  1. affordable cost of the procedure;
  2. Possibility of doing it at home
  1. wraps affect the upper layers of the epidermis;
  2. not effective for old stretch marks

It is used when the skin is very sagging and can only be restored by removal.

  1. helps get rid of the oldest, deepest stretch marks
  1. expensive;
  2. need to stay in hospital for at least 3 days

Folk remedies

In the fight against stretch marks, remedies prepared according to traditional medicine recipes have proven themselves well. The following drugs are effective in the treatment of striae:

  1. Oil mixture used during massage. Mix ¼ cup of avocado oil with rosemary, jasmine, neroli, lavender, red rosemary esters, taken 10 drops each. Leave for a day in a dark place, use with each procedure.
  2. Mix for chocolate wraps. For it you need to melt a bar of dark chocolate, mix with 1 tsp. olive oil. The mixture should be applied to areas with stretch marks, wrapped in film and covered with a blanket. Wash off after 40 minutes, do every day until the desired result is achieved.
  3. A scrub made from sugar, salt, taken in equal proportions, and a few drops of oil (linseed, peach, sesame, etc.). Apply the mixture to the skin and scrub it with massage movements. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse off.
  4. Mask against stretch marks. Melt two squares of dark chocolate and, after cooling, pour into a blender bowl. Add a glass of coffee grounds, ½ cup each of honey and potato starch, 0.5 tsp. salt, stir. Apply the mixture to stretch marks, leave for 0.5 hours, then rinse.
  5. Oil-vitamin composition of 5 drops of vitamin A, 10 drops of vitamin E, aloe and olive oils, taken in equal quantities. The mixture should be applied to problem areas twice a day.


The fight against stretch marks is a long process, and in some cases very expensive. To avoid using the above methods on yourself, prevent the appearance of “scars” by following the following recommendations:

  1. eat right;
  2. watch your weight;
  3. do self-massage or visit a massage therapist;
  4. drink plenty of fluids;
  5. play sports, do physical exercises;
  6. use moisturizing, nourishing creams, gels (special ones for pregnant women);
  7. Wear compression garments during pregnancy;
  8. take a contrast shower, herbal baths, douse yourself;
  9. take care of your skin.

Photo of stretch marks on legs




Milena, 25 years old I developed stretch marks after the birth of my child. Thank God they are small, because during pregnancy I used special creams. Now, while the stretch marks are still young, I decided to try a folk remedy made from baby cream mixed with crushed mummy tablets. I’ve been using it for a month, and there is a result - the scars have become smaller.

Katerina, 23 years old During pregnancy, I used Our Mom cream, which a relative gave me. I smeared it on my stomach, and from the age of 3 months on my chest, but not on my legs. For some reason I thought that there would be no stretch marks there. As a result, the skin on the abdomen remained smooth, without damage, and disgusting scars formed on the thighs, with which nothing can be done.

Svetlana, 29 years old After giving birth, I tried to restore my skin using anti-stretch mark cream gel from Avon. After three months of using the product, the scars became lighter, smaller in size, and therefore almost invisible. It’s unlikely that I’ll be able to completely get rid of them, but I was pleased with the result, I’ll continue to use the cream, it’s also inexpensive.


Many of us, unfortunately, have had to deal with stretch marks on our legs. And anyone who is unlucky enough to own them will probably agree that these white stripes on the skin look unaesthetic. But is it possible to get rid of this scourge and how to remove them at home?

Causes of stretch marks: what can cause them to appear on the skin

Striae, or stretch marks as they are usually called, are formed due to damage to the upper layers of the epidermis. A rupture of tissues and blood vessels occurs - this is why fresh scars have a rich raspberry-burgundy color.


Fresh stretch marks stand out brightly on the skin

Then the skin gradually recovers, and a noticeable mark remains at the site of the injury, which fades over time to a white color. Striae do not cause any harm to the body, but they certainly look ugly. However, no one is immune from stretch marks, but this phenomenon has some prerequisites:

  1. A sharp increase in weight is one of the main factors in the occurrence of stretch marks. Whatever the cause of weight gain - pregnancy, obesity, body growth during the transition period - the skin stretches to cover new volumes of the body. It is at this moment that stretch marks occur. Despite the fact that during pregnancy, the stomach first of all increases, often stretch marks form not only on it, but also on the legs - after all, many women gain weight sharply during this period and suffer from severe swelling.
  2. Hormonal changes also contribute to the appearance of stretch marks, including on the legs. And here, not only the already mentioned teenagers and expectant mothers are at risk, but also people with diseases of the endocrine system and those who use hormonal therapy to treat any illness.

Personally, stretch marks on my thighs appeared in adulthood during a completely calm period, which prompted me to see a doctor. As a result, the first time, stretch marks turned out to be one of the signs of subclinical hypothyroidism, and the second time, they turned out to be a side effect from the use of hormonal contraceptives.

  1. Dry, inelastic skin is more likely to develop scarring. With a lack of elastin and natural collagen, as well as vitamins A, E and C, stretch marks can occur even with small and almost imperceptible weight fluctuations.
  2. Heredity can also play a cruel joke on you: you can be a completely hormonally healthy person and still have stretch marks on your legs. In order not to miss this moment, pay attention to the feet of your older relatives and especially female relatives. And if their thighs are riddled with striae, you may have inherited this feature from them.

How to remove stretch marks on legs

The fight against stretch marks is not a priority, but many, especially women, want to have perfectly smooth legs. But stretch marks are not such an easy obstacle, since they indicate that the skin has been damaged deeply and deeply. The easiest way to deal with them is immediately after they appear. But it is completely impossible to remove old stretch marks, as well as old scars - you can only make them a little less noticeable.

How can you get rid of stretch marks on legs at home?

To begin with, you can try to get rid of stretch marks on your own. There are several most popular methods:

  1. Ointment. First of all, you can go to the pharmacy and stock up on any ointment or gel for scars. After all, stretch marks are essentially scars, which means they should be dealt with in the same way. A good option would be products such as Dermatix, Zeraderm, Mederma, Clearvin. Most of them contain heparin, collagen and its derivatives, as well as extracts from algae and beneficial plants. You just need to buy the ointment and apply it, strictly following the instructions.
  2. Creams. Modern cosmetology offers a fairly extensive range of creams for stretch marks, but there are some general recommendations. For example, it is desirable that the composition contains collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, algae extracts, retinol and vitamin E. All these ingredients stimulate metabolism, promote skin regeneration, as well as moisturize and increase elasticity. Anti-stretch mark products are produced by such giants as Vichy, Lierac, Avent and Clarins. Weleda, “9 months”, Mustela and Mama comfort creams are also popular today. All of them are more effective for prevention than for directly combating stretch marks. But you can find something suitable among the products of both large concerns and little-known companies, or you can create your own cream.
  3. Scrubs. Peeling helps remove the upper layers of the epidermis, improves blood circulation and stimulates the growth of new cells. It is also easy to make and use at home. To do this, you need to mix a base oil—almond, jojoba, or shea oil is best—with coarse salt, coffee grounds, or sugar. For the best effect, it will be useful to add a couple of drops of essential oil of tea tree, mandarin, thuja, neroli or rose to the mixture - they all help eliminate scars and smooth the skin.

My recipe for stretch marks: mix blue clay (1 bag, 50 grams), 2 teaspoons of almond oil, 1 tablespoon of cane sugar, 2 drops each of tangerine, tea tree and vitamin A essential oils, then add a little chamomile infusion to complete the mixture until the consistency of thick cream. The scrub helped in combination with Clearvin cream.

  1. Wraps. Another topical remedy is plastic wraps. The beneficial substance is diluted with water or cosmetic oil and applied to the affected area. Then the leg is tightly wrapped in layers of cling film and secured with thick clothing - leggings or tights.

For example, 200 grams of clay are mixed with 3 tablespoons of cinnamon, 3 drops of any citrus essential oil and diluted with water to the consistency of liquid pancake batter. This mixture can be kept on the skin for no more than an hour. You can use algae powder (it is sold in pharmacies), mixed with camphor oil in the following proportion: 2 tablespoons of powder and 20 drops of oil, then add a raw chicken egg and 5-6 drops of lemon essential oil. This recipe is designed to be used in no more than 45 minutes. One of the most popular options is Altai mummy diluted with warm boiled water. You need to take enough of it so that the pasty mixture completely covers the areas of skin with stretch marks. The usual proportion is two mummy tablets per teaspoon of water. Wrapping with this healing substance is considered absolutely safe, some even do it every day or leave it overnight. But it’s better to keep the mummy on the skin for no more than a couple of hours. It is recommended to do wraps at intervals of a day or two, repeating sessions until the desired effect is achieved.

Clay with shungite removes stretch marks very well. I buy a ready-made mask in buckets and after a day or two I make wraps. I even apply it to my chest, as there are stretch marks there too. I’m afraid that my breasts might “get thinner” from such spas, but these scars are simply killing. Clay is my most versatile and favorite product. I have been using it for both face and body since I was a teenager. There are practically no contraindications, and there are a lot of benefits.

Spiny thorn

Girls, mumiyo really helps. After giving birth, I woke up only when the child was 6 years old... I decided to try mummy, rubbed it every day at night and wrapped myself in cling film... you will see the result on the third day. Now there are only a few left and they are not noticeable at all)))


  1. Massage. A daily 10–20-minute massage after a bath or contrast shower also helps improve blood circulation and tone muscles and skin. The problem area is gently but intensively kneaded and rubbed with your hands, sometimes also using pinching and patting. For massage, be sure to use oil - any vegetable oil, from olive to apricot kernels, will do. You can add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, or camphor oil, or rose oil. The procedures should be repeated until the stretch marks become invisible.

Photo gallery: medications for stretch marks

Video: DIY cream

Home methods for dealing with stretch marks are good because you don’t have to pay extra for expensive equipment and the work of specialists. Therefore, you can try several products individually or in combination without spending a lot of money.

Salon products

If you don’t trust people’s experience or despair from a fruitless struggle, welcome to a beauty salon or clinic. Now services for the reduction of stretch marks are provided almost everywhere, they are in great demand. Prices and duration of therapy will depend not only on the luxury of the salon, but also on the type of procedure. There are several main ways to treat stretch marks.

  1. Laser resurfacing is considered one of the most effective means. Essentially, it involves removing the top layer of the epidermis - and therefore all the damage accumulated in it - using a laser. The procedure is performed under local or complete anesthesia. The course of treatment lasts at least one to two months, as it consists of several sessions. However, the money and time spent will pay off with smooth and even skin.


Laser resurfacing is carried out by professionals using the most modern equipment.

The laser nanoperfaration procedure helped me a lot; after 3 procedures, the stretch marks became barely noticeable; I did not expect such an amazing effect.


  1. Chemical peeling is, by and large, good old-fashioned skin scrubbing. But in the salon, instead of abrasive elements, special acids are used - they remove dead skin cells in the same way, but softer and more delicately. And stimulation of blood circulation and skin regeneration becomes a pleasant addition.
  2. Salon wraps differ from home wraps mainly in the intensity and duration of the session. First, the legs are quickly and strongly steamed so that the skin is ready to accept beneficial substances, and then they are covered with a medicinal product. It contains extracts of algae and medicinal herbs, as well as vitamins, collagen, elastin and everything that the affected skin lacks.
  3. Ultrasound exposure to the deep layers of the skin is good for recent scars. Low-frequency radiation causes an increase in the production of natural collagen, which itself smoothes out stretch marks, filling them out. But if fresh stretch marks can completely resolve thanks to ultrasound, then old scars will most likely simply become less noticeable.
  4. Mesotherapy is more effective than wraps because it delivers nutrients directly to the deep layers of the skin. This method involves injections of elastin, collagen, vitamins and other components directly into the epidermis, hypodermis and dermis. In this way, metabolism and cell regeneration are stimulated, tissues are restored on their own and strengthened. The course of therapy consists of several procedures - depending on the condition of the skin, the patient’s age and other characteristics - which are repeated no more than once a week.

Inject lidase into old white stretch marks every 2 mm, after 15 sessions they will disappear!


Treatment of stretch marks today is carried out not only in beauty salons, but also in clinics specializing in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine.

How not to harm yourself

Despite the fact that the fight against stretch marks in itself seems like a treatment to us, there are several universal and individual contraindications for some of its methods:

  1. Skin diseases - shingles, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, allergies, fungus and others. Any means of combating stretch marks is designed to affect the skin - from the outside or from the inside. This means that the consequences of its interaction with a skin disease or with medications for it can be unpredictable. Be sure to deal with the more serious illness first and then wait at least a few weeks after treatment to allow the skin to recover.

From my own experience, I note: if you are prone to seasonal allergies, it is better not to undertake any skin procedures during the appropriate period. It is better to wait out the time of spring flowering of trees and summer flowering of grasses. And if you are allergic to dust, space out the general cleaning of your apartment, house and garden and the fight against stretch marks. Otherwise, the manifestations of allergies on the skin can noticeably intensify and disable you for a long time.

  1. Infectious and viral diseases. They exclude the use of laser, ultrasound, injections, wraps and any scrubs. As for ointments and creams, you can use those that affect only the upper layers of the skin, but only on the condition that your well-being does not deteriorate after this. You should avoid using hormonal ointments. But the best solution is to consult with your doctor about the compatibility of medications and your remedy for stretch marks.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation. It makes sense to postpone laser, ultrasound and mesotherapy, body wraps and chemical peeling until better times. No matter how much you would like to get your legs back to normal as soon as possible and no matter how safe the procedures may seem, the health of both yours and your newborn baby should be a priority. For this period, it is better to limit yourself to using special creams for expectant mothers and soft scrubs.
  3. Phlebeurysm. If you suffer from this disease, but want to reduce stretch marks, consult your phlebologist and he will tell you which method is right for you, depending on the stage of varicose veins and the characteristics of the body.
  4. Kidney failure. Your nephrologist will probably be able to choose a method for dealing with stretch marks that will not cause swelling. The most risky in this regard are laser, wraps, ultrasound and mesotherapy, but more gentle methods may be suitable.
  5. Individual intolerance. It can manifest itself during any treatment, in the form of a response to any component. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly the substances and drugs that your body rejects in order to reduce the likelihood of problems. And you should be careful during the treatment process in order to immediately interrupt it if you feel worse than expected.

Prevention measures

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of stretch marks. All people, including men, are susceptible to them, despite common myths on this topic. However, there are several recommendations that will help minimize the risk of stretch marks:

  1. Massage. To improve blood circulation and maintain skin tone, it is useful to regularly massage - both regular and lymphatic drainage. Thanks to it, metabolic processes in the skin occur more actively, cells are renewed more intensively, the skin produces the necessary nutrients and restores itself.

A full body massage with a dry Australian cactus brush helped me a lot. It is performed from the bottom up, from the toes to the neck. The skin is, as it were, “combed” in one direction, pressing hard enough, but carefully so as not to injure. Despite heredity and excess weight gain, new stretch marks did not appear on the hips - largely thanks to the massage.

  1. Hydration. Dry skin is more prone to stretch marks, so it needs additional nutrition and hydration. Do not forget to constantly use body cream, oil or milk after showering and bathing. And it’s especially good if the product contains vitamins A, E and C, collagen, hyaluronic acid and algae extracts. However, dryness threatens not only the skin - the human body greatly needs water, and with dehydration, all organs suffer. Therefore, do not forget to drink at least two liters of clean water every day.
  2. Preventative creams. Most stretch mark creams for pregnant women are designed not only to combat existing scars, but also for prevention. They should be applied to problem areas, including the legs, during pregnancy.
  3. Hormonal background. Since stretch marks often appear due to hormonal surges, do not put off preventive visits to the endocrinologist. Get tested regularly and do not develop endocrine diseases. Be careful with hormonal drugs and take them only as prescribed by a specialist and according to the instructions.
  4. Proper nutrition. So that the body can produce natural collagen, help it by eating healthy foods such as gelatin, seafood, red fish, flaxseed oil, meat, nuts, and raw vegetables. And avoid harmful products - especially alcohol and nicotine - completely, as they only destroy collagen.

Even if you were unable to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on your legs, or heredity failed you, now you know how to deal with them. Complete relief from stretch marks is still an unattainable ideal. Nevertheless, you can do everything possible or call on modern cosmetology to help make them less noticeable.

The mechanism of action of almost all of these drugs is moisture retention and stimulation of metabolic processes in the epidermis. Those who like to experiment can try to prepare a cream for stretch marks at home, but a better solution would be to use professional products produced by the best manufacturers using the achievements of modern cosmetology and the latest scientific developments in this field. It's time to get to know these cosmetic products better.


Which brand of stretch mark cream should I choose?

The following brands that produce the most effective remedies for stretch marks are popular among buyers:



An English brand known for a wide range of products for young mothers and babies. Since 1984, the products produced by this manufacturer have enjoyed deserved popularity among consumers all over the world, are completely environmentally friendly and safe for health.



A Swiss manufacturer that has been supplying the market with high-quality products for more than 70 years to help care for the skin of every family member. The effectiveness and high degree of safety when used are confirmed by clinical studies. The components are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and stimulate its regeneration.



The products of this brand contain water from geothermal sources, saturated with mineral salts and microelements, due to which it has unique healing and regenerating properties. Since 1931, Vichy creams have been helping people get rid of skin imperfections and bring it into ideal condition.



The product, created by the French laboratory Expanscience, is sold in more than 97 countries around the world, based on active ingredients of natural origin. All products are hypoallergenic, with a high degree of tolerance, and have been tested under the supervision of the best specialists.



An English manufacturer whose products contain a complex of active vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin and help maintain its ideal condition.



A cosmetic line that was developed in Germany to care for the skin of young mothers and children from the first days of life. 97% of the products consist of vitamins and natural oils, are hypoallergenic and completely safe to use, which is confirmed by clinical studies.

Rating of the best remedies for stretch marks

When creating this rating, based on reviews from real users, the following basic properties of the products in question were taken into account:

  1. the fame of the manufacturer, the popularity of its products among buyers;
  2. safety – the product should not contain any substances that can negatively affect the body. The instructions must indicate whether this product can be used during pregnancy or lactation;
  3. composition - the product must contain components that influence the increase in skin elasticity, such as elastin and collagen, or stimulators of their production;
  4. hypoallergenic;
  5. contains a minimum amount of fragrances and dyes in the cream. Ideally, the cream should be practically odorless and colorless;
  6. good absorption of the selected product;
  7. price.

The best creams for stretch marks

The list of the best creams for stretch marks purchased to combat this skin defect includes products from the following manufacturers:

Avent - a cream popular throughout Europe


Its advantages include:

  1. brand awareness and a large number of users satisfied with the results obtained;
  2. large tube volume, allowing you to use the product for a long time;
  3. pleasant consistency ensuring good absorption of the product;
  4. hypoallergenic;
  5. absence of a pronounced odor;
  6. the ability to eliminate the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin for a long time;
  7. the ability to use the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This cream has few disadvantages, these include:

  1. limited amount of information in Russian on the packaging of the product;
  2. relatively high cost;
  3. rarely found on sale;
  4. is able to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but is ineffective in the fight against those that have already appeared.

In general, users respond positively to this product and most often recommend it for use.