Water is good for facial skin

Why does facial skin age prematurely? Our distant ancestors knew the reason: our body ages prematurely when it sorely lacks water! Water is vital for the skin. The great Avicenna wrote about this; his treatise on aging, created more than a thousand years ago, is based on a simple experiment.

He watched the melon for some time, which he placed under the hot rays of the scorching sun. Literally on the third day, the melon shriveled, losing its juiciness, from which the scientist concluded: old age is caused by loss of water in the body.

The problem is especially acute for the fair sex, whose dehydrated facial skin becomes covered with a network of unpleasant wrinkles. Thank God, in our age of high technology, modern women have the opportunity to drink to their heart's content, whenever they want and wherever they want.

Many offices and institutions have coolers for clean water, there are models with a refrigerator and built-in cabinets designed for food, here are wonderful man-made examples: An interesting and very convenient solution for always busy office staff. At any moment, you can quickly drink clean water without taking too much time off from your daily affairs.

Water for skin

Water is needed for the skin and the whole body as air! After all, even if a person internally feels that he is ready to move mountains, energy is in full swing - all the same, due to a lack of fluid in the body, the skin becomes sluggish, flabby, since it is this that signals us about dehydration. Take action urgently! Drink more water.

When food becomes a problem

Keep in mind that dry food is simply a disaster for our stomach. And our poor body, exhausted by poor nutrition and eternal stress, begins to look for it wherever it can, including:

  1. like a vacuum cleaner pulling moisture from the outer skin, which, as we all understand, is fraught with sad consequences for health and appearance.

Take the example of the European lifestyle, where it is customary to start a meal with a glass of clean water or juice.

Thirst is a direct path to edema

The other extreme is thirst. When we eat food richly seasoned with salt and spices, we then want to drink a lot, as a result of which swelling occurs, bags appear under the eyes, and vitality drains away before our eyes...

To prevent this from happening, you need to listen to your body (or at least try to do so). What does he, dear one, want? Drink, eat? Or maybe you, loaded with endless tasks, just don’t feel thirsty? Think about it and try to drink and eat in moderation.

Mistake of women losing weight

Some representatives of the fair sex, suffering from extra pounds, believe that excess fluid contributes to obesity and try to drink as little as possible, preferring dry food. But, dear ladies! - it's not like that at all. Water is essential for the skin and body, like air.

Do not forget that it is intended not only to quench thirst, but is directly responsible for ensuring the vital functions of the body. So “not drinking a lot” is terribly harmful! It is fraught with loss of vitality, early wrinkles and dull facial skin, which cosmetologists tactfully call “tired”.

How much should you drink?

The well-known professor Neumyvakin advises drinking at least two liters of clean water per day, here is the exact daily proportion:

  1. For every kg of weight you should consume 30 ml of water per day.

That is, if you weigh 60 kg, then your daily intake of clean drinking water is: 30 ml x 60 kg = 1800 ml. Only water! Liquid, in the form of drinks (juice, tea, coffee, liquid soups do not count!)

So drink clean water, dear readers of PhotoElf magazine “Facial skin care", and always remain cheerful, beautiful and positive. And remember how important water is for the skin and our delicate, sensitive female body.

We are looking for answers to the questions: what is thermal water, what miracles can we expect from it, what is its composition - using the example of the best products, according to the editors of skin.ru.

  1. What is thermal water
  2. Facial functions
  3. The benefits of thermal water
  4. Rules of application
  5. Composition and types of thermal water
  6. How to choose thermal water
  7. Review of the best tools

What is thermal water

Thermal water is one of the types of groundwater with a high content of mineral salts. Making its way to the surface of the earth from depths of about 4-5 kilometers, the water is saturated with trace elements and salts. The deeper the thermal spring is located, the higher the concentration of useful mineral compounds.

Facial functions

Without exaggeration, thermal water can be called “living”. This natural remedy performs a number of functions:

relieves irritation and redness, soothes after exposure to the sun or traumatic aesthetic procedures;

saturates the skin with oxygen, beneficial microelements and minerals;

absorbs sebum;

completes the cleansing ritual;

maintains the level of moisture (not to be confused with “moisturizes”);

After applying thermal water, you need to blot your skin with a napkin.

The benefits of thermal water

People have been using the beneficial properties of this healing liquid for hundreds of years: they use it as an alternative or addition to medicines; visit balneological resorts for general health improvement; and, of course, buy thermal water in a spray to improve skin condition.

The main purpose of a cosmetic thermal bath is to refresh the face. It’s good if the bottle is on hand in the car, in the office, and in the gym.

An impressive dose of antioxidants in its composition, when used regularly, forms protection against free radicals.

Salts and trace elements dissolved in this water have a soothing effect on the skin. Thermal water has antibacterial properties, increases skin immunity, and quickly relieves redness and irritation.

After a traumatic facial aesthetic procedure, ask your cosmetologist to recommend the water that is right for you. The correct composition will promote the healing process and renewal of the upper layers of the epidermis.

Rules of application

It is generally accepted that it is enough to spray thermal water on your face to instantly give it a boost of freshness. It's actually not that simple. If you simply sprinkle water with a high salt content on your skin and stop there, the effect will be the opposite of what was expected. Water molecules will begin to evaporate, and mineral salts can cause dryness and tightness. To avoid this, stick to one of three application options:

immediately after spraying water, blot your face with a napkin;

Apply highly mineralized water before moisturizing cream, and after spraying, gently massage your facial skin with the pads of your fingers using light tapping movements;

Spray thermal water onto clean facial skin, and use the cream to “seal” the moisture rich in microelements.

And a few more life hacks related to the use of thermal water.

For intense hydration, use immediately after cleansing your skin. Let's say you washed your face with gel or foam and wiped your face with a cleansing tonic. Now you can spray thermal water on your face - it will become a conductor for the beneficial components of the product (serum or cream), which you will apply next.

Spray it on top of the care cream before applying foundation - and you don’t have to worry about your complexion until the evening.

To fix makeup, spray water on your face from a distance of 10-15 centimeters - so that a thin veil remains on the skin, not drops. Blot lightly with a napkin.

At the gym, spray water over your head: a pleasant cloud will instantly refresh your skin.

Thermal water in a spray refreshes the skin well and saturates it with minerals.

Composition and types of thermal water

Experts identify several types of water suitable for different skin types: hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic.

Type of thermal water What skin type is it suitable for? Peculiarities
Hypotonic (low mineralized) for all skin types, including sensitive skin prone to irritation The amount of mineral salts in such water does not exceed the level of salts in human skin.
for all skin types In terms of the level of mineralization, the active components in the composition are similar to the skin.
Hypertonic (highly mineralized) for all skin types, including oily skin with enlarged pores; not recommended for dehydrated skin Contains salts in a slightly higher concentration compared to other subspecies. Therefore, it better absorbs sebum and eliminates oily sheen.

How to choose thermal water

Based on the information given in the table, choose thermal water according to your skin type.

For those with oily skin, we recommend investing in thermal water containing sodium, sulfur and zinc. This composition not only refreshes and tones the skin, but also makes it more matte.

The sodium and potassium duo tend to give water a salty taste. This composition is good for normal skin, but for sensitive skin it may be harsh.

Review of the best tools

Cosmetic brands that have the best thermal water, according to skin.ru editors, are La Roche-Posay and Vichy. Brands specialize in the production of cosmetics that make maximum use of the beneficial properties of thermal waters.

Vichy thermal water.

For Vichy products, water, rich in at least fifteen minerals, is extracted from the Lucas spring at the foot of a volcano in the French province of Auvergne.

Mineralizing thermal water Eau Thermal Minéralisante, Vichy, moisturizes the skin, normalizes pH levels, restores skin cells, saturating them with beneficial microelements.

Thermal water La Roche-Posay.

Thermal water Eau Thermale Peaux Sensible, La Roche-Posay is a salvation for sensitive skin. It contains mineral salts and oligoelements that maintain the physiological balance of skin suffering from irritation and dryness.

If you use water regularly, there is a chance to increase cell immunity thanks to the selenium contained in the water in a very high natural concentration. It instantly soothes sensitive skin, reduces reactivity and slows down the aging process.

Water is the most valuable natural resource. It is necessary for the life of all living organisms. Our body is 75% water, and our brain matter is 85%. Therefore, the quality and quantity of moisture consumed cannot but affect health. Scientists associate most diseases with a lack or poor quality of water consumed. The negative impact on different organs accumulates gradually. The condition of the skin will demonstrate the effect of water on the body. And it doesn’t matter how it was used: for drinking or washing.

To drink or not to drink

Everyone is familiar with the statement that for health you need to consume a certain amount of clean water per day. In different versions, the required volume ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 liters. Now this advice is causing great controversy in popular and scientific circles, and scientists from the UK even conducted an independent experiment. For 2 months, two groups of subjects drank 1500 ml of water: the first - plain water, the second - mineral water. The result showed an improvement in skin condition by 19 and 23%, respectively, but further research did not give even half the result, so water, as an absolute panacea for the skin, lost its position.

The secret of the positive effect of daily consumption of a certain volume of water can be explained by the fact that it will displace habitual drinks (coffee, sweet soda) that are more harmful to health from the diet. Forcing yourself to drink any specified amount is unwise. In case of a number of kidney diseases, drinking too much can cause deterioration in health.

An adequate solution, as a rule, lies between opposing opinions. The first says that you must drink at least 2 liters of water, and the second is to be guided by the individual sensations of your body, which will tell you when and how much to drink.

Adherents of the middle theory are against mandatory liters of water. At the same time, they do not advise waiting until you feel a clear feeling of thirst to drink, which indicates that the process of dehydration has already begun. The daily rhythm of life contributes to ignoring the needs of the body. In the bustle of work, sensations become dull, and there is no time to analyze internal signals.

To provide the required portion of water, there is a special formula - a person’s weight multiplied by 30. For example, 65x30 = 1950. This means you need to drink a little less than 2 liters of liquid per day. This volume does not include other drinks. Juice, kefir or yogurt have calorie content, which means they are considered complete foods.

It is optimal to consume about 200 ml of water at a neutral temperature at a time. You need to drink it in small sips, and not in one gulp, half an hour before or an hour after a meal. Drinking water immediately after eating will dilute the concentration of gastric juice and lead to disruption of the digestive process. In hot weather or during sports, you need to replenish your water supply without waiting until your mouth becomes dry and your eyes darken.

How does the skin react to poor quality water?

Our skin consists of an upper protective epidermis and a lower dermis, which should be firm and elastic. It depends on the amount of moisture in the body. In the normal state, the intercellular substance is 80% water. A quick test you can do to determine if you're hydrated is by pinching the back of your hand. If the skin has recovered for longer than 1 second, it is time to drink a glass of clean water. When dehydrated, the skin loses its healthy elasticity and premature wrinkles begin to appear.

The skin clearly complains about the bad water that we drink and use for personal hygiene. This primarily concerns tap water. Despite modern cleaning methods, in our country disinfection is carried out with chlorine-containing preparations, which not only destroy pathogenic microflora, but also leave behind harmful concentrations.

From chlorinated water, the skin begins to peel off, allergies, irritations, rashes, age spots appear and facial wrinkles intensify. Using purified or purchased water for drinking and cooking, we rarely spend money on buying water for washing. Meanwhile, doctors recommend using filtered water even for brushing your teeth.

Even if you completely exclude drinking untreated water, in just an hour of swimming in a pool or taking a bath, the skin will absorb as many harmful compounds as if a person drank 10 liters of chlorinated water.

Despite isolated cases of transition to other methods of water treatment, in the next 20-30 years these chlorine preparations will remain the main means for disinfection. They continue to be used in the USA and Great Britain, although they have already been proven to be highly carcinogenic.

It’s not just chlorine that has a negative effect on the skin. There are dozens of substances dissolved in untreated water. For example, the problem of hardness salts is deposited on the walls of dishes, heating radiators and our body. Elevated concentrations of calcium and magnesium provoke dermatitis. Oily skin is more protected from their appearance, while those with dry and sensitive skin immediately feel tightness and discomfort even after washing. They try to save themselves with moisturizing cosmetics that do not solve the problem, but only remove the feeling of discomfort. Creams and tonics are simply not able to penetrate deep enough to compensate for the lack of moisture.

The problem of chlorination and hardness is solved by water filters. The purchase of such installations is economically justified. Clean water improves the quality of life in various aspects: health improves, household appliances last longer, and there are no deposits or stains on dishes, clothes and plumbing fixtures.

Tap, melt or mineral – which water to choose?

We have dealt with tap water in its original form - it is not recommended to use it without preparation, either for drinking or for washing. After filtering, it becomes quite suitable for any purpose, but in search of a better alternative, beauties and cosmetologists tried many other types.

One of the most accessible is rain or melt, depending on the season. Its main advantage is its natural softness. It is believed that water obtained by melting snow has biostimulant properties, and its molecular structure is similar to water in the cells of the body, so it easily penetrates tissues and activates metabolic processes.

Some models and actresses use exclusively mineral water to wash their hair. It contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin. This is an excellent and affordable nourishing and restorative product. It is better to use water collected directly from the source. In the store you need to choose a non-carbonated type or completely release the bubbles from the bottle. The optimal salt content is up to 500 mg/l. In summer, water can be collected in spray bottles and moisturize the skin. Microscopic sprays refresh, moisturize and provide micro-massage. Sea water is not inferior in usefulness to mineral water. It actively nourishes, soothes and treats rashes and redness. It can be frozen and cubes can be used to rub the face in contrast.

Skin is a kind of indicator of the general condition of the body. Any health problems, stress or poor nutrition cause her condition to worsen. Using good water for drinking and washing will help maintain its natural elasticity and beauty.