Retinoic ointment reviews for acne instructions

Retinoic ointment is a preparation for external and internal use based on isotretionine, a form of vitamin A. It is widely used in dermatological practice.

The effect of isotretionine on the human body has not been fully studied, but it is reliably known that this substance affects all systems of the body.

Composition of the product

The composition of this drug includes (in descending order):

  1. isotretionine 0.05 g;
  2. butylated hydroxytoluene;
  3. butylated hydroxyanisole;
  4. emulsion wax;
  5. Vaseline oil;
  6. glycerol;
  7. ethanol;
  8. purified water.

The main active ingredient is the biologically active substance isotrethionine, the remaining components are auxiliary, necessary for ease of application, as well as achieving a viscous consistency.


Indications and contraindications

This remedy must be used after consultation with a doctor, often when:

  1. skin problems (pimples, ulcers, blackheads, comedones);
  2. the product has a “drying” effect;
  3. normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces the formation of secretions, which is an excellent substrate for the proliferation of infection and bacteria;
  4. has some anti-inflammatory effect;
  5. activates healing processes and renewal in epithelial tissues.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or use the product without a doctor’s prescription.

All isotretionine-containing medications (including retinoic ointment for acne on the face), as well as vitamins A, are strong teratogens, i.e. substances that provoke severe mutations and deformities in the fetus during intrauterine development.

The ointment is contraindicated for use:

  1. pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy;
  2. when breastfeeding;
  3. individual intolerance;
  4. liver failure;
  5. hypervitaminosis A;
  6. joint therapy with tetracycline;
  7. disorders of the kidneys and liver.

How to use

Like any medicine, retinoic acne ointment should be used only for its intended purpose for medicinal purposes according to the instructions. When applied topically, you should adhere to the following recommendations, which describe how to use retinoic ointment for acne:

  1. The skin should be cleaned of impurities.
  2. Pat dry with a clean towel.
  3. Apply the composition in a thin layer evenly only to problem skin with light circular movements, being careful not to rub.

The duration and frequency of use of retinoic ointment for acne depends on the recommendations and reviews of the dermatologist, as well as the intensity of the rash. The duration of applications with retinoic ointment for acne can last up to three months in accordance with the instructions for use.





Where can I buy

Pharmacy name Address A drug Price, rub
Alexandrovskaya Pharmacy Moscow, st. Generala Belova, 9 Retinoic ointment 0.05% 10g 264
Planet Health St. Petersburg, lane. Kuznechny, 17/2 A Retinoic ointment 0.05% 10g 295
Online Pharmacy Minsk, Nezavisimosti St. 155/1 Retinoic ointment 0.05% 12 bel. R
Online pharmacy Farmnova Kyiv Retinoic ointment 0.1% 10g 379.5 UAH

Is it possible to leave the ointment on overnight?

Retinoids are quite active substances, and compositions based on them may cause some skin reactions after use. For example, redness, peeling, mild itching. As a rule, such reactions are minor and pass quickly. But with prolonged exposure to large amounts of retinoic acne ointment, unpleasant consequences are possible, including chemical burns and blisters.

You can read reviews about use, look at before and after photos, before finding out experimentally whether retinoic ointment helps with acne. In any case, it is strongly recommended not to apply the product generously and for a long time, especially at night.

To ensure that the body is reacting normally to the drug, you can apply it to a small area of ​​skin to monitor its reaction throughout the day.

Will acne go away forever?

It is important to realistically assess the capabilities of retinoic ointment and start from how serious the form of skin rash in the form of acne is. In numerous reviews and in the photos presented below, you can clearly observe the healing effect.

But you shouldn’t expect miraculous relief after several uses of retinoic acne ointment for severe inflammatory rashes in large quantities, although reviews and before and after photos say otherwise.

Only complex long-term therapy will give results. However, if you use retinoic ointment against small pimples, then it can be considered quite effective, allowing you to get rid of hated pimples for a long time.




Analogues of the drug

There are not many analogues to this product. Other retinoids with similar active substances include:

As a rule, the above drugs are used, for the most part, as a tool to combat fine expression wrinkles. However, based on the composition, they can sometimes be used not only for rejuvenation, but even against inflammatory reactions on the skin.

You should not purchase or use the listed medications yourself without first consulting your doctor.

Product reviews

The analysis of opinions about retinoic ointment was based on reviews on the Internet. It should be said that this acne remedy has conflicting reviews. For the most part, they are positive, but there are also those who are not entirely happy with the effect and even received a chemical burn as a result of application.

Tatyana Golovko, 24 years old:

I’ve suffered from problem skin since I was a teenager, and I’ve tried everything I’ve tried during that time. By chance, on the Internet, I came across an article about retinoic ointment for acne. I became interested, read the reviews, and the next day I went and bought it. My skin is quite oily, but after about a week of use it became much better. Although, in the first days I could not avoid redness and peeling. As a result, it’s already the third month of using this product. The one person who benefited from retinoic acne ointment was me. I won’t say that my skin has become perfect, but there are much fewer acne spots, and my face no longer looks like a sandwich with butter. I still use the product, but a friend said that long-term use can cause burns. That is why I am going to visit a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Oksana Pechorina, 17 years old:

My friend and I were watching TV one day, and in a program about health we heard about this ointment. It said that it helps in the fight against wrinkles and acne. I told my mom, she bought me retinoic ointment. They started using it together, only my mother for wrinkles, and I smeared it on my pimples and acne marks. My mother liked it, she says that she began to look younger, but I didn’t really like it, my skin was very hot, so I stopped using it completely. However, the problems did not end there: after 2 days, my face became very red and began to itch, so I had to run to the doctor. After an examination and a couple of tests, a burn and a severe allergic reaction were diagnosed. Now I am already treating completely different ailments. I do not recommend buying this product without consulting a doctor.

Liliya Gorodnichuk, 40 years old:

I have been familiar with this drug for quite a long time, sometimes I do so-called retinoic peels at home - a cool thing! But then my son became quite an adult, he learned all the “charms” of adolescence in the form of huge inflamed pimples on his youthful face, even on his back. She took me to a dermatologist; one of the medications he prescribed was retinoic ointment. What I want to say: it definitely helped, that’s why I left a review. For about a month we were treated for acne, of course, strictly following the instructions for use. Only then did visible results appear. The skin became much clearer, pinker, there were fewer blackheads, and the inflamed pimples disappeared completely.

Few people can boast of healthy, flawless skin. This is due to stress, poor environment, mental and physical stress, bad habits and diseases. To eliminate imperfections on the face, there is a rush for expensive cosmetics. But very close by, there is an affordable and effective remedy - retinoic ointment.

The drug is intended to combat acne of various origins, acne and dermatitis.

International name Isotretinoin.

Retinoic ointment - instructions for use, price

The drug is quite easy to use and does not cause difficulties. (An analogue of Azelik gel). In most cases, retinoic ointment is purchased for independent reasons, without consulting a specialist. In this case, you need to read the insert “Retinoic ointment - instructions”. It has clear recommendations for use and dosage.

The effect of the drug and its composition

The retinoids included in the ointment act gradually. You shouldn't expect a quick effect. This will take 2-3 weeks.

The active and main substance is retinoic acid. Another common name is isotretinoin. At its core, it is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A.

What happens under the influence of the ointment?

  1. The pores are narrowed and the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  2. Inflammation in the pimple area is eliminated;
  3. The scarring process is accelerated and the effects of acne are removed;
  4. Bacteria that cause acne are destroyed.
  5. Regeneration processes in skin cells are activated.

Under the influence of this drug, the amount of collagen in skin cells increases, which has a positive effect on its condition. After a course of treatment, not only acne and traces of it disappear, but also wrinkles, dryness and dullness.

At first, after several procedures (how to properly clean acne on your own), a deterioration in the general condition of the skin is observed: redness, new pimples, and peeling appear. This is a normal reaction and should not be scary. After 3 weeks the symptoms will disappear.

If severe burning, swelling and swelling occur, you need to stop the drug and consult a specialist.

Features of application

  1. It is advisable to use the drug when there is a small amount of fat on the skin. In other cases, it is better to use other means. For example, the drug Tsindol
  2. The drug is applied to a previously cleansed face in a minimal amount. Only problem areas are treated.
  3. To prevent the appearance of acne, it is enough to do the procedure once every 3 days.
  4. For situational use – pimples are treated until they disappear.
  5. To treat pimples, acne and their consequences, a course of treatment is carried out. The skin is treated morning and evening for 4-6 weeks.
  6. During an exacerbation of the disease, an ointment with a concentration of 0.1% is used. Then they switch to a less concentrated drug of 0.05%.
  7. If you use retinoic ointment, exclude all other products containing vitamin A. Because the vitamin can accumulate in the body, and its excess will lead to negative results.
  8. If you wear contact lenses, you should discard them during treatment.

Retinoic ointment – ​​price

The drug is sold in pharmacies. Available in 10 gram tubes and has a concentration of 0.05% and 0.1%. It is also possible to order online. Available without a prescription. Prices vary. Depends on the manufacturer and the location of the pharmacy.

Retinoic ointment 0.05% 10 g – from 220 to 393 rubles per pack.

Retinoic ointment 0.1% 10 g – from 253 to 897 rubles per pack.


Retinoic ointment is a drug that has contraindications. There are relatively few of them, but you should know:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Combined use with other retinoid drugs;
  3. Kidney and liver disease;
  4. Chronic pancreatitis;
  5. Cardiac dysfunction

Side effects are rare. If the rules and recommendations for using the product are violated or the treatment period is exceeded, dryness, peeling, redness and rash appear on the skin. You must stop using the product. The symptoms will disappear on their own after some time.

Patient reviews

Retinoic ointment and reviews about it are contradictory. This is due to the deterioration of the condition during the first time of using the drug. Many do not wait for the therapeutic effect and stop halfway. Those who completed the course to the end leave rave reviews for the drug.

Carolina, 20 years old:

“I’ve known about the effectiveness of retinoic ointment for a long time. When acne began to appear on my skin, I immediately remembered it. At first I used it spot on. I applied it only in those places where acne appeared. After 3 weeks, I began treating my entire face at night every 5 days. When the skin cleared up, I began to lubricate it once a week as a preventive measure. This way I overcame acne, pimples and blackheads!”

Svetlana, 23 years old:

“During treatment with this drug, you should not go outside in hot sunny weather. I did not know that. As a result, pigment spots appeared that I just can’t get rid of. This is the disadvantage of the drug. Can be used in autumn or winter. At other times of the year it’s risky!”

Ekaterina, 30 years old:

“I read reviews on the Internet and was terrified of redness, burning and all these delights. I had none of this. The acne began to disappear immediately. The skin became smooth and elastic, slightly flaky. After the course of treatment I became younger again. The product is effective. You need to use it correctly!”

Milana, 21 years old:

“Skin problems started in adolescence. I tried a lot of remedies. I decided to check this out too. I applied it at night before going to bed. In the morning, the treated areas of the skin glowed with a bright color. Ordinary burn. I applied moisturizer. In the evening the skin began to peel off. The next day it became smoother and the acne was less noticeable. The following procedure had the same effect. I continued to use this method for a month. The skin has cleared. There are fewer acne, but they haven’t disappeared at all!”

Olga, 18 years old:

“The effect of retinoic ointment is amazing. I have very problematic skin. The drug was prescribed by a dermatologist. The first two months were something terrible. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. Then improvements began. After 4 months, the skin became smooth and clean. Acne does not bother me for six months. There are no special acne. Sometimes a couple of pieces go by quickly. A very effective remedy! Thanks to the doctor for the good advice!”

Retinoic ointment for acne - reviews from cosmetologists

Alina, cosmetologist with 5 years of experience:

“Patients come to me with complaints of acne and pimples. A problem for many women that does not depend on age. Retinoic ointment is a proven remedy. More than once he showed his best side. My clients are happy, and so am I!”

Marina, cosmetologist with 10 years of experience:

“I immediately warn my clients about side effects. At first, the condition worsens. Many people run to me to swear, saying that I prescribed something wrong. I do an examination, conduct a conversation and continue the course further. After the third month they come to me with gratitude. A face without acne, smooth, elastic and toned!”

Svetlana, cosmetologist with 7 years of experience:

“Retinoic ointment has one significant drawback - it depends on the time of year. You always want to look beautiful, but especially in spring and summer. It is better not to use the drug at this time, as it can cause the appearance of age spots and burns. If you decide to use it, then you need to do the procedure before bed. By morning the ointment will be completely absorbed!”

Diana, cosmetologist with 15 years of experience:

“I am familiar with many drugs of different price categories. Frankly speaking, retinoic ointment is in no way inferior to expensive products. It has few contraindications. The action is concentrated only on the surface of the skin. There are no internal health problems. The effect lasts a long time because the problem is treated and not masked!”

Retinoid-based products were first used in the 70s. Many cosmetics contain retinoic acid. Its effectiveness has been proven a long time ago and has not been refuted to this day. It is better to choose an old, proven drug than a new one with a questionable effect. Experimenting with health is expensive! Find out what else to do if acne appears on your back.

Retinoic ointment for acne and age-related changes is a very popular pharmaceutical product aimed at combating skin imperfections. Thanks to its composition, in which the main role is played by natural derivatives of vitamin A, it is able to cope with many troubling problems. That is why this product has earned a single positive review not only in dermatology, but also in cosmetology.

Beneficial features


Retinoic ointment helps with acne if used correctly. The following positive changes in skin condition can be noted:

  1. exfoliation of dead areas of the epidermis occurs; skin metabolism is restored;
  2. the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized by reducing their secretion;
  3. helps against acne and blackheads, without leaving scars or scars;
  4. removes age spots and acne marks; inflammation around the glands is reduced;
  5. effective against stretch marks on the stomach and chest;
  6. provokes increased production of collagen in the dermis;
  7. stimulates its own regeneration processes;
  8. increases the immune properties of the skin, making them resistant to pathogenic bacteria and external irritants.

The degree of action of this medicine depends on its concentration. Having identified the troubling problem, the dermatologist prescribes a 0.05% drug (if small pimples, small wrinkles are bothering you, for prevention) or 0.1% (when there are more severe forms of rashes and obvious signs of aging).

Contraindications and side effects

Any medication is accompanied by an annotation describing the drug and its properties. The instructions for use require careful study, as they indicate the main contraindications and possible side effects.

The use of retinoic ointment is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  2. if a future pregnancy is planned;
  3. with impaired liver and kidney function;
  4. excess vitamin A in the body;
  5. presence of chronic pancreatitis;
  6. if there are allergic reactions to synthetic components of the drug.

Most often, side effects occur in the first stages of treatment and disappear after some time. Also, undesirable manifestations are observed when the medicine is used incorrectly or are caused by the characteristics of the body. These include:

  1. dryness and peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  2. slight burning sensation in the treated areas;
  3. irritation of the epidermis;
  4. sweating;
  5. an increase in the volume of rashes, as well as the size of individual pimples;
  6. redness and swelling at the application sites;
  7. increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

All these unpleasant symptoms arise due to the retinoic acid contained in it. Therefore, you should avoid overdose and strictly follow the treatment regimen indicated by the dermatologist. The topical drug is prescribed to representatives of both sexes and different age categories.


Before you start fighting rashes, you need to figure out how to use this product to get the desired result and avoid side effects.

When retinoic ointment is prescribed for acne, the instructions imply the following application regimen:

  1. treat problem areas twice a day after thoroughly cleansing the epidermis;
  2. depending on the condition of the integument, the course ranges from four to six weeks.

In the first two weeks of therapy, an increase in the number of rashes is noted (thus, excess sebum is removed and metabolic processes in the dermis are stabilized). Treatment is stopped only if the rash, redness and swelling are severe. The maximum result can be assessed only after three months of use. To prevent acne from returning in the future, it is enough to treat the skin once every four days.

Since the drug has cumulative properties, to avoid an overdose, at the end of the course you should change the medicine to a product with a weaker concentration of the active ingredients.

There is another way to use retinoic ointment to avoid negative consequences for the face as much as possible.

  1. in the first days of use, the drug is applied only once a day, before bedtime;
  2. If in this case itching and redness appear, the problem areas are smeared every other day.

Over the course of two weeks, the epidermis adapts to the impact exerted on it. Then they switch to non-daily use, the number of procedures increases to twice a day. This method is suitable for people with sensitive skin and patients who do not have time for a rehabilitation period.

The basis of the ointment is Vaseline; it is considered a very greasy component that helps clog pores. This factor can harm problem skin, so the drug is applied pointwise, only to areas that require therapy.

Features of the drug

Before you start treatment with this remedy, you should familiarize yourself with some of its distinctive properties and recommendations from specialists:

  1. You should not treat with a retinoid before going outside in hot sunny weather, as it makes the epidermis more vulnerable to ultraviolet rays;
  2. When using, it is better to avoid sensitive areas (lips, skin around the eyes);
  3. if your skin type is dry, then this product should be combined with a nourishing cream to prevent flaking and a feeling of tightness;
  4. You cannot stop treatment abruptly, it is better to do it gradually;
  5. Initially, retinoic ointment for acne can have the opposite effect and increase the number of rashes. Do not panic, as this is a temporary phenomenon, and in a week the condition of the dermis will become much better;
  6. it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of application and the duration of the course, only in this case the ointment helps.



Svetlana 24 years old:

I used different acne remedies, but they gave temporary results. I was interested in retinoic ointment for acne, reviews of which indicated a positive result. After completing the course, the effect really became noticeable. After a month, I practically got rid of not only acne, but also small wrinkles. To achieve clear skin, you need to have patience, since the first two weeks the inflammation becomes much greater, redness and peeling are disturbing.


Elizabeth 30 years old:

I have been using a lotion based on retinoic ointment for a very long time. I mix a spoonful of the product with the same volume of calendula tincture and two aspirin tablets. I apply it directly to acne and acne spots before bed. An effective method, I recommend it to everyone.


Alena 28 years old:

As summer approaches, the skin becomes more sensitive and acne appears. I took the risk of trying retinoic ointment on my own, without consulting a dermatologist. I was very afraid that it would irritate me even more (a common side effect), but this did not happen. Acne began to disappear after two weeks of treatment, and I noticed a reduction in the number of blackheads. The only drawback is that the skin becomes very dry, you have to constantly moisturize.

Retinoic ointment is a medicine, so it must be prescribed by a doctor. The drug not only removes bothersome symptoms, but also fights the causes of acne. Self-medication or violation of therapeutic standards indicated by a specialist can aggravate the situation and cause harm to the skin.