Rash on the face and hands of an adult


It is known that a rash on the face often forms in adolescents during the period of hormonal changes. But adults also face this unpleasant phenomenon. Rashes can be of various etiologies, are short-term or disappear after some time. There are also types that require contact with a specialist in order to identify or exclude more serious diseases.

Common causes of rashes

Adults should not ignore facial rashes, as the causes can be quite serious. You should not assume that the rash is completely harmless and may go away on its own after some time. The smart human body gives a signal of failure in this way. Therefore regular masking the rash Using tonal products will only temporarily alleviate such an unpleasant situation.

It is imperative to identify why the rash appeared on the face in order to eliminate it in the future. To do this, you need to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe appropriate treatment for rashes on the face of an adult. The most common reasons for their appearance are:

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    Nervous breakdown. Conflict situations, constant stress, and strong emotional experiences can provoke a rash on the face. The reason for this lies in the action of adrenaline and vasopressin, which are intensely produced in the human body in a state of nervous shock. The rapid release of such hormones disrupts the normal blood flow to the skin, and the skin, in turn, does not receive the required amount of nutrients.
  2. Poor quality cosmetics. It is very common to see rashes on the face of adult women. The reasons for this lie in the use of low-quality cosmetics. Harmful substances are found not only in cheap cosmetics; even expensive brands sometimes cause irritation and rashes. Some facial skin care products contain mineral oils, which create an invisible film on the surface of the skin. This film clogs the pores, limiting air access. In parallel with this, a rapid growth of pathogens begins that cause inflammation. That is why, when choosing cosmetics, it is best to buy one that contains natural ingredients: vegetable oils and glycerin.
  3. Allergic products. Allergies are a very common cause of facial rash in adults. The list of allergens includes animal hair, plant pollen, medicine or cosmetics. Often inflammation and itching are provoked by certain foods or their components. If you are prone to allergies, you need to pay attention to the quality of the products and also avoid eating citrus fruits, sweets and eggs. During an allergy, the skin begins to swell, itch, and the disease may manifest itself as watery eyes.

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    Rashes due to illness. The formation of a rash on the face is accompanied by some infectious diseases, for example, scarlet fever, chickenpox, rubella or measles. This is one of the most dangerous causes of skin rashes. Redness and pimples appear on the face as a result of poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Infestation with parasites. Sometimes parasites living under the skin can trigger rashes on a person’s face. For example, during infection with worms, a person’s face becomes covered with a small rash. Quite often, such rashes are confused with urticaria. The rash is accompanied by the appearance of spots that are itchy and red. Over time, the spots can turn into bursting blisters. Sometimes eczema forms on the skin, the skin begins to peel, and ulcers appear. In this case, it is imperative to undergo an examination and identify the main cause of the formation of unpleasant symptoms.
  6. Hormonal disbalance. An imbalance of hormones in the human body disrupts the normal course of the menstrual cycle and the development of diseases of the female genital organs. Thanks to this, the female body reacts with the formation of characteristic rashes. If an adult woman develops acne on her face, this indicates problems in the sexual sphere. The cause of this disease may also be menopause, because because of it, hormones begin to go out of their usual rhythm, which in the future leads to skin diseases.
  7. Low level of hygiene. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules can lead to the formation of pimples, blackheads and pustules on the face. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to the skin of the face, thoroughly cleansing it of dust and dirt accumulated during the day. Don't let your pores become clogged. Currently, modern cosmetology can offer many different options for facial skin care. Traditional recipes for cleansing the skin are still relevant.
  8. Burns of various origins. The most common type of burn on the face is sunburn. If a person is exposed to the scorching rays of the sun for a long time without a hat, his face begins to turn red, itching and a small rash appear. A sunburn is similar to a heat burn. Due to non-compliance with safety precautions, a chemical burn may occur when using products that contain acids and aggressive substances. If the causes of a rash on the face of an adult lie in damage to the skin due to a burn, then in this case superficial treatment is used with the help of creams and ointments.

In addition to these reasons, there are several other unfavorable factors that can lead to rashes on the face. These factors include:

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    Excess or lack of vitamins. In the cold season, when there is no sunlight, the human body is in dire need of vitamin D. In addition, fluctuating temperatures can negatively affect the condition of the skin. That is why in the cold season it is necessary to take multivitamins, but at the same time we must remember the golden mean, avoiding an excess of nutrients in the body.
  2. Eating fatty, salty and fried foods. Such food, as a rule, has a bad effect on the intestines, which can ultimately result in the formation of rashes on the skin of the face and even on the tongue.
  3. Bad habits. Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking are harmful to human internal organs, the condition of which also affects the condition of the skin.
  4. Potent medications. If you take certain medications for a long time and without control, a red rash may form on the tongue and face.
  5. Skin infections. When infected with streptococcus or other harmful microorganisms, the skin around the mouth is affected.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the shades of the rash are most often red or pink. If a white rash has formed, this may indicate the appearance of lichen or vitiligo. Vitiligo is incurable and is very sensitive to sunlight and damage.

Features of localization and size of the rash

Of course, a rash on the face cannot occur in an adult for no reason. As you can see, the reasons can be very diverse. Experts have identifiedthat the formation of a rash in certain places is not random and will help you find out which organ is not working correctly:

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    A rash on the cheeks and cheekbones indicates gallbladder dysfunction.
  2. Rashes on the chin indicate the presence of a disease of the genital organs.
  3. Pimples in the ears are a signal of poor immunity, as well as constant colds.
  4. Localization of the rash around the oral cavity indicates a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Swelling of the eyelids indicates impaired renal function.
  6. A yellowish tint to the proteins indicates adrenal disease.


But these statements are not considered fundamental. If red rashes on the face of an adult do not go away on their own for a long time and grow, you need to go to the hospital for advice from a specialist. This is especially true if the rash affects the tongue or lips. After all, this may indicate the presence of an infection, which in the future may spread throughout the mucous membrane.

If you have acne on your face, this stage of the disease can be established simply by counting their number. Up to 10 pimples indicate the initial stage of the disease; external treatment will be sufficient. Up to 40 pimples indicate the second stage of the disease; they are treated both externally and internally. More than 40 pimples indicate a severe stage of the disease. External treatment will not bring any results here. It is necessary to influence from the inside, taking special medications.

Risk group


A facial rash can affect absolutely anyone for one reason or another. But there are still categories that are more often exposed to such an unpleasant illness.

Teenagers aged 16 to 18 years suffer from the appearance of acne on the forehead, bridge of the nose, and cheeks, since it is at this time that hormonal changes begin in their body. Women over 45 years old experience a rash on the skin of the face due to the gradual decline of the ovaries, as well as due to the onset of menopause. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs are also susceptible to the formation of a rash on the face.

If a person belongs to one of these categories, then it is necessary to pay special attention to the skin and internal organs. It is recommended to eat properly, eliminating all harmful foods, monitor skin hygiene by cleansing it daily, and also consult with a specialist and follow his recommendations.

Treatment methods at home

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the main cause of the rash on the nose of an adult or on another area of ​​the face. Only then will the treatment be effective and correct. When talking about how to fight and what to do with a rash, you can use both medication and traditional methods of treatment. Traditional recipes for treating skin rashes:

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    Aloe. This well-known plant can significantly improve the condition of the epidermis. To do this, you need to wipe clean skin with a plant leaf, which must first be peeled, twice a day. Oily and porous skin needs to be wiped with an aloe-based alcohol tincture. To do this, you need to mix four parts of fresh juice with one part of vodka.
  2. Alcohol tincture of calendula. This tincture dries out acne well and removes scars. To prepare the tincture, you need to take 2 tablespoons of flowers and pour 100 ml of vodka over them. The tincture is kept for a week in a dark place, after which it must be strained and the resulting product lubricated the skin three times a day.
  3. Calendula and honey. This ancient recipe is effective in eliminating inflammation. You need to mix two tablespoons of calendula tincture and honey with a glass of water. The resulting product is wiped over the skin of the face 2 times a day.
  4. Ice made from chamomile flowers. This remedy eliminates redness and also clears up acne. To make ice, you need to pour one tablespoon of dried flowers into 100 ml of boiling water. When the broth has cooled, pour it into an ice tray and put it in the freezer. Before going to bed and after waking up, wipe your face with ice cubes.

In combination with folk remedies It is recommended to use medications from the pharmacy. In this case, different means are used, depending on the main cause of the rash on the face:

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    If the cause of the rash on the face is an allergy, first you need to avoid contact with allergens. Tavegil, Diazolin, Suprastin or Loratadine are taken as antihistamines.
  2. If the rash was caused by infectious diseases, then, in addition to antipyretic drugs, a solution of manganese or brilliant green is used.
  3. If areas on the face have been affected by the herpes virus, then they should be lubricated with Acyclovir cream.
  4. For sunburn, Pantesol or Panthenol creams are used.

Under no circumstances should you touch the rash with your hands. If you damage the top layer of the blister, new microorganisms will enter the source of inflammation and only worsen the situation. You should also not squeeze out purulent pimples and blackheads. If this does happen, they should be immediately lubricated with brilliant green and a disinfectant.


Skin rashes on the face, arms, legs, and entire body are a very common occurrence. A few lucky people can boast that they have never had a rash. Almost all people become familiar with rashes on their hands and face in early childhood. For example, if in cold weather you do not protect your hands from wind and frost, then red spots appear that itch and hurt. If you then come to a warm place and smear your hands with cream, then such an illness will go away very quickly. In adults, contact and atopic dermatitis are more common. They both cause a rash on the face and hands.

Provoking factors

These include:

  1. stressful situations;
  2. some medications (aspirin, antibiotics);
  3. various food products (nuts, raspberries);
  4. low-quality cosmetics;
  5. alcohol;
  6. problems with internal organs.

In addition, the rash is the result of a long stay in the cold, in bright sunlight. A similar problem is provoked by hormonal changes in the body, for example, during adolescence or pregnancy.


Causes and treatment


Due to nervousness, a rash on the face most often appears in representatives of the fair half of humanity. In life, we are faced with numerous stresses, which cause nervous tension, and this is reflected on the skin in the form of red spots. If the reason really lies only in nerves, then you should visit a psychologist who will help you sort out the problems. At home, you also need to constantly relax after a hard day.

Atopic dermatitis

This type of disease can appear immediately in the first months of a child’s life. Dermatitis also appears in adolescence and much later. In this case, a red rash appears on the hands, face, and almost all natural folds of the body. The spots are dry, flaky to the touch, they itch very much and cause severe discomfort. If dermatitis is not treated, the skin at the site of the rash begins to thicken and becomes covered with a layer of keratinized cells.

Atopic dermatitis is a hereditary disease, sometimes affecting several generations in a family. This disease should be treated under the direct supervision of an allergist and dermatologist. Antihistamines such as Claritin and Suprastin are usually prescribed. But in some cases, hormonal therapy in the form of tablets, injections, or ointments may be needed.

Contact dermatitis

This disease appears as a result of exposure to an allergen on the skin. Most often, household chemicals act as an allergen, which is an aggressive environment for unprotected hand skin. Detergents and detergents for cleaning apartments and washing dishes corrode the skin and wash off the protective layer from it.

In addition, dirt and germs immediately get on your hands, which aggravates the situation. Household chemicals, which have a bleaching and disinfectant effect, are especially dangerous.

Contact dermatitis can be completely avoided if you completely abandon modern detergents, replacing them with your grandmother’s old ones, or wear household gloves every time.

Allergic reactions

Contact dermatitis on the hands can occur as a response to the use of medical latex gloves. The rash is clearly localized on the hands and reaches the place where the gloves end. The solution is obvious - a complete rejection of latex in favor of other materials. Otherwise, a latex allergy can cause more serious problems, such as angioedema, which can be fatal if left untreated.


Contact dermatitis can also occur as a result of exposure of the skin to various metal jewelry, especially sprayed ones.

Other reasons

But the rash causes not only dermatitis, but also more serious diseases. This could be eczema and psoriasis. Eczema is characterized by a rash on the hands, with multiple rashes that tend to merge. With this disease, several stages of the development of the process can be observed: first, the skin begins to peel off, then crusts and scales form, then pigmented spots are formed, which gradually lighten.

In addition to diseases that are directly related to the skin, a rash on the hands and face can be caused by other diseases that are not associated with skin irritation at all. So, with syphilis, a rash covers the palms.

In acute intestinal infection, numerous pinpoint rashes spread to the face, arms, and feet. If the permeability of the vessel walls is impaired or there are blood diseases, then a rash occurs at the site where, for example, a bracelet is worn.


Skin care for breakouts

For any type of rash, certain rules should be followed. You cannot mask it with cosmetics, as this can provoke even more severe skin problems.

You cannot rub, let alone squeeze out, the rash; in the best case, the rash will become much larger, it will change its color to a more intense one, merge into one large spot or spread throughout the body. At worst, the infection can penetrate the internal organs and cause serious problems with them.

You should not prescribe medications yourself; it is better to discuss everything with your doctor.

It is also better to put aside folk remedies, because skin soothing products often include honey, which can further intensify allergic reactions. Washing should be done with light movements so as not to damage the inflamed areas and spread the infection. Dry with an individual towel, lightly blotting the skin.


Prevention measures

If one day a rash appears on the skin of your face or hands, then you should think about prevention, which will help prevent the occurrence of a similar disease in the future. Remember some tips:

  1. Before you start using a new cosmetic product, it is better to test it on the inside of your wrist. If the skin there is red, then the product should be discarded;
  2. protect your skin with special creams before going outside in frosty and sunny weather;
    do not use medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  3. if you are allergic to foods, you should not eat them;
  4. reduce the consumption of alcohol, sugar, canned products, hot seasonings;
  5. To avoid dermatitis, you should use personal protective equipment, wash your hands with antibacterial soap, and avoid contact with the suspected allergen.

There are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of rashes on the face and hands; they can only be treated by finding out the exact cause of the appearance. There is no clear cure; most likely, complex treatment will be necessary. Some diseases require months of therapy, but even this will not give complete confidence in recovery. Most likely, the disease will subside for a while, but as soon as a provoking factor appears, the rash will reappear.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.


Author of the article: pediatrician Valentina Razheva

Rash is one of the most common reasons for visiting a dermatologist not only in children, but also in adults. And their concern is well founded. The appearance of rashes on the body of an adult indicates one of two things:

  1. This is a skin disease, a type of dermatitis. Any dermatitis must be treated immediately, otherwise it threatens to become chronic. There are a number of diseases of various nature that exclusively affect the skin: seborrheic dermatitis, acne, lichen and much more. A rash on the body of an adult can also be a manifestation of urticaria or neurodermatitis. Women sometimes develop a rash during pregnancy.
  2. The rash is not the main disease, but a symptom of a serious illness in the body. Our skin is a kind of indicator that signals the presence of internal pathologies. And it makes sense that the rash won't go away until you treat the underlying disease.

The most important step in treating rashes in adults is diagnosis. A dermatologist will first of all pay attention to the nature of the rash.


Rash in adults, photo

Types of rashes in adults

Experts identify different types of rash, the exact definition of which often determines the correct diagnosis:


They are located at skin level, without rising above the surface. Depending on the color, roseola (red or pale pink spots), hyperpigmented spots (nevi, liver spots - brown spots), depigmented spots (vitiligo-white spots) are distinguished.


A limited, slightly elevated formation with a flat or dome-shaped surface. Large papules are called plaques.


Elements with a rough surface raised above the general level of the skin.


Formations on the surface of the skin filled with liquid contents (serous, bloody or purulent).

Ulcers and erosions

Areas of violation of the integrity of the skin, often covered with secretions of one kind or another.

Rash in an adult: causes of appearance

By the appearance and location of the rash on the body in adults, one can often make an assumption about the nature of the disease and find out the root cause of the rash.

Infectious rash

Transparent bubbles with a diameter of half a centimeter, which are localized in the abdomen and lower back, on the chest (the most common location), on the face, can be a symptom of shingles. The appearance of rashes occurs against the background of pain and impaired sensitivity of the affected areas of the skin.

Pemphigus appears in the form of single small blisters in the back and chest, scalp, and face). After a few hours or days, they open up on their own, and erosion and yellow crusts form at the site of the rash. Small vesicles and papules on the hands, wrists and feet that are very itchy, bloody crusts in the elbow area can be a symptom of scabies. If you suspect this disease, you should carefully examine the skin for the presence of scabies - slightly protruding lines on the skin with a small bubble at the end. With pityriasis rosea, a pink oval-shaped spot from 2 to 5 cm, with slight peeling in the middle, forms on the back or chest of the patient. After 1-2 weeks, multiple red spots appear on the body with peeling in the form of a characteristic “collar”. Herpes is accompanied by the appearance of small transparent bubbles resembling spheres in shape on the mucous membranes (most often on the lips) and on the face. The bubbles are close to each other, so from afar they resemble one large element. After a few days, the bubbles darken and begin to shrink to form dark brown or yellowish crusts. With syphilis, a rash is a secondary symptom. It appears unexpectedly, resembles small symmetrical spots, papules, pustules located in typical localization areas - these are the outer sides of the forearms, under the mammary glands, in the groin area and between the buttocks.

Rashes of non-infectious origin

  1. With seborrheic dermatitis, the rash is located on areas of the skin with a large number of sebaceous glands - the face, scalp, skin folds. Yellow-red spots of different sizes have a greasy surface and peel.
  2. Acne appears on the face and torso (mainly on the back and chest) during puberty. In an adult, they can occur due to hormonal imbalance. There are different types of acne - punctate comedones, papules and pustules, globular acne. Almost all of them leave scars on the skin.
  3. Round blisters of different sizes, pale red in color, which gradually merge with each other, and also itch, may be a symptom of urticaria.
  4. If pink-red papules covered with scales have formed on the head (its scaly part), on the elbow bend of the forearm, under the knees, and over time they begin to enlarge and merge with each other, this is most likely psoriasis.

Allergic rash in adults

  1. Such rashes resemble hives in appearance, but are accompanied by less severe itching. The elements vary in appearance: red spots with areas of peeling, crusts, small blisters.
  2. Against the background of toxicoderma (when the allergen has entered the body, and not as a result of skin contact with the irritant), inflammatory spots, blisters and papules appear on the skin. They are distinguished by their symmetrical arrangement.

Allergies - the cause of skin rashes, video

Источник — PediatrRussia

Small red rash in an adult - what does it mean?

A small red rash is a symptom of some diseases (see above), can signal an allergic reaction, or be a sign of a skin disease. It all depends on the nature and location of the rash.

A dermatologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis by analyzing the location of the rash and taking the necessary tests.

Rash on the body of an adult

Red spots all over the body of an adult can be a symptom of syphilis, drug toxicerma, or pityriasis rosea. A red rash in the form of papules located throughout the body is an alarming symptom. Perhaps it is mycosis, an infectious disease (adults tolerate chickenpox and scarlet fever much worse than children), psoriasis, urticaria or dermatitis.


Rash on the body.

Rash on the face of an adult

Red spots on the face accompany seborrheic dermatitis, syphilis, and lupus erythematosus. A skin rash on the face and cheeks of an adult in the form of crusts occurs with herpes, herpes zoster, and pemphigus.

Blisters that appear on the face may indicate an allergic reaction. Monitor their condition: if the skin at the site of the rash swells and other allergy symptoms are present (drowsiness, lethargy, cough or runny nose, fever), then this may be Quincke's edema, requiring immediate medical attention.

Rash on the legs of an adult

Rashes on the legs occur when an adult suffers from dermatitis or suffers from infectious diseases. A particular danger is the rash on the legs due to varicose veins. If left untreated, seemingly harmless rashes can turn into trophic ulcers.

Rash on the hands of an adult

Rashes rarely affect the hands (only if we are not talking about a rash all over the body). The appearance of red plaques and papules on the hands is a likely symptom of lichen planus, psoriasis, and itchy dermatitis.

Treatment of rashes in adults

Half of the success in treating rashes in adults primarily depends on eliminating the disease that caused the rash. Treatment should occur in three stages:

1. Diagnosis and identification of the exact cause of the rash.

2. Prescription of therapy to influence the underlying disease.

3. Prescribing medications to relieve symptoms and external influences on the rash.

If the rash is of allergic origin, antihistamines and medications are prescribed to remove the irritant from the body. Infectious rashes are treated with antifungal agents.

In all cases, the patient is recommended to correct the lifestyle, regimen and diet. During treatment, try to avoid stress, get enough rest, do not drink alcohol, and eat right.

Maintaining personal hygiene will help avoid the introduction of bacteria into areas of skin damage, and regular use of La Cree ointment for rashes in an adult will significantly shorten the treatment period.

To eliminate the most unpleasant symptoms, you can use simple medical and cosmetic products, including La-Cri products:

  1. La-Cri cream will soothe itching, relieve irritation, and restore the skin's protective abilities.
  2. La-Cri emulsion will moisturize dry areas of the skin and reduce flaking.
  3. Cleansing gel "La-Cri" will gently cleanse the affected areas of the skin.