Hand mask recipe

If you dream of your hands being well-groomed and beautiful, pay them as much attention as possible. Very often, a woman’s age is revealed by her hands, and neither cosmetics nor clothes can hide this.

Taking care of your skin is not as difficult as it might seem. It is enough to have several effective recipes in your arsenal and use them regularly.

To keep your hand skin healthy, homemade masks based on natural products are ideal.

General recommendations for use:

  1. Masks should be done every week
  2. Exposure time – up to 20 minutes
  3. Wash off masks with warm water
  4. They do not replace daily cosmetics (cream), but have a complex therapeutic effect on the skin of the hands.

Honey based masks

Honey is widely used in cosmetics: it is an indispensable component in many masks and creams. Even at home, from ordinary products, you can prepare healing compositions based on honey that clean and moisturize your hands well and effectively combat skin aging.

Along with honey, the mask may also contain other components - egg yolk, glycerin, lemon juice, vegetable oil.

Depending on the condition of your skin now, the following masks are recommended.

Honey mask

Suitable for any skin. It softens your hands and your skin becomes softer. You need to mix 15 g of honey, 1 yolk, add 25 g of oil (olive or almond) and add lemon juice. It is better to keep the mask on all night.

Honey-glycerin mask

Used to soften rough or cracked skin. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and glycerin with 2 tablespoons of water. Add oatmeal - 1 spoon. The mask lasts 25 minutes.

Egg mask

Effectively fights wrinkles on the hands. Prepare a mixture of one yolk and a tablespoon of honey. Simply rub into the skin of your hands overnight.

Potato-based masks

These masks have amazing properties. They nourish and moisturize rough skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and carry out lifting - wrinkles and folds are smoothed out. In no case should you make a potato mask from greened tubers - they are poisonous.

While applying the mask, it is advisable to relax, or even better, lie down or take a bath. Under the influence of temperature and steam, the pores open and your skin will receive more nutrients. It is better to wash off the mask with warm water, but do not rub the skin too hard - light circular movements are preferable.

Potato mask

Boil 2 potatoes and mash them with milk. The mixture is applied to your hands and left on for 3 hours.

Potato-lemon mask

Grind 2 boiled potatoes with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the skin of your hands. Make sure that the mask is still warm when applying. Then you should wrap your hands in plastic and wait 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and lubricate your hands with cream after the procedure.

Potato-honey mask

Allows you to restore firmness and elasticity to the skin. To prepare it, grate 1 raw potato, add a spoonful of honey to the pulp, a few drops of any juice (carrot, lemon, orange, cabbage).

Find out in what cases a protein diet is effective for weight loss, as well as a sample menu for the week.

You will learn how to make tanning oil at home in this article.

Oatmeal masks

Oatmeal-based cosmetics are known for their anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. They are suitable for any skin, easy to prepare and economical in price. This mask should take its rightful place among any woman’s skin care products.

Oatmeal mask

Take two tablespoons of oatmeal and pour boiling water over it, let it brew well until it swells, then add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and put on gloves.

Purifying oatmeal mask

Perfect for oily skin. Prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice). Keep for 25 minutes. This mask perfectly cleanses pores and tones the skin.

Oatmeal mask for rejuvenation

You will need 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 yolk and just a little avocado pulp. The mask lasts 20 minutes and is washed off with water at room temperature. The avocado in this mask is a source of vitamins, and the yolk perfectly nourishes the skin.

Cottage cheese and parsley mask

Take 3 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, mix with fish oil (half a teaspoon) of fat and a teaspoon of parsley juice. Squeeze the mixture to remove the juice. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese mask with green tea

Grind 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese with lemon zest. Then add 1 teaspoon of oil (preferably olive) and 1 tablespoon of green tea. Apply the pre-cooled mixture to your hands and hold for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Oil mask

The simplest, but no less effective, of the masks. Lubricate your hands with regular sunflower oil (or olive oil). Put on cotton gloves and hold for 20 minutes.

Bread mask

Take a crumb of bread and soak it in warm milk. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and hold for up to twenty minutes.

Grape mask

This is an excellent hand exfoliant. Mix grape pulp and oatmeal porridge in approximately equal proportions. The mask should cover the skin of your hands in a thick layer. Wash it off with warm water and then apply moisturizer.

Melon mask

Excellent whitening effect. The necessary ingredients are melon pulp, half a lemon (juice), starch. Prepare thick porridge. Apply a thin layer and leave for half an hour.

Balm for rough skin

You need to squeeze the juice of 1 orange and add half a glass of vegetable oil to it. Apply with circular massaging movements. Keep for 10 minutes, if the skin is too rough - half an hour. To enhance the effect, use cotton gloves. The balm can be stored refrigerated for 2 days and reused.

Egg-flax mask

Recipe for dry skin. Take 1 egg yolk and mix with a spoon of flaxseed oil. Add a tablespoon of honey and the juice of 1 lemon. Before applying the mask, wash your hands thoroughly in the water left over from boiling the potatoes, then lubricate them with a thick layer of the mixture. Put on gloves and hold for a couple of hours.

Carrot mask

Suitable for rough skin on hands. Grate the carrots, add sour cream (1 spoon) and a little olive oil. The mask is applied to clean, prepared hands and kept for 40 minutes.

Jelly mask with corn flour

Add 4 grams of corn flour and 50 grams of glycerin to 40 ml of warm boiled water. Apply the resulting jelly to your hands.

Hand baths

If your hands are chapped and flaky, you can take therapeutic restorative baths.

Cabbage brine bath

You can also do it with regular serum. Hold your hands in the solution for several minutes - it heals cracks perfectly.

Ammonia-glycerin bath

If your skin is so rough that even cream does not help, you can prepare such a bath. One tablespoon of glycerin and one teaspoon of ammonia are diluted in two liters of warm water.

Herbal baths - chamomile, linden or sage - have a life-giving effect on your hands. Soak your hands in the prepared broth for ten minutes, then lubricate with your nourishing cream.

Starch baths

Useful for softening hands. Dilute one spoon of starch in a glass of water. The paste is then diluted again in a liter of heated water. Hold your hands in this bath for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It can also be used for dry and rough elbows.

General rules for using hand masks

The mask will give the best effect if you first steam your hands in hot water.

To obtain a visible effect, the mask must be used weekly.

The composition of the mask should be selected in accordance with the problem that has arisen (dryness, peeling, redness, etc.)

After applying the mixture, cotton gloves are usually put on your hands, and then warming mittens.

After applying the mask, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
All ingredients must be fresh.

It is better to make masks at night to give your hands a rest after the procedure and avoid contact with household chemicals.

During the cold season, the delicate skin of the hands especially requires attention and care: wind, snow, excessive humidity - all this contributes to peeling of the skin and accelerated aging processes. In order to be fully equipped to take care of your hands every day, you need to take care of them: purchased or homemade masks for dry hand skin, creams and lotions.

Dry hand skin and causes

Hands are a girl’s business card. Few people know that it is also a kind of sensor of the state of the body.

Dry skin can be caused by several factors:

  1. poor nutrition;
  2. lack of vitamins and microelements;
  3. diseases of the circulatory or endocrine system (anemia, iodine deficiency);
  4. change in weather, strong wind, snow, etc.
  5. lack of proper hand care;
  6. working with chemicals or detergents without protective gloves.


Dry hand skin

Even in the cold season, try to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, be sure to take vitamins, this will not only support your appearance, but also improve the internal state of your body.

If the creams sold in stores are somewhat expensive or do not inspire confidence, then you can make moisturizing and nourishing hand masks at home.

Be sure to do a manicure and pedicure at home once a week: trim rough skin, remove cuticles, and shape the nail. Follow the recommendations for caring for the skin of your hands and nails, and then you will not be in danger of dryness or cracks.

When working with detergents, lubricate the handles generously with cream, and then put on gloves.

Video: Making a hand mask at home

Nourishing hand masks

Honey-based creams work great, and such products are universal: they are also moisturizing and whitening masks for hands.

  1. You need to take 3 teaspoons honey and 1 olive or corn oil, mix until smooth, then add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the mixture and apply overnight. You can wear cotton gloves for more intense hydration.
  2. Heat up honey, it should be warm and a little runny. Mix it with the yolk and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Apply the paste to your hands and leave overnight. After wearing certain types of panties and bras, inflammation or diaper rash occurs on the body. Use this cream on damaged areas.
  3. Banana – not only a good way to lift your spirits, but also an effective method of combating seasonal dry skin on your hands. Mash the fruit into a paste and mix with a teaspoon of butter and honey. Lubricate your hands with the resulting solution and leave for 40 minutes to an hour. Rinse with water.
  4. An effective nourishing hand mask can be made even using ordinary boiled potatoes. The vegetable needs to be crushed and mixed with milk, grease the surface of your hands with this mixture and leave for three hours.
  5. Widely used to improve skin color cereals – this cereal not only removes toxins from the body, but also nourishes dry skin. Steam 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a tablespoon of water, mix the porridge with any cosmetic oil and 1 portion of glycerin. This product also effectively fights blackheads on the face. Both for hands and for the face, glycerin is considered one of the most effective skin softening agents.


    Photo: banana hand mask
  6. Has proven itself very well bread mask. The nutrients contained in ordinary white crumb are well absorbed by the skin of the hands. Soak a piece in warm water and apply the resulting puree to your hands. Wash off after half an hour.
  7. Grape. You need to mix the berries with oatmeal (ground) and use water to make a paste from the ingredients. Then massage your hands with this solution and rinse after 20 minutes. After sugar hair removal or Brazilian hair removal, apply this mixture to the treated areas of the skin and leave for 40 minutes - this will restore balance and relieve irritation.

Moisturizing hand masks at home

  1. Green tea helps fight fatigue and dry skin well. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a spoon of strong tea, add a teaspoon of oil (sunflower or olive), and a little lemon zest, mix and hold on your hands for half an hour.
  2. Cucumbers and zucchini are also able to saturate the body with moisture. Grate any of the vegetables, mix with oatmeal, you should get a strong paste, apply to your hands and face.
  3. Linen mask – a powerful argument in the fight against congenital dry skin. Mix the plant oil with a tablespoon of honey, the juice of a whole lemon and apply to your hands. We put gloves on top and wait two hours, then wash off with potato broth.

Home remedies for chapped and aging skin

Rejuvenating masks for hand skin

Hands age faster than the rest of the body, and therefore care must be much more careful. Helps well French anti-aging hand masks based on oats or eggs.

  1. Beat two yolks until pale yellow, add 30 ml of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to your hands, place the remainder in the refrigerator, use as needed after baths (for example, after an olive bath).


    Egg hand mask
  2. This mask is good for very dry, aging skin, or if it has been exposed to chemicals. You will need one yolk and a tablespoon of flax oil. Mix the ingredients and add a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. Before use, wash your hands well with water without soap and wipe dry. Apply the product for at least 40 minutes, preferably overnight.

Paraffin hand mask

The salon paraffin therapy procedure has proven itself very well. An excellent remedy for combating flaking and dryness. We will need:

  1. Medical paraffin 2 kg (sold in every pharmacy).
  2. A good nourishing cream (say, honey with olive oil).
  3. Patience.


Hand gloves

Place the paraffin in a tall enamel bowl (the container must be absolutely dry) and melt over low heat. Before starting the procedure, be sure to cleanse your skin with a hand scrub and apply a nourishing cream. Now remove the paraffin from the heat, it should be a pleasant warm temperature, do not bring the mixture to a boil. We begin the procedure by dipping our hands. First, lower your fingers for a few seconds, check the temperature, then completely immerse your hands in the mixture for 10 seconds and remove, repeat this action 8 times.

As a result, a paraffin film should form on the skin. We put on cotton or terry gloves and leave the mask on for half an hour. After this time is over, the wax will be removed from your hands along with the glove, apply a nourishing cream and enjoy the result.

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The skin of your hands needs no less care than the skin of your face or body. Hands are the first to be exposed to negative factors and the first to show age, so it is advisable to start caring for them from a young age. And after thirty, anti-aging procedures should become regular.

Special hand masks will help restore smoothness, beauty and velvety to your hands. At home they are quite accessible. Such procedures usually last from 15 to 40 minutes. They need to be done once or twice every week.

Rejuvenating hand mask at home

Caring masks

  1. Heat the honey slightly, add chopped oatmeal and egg yolk to it.
  2. Mix honey with vegetable oil in a ratio of three to one and add 2-3 drops of fresh lime or lemon juice. It is better to take olive or corn oil.

These masks are done immediately before bedtime. It is advisable to wear linen gloves on your hands to enhance the process of nourishing the skin and not to stain the bed linen. In addition to hand masks, we also recommend: Eyelash mask at home

You can make a honey-glycerin mask at any time: mix honey (1 teaspoon), glycerin and flour (2 teaspoons each) until smooth. Apply the mixture to your hands, hold for about 20 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water. All kinds of hand masks can be made at home. For dry skin, for example, fruit and vegetable mixtures will be beneficial.

  1. Banana honey mask. Make a paste from banana pulp, butter and natural honey (1 teaspoon each). Apply it to your hands, and after 40 minutes. rinse with warm water. The skin will become soft and tender.
  2. Regular potatoes have an excellent effect on dry skin on your hands. Boil the potatoes, mash them and pour a little milk into them. Spread the puree on your hands and leave for three hours.
  3. A grape mask will eliminate irritation and moisturize: make a paste of grapes and ground oatmeal. Coat your hands with the paste and massage, rinse after 20–40 minutes.
  4. Melon: add the juice of half a lemon to the crushed melon pulp. For more thickness, you can add a little starch. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  5. A cucumber or zucchini mask can also be used for the face. It will perfectly nourish the skin with moisture. This mask is very easy to make - you just need to grate a cucumber or zucchini and mix it with oatmeal, and then apply it to the skin.
  6. Carrot: mix 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and olive oil, add grated carrots to the mixture. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply the mixture to your hands and put on gloves. Keep the mixture on for about 40 minutes, then wash your hands thoroughly.
  7. Strawberry curd: crush several strawberries, combine with cottage cheese (1 tbsp.). Spread the mixture onto your hands after 20 minutes. wash off.

Nourishing masks for dry skin

In autumn and winter, hand masks will help nourish and moisturize the skin.

  1. Oatmeal is an excellent food for dry skin on your hands. You need to fill the oatmeal with water in a ratio of 2 to 1 and add a teaspoon of glycerin and any cosmetic oil (jojoba, grape seed, almond, etc.) to the “porridge”.
  2. A very effective method for combating dry skin is a bread mask. Anyone can make it - you just need to soak a piece of white bread in water and apply the mixture to your hands. When after 30 minutes the bread has given all its beneficial substances to the skin, the mask can be washed off.
  3. Due to its beneficial properties, green tea combats dryness and fatigue of the skin well. You need to mix it with cottage cheese (take a tablespoon of each), add a small amount of lemon zest and a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil. Keep the mixture in your hands for half an hour.
  4. Mask with cottage cheese: add a little olive oil to the cottage cheese (100 g), mix well. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes.

The best anti-aging hand masks

Procedures to prolong the youthfulness of hand skin

Age-related changes are especially noticeable on the hands, and in order to keep them young as long as possible, after 30 years it is recommended to make anti-aging masks twice a week.

  1. French rejuvenating mask: beat 2 egg yolks, pour olive oil (30 ml) into them. Mix and apply the required amount to your hands, hold for 20 minutes. The rest can be refrigerated and used as needed.
  2. The mixture with oatmeal also has an effective anti-aging effect: combine 6 tablespoons of ground oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of milk and one spoon of flower or other honey. Mix everything and apply the mask for a quarter of an hour.
  3. A flaxseed mask is good for aging or too dry hand skin: add one tablespoon of flaxseed oil, the yolk of one egg and the juice squeezed from a whole lemon to a cup. Mix everything. Apply the mixture in a thick layer and put on cotton gloves. Keep for 2 hours, then wash your hands and apply any nourishing cream to the skin.

If the skin on your hands is so dry that it even cracks, hand masks against cracks will help.

  1. Coffee shop. Brew coffee, strain, apply coffee grounds to your hands. Rinse off after 5 minutes and apply a rich cream. Small cracks will disappear after the first procedure.
  2. Calendula softens rough skin very well and heals cracks: apply calendula ointment at night, put on gloves, and wash off the rest of the ointment in the morning. If this procedure is carried out once a week, your hands will always be in excellent condition.
  3. Orange balm effectively helps with rough skin. You need to take one orange and squeeze the juice out of it. Add half a glass of vegetable oil to the juice and stir. This balm is applied to the skin of the hands and elbows in a thin layer with massaging movements. You can leave it on the skin for up to half an hour. When finished, blot off any remaining residue with a cosmetic wipe. To obtain a lasting result, the procedure should be carried out for 3-4 days in a row - the prepared amount will be enough, and the balm can be stored in the refrigerator.

It happens that the skin has reached such a state that masks and creams no longer have any effect. Then try making hand baths.

  1. Glycerin ammonia: mix a tablespoon of glycerin and a teaspoon of ammonia in 2 liters of warm water. Keep your hands in this bath for 10–15 minutes.
  2. Herbal: prepare a decoction of chamomile, sage or linden blossom, soak your hands in it for 10 minutes, then dry them and lubricate them with cream.
  3. Cracks are eliminated by a bath of flax seed decoction: pour one spoon of flaxseed with two glasses of boiling water, put on fire, boil for 15–20 minutes.
  4. You can heat vegetable (olive or sunflower) oil and hold your palms in it.

Paraffin hand mask

Paraffin therapy is often offered in salons. This is an excellent remedy for dryness and flaking. A similar procedure can be carried out at home.

Method No. 1

You will need: 2 kg of medical paraffin and nourishing cream. Place the paraffin in a dry enamel bowl and melt over low heat (or in the microwave), without bringing to a boil. While the paraffin is melting, clean the skin with any scrub (you can use leftover coffee) and apply cream. Remove the container from the heat (the paraffin should be at a pleasant temperature, never scalding).

Place your hands in the paraffin for a few seconds, then pull them out and put them back in again. Perform the operation 8 times. A paraffin film forms on the skin. Wear cotton gloves and keep the mask on for 30 minutes. Remove gloves (the paraffin should come off) and apply any nourishing cream to the skin.

Method No. 2

You will need: a piece of paraffin, one teaspoon each of natural wax and cocoa butter, 3-4 tablespoons of oil (preferably olive), a tablespoon of sea salt.

Heat olive oil in a water bath, add salt to it. Heat the paraffin separately, also in a water bath. After it melts, add wax and cocoa butter to it, mix everything.

Wash your hands, scrub them with a scrub of olive oil and salt, then dry with a napkin. Dip your hands into paraffin several times. When finished, put on plastic gloves and linen gloves on top. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, then remove the paraffin with a napkin and lubricate your hands with cream. Such masks should be performed once a week in a course of 10 procedures.

Important! Paraffin masks should not be used for skin diseases; paraffin cannot be reused.

There is nothing complicated in caring for your hands, you just need regularity. Don’t let your hands get too busy – it’s much easier to maintain a normal state than to try to return exhausted skin to a well-groomed and attractive appearance.

Rejuvenating hand mask

To prepare such a mask, you need to boil two potatoes and mash them with three tablespoons of warm milk. Milk can be replaced with one spoon of olive oil. The consistency should resemble sour cream. After applying the puree to your hands, you must wear plastic gloves. Leave for 25 minutes, then wash off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a fairly rich and nourishing cream to wet hands. Anti-aging hand masks are more effective if done every day for a week.

In winter, hands become dry more often and are more susceptible to chapping and cracking. In this case, sauerkraut helps. The brine needs to be heated and your hands held there for about 15 minutes. The substances contained in the brine increase the regeneration of the skin of the hands.

Rejuvenating hand mask recipes

The skin on your hands is drier than on your face. In addition, the negative impact of external factors on the hands is much more active than on the face. Is it any wonder that hands age much faster than the face, and they are the ones that can most often give away our age. In order to prevent this, you need to do all harmful household work with gloves, lubricate your hands with cream several times a day, and also - Make rejuvenating hand masks regularly. To do this, you can go to beauty salons and buy special products. Or you can make them according to proven folk recipes.

The most popular hand care procedures


With age, the skin loses its ability to renew itself, and the process of getting rid of dead skin particles occurs much more slowly? This is why you need to help your skin with a scrub. The simplest hand scrub recipe consists of: salt, sea or regular table salt (only the salt should be coarse enough) and oils – flaxseed, olive, or sunflower. Mix these ingredients, apply the mixture to a cotton pad and rub your hands with it. After this, wash them with warm water.

An equally effective effect will be achieved if you replace the salt with coffee grounds.

Honey lifting

If you are not allergic to honey, you can safely use it for cosmetic purposes. At least, no one has yet invented anything better for skin tightening.

Heat 2 tbsp. spoons of honey in a steam bath. After this, add 1 yolk to it. Stir. Now add half a tablespoon of sour cream to the resulting mass. After mixing all the ingredients until smooth, apply the mixture to your hands and leave for 15 minutes. This mask has an instant tightening effect. Do it regularly - at least once a week.

There is another very nourishing mask based on honey. Mix 1 yolk and juice of 1 lemon. After that, add 2 tbsp to them. spoons of honey and a few drops of almond oil. Mix well. It is best to leave the resulting composition overnight, applying it to your hands and putting on SPA gloves over it.

Option #3: mix 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped oatmeal. It is also recommended to apply this mask at night and wear cotton gloves over it.

Potato mask

This mask captivates with its simplicity, combined with an impressive effect. All ingredients are available, nothing exotic. Cheap, cheerful and effective.

It is enough to boil a few potatoes in their skins, then peel them, grind them into puree, add warm milk to them and put your hands in it. Wait for the puree to cool completely. When you take your hands out of it, wash them and lubricate them with cream, they will be soft and elastic.

Rejuvenating hand baths

Mix chamomile, dill, sage and linden – 10 g of each ingredient. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. After this, filter the broth and add 4 tbsp. spoons of salt. We immerse our hands in the broth and sit like this for 20 minutes.

Another option for a rejuvenating bath is celery root infusion. To do this, you need to grind it and boil it in a liter of water. After straining, similarly, immerse your hands in the broth for 20 minutes.

Another option for a simple and affordable bath is regular potato broth. Boil the potatoes without adding salt. When the broth has cooled down a little, immerse your hands in it for a while.

These baths are an excellent prevention of aging of the skin of the hands.

You need to make anti-aging hand masks regularly – 1-2 times a week. And it is better to start this process preventively, after 30 years. And with the help of our recipes, hand care will be simple and affordable.

Video: Rejuvenating hand mask