Judgment of return of fever

The return is worse the faster it is and the weaker the patient’s strength; if this is the case, then it will certainly be accompanied by signs of death. When a return occurs due to an error in the diet, it is much safer than if it happens on its own with the correct diet; Errors of this kind include the administration of hot substances and juvarishns, for example, honey julanjubin, rose cakes and the like. Remnants of the disease that persist after a crisis quickly return if action is not taken. The relapse is worse than the underlying illness, since the trouble returns and the natural strength is exhausted.

If the patient’s fever does not calm down with a complete crisis on the same day, then one can be afraid of a return, and if the calm occurs without a crisis at all, then a return is inevitable, especially when there should have been a crisis, for example, with smallpox or jaundice, as well as with jarab and in general for skin diseases. The impending return is sometimes inferred from weakness of strength and appetite, nausea, bad breath, poor digestion, spoilage of food in the stomach, which sours or smokes there, swelling in the hypochondrium, liver or spleen, sleep disturbance, prolonged insomnia or extreme thirst. Facial swelling is the worst sign, and even more so is swelling of the upper eyelids, especially when they swell and remain swollen after the facial swelling resolves.

One indication of a return is poor absorption of food by the body, which does not eliminate thinness. It is especially significant if these bad symptoms appear or intensify during previous attacks of the disease.

They sometimes conclude that the return is also based on the pulse, if it remains frequent and fast, on the deepening and disappearance of crisis abscesses, on the urine, if it remains strongly colored - yellow, red or red, or continues to be raw, without suspended or settling sediment, and also if the patient's urine does not resemble his natural urine.

Some seasons are more indicative of a return than others; for example, in the fall returns occur more often than in other seasons.

The type of disease also contributes to the conclusion about the upcoming return; such ailments include, for example, tumor fevers, if they leave behind heat and burning in the insides, epilepsy, sadar, pain in the kidneys, in the liver, in the spleen, safa, baida, catarrh and the ailments generated by them - inflammation of the eyes and others, as well as respiratory diseases.