Complex drugs

As for complex medicines for stones, for example, mithridate is a strong, good remedy for kidney stones, as well as shajazaniya, or the well-known medicinal porridge from scorpions - for the kidneys and bladder, or a medicine prepared with the blood of a goat, as well as a medicine called “precious” and prepared with balsamic oil - it is wonderful. Or a strong medicine that we ourselves tested: they take glass ashes, scorpion ashes, Nabataean cabbage root ashes, hare ashes, sponge stones, goat blood, dried and grated shell ashes from eggs that gave birth to chickens, “Judaean stone”, walnut gum and calamus, - in equal quantities, and also mountain parsley, wild carrots, dictamn, gum arabic, marshmallow seeds, pepper - one and a half parts each, kneaded with honey and saved; at one time they give up to two misqals and even more, with tribulus juice, which was boiled with black chickpeas. It's also good for the bladder. Also: the ashes of the roots of the Nabataean cabbage, the ashes of the eggs that gave birth to the chicken, the sawdust of the “Judaean stone” - male and female - are tied up and given to drink about one spoon in wine or in the juice of Tribulus; This medicine also helps with stones in the bladder and removes them, just like white clay. Here is one of the strong common remedies: take melon seeds, burnt glass and double-blooming beans in equal parts and drink with chickpea decoction. And they also take pigeon feces and rooster feces and give them a little with radish juice, wine or hot water - this has general usefulness for kidney stones and bladder stones.

They also take kachim - dirham, pigeon feces - dirham, dung beetles - half danak and give them with wine. They also take stone sponges, centipede, maidenhair, marshmallow seeds, mountain parsley - in equal parts and give as needed in celery juice, in an infusion of roots, in Tribulus juice, or in radish juice. Another medicine with general usefulness: take the seeds of the fruit of the balsam tree, dried wild mint, sponge stone, mallow seeds and dry mountain basil in equal parts, pound and give this every day in a spoon with diluted wine in the amount of about four ukiy. One of the medicines that is more beneficial for the kidneys: maysusana - two dirhams, wild parsley - two dirhams, pepper - four dirhams; At the reception, they give you as much as you think is needed in shikanjubin from sea onions. They also take wild rue, wild mallow, and celery roots in equal quantities, pour a spoon or two of this, boil it in wine, strain it and drink. Also useful are cinquefoil with honey sikanjubin or with water sweetened with honey, or radish seeds and double-flowering beans - in equal parts, which are given from nuts with jasmine oil. Here is another proven medicine: take the seeds of melon, safflower, saffron and double-flowering bean and drink it over and over again. They also take two miscals of Magaleb cherries, peeled and crushed, two miscals of saffron, half a miscal of aristolochia, and mix them with honey; At the reception they drink four dirhams. They also take wild caraway - two darachmi and the same amount of laurel tree root bark. Or else: pills are made from the seeds of harmala and bdellia and drunk every day for a dirham with the juice of radish leaves and fresh elecampane or with olive juice.

An excellent medicine that soothes suffering and removes stone. They take simiriiyuia, and wild parsley, which is called Persian parsley, - one uqiya, Egyptian sati, aromatic sumbul, white poppy seeds, Chinese cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, white pepper, carrot seeds, mandrake - each one and a half uqiya, "Judas stone" - polukiya, a stone brought from the country of Macedonia, - polukiya, kneaded with honey and drunk at the reception one bunduku with wine. And here is a medicine that prevents the formation of stone: take heliotrope seeds, dictamn and marshmallow seeds - each for a dirham, kissa seeds, melon seeds and tragacanth - half a dirham each, mix it all and take it. At a time they drink one darachmi with delicate diluted wine.

Another medicine. They take stones found in the sponge, tribulus roots, carrot seeds - two darachmi each, kissa seeds, marshmallow seeds, starch - two darachmi each, fennel seeds, anise, polyum dubrovnik - three darachmi each - Sometimes they give juices to drink, in in which medicines were boiled that removed and crushed stones, for example, juices in which common Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik polyum, Pulegium mint, Tribulus root or their fruit, tortuous gill, scolopendra medicinal, mallow root, adiantum, “shepherd’s staff”, wheatgrass root were boiled , hemp-like root, marshmallow seed, heliotrope, wormwood-chernobyl, taken in equal quantities, dictamn and other medicines along with diuretics. If these medicines are taken on healthy days, they also prevent the formation of stones.