Homemade anti-wrinkle cream recipe

Ready-made tightening products are known not only for their rare ingredients and effectiveness, but also for their high price. At the same time, if you prepare anti-wrinkle cream at home, you can not only save money, but also ensure that the composition is completely natural.

Useful properties of components

Depending on the functions that the cream should perform, its composition can be varied. For example, for skin after 45, not only the lifting effect is important, but also hydration. For young epidermis, special importance should be given to protection from aggressive factors and cell nutrition.


Homemade anti-wrinkle cream

What components can be used in creams:

  1. Base oils. Produced by squeezing the fruits and seeds of various plants. During the cooking process, they may undergo heat treatment, but this reduces the beneficial properties. Therefore, for home use and the production of cosmetic products, it is better to give preference to cold-pressed products. Light, quickly absorbed substances are suitable for delicate skin and the treatment of wrinkles. Watermelon and grape seed oil, argan, baobab, coconut, hemp, green coffee and others;
  2. Dairy products. They have a strong tightening effect, lighten the skin, and help reduce wrinkles due to amino acids. Whole milk and kefir are especially popular as cream ingredients. They are completely organic in origin, very rarely cause allergic reactions, do not clog pores (which is important for young skin) and moisturize;
  3. Honey. Provides deep nutrition to cells, activates the production of elastane and collagen. With regular use, it lightens age spots (age and hormonal), helps get rid of old and facial wrinkles. May cause allergic reactions;
  4. Natural lifting components. These are chicken egg yolk, gelatin, clay, some pharmaceutical preparations (borax, iodine). They are mandatory components for intensive creams (necessary for a strong tightening effect);
  5. Plant extracts. To enrich the compositions, various extracts from plants are often used: extracts of milk thistle, flax, parsley, roses, chamomile and others. You can buy them in specialized stores.

Creams based on base oils

To prepare light anti-wrinkle cream for skin 30+, take two parts coconut oil and 1 egg yolk. The coconut substrate is heated in a water bath - within a few minutes, instead of a solid substance, an aromatic liquid is formed. You need to add the yolk to it, then beat the product thoroughly (with a special whisk or fork). If desired, you can drop a little essential oil into the product for aroma. This cream is suitable for daytime use, as coconut has good UV filters.


Oil cream

For intensive nutrition and hydration of the skinTo prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging, a cream made from 4 types of batters is ideal. You can use any available ones; for young skin we recommend taking shea (10%), cocoa (20%), macadamia (40%) and mango (10%). All oils are melted in hot water and mixed in a non-metallic container. We recommend adding black currant extract or aloe juice to the resulting liquid (for early wrinkles). The mixture is thoroughly whipped to obtain a homogeneous composition. The finished product must be left for several hours to harden. After using in the mornings and evenings, store exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.

Sea buckthorn oil provides simply super effect to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. It has the highest protective and regenerating properties. Due to the large amount of retinol in the composition, it promotes rapid tightening and strengthening of fibers. To prepare soft vitamin cream, you will need:

  1. 3 parts butter;
  2. 1 teaspoon of vitamins (you can take an Aevit capsule or a separate oil solution of tocopherol and retinol in equal quantities);
  3. Aloe pulp or juice – 1 tsp.

The yarrow sprig is washed under running water and cut in half. Using a teaspoon, scrape out the pulp. For convenient mixing of components, we still recommend squeezing the juice out of it - then it will be much easier to mix the components. Sea buckthorn oil is heated over low heat or a water bath. Aloe and vitamins are added to it, the solution is thoroughly mixed and left to cool. Apply in the evenings to the eye area and eyelids. The product paints things, but helps to even out the complexion, reduce facial wrinkles and restore elasticity.


Aloe juice for cream

Milk-based creams

Many recipes for anti-wrinkle creams that can be made at home are based on the regenerating effect of milk. It is rich in essential amino acids, fats and beneficial mineral compounds. In addition, it has good absorbency and hypoallergenic properties.

One of the most famous compounds is composition of Cleopatra. Even beginners can prepare it, and its efficiency is the highest. You will need 20 grams of fresh milk (preferably with minimal fat content) and 10 grams of honey. Before use, it is better to heat the sweet component in a water bath - this will make it easier to mix with the milk. The ingredients are combined in a ceramic container and whisked. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the product is ready for use. It is not suitable for daytime use, but is great for whitening and tightening the skin as a night cream.


Cream with honey

An effective cream can be obtained by combining dairy products and base oils. The butters will provide intense hydration and nutrition, while milk will guarantee a firming effect. As additional ingredients, we recommend green or dill juice, parsley, honey or any available plant extract. Easy to prepare, but high quality, recipe for anti-wrinkle cream:

  1. 3 parts milk;
  2. 3 parts of any available base substance (preferably light, such as apricot pomace, grape pomace, etc.);
  3. 1 teaspoon honey;
  4. Half a piece of white clay.

The milk and honey are heated in a water bath until pleasantly warm (but do not let them become hot). After they are combined with each other, pre-melted butter and kaolin are added to them. The composition is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place to cool and harden. If the cream turns out to be too sticky, then you need to reduce the amount of honey (but this is all individual). If you are allergic to this component, it can be replaced with plant extracts.


Coconut anti-wrinkle cream

For dry and aging skin, a cream made from goat milk and mink oil will be a real elixir of youth. Both ingredients are quite rare (especially in the city), but have simply magical properties. Making the miracle cream itself will not be difficult, you just need to combine the components in equal quantities. Apply morning and evening (especially during the cold season, when the skin is constantly chapped and dehydrated).

Popular recipes for wrinkles

Simple gelatin anti-wrinkle cream at home has excellent reviews. It is affordable, effective and hypoallergenic. According to the girls who tried it, the product helps in a short time to get rid of facial wrinkles and reduce the size of deep, old folds.

We make anti-wrinkle cream ourselves, using available ingredients.

How to make gelatin night cream:

  1. In a ceramic or glass container you need to combine 5 grams of gelatin and about 100 ml of glycerin. The mixture will need to be whisked for a long time to achieve homogeneity. To simplify the task somewhat, you can add a teaspoon of warm water to the composition, in which you want to dissolve the gelatin;
  2. Natural honey (15 grams) is added to the mass, the product is mixed again;
  3. If desired, the product can be enriched with a vitamin complex (for nutrition and strengthening), salicylic acid (against inflammation), and natural base oils (for moisturizing and restoration).

After adding honey to glycerin, the cream may no longer mix properly. To make the mass homogeneous, you just need to heat it over low heat (but do not boil).


Anti-wrinkle cream with gelatin

Anti-wrinkle cream Marlene Dietrich tested for years. It was used by various celebrities who sought to maintain the beauty and health of their skin for many years. The product contains:

  1. Egg yolk;
  2. 5 gr. sour cream;
  3. A glass of vodka;
    10 grams of glycerin combined with borax;
  4. 5 gr. lemon juice.

All components must be whisked and placed in a dark place to infuse.


Anti-wrinkle cream Marlene Dietrich

The product helps not only to quickly restore damaged collagen fibers, but also to dry out inflammation and improve blood circulation in the skin. The consistency of the product will be quite liquid, but quickly absorbed.

Homemade cream making has become quite a popular activity lately. As a result of this exciting and truly creative process, you can get excellent facial care products that will work just as well, or even better, than expensive “branded” creams. Some advantages of homemade natural cosmetics are obvious, but how to avoid failures when preparing them and how to choose the ideal beauty formula for yourself?

Let's take the matter of beauty into our own hands - make up a cream

The mass passion for homemade cosmetics and, in particular, making face creams with one’s own hands is by no means only connected with the desire to save money on really expensive face care products. By making up creams yourself, you give an individual approach to caring for your own beauty. And having full knowledge of the composition of such cosmetics, you can formulate an active anti-aging strategy. Victory in this war will definitely be yours!


Features of application

To please your skin and help it maintain youth for a long time, follow simple recommendations, thanks to which the cream you make yourself will bring a lot of benefits and will not cause harm:

  1. To prepare and store homemade facial care products, try not to use metal utensils - only glass, ceramic and porcelain; Before use, it must be treated with medical alcohol.
  2. Be sure to test the finished cream on an inconspicuous area of ​​sensitive skin (behind the ear, on the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow) - if all the ingredients suit you, redness will not occur in this area.
  3. Homemade creams consist of natural ingredients and therefore do not last long - depending on the composition, they can retain their properties from five days to a month.
  4. The formulas of homemade creams usually do not include cosmetic fragrances, so their “bouquet” of aromas is exclusively natural.
  5. Such facial care products should be applied along massage lines, using smooth movements, lightly pressing into the skin with your fingertips.
  6. Before use, a portion of the cream should be melted a little, warming it with the warmth of your hands, and the skin of your face should be cleansed.
  7. Try not to get the cosmetic in your eyes.
  8. In the first half hour after applying the cream, the face should be relaxed, active facial expressions and conversations should be kept to a minimum.
  9. Excess unabsorbed product should be carefully blotted with a paper napkin.


Main components and preparation nuances

Homemade creams differ from “branded” creams in much the same way as home cooking differs from restaurant cooking. Professional preparation is beautiful and impressive, but an exclusive one made with your own hands is good because it contains obviously high-quality products. And everyone can learn the secrets of cooking, if desired.

What you might need

What components do you need to prepare to start making homemade anti-aging creams? This directly depends on your skin type, age and what kind of result you expect from using a homemade “potion”.

However, most of the ingredients can probably be found in your kitchen or medicine cabinet. Everything else is easy to buy - in a pharmacy, online store or just in a supermarket. In any case, the cost of a complete set of components will be much less than a ready-made high-quality cream.

So, what should you stock up on before you start getting creative with your cosmetics? Most of the volume of almost any cream is liquid - herbal decoction or mineral water - well, this is just the simplest thing. A beginner’s cream maker’s kit must contain active ingredients—their share in the finished cream does not exceed seven percent. Such components may include, for example:

  1. yeast, ginger or hop extract - for oily skin;
  2. oil vitamins A and E, propolis, pollen, pumpkin seed or linden flower extracts - for dry skin;
  3. oil vitamin F, chamomile extract, peony tincture - for especially sensitive skin.


Valuable base oils can fill up to a third of the volume of the cream. The most popular of them are the following:

  1. almond, peach, watermelon, corn, black cumin, grape seeds, milk thistle - for oily skin;
  2. olive, sesame, jojoba, shea, apricot, peach, macadamia, avocado, coconut walnut - for dry skin;
  3. lemon, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, rose, burdock, black cumin, wheat germ - for very sensitive skin.

Essential oils add special chic, aroma and charisma to homemade cream. Here the count is already in drops, and in each formula no more than ten drops of one ether or a mixture of them can act effectively:

  1. lemon, grapefruit, rosemary, bergamot, lemon balm - for oily skin;
  2. blue chamomile, sandalwood, myrrh, patchouli, jasmine, rose - for dry skin;
  3. rosewood, orange, verbena, spruce - for sensitive skin.


To give the cream the desired consistency, a small amount of emulsifiers, up to two percent, is added to the mixture. These can be various thickening substances that are harmless to the skin:

  1. sucrose stearate, starch, cetyl alcohol - for oily skin;
  2. guar gum, beeswax - for dry skin;
  3. sodium alginate, stearic acid - for sensitive skin.

How to cook

Homemade creams, oddly enough, are very easy to prepare. The components are either boiled, combined in a special sequence, or simply mixed. For the resulting product to be effective and safe, you will, of course, need at least minimal skills. But it’s not difficult to purchase them either, if you follow the recommendations for cream making:

  1. Heat the base oil (or other fats) in a water or steam bath to about sixty degrees.
  2. Without stopping heating and stirring constantly, add the emulsifier and liquid (mineral water or herbal decoction).
  3. When the cream thickens enough, remove it from the heat and cool to human body temperature.
  4. Add active ingredients and esters.
  5. Wait for the cream to cool completely, transfer it to a tightly sealed jar and store it in the refrigerator.


Of course, each recipe has its own preparation nuances, but in general, all homemade creams are cooked according to the same method.

The best beauty formulas

There are a lot of options for making homemade creams; choose from them those that are most suitable for you.

"Lazy" recipes

Even the laziest person will not refuse to prepare creams according to these recipes - all you need to do is mix the ingredients thoroughly. And that’s it, you can already use your own homemade cream!

With base oils

The ingredients for the cream are easy to find on specialized websites; With some external complexity, the product is prepared simply and quickly, but it works wonderfully: it actively smoothes the skin, makes it velvety and well-groomed. Very effective in the period from 35 to 45 years.

Avocado and almond oils are ideal for dry skin; if you have oily skin, replace them with grape seed oil in the same proportions.


  1. rice bran oil - 0.5 teaspoon;
  2. avocado and almond oils - 1 teaspoon each;
  3. complex of extracts “Anti-aging” t - 1 teaspoon;
  4. Elast-Col and AlfaLip - 0.5 teaspoon each;
  5. Anion-gel gelling agent and MATRIXYL peptide - 20 drops each;
  6. preservative Optiphen MIT Ultra - 3-4 drops;
  7. mineral or purified water - 1 tablespoon.
  1. Mix the active ingredients (peptide, Elast-Col, anti-aging complex and AlfaLip) in water.
  2. Stir for a couple of minutes and thicken with gelling agent.
  3. Continuing active mixing: add all the base oils and secure with a preservative.

Magic smoothing cream - video


A universal, carotene-rich anti-aging cream suitable for women of any age and all skin types.

  1. carrot juice and beeswax - 1 tablespoon each;
  2. vegetable oil (of your choice) - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Prepare fresh carrot juice.
  2. In separate containers, place beeswax and oil-carrot mixture in a water bath; Warm up without letting it boil.
  3. When the ingredients have cooled slightly, mix them thoroughly until the cream thickens.

With aloe

A very inexpensive and easy-to-prepare anti-aging cream, recommended for ladies of Balzac age with dry and combination skin.

  1. baby cream - 2 tablespoons;
  2. grape seed oil and sea buckthorn oil - 1 teaspoon each.
  3. aloe vera juice - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Pick a leaf from a three-year-old aloe plant ahead of time and place it in the refrigerator overnight to activate the beneficial compounds.
  2. Peel the leaf and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  3. Mix and beat all the ingredients of the cream until creamy.

Inexpensive and effective day cream - video


A very simple and effective anti-wrinkle remedy, used at night; works effectively in the age category from 40 to 50 years.

  1. honey and castor oil - 1 tablespoon each;
  2. Cosmetic Vaseline - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Pharmaceutical iodine - 2 drops.


  1. Mix and beat all ingredients with a fork.
  2. Apply shortly before bed, removing excess cream with a napkin.
  3. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

Making a rejuvenation potion

Cooking witchcraft anti-aging potions is a worthy activity for every woman. especially since it is so easy, fun and interesting!


The composition actively saturates the skin with collagen, tightens it and increases turgor even in old age; optimal for dull, inflamed skin after fifty years, has a slight whitening effect.

  1. gelatin - 1 tablespoon;
  2. mineral water and glycerin - 0.5 cups each;
  3. aspirin - 1 tablet;
  4. natural honey - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Soak the gelatin in mineral water in advance; when it swells, place it in a water bath.
  2. Heat until completely dissolved, gradually stir in glycerin; Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Remove the mixture from heat and cool to forty degrees.
  4. Crush aspirin and grind it with honey; stir until smooth with the liquid part of the cream and beat.
  5. Use half an hour before bedtime.

Firming cream with gelatin - video

With calendula

The cream has a comprehensive rejuvenating effect on the skin: nourishes, moisturizes, stimulates renewal; Well smoothes out facial wrinkles and first age wrinkles in women from 35 to 50 years old.

  1. calendula inflorescences - 0.5 cups;
  2. calendula oil and beeswax - 1 tablespoon each;
  3. lemon and frankincense esters - 0.5 tablespoon each;
  4. lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  5. almond oil - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Steam the calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water; When the infusion has cooled, strain it.
  2. Add two tablespoons of infusion and lemon juice, continuing heating, into the melted mixture of wax and oils.
  3. Mix thoroughly, heat everything together and remove from heat.
  4. When the cream has cooled, add esters to it.

With chamomile

Excellent anti-wrinkle night cream; most effective in the age range from 35 to 50 years.

  1. olive or almond oil, chamomile decoction - 1 tablespoon each;
  2. liquid honey and cosmetic Vaseline - 1 teaspoon each;
  3. sea ​​salt - 2 teaspoons;
  4. chicken egg yolk.


  1. Prepare a concentrated chamomile decoction in advance (a tablespoon of dried flowers in half a glass of water).
  2. Place the Vaseline in a steam bath to melt, meanwhile mix the yolk and butter until smooth.
  3. Dissolve honey and salt in the yolk-oil suspension.
  4. Add the broth and melted Vaseline; beat thoroughly.
  5. Before using the cream, each time it is recommended to wash your face with a warm chamomile decoction, and in the morning wipe your skin with a chamomile ice cube.

With cucumber juice

Actively moisturizes, saturates with oxygen and restores tired skin; Suitable for ladies from 35 to 50 years old.

  1. fresh cucumber juice and beeswax - 2 tablespoons each;
  2. peach or olive oil - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Melt the beeswax and gradually pour the juice and oil into it; stir until smooth.
  2. Remove from heat and beat the cream with a fork or mixer until the cream has cooled completely.

Cleopatra's Secret

According to legend, this wonderful cream was used by the legendary Queen of Egypt, the beautiful Cleopatra, to preserve her youth.

  1. aloe juice and rose water - 2 tablespoons each;
  2. rendered animal fat - a third of a glass;
  3. Linden or flower honey - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Heat the fat over very low heat, gradually adding all the other ingredients except honey.
  2. When the mass becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat and cool slightly, then add honey and stir it well.


Mix grape seed oil, sesame and olive oil (7 ml each) as a base, add borax as an emulsifier (one teaspoon), water (40 ml), 5 drops of tea tree or lavender (essential oils), take liquid as active substances vitamins A or E (2–3 g each). For homemade cream, it is better to use cold-pressed olive oil.



Nourishing night cream with vitamins. Intended: for problem skin Properties: soothes the skin, actively fights acne, has a rejuvenating effect: smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin To prepare it you will need: - base cream - 1 tbsp. spoon; — vitamins “Aevit” — 3 capsules; — fish oil (Omega-3) — 3 capsules; — combilipen (group of B vitamins) — 1 ampoule; — Rosewood EO — 4–5 drops;

Little Bee


It’s actually an interesting activity, but only if you liked chemistry at school at least a little. There you need to select the correct proportions, ratios, and weight. Mix the components correctly. My first 3-4 attempts didn’t work out very well, but now I make my own cream, although out of laziness I sometimes alternate with store-bought cream. The shelf life is short, about two weeks for homemade cream if stored correctly. Well, through testing you select what suits you))



For my very, very dry skin, I make a mash of glycerin and vitamin E. I just mix it in equal proportions and smear it on my face at night instead of moisturizer.



Friends from work, when they found out that I was making cream, bombarded me with orders - to which they were warned that I was not a specialist, and if allergies developed - no complaints, they took payment only for the ingredients. Nobody complained. Not one of my creams has ever deteriorated or separated - I attribute this merit to the emulsifier, and not to my beloved :) The only negative is that it is a labor- and time-consuming procedure, so it is not possible to cook the cream as often as I would like.



The crisis forced me to master cream making and feel like a real alchemist! What I did really helped to tighten the pores and deal with the rash on the face.—CREAM FOR MOM—Oily phase: 2 tsp. avocado oils; 2 tsp rice oil; 1.5 tsp. emulsifier Planta M (ordered on the website). Water phase: 6–7 tsp. water, green tea or rose hydrosol; 1 tsp aloe vera gel. 12 drops NUF (Natural Moisturizing Factor); 10 drops of Lanablu - a smoothing anti-aging active - purchased there, on the website; 1 tsp You can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil (no more), a few drops of pharmaceutical vitamin E oil. The process is very simple. Take a saucepan, pour some boiling water and put two glass containers there (for the oil and water phases). 1. On the right we have rose hydrosol, and on the left we have 1.5 tsp. emulsifier planta M. 2. Help the emulsifier to melt with a wooden stick. 3. And add all the necessary oils... 4. Take out both cups and pour the hot water phase into the oil phase. 5. After ten minutes, as soon as the cream begins to thicken, you can add active ingredients. The skin “eats” the cream with large spoons and absorbs it instantly. The structure is very light and does not stretch the skin.



High-quality homemade cosmetics may well not only successfully compete with store-bought ones, but also compare favorably with ready-made, expensive analogues. The main value of competently prepared homemade creams lies in their exclusively natural ingredients, the complex of which is selected purely individually. Such products act in a targeted manner, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin in each specific case, and do not give side effects from which you are not guaranteed when purchasing advertised facial care products.

Wrinkles are considered a sign of old age. But cosmetologists have long argued that their appearance is facilitated not only by age-related changes. Vivid facial expressions and metabolic disorders at the cellular level in the skin are factors that provoke the formation of premature wrinkles.

Beauty salons offer hundreds of procedures aimed at actively combating them. But not all ladies can afford such actions. But don’t despair, because in ancient times women had no idea about cosmetic procedures with the help of modern technologies, but this did not stop them from looking like royalty.

Secrets of socialites

Even today, elementary food products are used by celebrities to give their face freshness and get rid of expression lines. At the same time, many secular representatives of the fairer sex do not recognize chemical procedures aimed at rejuvenation. It is better to prepare a homemade anti-wrinkle mask. It contains regular products and some pharmacy items.

For example, Rachel Skarsten recently said in an interview that she takes milk baths every week and washes her face with milk every other day. She borrowed these procedures from the magnificent Cleopatra, who clearly knew the secret of youth. And the charming Emma Stone admitted that she is severely allergic to all industrial anti-wrinkle creams. That's why she uses grape oil, making her own cream. The result is obvious, there is no arguing about it!

Our stars also use their grandmothers' beauty recipes. Valeria wipes her face with ice cubes made from chamomile infusion every day. This not only tones tired skin, but also helps fight shallow wrinkles. Oksana Fedorova generally claims that her skin is velvety and so fresh due to the bread cream that her friend makes, who is fond of making homemade cosmetics.

It is impossible to verify the words of socialites, but you can make your own anti-wrinkle cream. Its effect will be noticeable after just a few procedures.

The main thing is to use only fresh ingredients and check your skin for allergic reactions.

Recipes from famous beauties: anti-wrinkle creams at home

When using homemade cosmetics, it is worth remembering that their shelf life should not exceed ten days. Therefore, the cream is made in small portions, which is enough for 7-10 days.

Cream with sea salt against deep wrinkles

A fresh chicken egg yolk is ground with two dessert spoons of olive or almond oil. A teaspoon of fine edible sea salt is poured into the mixture and the mixture is stirred. It is worth preparing a chamomile decoction in advance (1/3 cup of herb per glass of boiling water). You will need two large spoons of chamomile infusion, which is added to the original mass. Next, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and cosmetic Vaseline. The cream is mixed very thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency. The cream is applied every day for 25-30 minutes. Residues are removed with a gauze swab soaked in mineral water without gases. The cream is stored in the refrigerator.

Get rid of wrinkles with avocado cream

First you need to purchase a ripe avocado and peel it and remove the pit and peel. The pulp is cut into pieces and whipped with a blender. Add 3 teaspoons of olive oil and several pieces of peeled cucumber to the fruit porridge. The cream is thoroughly whipped and applied to the skin of the face; you can put a chilled cucumber ring on the eyes. Remove the residual cream with a napkin after 15-20 minutes.

Flaxseed oil cream for facial wrinkles

Three egg yolks are ground with 200 ml of cream and three large spoons of linseed oil. You will also need two lemons, they should be prepared as follows - the rind of the fruit is cut into slices and filled with hot water for 2-3 hours. The juice is squeezed out of the citrus pulp. It is mixed with three dessert spoons of bee honey. The juice is mixed with the yolk mixture and stirred. Next, a tincture of lemon peels (250 ml) is added to the cream. The mixture is filled with camphor alcohol (150 ml). This tincture is poured into a 0.5 liter bottle and diluted to the neck with warm water. The bottle must be stored in a dark place with noticeable coolness. Shake the miracle cure before each use. Apply it twice a day: morning and evening. A clean face is simply wiped with a cotton pad soaked in this mixture.

Rejuvenating cream with quail eggs

You need to heat the olive oil in a steam bath, you will need 0.2 liters. Grated beeswax (50 grams) is thrown into the heated liquid. After five minutes, the yolks of three quail eggs are beaten in. The mixture will rise before boiling, so stir continuously. The oil should boil for 3-5 minutes. The mixture is cooled and applied as a night cream. It is better to use it every other day. The cream can be stored for 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

DIY gelatin cream for wrinkles

The following products are mixed in one container: half a glass of boiled water, a teaspoon of gelatin, 3 dessert spoons of honey, ½ cup of glycerin and a pinch of salicylic acid. After thorough mixing, the future cream is placed in a steam bath. It will cook until smooth. After cooling, the cream is constantly whipped, you should get a jelly-like slurry. The cream should be applied for 20 minutes, the residue should be removed with a napkin. It is better to store the nourishing anti-wrinkle cream in the refrigerator for about a month.

Cream with iodine for the prevention of wrinkles

Add 3 drops of iodine to an empty bowl. Next, add a small spoon of Vaseline, an ampoule of castor oil and a tablespoon of thick honey. All initial components are mixed until creamy. The cream is stored in the refrigerator and applied to the face every other day before bed. It is important to use this home remedy regularly. And the result will be amazing.

Getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes with a homemade cream

Beat the egg white with two tablespoons of almond oil. You need to get a thick foam that will be applied to your face. The cream stays on the skin until it dries completely.