The mole grows and peels off

A nevus is a limited area of ​​accumulation of cells that produce the pigment melanin. This is an area of ​​the skin that is sensitive to external factors and requires special attention. It is believed that if a mole begins to peel off, this is an unfavorable sign, meaning a change in its structure and possible degeneration.


The causes of peeling nevi in ​​adults, children and adolescents are divided into external and those occurring inside the human body.

External causes of peeling include:

  1. Exposure to the sun. This is one of the most common factors influencing changes in the surface layer of an age spot. If a mole begins to peel off due to overheating, this is a process of natural change of epithelium. The color does not change, the shape remains convex or flat as it was originally. It is recommended to protect the nevus from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  2. The influence of ultraviolet radiation when visiting a solarium. After the procedure, the mole may begin to peel off, since the impact of UV radiation with artificial tanning is much stronger than with natural tanning. If the spot remains rough and continues to peel for a long time, you should consult a dermatologist.
  3. Aggressive exposure to caustic chemicals. If chemicals come into contact with the surface of the nevus, irritation or burns may occur.
  4. Allergy to components of cosmetic products. This applies to cosmetics that cause dry skin, and is also important for people with severe allergic reactions. In addition to peeling, allergies may cause local tissue swelling and itching (scalp, face). After 14 days, the rough layer should recover.
  5. Exposure to X-rays. Changing the surface is possible after taking multiple pictures during the examination.
  6. Mechanical injuries. Constant friction can cause irritation or damage to the mole, and then peeling off its upper covers.

It is necessary to reduce the impact of foreign factors on the surface of the mole. This is especially true for large and convex nevi.

Reasons related to internal processes of the body include:

  1. Phenotype. If a person has a light color of eyes, skin and hair, and there are a large number of moles on the body, then he belongs to a group of increased risk of degeneration of nevi. Changes in color (the spot becomes a darker color), texture (the skin cracks or peels) or size are a good reason to visit a dermatologist.
  2. Age exceeding 50 years. Due to changes in hormonal balance in a person, the structure of nevi may change.
  3. Immunity. Significant decrease in immune defense due to previous diseases or active phases of chronic diseases.
  4. Smoking and drinking large amounts of alcohol. Toxic substances negatively affect the entire human body, including the condition of the skin.
  5. Congenital predisposition. Hereditary changes increase the likelihood of malignant transformation.

If a pigment spot cracks, bleeds, enlarges or changes color, this is a reason to consult an oncologist as soon as possible for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Signs of degeneration of a mole do not always appear together. Often only one or two may be noticed, but severe discomfort or a significant change in the appearance of the skin should not go unnoticed.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the reason why a mole peels off, a study consisting of 2 stages is used:

  1. carrying out an external inspection;
  2. dermatoscopy.

The second method allows you to detect melanoma in the initial stages. After excision of the nevus, the tissue is sent for additional histology examination.


There are several methods for eliminating degenerating formations if the rough mole has not recovered, but has continued to change its structure.

  1. Laser removal is used for skin spots larger than 2 centimeters in diameter. This is a virtually painless procedure with the option of local anesthesia. The healing period is 14 days.
  2. Cryodestruction - removal using liquid nitrogen. It is considered a painful procedure. The nevus disappears, but a long healing period is required.
  3. Electrocoagulation, or exposure to electric current. A rather painful method, after which the formation of scar tissue is observed on the skin.
  4. Radio wave method - removal without contact and bleeding during the operation process. The healing period is from 9 to 14 days.
  5. Surgical removal.

Severely dry or rough moles that have begun to degenerate are a dangerous sign of the onset of cancer. Human skin is penetrated by a network of blood vessels, and the penetration of metastases into the blood often leads to the formation of foci of disease in other systems and organs.

It is important to remember that normally the age spot should not itch or show other symptoms of discomfort. If it changes significantly, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The degeneration of a mole in an adult, child or teenager can be stopped by removing a section of skin.

Why children and teenagers are at greater risk:

  1. a small child is not able to take care of his health on his own, this means that examination and determination of changes must be under the control of parents;
  2. a child’s skin is very delicate, it is less protected from the effects of foreign factors;
  3. most nevi appear in childhood;
  4. During adolescence, a complex restructuring of the hormonal balance occurs in the body, which is responsible for all processes, including those occurring in the nevus.

Children and adolescents should be aware that moles should be treated with care, and if there is an unusual change in the appearance of the skin, inform their parents..

Peeling of a nevus does not always, but quite often signals the beginning of the degeneration of a mole. Melanomas are malignant neoplasms that can be treated in the early stages of the disease. But they can cause significant problems if the symptoms are ignored and the process is neglected, and also contribute to the spread of metastases throughout the body.

Pigmented nevi - moles - benign skin formations. They do not pose a health threat unless they are a nuisance. When a mole begins to peel off, change color, itch, or grow rapidly, this is a reason to consult a specialist, since these may be symptoms of a dangerous pathology.


Photo 1. Itching and peeling of a mole is not only an unpleasant sensation, it may indicate the onset of a disease. Source: Flickr (on peut tout taire avec les bayonettes excepté s’y assessoir).

Peeling and itching of moles: causes

The most common causes of peeling and itching of moles are most often associated with exposure to external conditions: injuries, ultraviolet radiation, changes in weather and climate conditions, cosmetics. And hormonal changes the body caused by taking hormonal drugs or natural processes in the body.

Mechanical impact, trauma

If nevi are constantly exposed to rough fabric (seams) of clothing, or if they are located in potentially dangerous places - in the collar area, on the line of bra straps and under the breasts in women - over time, they begin not only to itch and peel, but also change color from - for hemorrhages. Regular microtrauma moles can lead to them degeneration into a malignant form, drying out and falling off;

UV exposure

Tanning during the midday hours, when solar activity reaches its peak, is harmful, especially for people with a large number of nevi on the body. Moles and the skin around them may begin to itch and peel. Ultraviolet radiation received in a solarium causes the same symptoms;


Photo 2. The sun is the main enemy of moles. People with a large number of nevi should be very careful when tanning: hide from the sun during the daytime, use protective creams. Source: Flickr (-Walt-).

Cosmetical tools

Poor quality, incorrectly selected hygienic, decorative cosmetics can provoke allergic reactions on the skin - itching, peeling, rash. If there are moles at the site where the products are applied, they will not be an exception: they will begin to peel or itch along with other areas of the skin;

Hormonal changes

During pregnancy, during puberty, when taking corticosteroids and hormones, they significantly affect the condition of skin nevi - they can begin to grow, darken or lighten, and peel off. With stabilization of hormonal levels, symptoms may disappear;

Climate change

Moving to a country with a warm climate is stressful for skin that is not accustomed to excess ultraviolet radiation. Before moving It is recommended to remove moles in open areasexposed to the sun, and upon arrival, protect your skin with products with UV filters.

Why are flaky moles dangerous?

Any changes in moles should alert you: they may indicate the onset of malignant degeneration of the nevus. Consultation with an oncologist is required or an oncodermatologist if the formation begins to peel off, itch, and then accompanying symptoms are added:

  1. the mole has changed in size, quickly grown or decreased;
  2. a flat mole suddenly became convex;
  3. the edges of the nevus have become uneven and asymmetrical;
  4. the light mole has darkened;
  5. after peeling, the formation peels off and falls off;
  6. hair fell out of the mole;
  7. nevus bleeds;
  8. There is pain in the area of ​​the mole and discomfort is felt.

Note! If at least one of the above symptoms is added to the peeling of a mole, you should immediately consult a doctor!


Diagnostic measures for scaly nevi are carried out by a dermatologist:

  1. poll, visual mole examination. The specialist collects anamnesis and asks questions about changes in education;
  2. dermatoscopy, necessary for diagnosing the degeneration of a mole at an early stage. Performed using a device with tenfold magnification;
  3. histology for the presence of inflammation and malignant cells. It is carried out after removal of questionable and dangerous nevi.

Attention! Histological analysis is a mandatory procedure for an excised mole. If the doctor does not intend to carry it out, the patient must insist on this diagnosis himself.

Removal of scaly nevi

If tumors, especially those located in dangerous places, raise suspicions among the doctor, he will suggest removing them to prevent complications. There are several methods for this:

  1. surgical. The most proven and reliable way to get rid of skin growths. It is used regardless of the size, depth of penetration of cells into the epidermis and the nature of the nevus - benign or malignant. A scalpel is used for excision. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The disadvantages are postoperative scars in case of removal of large moles;
  2. laser. This method is used to eliminate only benign formations of various sizes and locations, including on the head, face and mucous membranes. Among the advantages are the speed of the procedure, the absence of pain and blood. Disadvantage - there is no material left for histological examination, since the mole is completely burned out by the laser;
  3. radio wave, suitable for removing small benign moles. A completely non-contact method, which avoids infection of the postoperative wound. The method is effective, but is rarely used due to the high cost of the procedure;
  4. cryodestruction, which can be used to eliminate superficial, flat moles. There will be no pain or complications if the specialist is sufficiently experienced, since there is no control over the depth of impact of the instrument;
  5. electrocoagulation, a bloodless and effective method for removing small moles that are prone to darkening.

Attention! Only a doctor can decide whether a particular mole needs to be removed and how exactly to do it. Attempts to independently remove nevi at home can lead to the development of melanoma - skin cancer!

Treatment of moles

After removal moles in their place an open wound remains. The doctor who performed the operation should give recommendations on how to handle it to avoid infection.

Until a crust forms, the wound should be treated with chlorhexidine or 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to lubricate the resulting scab and the skin around it with external anti-scar products - Contractubex, Mederma, Dermatix.

Dryness, roughness, peeling and soreness of a mole may be symptoms of its malignant degeneration. In no case You can’t delay the examination and treatment of such nevi - melanoma is curable only in its early stages.

Birthmarks are formations of a benign nature, which generally do not interfere with human life. But there are a number of situations when moles turn from harmless growths into preconditions for a serious condition, degenerating into melanoma (a cancer-type tumor). A sign of unfavorable complications may be a situation where the mole peels off, roughness, and dryness are felt in the area of ​​melanin accumulation.

Why does a mole peel off?

There are several explanations for the roughness of a birthmark:

  1. irrational selection of clothing;
  2. use of low-quality cosmetics;
  3. prolonged exposure to open sun;
  4. the beginning of the formation of a malignant formation.

Attention! Only a specialist is able to determine the true cause of degeneration and prescribe treatment.

External factors leading to peeling of a mole

There are several reasons leading to excessive dryness of the nevus:

  1. Prolonged exposure to the sun. This starts the process of hyperemia (redness), accompanied by abundant peeling and keratinization. The causative factors lie in the dead skin epithelium, which comes off and is replaced by a new cell layer. The surface of the build-up remains unchanged.
  2. Artificial tanning (under solarium lamps). It is a known fact that in order to achieve a uniform shade in the case of natural and artificial tanning, different time periods are required. In this case, identical changes are noticeable on the skin and in the area of ​​neoplasms, as in the case of exposure to the open sun.
  3. Chemical influence. Substances of local irritant properties act as pathogens. The causative factors of the process are the consequences of a chemical burn caused by the influence of alcohols, alkalis, fuels and lubricants, and solvents. Persons with an allergic reaction are susceptible to their effects. After 2 weeks, the negative consequences usually disappear on their own. If there is no positive result, there is a reason to consult a doctor.
  4. X-ray radiation. If the patient has attended appropriate diagnostic procedures, the skin may begin to peel off. The same applies to moles that are located on it.
  5. Mechanical injuries. If peeling occurs due to a constant process of friction, you should think about carrying out manipulations to remove the growth. The constant influence of such factors can lead to melanoma.

Internal causes that contribute to peeling of moles

Factors causing keratinization can be internal:

  1. Skin type (1 or 2). The congenital type helps determine the outcome of all moles and neoplasms. The high-risk group includes people with green, bluish eyes and light brown hair. If changes occur, you should contact an oncologist immediately, since the skin has a low protective level, and the likelihood of degeneration of birthmarks is maximum.
  2. Age threshold from 50 years. Taking into account the complex age-related changes that occur during the aging process, all organs are susceptible to the formation of cancer, and the skin is no exception.
  3. Decreased immune defense. The reason for this phenomenon is the suppression of natural body forces, the presence of background diseases, and the use of certain groups of drugs. Any changes in the direction of dry skin should alert you and make you visit a doctor.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. If the gene responsible for the elimination of pathological cellular structures has undergone a mutation, this is fraught with an increase in the number of cancer cells (reproduction).

A scaly, rough nevus must be removed.

Peeling and other dangerous signs of mole degeneration

A rough and dry mole is one of the clear signs of degeneration into cancer.


There are several other symptoms that indicate unfavorable processes and reactions occurring in the body:

  1. The presence of crusts, ulcers, cracks on the surface.
  2. Formation of a shiny, smooth surface.
  3. Disappearance of small grooves.
  4. Hair loss.
  5. Changes in the color of the formation, uneven color, formation of inclusions.
  6. Feeling of pain, itching.
  7. The appearance of a pigmented rim.
  8. Increased change in size over a short period of time.
  9. Loss of clarity of boundaries.

Sometimes situations arise when the growth itches and hurts. All these are reasons to contact a treating specialist.

What to do if a mole peels off

If signs of changes are detected on the surface of the growth in the form of peeling, ulceration, bleeding, you should visit a doctor specializing in skin pathologies. Self-medication is prohibited, as is the use of specialized pharmaceuticals. Only a doctor can select a set of effective diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Given the high incidence of melanoma among young people, it is important to think about removing the growth at an early age. Tissues are removed, which are then examined to determine the nature of the process. Contacting a doctor in the early stages of changes guarantees the benign nature of the formation in more than 90% of cases.

Treatment methods

If the growth dries out and undergoes changes, this is a reason to think about its elimination.

Medicine offers methods for excision of birthmarks:

  1. destruction by liquid nitrogen;
  2. electrical coagulation;
  3. radio wave excision;
  4. laser removal;
  5. surgical intervention.


These tactics are relevant when getting rid of elements that have reached a size of 2 cm or more. Excision using a surgical scalpel is carried out in cases where the biopsy shows ambiguous results. Laser technology is relevant when tumors occur. It does not cause pain, does not last long, and the resulting wound heals quickly. Liquid nitrogen is effective, but in terms of duration, pain and price it is inferior to the laser method. During electrocoagulation, electric current is used. There is no blood, but there is pain. After excision, a scar appears.

Thus, a flaky mole is a sign of complications that requires immediate consultation with a doctor for diagnosis and therapy.