What is dry facial cleansing?

When taking care of the beauty of their skin, girls first think about makeup and cosmetics. And few people remember that before decorating their face, they need to cleanse it and make it healthy. Cleansing the skin is one of the most important stages of its rejuvenation.

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What is dry peeling?


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Dry facial peeling is a cosmetic cleansing of the skin with a dry soft brush, which removes dead skin cells, sweat and dirt. After removing the stratum corneum, the skin becomes cleaner, younger and brighter. The British call this cleansing “dry brushing” or “dry brush”.

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Interesting! Ayurveda considers the skin to be the “third kidney”, so they recommend dry brushing every day. This way we will help our urinary system and remove toxins faster.

The main purpose of the procedure is to exfoliate dead scales of the epidermis. This type of peeling is the most affordable, fast and simple. It does not require special preparation, it is easy to do it yourself, and the costs are minimal.

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Dry peeling differs from other types of cleansing in that it is carried out on the dry surface of the facial skin. And this is an important advantage, because this is the best way to exfoliate the upper layer of the dermis.

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Here are some more of its beneficial properties:

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  1. stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis;
  2. has a polishing effect and adds shine;
  3. increases blood flow, accelerates blood circulation, and therefore promotes the rapid elimination of toxins;
  4. has a calming effect;
  5. helps fight insomnia;
  6. opens pores, allows dermal cells to breathe easier and, accordingly, absorb nutrients faster;
  7. evens out fine wrinkles and stretch marks, removes pigmentation and brightens.

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Subtleties of the procedure

Dry brushing is great for cleansing the entire body, but in some cases it can be too aggressive for the face.

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In order not to harm delicate skin, you need to choose the right brush and provide thorough post-peeling care.

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Choosing the right brush

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The quality and effectiveness of the procedure directly depends on the choice of tool for dry peeling. Cosmetic stores offer a large selection: washcloths, brushes with and without handles, round, oval, double-sided, etc.

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The main thing in a brush is the bristles, which should be soft and not injure the treated areas. For beginners, the best choice is a brush with natural bristles. It is softer and does not cause irritation. Most often it is boar wool or plant fibers. Brushes with synthetic bristles are a little stiffer. Each of them must be selected individually, so it is better to try it in practice right before purchasing.

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Dry facial peeling can be done at home without any special tools. A washcloth, dry towel or wool mitten may be suitable for cleaning. Before you start, be sure to check whether they will injure or irritate your skin.

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Cleansing technique

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Using a dry brush, gently massage your face for 5 minutes without pressing or stretching. Using gentle movements in a circle, along standard massage lines on the face. After finishing massaging, wash with cool water and apply moisturizer or soft cosmetic milk.

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Very often this type of peeling should not be carried out; 1-2 times every ten days will be enough, because after each such mechanical cleaning the cells need time to recover.

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Skin care after peeling

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Each time after cleansing, the skin remains very vulnerable for some time, as living cells open, the pores are slightly expanded, and the dermis absorbs substances more intensively. Therefore, during the post-peeling period, it is important to use cosmetics with natural ingredients and high quality.

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The sun has a harmful effect on the treated areas during this period. It is very important to use a cream with SPF protection before going out, even if the weather is cloudy.

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Important! To achieve positive and long-lasting results, exfoliate your face regularly.

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Dry peeling can be done on the face with any skin type, if the brush is selected correctly, and appropriate cosmetics are used after cleansing. But there are also contraindications.

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  1. hypersensitive skin;
  2. open wounds, abrasions, burns;
  3. dermatological diseases (acne, eczema, etc.).

Before starting the procedure, it is better to consult a specialist. He will determine whether you can use this type of peeling and give appropriate recommendations.

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Practical advice


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The cleansing process itself is best done over a bathtub or washbasin, since dry dead epidermal cells will spread around in the form of dust.

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After each procedure, it is recommended to thoroughly wash and dry brushes and washcloths. To prevent germs from accumulating, pour boiling water over them before drying.

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It is better not to peel your face in the morning or shortly before going outside, as the treated skin will be slightly red and vulnerable for some time.

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The skin cleansing procedure is one of the most important stages of its recovery and rejuvenation. Dry peeling is a simple, but very effective way to cleanse the face, and you can use it yourself without fear of harming your health.

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Why is it carried out?

The main purpose of cleaning is to achieve a hygienic and cosmetic effect. In addition, facial cleansing is done to improve metabolic processes and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Types of facial cleansing


Despite its apparent simplicity, the method is quite effective. It is carried out without the use of additional means, using your fingers.

Essentially, this is squeezing out dirt in compliance with cosmetic and hygienic safety rules. The facial skin is steamed first, which opens the pores, making them much easier to cleanse. Acne is removed using fingers wrapped in sterile wipes.

Mechanical facial cleansing is stressful for the skin. Therefore, after the procedure, soothing masks are applied to the face. The use of tightening agents is also indicated. However, facial redness may persist for 2-3 days.

When cleaning, you can use the so-called Uno spoon. One side of this simple device is a strainer with multiple holes located on it. The second side has only one hole in the middle.

The strainer is designed to remove fat and dead horny scales. The part with a hole in the middle is used to squeeze out pimples. The spoon is positioned so that the pimple is in the center, after which the contents of the pimple are squeezed out with light pressure.

Another device used in the mechanical procedure is the Vidal needle. One side of the object is equipped with a needle to puncture the pimple at its thinnest point. This helps to squeeze it out with minimal pain. The second side is a spoon with one hole. It is pressed on the pimple to remove the contents.

Vacuum facial cleansing

This method of facial cleansing is more advanced and allows for thorough cleansing of the skin. To carry out the procedure, special vacuum equipment with a nozzle for pumping air under negative pressure is used. Under its influence, contaminants are literally “sucked” to the surface.

The session is not recommended before going out or an important event, since the redness of the face will last at least until the next morning. To soothe irritated skin, it is recommended to apply a special mask. Vacuum cleaning is especially effective in combination with lymphatic drainage massage.


Today it is the most productive. Sometimes this cleaning is called ultrasonic peeling. This is a very effective method, although the impact is limited to the superficial layers of the skin, making the procedure less traumatic. It can be used both separately and in combination with other types of cleansing.

First, special products are applied to the face to loosen the skin and comedones - disinfectants. These are gels or lotions containing fruit acids.

During the session, a special device with a spatula-shaped attachment is used. Through it, an ultrasonic acoustic wave is supplied to the surface of the skin, under the influence of which vibration massage is performed at the cellular level.

High-frequency vibrations destroy the pores of the skin, as a result they are easily cleaned. The effect of ultrasound helps to evacuate dead skin particles, eliminate acne, and smooth out wrinkles.


This type of facial cleansing is sometimes confused with a chemical peel. However, these are completely different procedures. Peeling involves fairly harsh treatment of the skin using aggressive drugs that help remove the old layer.

During dry cleaning, there is virtually no physical impact on the face. First, a special mixture is applied to the skin, after which the cleansing process itself begins with the help of a more caustic composition. The result is heating of the skin, softening and removing fat and other impurities. At the final stage, a soft soothing mask is applied to the skin.

Depending on the substance used, chemical cleaning is divided into drug and enzymatic. The first uses oleic, malic, citric, lactic or glycolic acid. In the second procedure, the procedure is carried out using enzymes: papain and bromelain.


Facial cleansing is necessary if you have the following problems:

  1. increased skin greasiness;
  2. enlarged pores;
  3. acne at the healing stage;
  4. comedones;
  5. decreased tone and deterioration of skin turgor;
  6. aging skin.


Facial cleansing is not recommended for the following diseases and pathological phenomena:

  1. herpes;
  2. eczema;
  3. pustular diseases of the scalp;
  4. bronchial asthma;
  5. diabetes;
  6. severe stage of hypertension;
  7. severe mental disorders;
  8. epilepsy.

Cleaning steps

  1. Cleansing. It is produced with milk or gel, followed by treatment with lotion appropriate to the skin type.
  2. Scrubbing. You can use ready-made or homemade scrubs. After applying the product, do a light massage and rinse off the composition with warm water.
  3. Steaming. In salons they use devices - for example, “Vaporizer”. At home, you can steam your face by leaning over a pan of hot water with a towel draped over your head. For greater effectiveness, you can throw medicinal herbs into the water: mint, chamomile, etc. The duration of this procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  4. Face cleaning. Carried out depending on the chosen method. When doing self-mechanical cleaning, the index fingers are wrapped in gauze or a bandage and pressed with pads on the blackhead on both sides. The face is periodically wiped with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Treatment with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. An alcohol-containing tonic is applied to the skin.
  6. Application of moisturizing and soothing products. Helps quickly relieve irritation and redness.

In salons, after cleaning, darsonvalization can be carried out.

How often?

The frequency of the procedure depends on the condition of the skin. If it is too oily, clean it once every 10 days. For normal skin, the frequency is 1-2 times a month.

Cosmetic procedures are very popular, and dry facial cleansing is the most popular among people of different ages and genders. In order not to overpay for services to salons, you can do it at home, having previously familiarized yourself with the indications and contraindications, as well as studying effective recipes. With their help, you can achieve good results and save money on visiting clinics, because the effect rarely differs from the salon, and the acids used for the procedure are sold in any pharmacy.

What is dry facial cleansing?

Chemical facial cleansing is a procedure for cleansing the upper layers of the skin with acids, as a result of which it becomes smooth and elastic, impurities and inflammation disappear, and the overall appearance improves. It is recommended for those who have obvious cosmetic defects, as well as for other indications:

  1. Dullness, flabbiness and lethargy;
  2. Skin aging, wrinkles;
  3. Enlarged and contaminated pores;
  4. Excessive fat content;
  5. Pimples, acne;
  6. Freckles and pigmentation;
  7. Consequences of acne.

Important! The specific problem affects the choice of peeling type. For example, deep skin effectively fights aging, and acne can be eliminated with superficial cleansing.

The following acids are usually used to carry out this procedure:

  1. Apple, milk, almond;
  2. Trichloroacetic, salicylic;
  3. Phenolic.

When deciding to conduct a cleansing session, it is important to know the types of peelings and acids that are used for them, as well as familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Unlike using a regular scrub to cleanse the skin, dry cleansing has contraindications and side effects. When it is prohibited to do it:

  1. During pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  2. For chronic diseases during exacerbation;
  3. For hypersensitive skin prone to scarring;
  4. For diseases: diabetes mellitus, nervous system disorders, oncology, hypertension;
  5. If there are open wounds or severe inflammation.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in childhood and adolescence, as well as in places where there is a large accumulation of moles.

Side effects here are a natural reaction to chemical intervention. In the first days you may experience swelling, itching, irritation, redness, dryness and flaking. The latter is just the norm, because During the recovery process, the skin is renewed.

The duration of rehabilitation depends on the specific type of cleaning and can range from several days to 1-2 months.

Types of chemical cleaning

According to their action, acid cleansers for facial skin are divided into several types:

  1. Superficial. Recommended for home use, it is the safest. The procedure uses malic, lactic or mandelic acids, which have a mild effect. It is carried out to eliminate small wrinkles and pimples and prevent aging. Acids only affect surface layers. The result is improved blood microcirculation and increased tone. Recovery time after a session is 3-5 days.
  2. Middle. Salicylic or trichloroacetic acid is used here. You can do this kind of peeling at home only if you have experience and knowledge, but it is best to consult a cosmetologist. The procedure allows you to get rid of pronounced cosmetic defects: hyperpigmentation, not too deep wrinkles, decreased tone. After it, the skin recovers in 7-9 days.
  3. Deep. It is performed in a hospital setting using phenol. The skin receives severe burns, as a result of which rehabilitation may take 1 month. Doing it yourself is contraindicated, otherwise side effects and complications cannot be avoided. The session helps get rid of deep wrinkles, pigmentation, acne, post-acne and other obvious imperfections.

Note! For each type of peeling there are recommendations on age restrictions and frequency. So, superficial can be done 1-2 times a month over the age of 16 years, middle - no more than 1 time in 3 months in the range from 25 to 40 years, and deep is performed no more than 1 time per year for women who have reached 35-40 years old .

If you need to eliminate noticeable cosmetic problems, you don’t have to comply with the age thresholds when performing deep cleaning, but a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist will be required in any case.

We invite you to watch a video review of the procedure with a cosmetologist:

How to perform dry facial cleansing at home

As mentioned earlier, cleansing with acids at home is only possible at the superficial or middle levels. The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Getting rid of makeup and impurities. To do this, use a washing gel or foam;
  2. Disinfection and degreasing. After washing, you need to wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide (no more than 3%);
  3. Nutrition and hydration. For this purpose, a herbal compress is made: a decoction of chamomile or calendula is prepared, gauze is soaked in it and applied to the face for 10 minutes;
  4. Facial cleansing itself at home. Apple cider vinegar is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 3, 1 part salt and the same amount of soda are added. The mixture is applied to the epidermis using a cotton pad or a special brush. When 5-7 minutes have passed, it must be washed off with water at room temperature. You can also buy solutions of fruit acids at the pharmacy and use them by analogy;
  5. Calm. The skin is irritated after the procedure, but it can be soothed by wiping it with a herbal decoction or lubricating it with a nourishing cream.

Chemical peeling often includes the use of calcium chloride, but here the instructions for use are different:

  1. We remove cosmetics and make a soap solution. You can use baby soap; if your skin is too oily, use tar soap;
  2. We soak a cotton pad in calcium chloride (sold in ampoules in pharmacies), apply to the face and wait for it to dry;
  3. We treat the skin with soap foam. It reacts with chloride, causing the top layer to peel off. To remove it, roll the lumps on the face with massaging movements;
  4. We carry out manipulations until lumps stop forming.

Important! Calcium chloride cleansing is the safest procedure, so those who have not yet tried dry cleansing are advised to start with it to see how the skin reacts.

Photos before and after procedures

To verify the effectiveness of different types of dry cleaning, just look at the real photographs:


Chemical facial cleansing is an effective procedure aimed at cleansing the skin, eliminating deep wrinkles and other defects. If you know the recipes and detailed instructions, you can do a superficial or medium peel at home, and the results will appear in just a few days:

  1. Improved complexion;
  2. Evening out skin tone;
  3. Lightening pigmentation and freckles;
  4. Elimination of pimples, acne and scars;
  5. Wrinkle lift.