Anti-wrinkle serum for smoothing the surface of the skin in Yves Rocher reviews

Manufacturers of anti-aging cosmetics every day have to look for new and improve old ingredients, as well as find new ways to combat wrinkles and age-related changes.

This happened with the new line of anti-aging care products Serum Vegetal from Yves Rocher, which contain a unique ingredient - Mesembryanthemum Crystal extract, which we talked about in the material about proper facial skin care. We have been interested in this line ever since it went on sale, and we decided to test the effect of the Serum Vegetal series products on ourselves. What came of it - read in our material!

Modeling eye contour cream “Lifting Effect”, Sérum Végétal

I'm skeptical about eye creams: I've tried a lot, but there's no effect. And spoiler: this modeling cream made me reconsider my views. I'll tell you why.

Let me immediately note how much I like this idea with the applicator! It is very convenient to apply the cream under the eyes with this tube: you gently press, a drop of cream appears on the applicator, and you lightly touch it in the eye area. Super! No touching with your hands! And the tube of a special elongated shape turns application into brush strokes!

About the cream: white thin consistency, without a strong odor, absorbs well.

About the effect. I never thought I would say this, but I felt it almost immediately. After the first 4 applications, expression lines around the eyes became noticeably less pronounced! But after I got into the swing of things and already slightly overdid the dose of cream (the temptation to lose 5 years by New Year is too great:), my eyes looked swollen in the morning. I read earlier that this is possible, so now I’m restraining myself. At this stage I am satisfied with the cream. As soon as I finish the tube, I’ll share my final impressions!

Anti-wrinkle and skin smoothing serum “Natural Radiance”, Sérum Végétal

Cosmetology provides us with more and more new products and innovative products every day. This time I decided to try the Sérum Végétal “Natural Glow” serum from Yves Rocher. Often, a cream can create the feeling of a mask on the face, in which case it would seem that there is no point in talking about a product UNDER the cream. But, nevertheless, interest got the better of me.

The first impression is quite pleasant. I was immediately pleased with the liquid texture, soft smell and quick absorption. And yes, finally there is a remedy after which you don’t feel a ton of fat on your face.

Regarding the effectiveness of the product, I can safely say that after 2 weeks of use, my forehead wrinkles became less noticeable. But I decided to conduct an experiment and stop using the serum for a few days. Unfortunately, the smoothing effect began to wear off little by little and my wrinkles returned to their original state. On the other hand, this effect can be attributed to the interruption of the course of “treatment” of wrinkles. Overall, I’m happy with the result, but we are women and always want more.

Anti-wrinkle and skin smoothing serum “Natural Radiance”, Sérum Végétal

I had the opportunity to try a new anti-wrinkle and skin smoothing serum from Yves Rocher. Although obvious facial wrinkles are visible only on my forehead, I applied it to my entire face - I’m already 25 and this is very relevant.

Pros. The structure of the serum itself is very pleasant to the touch. Even the skin of my hands (I applied it to my face with my fingers) becomes simply velvety. I really liked that when you apply the daily cream after the serum, it is absorbed instantly. And when you apply foundation afterwards, the surface of your facial skin really seems smoother. The serum probably improves the absorption of the cream and better nourishes the skin cells.

Minuses. I didn’t notice a big change in the forehead area - after a month of use, the wrinkles were still there.

In general, I liked the serum, but I would not recommend it as a remedy for wrinkles.

Night cream for wrinkles and smoothing the surface of the skin “Natural Radiance”, Sérum Végétal

To be honest, I respect Yves Rocher, but I have not used creams from this French company. But the moment came when I simply needed to order a care product from the “25+” category. I’m talking about necessity because before that I didn’t even want to think about such a terrible word as “wrinkles.” But you need to be one step ahead, even if you don’t yet have unpleasant folds on your skin, the appearance of which can be completely prevented.

I chose the anti-wrinkle night cream and after using this product for more than a month, I can say that I am very pleased with its effect. The cream nourishes the skin well and is ideal for the winter when it becomes dry. It feels like it is not completely absorbed, which would be bad for a day cream, but for night care it is quite acceptable. I was also pleased by the smell of the product - barely perceptible, but very pleasant, it evokes associations with high-quality cosmetics. And the jar in which the cream is located is definitely a plus, reminding us that high-quality cream should only be stored in glass.

Anti-wrinkle and skin smoothing serum “Natural Radiance”, Sérum Végétal

I also responded to a test of popular cosmetics from the famous brand Yves Rocher. For testing, I chose the anti-wrinkle and anti-wrinkle serum from the “Natural Radiance” line. I had never used such products before, so it was interesting to see the effect.

I’m 26 years old, so fortunately I don’t have any obvious wrinkles yet. But I know from my older friends that the enemy appears when you didn’t expect it, and the sooner you start anti-aging care, the later wrinkles in their deep form will appear. And just creams are not always enough. Therefore, after reading positive reviews of the anti-wrinkle serum from Yves Rocher, I decided to try it. I am a visual person, so at first sight I fell in love with the beautiful glass bottle with a convenient dispenser. So for me, using the serum daily was not only beneficial, but also aesthetically pleasing.

Advantages: The serum has a delicate structure and a pleasant smell. The main thing is that it is absorbed into the skin very quickly, and since I don’t like the feeling of greasy, this fact was a huge plus for me. The serum applies well to the skin, but it is better not to exaggerate with the amount: a small drop is enough. The skin becomes pleasant to the touch and even glows a little with health, as they say in advertising.

Flaws: I didn’t find them, except that it was unusual to apply cream after the serum, doing, so to speak, a double procedure. But I’m sure that my skin will say “thank you” for such a double saturation with benefits.

After systematic use of serum from Yves Rocher, the complexion has noticeably improved, the skin has become more delicate and dryness has disappeared. I can’t say anything about expression lines, since I haven’t seen them yet, but I hope that with the serum they will appear much later. I will definitely continue to use it in the future.

Night cream for wrinkles and skin elasticity “Restoring elasticity”, Sérum Végétal

Night cream from Yves Rocher is presented in a small, laconic package with a convenient lid. The consistency of the cream is quite pleasant: it is not liquid, but it cannot be called a gel either. Externally it resembles a soufflé. The smell is pleasant, without synthetic fragrance. The cream is evenly applied to the face and does not spread. There is, however, a specific feature: it is a little sticky, but I think this is explained by the fact that the cream has the properties of a lifting effect. After applying it to the skin of the face, it feels like you are wearing a mask - it tightens a little, but there is no pain or other sensations. The effect after use is pleasantly surprising - the skin looks fresh and even glows a little. The face immediately looks rested. In my opinion, this is an excellent night cream for those who want to get their appearance in shape without resorting to radical methods :)

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Every girl dreams of smooth, beautiful skin without redness, but adult women try to prolong the youth of their faces as much as possible. The representatives of the fair sex are helped by a variety of cosmetics that the modern beauty market is rich in. One of these products is whey, which only recently began to appear in stores in our country, but nevertheless has already managed to win the hearts of many.

In this article we will talk about the principle of action of the serum, the rules of use, selection, and consider the best products of the famous Yves Rocher brand and reviews of them.

What is whey?

Unfortunately, not always even the most expensive creams can solve the problem of the epidermis and restore its radiant appearance. Most often this happens due to the need for deeper penetration under the skin, where access to such products is limited. But serums, thanks to their special composition and lighter texture, penetrate the dermis more easily and help solve serious problems.

Professionals call such products Serum, from the English word, which translated means “concentrate”. Indeed, serums are quite concentrated products, containing 90% vitamins and minerals, while creams contain only 30-40%. They act as an amplifier of dermal hydration.


When such cosmetics first appeared, they were used exclusively in beauty salons, since in inexperienced hands they turned into a dangerous substance that could harm your own skin. As the demand for effective products increased, cosmetic giants decided to produce serums that were accessible to everyone and used at home. For this purpose, the best cosmetology chemists were invited, who in the laboratories developed a unique composition that allows it not to harm one’s own epidermis.

How to choose?

You should choose the product very carefully to get maximum results. First of all, it should be taken into account that serums are purchased regardless of skin type, unlike creams or oils. The main point of choice should be the problem that will be solved with the help of this product.

If this is done incorrectly, there will be no result at all.

There are serums for different purposes:

  1. ultra-moisturizing;
  2. moisturizing;
  3. to correct pigmentation;
  4. to smooth the surface of the skin;
  5. tightening pores;
  6. from wrinkles.

Thus, every girl will be able to find a product according to her needs.



Professional cosmetologists recommend focusing on age when purchasing; this greatly simplifies the choice and, with an objective assessment, allows you to avoid further misunderstandings. Under no circumstances should the serum be used by girls with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies. As a last resort, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Before use, it is important to conduct a small test to show whether this product is suitable. A small amount of liquid is applied to the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow. If no discomfort appears within 15 minutes, you can safely apply the serum to your face. If redness, itching or any unpleasant sensations occur, it is not recommended to use the product.


How to use it correctly?

Before using the serum, you should prepare your facial skin by thoroughly cleansing it and applying toner. Next, the product is distributed in a small amount over the face and pressed in with your fingers until completely absorbed. It is recommended to make massage movements, so the serum will penetrate deeper into the dermis. After 10 minutes, you can apply face cream. The last point is not necessary if the skin is well moisturized.

Some people prefer to use serums as stand-alone treatments. This product has an immediate effect that is visible almost immediately, so it can be additionally used before applying makeup for an important event.

Some girls use serums as a base for alginate masks. First of all, you should wash your face with the gel, then apply the serum, and after it is absorbed, add an alginate mask. The product helps enhance the effectiveness of the serum and allows beneficial substances to penetrate deeper into the dermis.

Products are not divided into daytime and nighttime; they are taken depending on the season. In summer - light, in winter - with increased density.


Popular Products

Yves Rocher serums are presented in a wide range. Among them, everyone can find a remedy as needed.

Cure Solutions

The product has quite strong antioxidant properties that protect the skin from oxidation throughout the day. The components included in this product allow you to optimally bind free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging of the dermis and its pollution. Cure Solutions creates a thin invisible film on the epidermis that prevents dirt and bacteria from entering and also helps restore damaged cells.

Reviews about this product are positive. It really works by protecting the skin from harmful molecules, cleansing it, and helping to cope with various dermatological problems.

Hydra Vegetal

An ultra-moisturizing serum intended by the manufacturer for dry and dehydrated skin. Judging by the reviews, it is also suitable for girls with a combination type. This product prevents peeling, gives the face freshness, and literally saturates the epidermis with the necessary moisture. The feeling of tightness and dryness disappears after just a couple of uses of the serum.

The product also has a cumulative effect, which becomes obvious after a month of use. Some girls notice a significant reduction in pores and the disappearance of oily shine. The liquid gel with a light texture has a delicate scent and a very convenient bottle with a dispenser.

"Elixir of Beauty"

The oil-based product is sold in a glass bottle with a convenient pipette. The product contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that penetrate deeply into the epidermis. The serum perfectly nourishes, smoothes the skin, giving it a natural glow. Despite the small volume of the bottle (10 ml), it is consumed quite economically. Many girls are in no hurry to apply oil all over their face. It is best to add a couple of drops to the skin care cream, mix and lubricate the skin.

Reviews for the product are mostly positive. It is universal in use, works great and is economical to use. Perhaps the only negative is the slightly pungent smell of the serum.



"Revival of Youth"

A serum with an organic composition and a complete absence of parabens has a cumulative effect, which becomes noticeable within a month after regular use. The product should be applied under an anti-aging moisturizer. Of course, it will not be able to completely smooth out all wrinkles, but it will significantly transform the face and increase the elasticity of the skin.

The product is sold in a glass bottle with a convenient cap and pipette. The serum promotes deep hydration and nutrition of the skin, as a result of which the level of elasticity increases and fine wrinkles gradually disappear.

Over time, the tone of the face is evened out and it acquires a natural radiance. Reviews of “Revival of Youth” are mostly positive. Few people expect great miracles from it, but the result is very pleasing and makes women buy the product and continue to use it.

Serum Vegetal

The serum is intended for anti-aging care, so there is no point in purchasing it for girls with no signs of aging. The manufacturer recommends combining it with other products in this line, while guaranteeing greater effectiveness from use. Like other products designed to combat wrinkles, Serum Vegetal has a cumulative effect that will become noticeable with regular use for at least three weeks.

The skin becomes smoother and the complexion is evened out. A natural, healthy glow becomes a constant companion for women who use this product daily. Small and medium wrinkles, which often spoil the overall appearance, gradually disappear.

Reviews about the serum are positive. Women see results after the first applications. It is expressed in smoothness and velvety skin. With regular use, there is a gradual smoothing of wrinkles and the appearance of a natural shine that was inherent in youth.

For a review of the Yves Rocher serum, see below.


At the beginning of this year, Brand Yves Rocher introduced the Innovative Care Sérum Végétal - a solution to all anti-aging skin problems. Our experts have created 3 Care programs: Natural Radiance, Restoring Elasticity and Lifting Effect:

Many have already assessed the effectiveness of herbal ingredients and noted positive results. Share your review of Vegetal Serum Treatment and win a prize from Yves Rocher!

We are waiting for your feedback until November 25 inclusive in the comments to this post. On November 30, we will select three winners and give away Day Care from the Vegetal Serum range.