Dry irritated facial skin what to do

Remember how you feel and how you behave when you are irritated. The same thing happens with skin. Let's talk about remedies that will help her calm down.

  1. Signs of skin irritation
  2. Causes of skin irritation
  3. How to relieve skin irritation
  4. Review of products that are suitable and may be useful for irritated skin

Signs of skin irritation

First, let's explain what kind of skin we call irritated. Its signs:

  1. redness;
  2. peeling;
  3. itching;
  4. increased sensitivity.

If simple solutions do not work quickly, then consulting a doctor is absolutely necessary. © iStock

Causes of skin irritation

Let's be honest: we give our skin a lot of reasons to be irritated. Some of them we are quite able to control, but there are also those that we have no idea about.


Yes, unfortunately, illiterate care (and certainly the lack thereof) can cause damage to the lipid barrier, which means accelerated loss of moisture, severe irritation and even peeling.


The skin's least favorite time of year is winter. Not even too cold: frosty air is usually dry, and the air in rooms with central heating is even drier. In winter, dry skin becomes very dry, and oily skin approaches normal in general condition.

“The cold itself dries and irritates the skin, but air conditioners and heating devices make the situation worse. In winter, the air humidity level in an apartment or office can drop to 20–30% (the norm is 70–80%). Of course, in such conditions the skin quickly loses moisture. Dryness is also felt on the mucous membranes: there is a feeling of “clogging” in the eyes, cracks appear on the skin of the lips, and the mouth dries out.”

Elena Eliseeva, medical consultant Vichy

Cold allergy

This is also cold urticaria, when instead of a healthy blush after a walk, a “fire” begins on the cheeks, hands and other frozen parts of the body. This reaction is usually characteristic of children, but in adults in our climate it occurs in every tenth person.

Improper care

Too aggressive cleansers, the use of creams that do not match your skin type, and the abuse of scrubs and peels are a sure way to irritation.

“When using too aggressive cleansers, the quantity and quality of ceramides in the stratum corneum decreases, but meanwhile they take an active part in the formation of local immunity and the protective lipid layer. When the quantity and quality of ceramides decreases, the skin becomes drier and more prone to irritation.”

Marina Kamanina, medical expert at L’Oréal Paris

Photodermatosis (allergy to solar radiation)

We're not talking about sunburn now. Skin irritation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (red spots, small pimples) may appear due to the use of photosensitizing drugs (some antibiotics and even herbs, such as St. John's wort, have a similar effect). Or due to a general increase in skin sensitivity (for example, after sunburn).

The use of many cosmetics (in particular, those with fruit acids) requires the mandatory use of Sanskrins. And sunny weather as such is an indication for their use, even if you are not on the beach.

If it's not a matter of cosmetics, you need to consult a doctor!


Well, where would we be without him? When we are nervous, the skin can become hypersensitive, even to the point of developing dry red patches and itching from contact with clothing that previously did not cause any problems. When nerve endings are on edge, inflammatory mediators are produced against the background of stress.

Elena Eliseeva, Vichy medical consultant:

“A characteristic consequence of stress is increased sensitivity of nerve endings in the skin. A nervous person can be sent into a state of rage with one careless word, and the skin behaves in much the same way. For example, the collar of a shirt, which is usually not felt at all, causes redness and itching when very nervous.”


By the age of 50, the skin is already quite noticeably thinning. This is the result of natural physiological processes: cells renew themselves more slowly, damage accumulates, and the level of the main female hormone, estrogen, decreases. The thinner the skin, the drier it is and the more difficult it is to withstand external influences.

Elena Eliseeva, Vichy medical consultant:

“Due to deep tissue restructuring, the skin becomes less protected and more sensitive. The epidermis and dermis become thinner, the dermoepidermal junction becomes fragile, which makes the skin thin and easily wounded, prone to irritation and dehydration.”

Lack of vitamins

One of the most characteristic signs of vitamin deficiency is irritation of the skin around the lips. However, a deficiency of vitamins A, group B, D, E, F (this is Omega-6 fatty acid, which ordinary sunflower oil is so rich in), usually manifests itself in dryness and irritation of the skin in general.

Wool or synthetic clothing

And in general, any uncomfortable, too tight clothing can cause skin irritation and itching. Especially when we are worried (see above).

Cosmetology procedures

Obviously, after peeling, laser or any other fairly aggressive procedures, the skin will be irritated. After all, the action of most of them is aimed precisely at this - with the subsequent activation of the restorative resource.


Skin allergies (dermatitis) can be a reaction to cosmetic ingredients, food, pollen, etc. The bad news is that it can develop at any age. If you suspect a new cream, stop using it. In the absence of the allergen, the manifestations disappear quickly. If this does not happen, it makes sense to consult a doctor - a dermatologist and/or an allergist.


Short-term allergic swelling of the skin and mucous membranes appears as a result of increased vascular permeability. The clinical symptom is rashes, mainly blisters (urticae), similar to nettle burns.

Symptom of skin or internal disease

  1. skin infection or non-infectious disease;
  2. hormonal problems;
  3. disorders in the digestive system, etc.

Self-medication is inappropriate here. You need to see a doctor.

Uncomfortable, too-tight clothing can cause skin irritation and itching. © iStock

How to relieve skin irritation

First, we need to find out the reason. Secondly, choose the right care. What does irritated skin need?

  1. Maximum gentle cleansing.
  2. Intense hydration.
  3. Lipids to restore the hydrolipidic protective layer.
  4. Vitamins and antioxidants for healing.
  5. Soothing agents, such as thermal water or neurosensin peptide, which quickly relieves inflammation.

Alexander Prokofiev, medical consultant La Roche-Posay:

“First of all, you need to eliminate soap. Its alkaline structure destroys the already fragile hydrolipidic layer of the skin. Avoid products containing aromatic fragrances, limit the use of perfumes.”

If simple solutions do not work quickly, then you need to consult a doctor.

In winter, dry skin becomes very dry, and oily skin becomes moderately dry. © iStock

Review of products that are suitable and may be useful for irritated skin

Daily care for hypersensitive and allergy-prone skin Toleriane Ultra Flu >

The product with a delicate texture quickly relieves skin conditions due to the action of the neurosensin peptide, which reduces the sensitivity and reactivity of the epidermis. Thermal water soothes and protects against oxidative stress, while shea butter and squalane restore the hydrolipid mantle.

Soothing multi-regenerating agent Cicaplast Baume B5, La Roche-Posay

Soothes, restores and protects even atopic skin of newborns. The following are responsible for the restorative effect: thermal water, vitamin B5 (panthenol), mineral complex (copper, zinc, manganese), shea butter, as well as an extract from Asian centella, which was used in Ayurvedic medicine. Suitable for the whole family.

Nourishing balm Neovadiol Magistral, Vichy

The care is specially designed to restore sensitive, weakened skin of women during menopause. Growth stimulator Proteic GF promotes skin restoration. The product is rich in Omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids to strengthen the protective layer. Proxilan makes the skin stronger, and thermal water soothes.

Soothing gel Phyto Corrective, SkinCeuticals

The product is saturated with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts of cucumber, olive leaves, grapefruit, mulberry, and thyme. Relevant for sensitive or problematic skin, soothes irritation.

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Dry facial skin is manifested by a feeling of tightness; irritation often appears on this epidermis, and it begins to peel off in small pieces. Xerosis requires special care, otherwise its condition quickly deteriorates, it becomes dull, and early wrinkles begin to appear.

A feeling of tightness may appear due to disruption of the sebaceous and sweat glands, lipid and water metabolism, and low acid-base balance.

The good appearance of facial skin depends on the degree of hydration. Lack of moisture in the cells leads to a decrease in elasticity, firmness, thinning, in addition, sensitivity increases and wrinkles appear.

The level of hydration is influenced by various factors: cold, wind, dry indoor air, sun, bad habits, poor-quality water, alcohol-based lotions, aggressive peeling, lack of vitamins, etc.

The level of hydration is determined by the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the amount of sebum. The stratum corneum includes obsolete (but active) cells of the outer layer of the epidermis and secretions of the sebaceous glands (fat), which form a kind of barrier and retain moisture. But the stratum corneum is not only designed to retain moisture, it also serves as protection from external influences.

Violation of the stratum corneum leads to rapid loss of moisture and makes the epidermis vulnerable to toxins, allergens, and pathogenic microorganisms.

Causes of dry facial skin

The functioning of the sebaceous glands can be influenced by individual characteristics, cosmetics, and age-related changes. Over time, hormonal levels change in the body, which affects the production of sebum; usually after 40 years, women begin to be bothered by excessive xerosis and mucous membranes.

The health of the epidermis largely depends on the amount of fluid you drink - it is recommended to drink 2 liters of water per day. When the body is dehydrated, not only does the facial skin become dry, but also breakdown products are retained in the body, which also negatively affects the condition of the epidermis.

With xerosis, wrinkles begin to appear prematurely and sagging appears. The first small wrinkles, if the problem is not corrected in time, quickly develop into deep ones, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

Another reason for tightness and discomfort is external unfavorable factors (cold wind, ultraviolet radiation, sudden temperature changes, etc.), poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and microelements, diseases of the nervous system, work in unfavorable conditions (hot workshop, outdoors, etc.). ).

Under certain conditions, a number of changes begin to occur in the epidermis; with a decrease in protective functions, rapid loss of moisture occurs, which leads to impaired blood circulation in tissues, collagen fibers, and decreased elasticity.

Another cause of dryness can be incorrectly selected cosmetic or care products or procedures. If the sebaceous glands are weak, you should not wash your face with soap, use alcohol-based lotions, peelings, scrubs, or tightening masks.

If you feel tightness, it is recommended to do enzyme peeling, which not only exfoliates dead cells as gently as possible, but also moisturizes.

Dry skin needs nourishing and vitamin creams (preferably with collagen and elastin), alcohol-free tonics, tonic masks, which not only help restore protective functions, but also effectively replenish lost moisture.

If you have xerosis, you should pay attention to your diet: give up alcoholic beverages, eat more foods with vitamins A, E, C.


Dryness and flaking of facial skin

Peeling and dryness of facial skin bothers mainly women; men are much less likely to encounter this problem and this is due, first of all, to the fact that in men the sebaceous glands work on a different principle.

The causes of peeling and xerosis can be external unfavorable conditions (cold weather, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.), allergic reactions, taking medications, food poisoning, etc.

The main reason why the top layer of the epidermis peels off and moisture is lost from the cells is considered to be dehydration. First of all, when peeling appears, you need to pay attention to facial care products: use only special soft products for washing, use moisturizing lotions (without alcohol), gels, etc.

If you prefer to wash your face with soap, then you should choose soap that contains moisturizing cream or oil, and after washing your face, you should lightly pat your face with a paper napkin, wipe with toner and immediately apply moisturizer.

When exfoliating the upper layers of the epidermis, you need to avoid alcohol-based products or lanolin.

If the skin is flaky and tight after washing, then it is recommended to use oil to cleanse the skin. In this case, sesame oil helps remove dirt well.

For dry skin prone to flaking, it is important to choose a cream for a specific time of year (it is worth remembering that the cream must be applied to the face half an hour before going outside).

When choosing a cream, you should give preference to those that contain fatty components; they will create a protective film on the epidermis and prevent moisture loss.

A simple folk recipe will help you get rid of flaking and dryness: dissolve honey in a small amount of water, apply a thin layer to your face and massage lightly in a circular motion (if necessary, your fingers can be moistened in the honey solution). This procedure will not only moisturize, but also exfoliate the dead layer of cells. After the massage, rinse your face well and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect.


Irritation, dryness and redness of facial skin

Dry facial skin, irritation and redness can occur for various reasons, ranging from cold wind to allergic reactions.

Irritation and dryness often appear due to improper care, too dry indoor air, as well as stress or an unbalanced diet.

When digestion is disrupted, decay products and toxins enter the blood, which can affect the condition of the epidermis, especially on the face.

In addition, excessive facial care can also cause irritation, for example, if you wipe your face with ice in winter, redness and irritation may appear on the skin.

If redness or irritation occurs, you should use special products that soothe, moisturize and relieve irritation.

In this case, only gentle cleansing with the help of special products (milk, foam) is suitable; you should temporarily abandon alcohol lotions and tonics.

If irritation often occurs in the epidermis, you should choose a protective cream to use before going outside.

If the cause of irritation is an allergy, it is necessary to avoid contact with the allergen and consult a specialist who, if necessary, will recommend antihistamines.

Dryness and redness of facial skin

Redness and dryness of facial skin can be associated with various factors.

Quite often, dryness and redness appear as a result of external unfavorable factors; in this case, a specially selected protective cream will help get rid of the problem.

If the redness is permanent, then in most cases the cause lies in a disease of the internal organs. A sharp reddening of the face for no apparent reason requires special attention.

In addition, redness and xerosis can appear due to improper or excessive facial skin care.

The most common cause of discoloration is allergies. It can be triggered by a variety of allergens - foods, medications, plants, dust, cosmetics.

To get rid of redness on the face, you must first determine the cause of such a reaction in the body. If redness appears after going outside in windy or frosty weather, then you need to use a special soothing and moisturizing cream; in case of allergic reactions, you need to eliminate contact with the allergen.

It is also important to choose the “right” cosmetic products for facial care. You should only buy those that suit your skin type; in addition, do not get carried away with applying and using several products at once, and also do not use scrubs or peels more than twice a week.


Severe dryness of facial skin

Severe dryness of the facial skin, as mentioned, is manifested by tightness and flaking. If you are concerned about the dryness of your face, then the first thing you need to do is give up regular hard soap that contains alkali. In case of severe xerosis, you need to use special moisturizing cleansers (foams, milks, gels, etc.), wipe the skin with lotion or tonic, and after cleansing, be sure to apply a cream for dry skin. If even after this, xerosis does not go away, you can add a few drops of coconut or olive oil to the jar of cream.

Before going to bed, be sure to apply a vitamin moisturizer to your facial skin, preferably with a cell restoration effect.

If you have very dry skin, you should not use masks that contain clay, peeling, or products that contain alcohol.

Dry facial skin in winter

During cold weather, blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis becomes worse, metabolic processes slow down, and the sebaceous glands produce fewer substances that retain moisture. In addition, the condition of the skin is greatly affected by dry air in the room, it becomes dry, tight, peeling and redness appear.

Dry facial skin in winter is a fairly common phenomenon, and in this case, special protective equipment and proper care will help.

Natural oils are ideal for dry skin, they moisturize well and improve the condition of the epidermis. The oil can be applied in its pure form (rub a few drops in your palms and apply to damp skin) or added to your cream.

If you have dry skin, it is contraindicated to use alkaline cleansers, especially in winter. It is best to choose a special product (gel, foam or liquid soap) that contains a moisturizing complex.

It is worth remembering that even in winter you need to drink at least two liters of clean water (in addition to coffee, tea, etc.), especially if you are prone to xerosis and peeling.


Itching and dryness of facial skin

Itching and dryness of the skin of the face may appear after washing or applying cosmetics, and redness, a feeling of tightness, and burning often appear. In this case, most likely, the skin care products were chosen incorrectly, the cosmetics turned out to be of poor quality or their shelf life has expired and you should stop using them.

Itching can also be associated with allergies, in this case, in addition to dryness and itching, lacrimation, redness of the eyes, redness, suffocation, and swelling are also disturbing. If allergy symptoms increase, avoid contact with the allergen and consult a doctor.

In some cases, itching and tightness are a sign of a dermatological disease (seborrhea, eczema, fungal or viral infections, etc.), hormonal disorders (thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, etc.), abnormal liver or kidney function, which leads to to the accumulation of breakdown products in the body.

Dry eyelid skin

The sun, cold air, poor ecology and other unfavorable conditions can cause not only xerosis of the skin of the face, but also of the eyelids. The delicate skin of the eyelids is extremely susceptible not only to external, but also internal factors, such as constant stress, lack of sleep, bad habits, etc.

Improper care and poor-quality cosmetics also worsen the condition of the eyelids and in some cases lead to irreversible consequences.

If the skin of the eyelids is dry, even with proper care, most likely the cause lies in inflammatory diseases of the epidermis, eye infections, malfunction of the sebaceous glands near the eyes, and allergic reactions.

Special care will help get rid of tight and dry skin around the eyes - using mild cleansers, moisturizers, masks, etc.

Recently, face and body care products made from natural ingredients at home have become increasingly popular.

A mask made from quail egg yolks and vegetable oil (preferably olive) has a good moisturizing effect. One yolk will require a few drops of oil, mix the mixture well and apply to dry, clean eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the residue with a cotton pad soaked in warm water; after the procedure, you can apply a moisturizing eye cream.

For dry eyelids, cosmetologists recommend a simple but very effective method that will help not only moisturize the epidermis, but also relieve irritation, inflammation or itching: peel a small dense aloe leaf, knead it and apply the resulting pulp to the eyelids, remove after 10-15 minutes wipe off any remaining residue with a damp cloth.

For skin and inflammatory diseases, specialist consultation and special treatment will be required.

Dry lips

Excessively dry lips often cause cracks. The reasons for this condition can be different, from decorative cosmetics containing a large amount of aggressive substances that corrode the delicate skin of the lips, to health problems.

The skin of the lips can indicate a general state of health, often with a lack of vitamins B, C or an excess of vitamin A in the body, it becomes dry and cracked (in this case, problems with hair and nails also appear).

Dryness and cracks on the lips appear due to improper functioning of the digestive organs, viral or infectious diseases, allergic reactions (for example, to toothpaste).

Smoking, cold wind, ultraviolet radiation, the habit of biting nails or various objects (pen, pencil) also negatively affect the condition of the epidermis of the eyelids, in addition, they cause severe xerosis of the facial skin.

You can help the skin on your lips using special products (moisturizing lipsticks, creams, etc.) or folk methods. To moisturize and nourish, traditional medicine recommends using honey, which you simply need to apply to your lips for 15-20 minutes.


Dry nose skin

Dry skin on the nose appears due to improper facial care, lack of hydration, allergic rhinitis, lack of vitamins, inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa, etc.

Some experts believe that dry skin on the face in general or on the nose, cheeks, and forehead may appear due to the incorrect selection of cleansers. Many people often make the mistake of using antibacterial or deodorizing soap for washing, which dry out the epidermis too much. Dermatologists recommend choosing soap with a high fat content (with olive, sea buckthorn oil).

Dryness of the wings of the nose can appear against the background of a runny nose, with frequent rubbing with a napkin; usually, after the runny nose goes away, xerosis and peeling disappear.

With a lack of vitamins, especially in early spring, dryness can affect not only the nose, but also the face, hands, etc.

If you have dryness and flaking, you should not peel off the dry layer of skin, as you can damage the lower layers of the epidermis. To eliminate xerosis, special moisturizers, preferably fat-based, should be applied to the affected areas.

In case of severe xerosis, when creams do not help, you should consult a dermatologist; you may need medicinal treatment (ointments, vitamin complexes, restorative masks, etc.).


Dry facial skin (xerosis) causes a feeling of tightness and discomfort, especially in winter. On such dermis, irritation and peeling often appear, causing itching. Although dry skin is not a symptom of a serious disease, it still requires special care, without which the condition of the dermis will rapidly deteriorate. The skin will become dull and early wrinkles will appear. Having studied the main causes of xerosis, you can choose an effective treatment for the epidermis.

There are many reasons for dry facial skin: from heredity to dry air in the office. The main ones include the following:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body.
  3. Taking frequent hot baths or showers.
  4. Dry air (due to air conditioning or heating).
  5. Climate change, frequent moving.
  6. Body weight deficiency, vitamin deficiency.
  7. Smoking, alcohol.
  8. Sunbathing in the active sun, visiting a solarium.
  9. Frequent use of a computer (exposure to electromagnetic radiation harms the skin).
  10. Low-quality decorative cosmetics.
  11. Impaired metabolism.
  12. Hereditary factor.
  13. Tendency to allergies and dermatitis.
  14. Stress, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression.
  15. Kidney diseases.
  16. Hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, adolescence).
  17. Using soap.
  18. Disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  19. Diabetes mellitus and diseases of the digestive system.

In some cases, drying out of the epidermis on the face and the appearance of flaky areas, redness and inflammation indicate a lack of vitamin A in the body. This substance is extremely important for protecting the entire skin from aggressive environmental influences. Mostly women are susceptible to xerosis and peeling of the dermis, but in men, the skin has amazing properties of restoring dry skin.


Cosmetologists consider very dry dermis of the face to be a rather serious problem and advise moisturizing it with professional products and using home recipes for auxiliary treatment.

In cosmetology for xerosis, various cosmetic procedures are used, among which are:

  1. salt cleaning;
  2. hot compress;
  3. masks with collagen;
  4. peeling;
  5. cosmetic massage;
  6. biorevitalization.

During the consultation, the cosmetologist will individually select the necessary procedures and medications for the treatment of dry facial dermis.


Dry skin of the face and body can be moisturized using various gels, serums and creams with a moisturizing effect.

The most popular are products containing hyaluronic acid, which can intensively moisturize the skin, for example, Novosvit Collagen and Hyaluronic acid cream (deeply moisturizes the epidermis and smoothes out fine wrinkles).


Preparations with ceramides, fatty acids and phospholipids also have excellent moisturizing properties. By creating a lipid barrier, such products retain moisture in the skin and ensure its renewal. These products include, for example, Anne Marie Borlind Ceramide Fluid cream with ceramides (increases the ability of the dermis to retain moisture, smoothes wrinkles, suitable for all types of epidermis), Dado Sens soothing cream for emergency measures (soothes the skin, fights redness and irritation).

If redness and irritation occur on the skin, it is necessary to use soothing, moisturizing and relieving products. In this case, cleansing should only be gentle using special products (milk, foam) for dry skin. It is recommended to avoid lotions and tonics containing alcohol during treatment; they dry out the skin even more.

You can get rid of dry skin using the following cosmetics:

  1. 1. Nutritious cream. We need a high-quality product that combines natural ingredients with new techniques; only it can effectively remove the symptoms of overdrying of the epidermis. It should contain the following specific components: vitamins A, B and E, natural oils, honey (a natural moisturizer) and potassium (an important component for dry skin), for example, Librederm Aevit nourishing cream.
  2. 2. Collagen-based masks for the face, décolleté and neck. A placental-collagen mask is a napkin soaked in liquid with holes for the lips and eyes. Keep it for no more than 20 minutes; at the end of the beauty session, wash the face and neck with warm water, for example, Floralis from the Placental Skin renew Age figting series.
  3. 3. Moisturizingoil. These extracts from natural plants effectively moisturize the skin, giving it elasticity. For girls under 25 years old, this is an excellent alternative to creams. Some of the popular oils are: rose (contained in the Roseof Bulgaria series of cosmetics), mango (contained, for example, in the Miya Cosmetics My Wonder Balm Hello Yellow Face Cream series).

For excessive dryness, using jojoba oil is effective. It is rich in amino acids, beta-keratins and vitamins. With regular use, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes dry skin, creating a protective film on it. Cosmetologists recommend using it instead of cream, applying it to flaky areas of the epidermis before bed until the symptoms of dryness and flaking completely disappear.

Before going to bed, be sure to apply a moisturizing cream with vitamins to the epidermis of the face, preferably with a cell restoration effect.

For local application to particularly dry areas of the skin, it is recommended to use Bepanten cream. It increases the regenerative abilities of the skin, healing it from damage, and restores the integrity of the epidermis.