Proper care for dry skin

A thoughtful and correct approach to dry facial skin will have a beneficial effect on your appearance if you approach the problem thoroughly and thoroughly study the internal and external needs of the epidermis.

Increased dry skin is an uncomfortable condition that causes many problems for women. The dermis that has lost moisture becomes unattractive, and wrinkles and cosmetic defects begin to appear especially clearly.

Many panicky begin to realize that the time has come to say goodbye to their former beauty and are ready to conduct various experiments with their face. But there is no need to chase dubious immediate results.

Why has my facial skin become dry?

The skin becomes dry when it is deprived of its natural fatty film, which acts as a protective barrier. It is the production of sebum that ensures the elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis and prevents moisture loss and aging. The reasons for this deficiency may be:

  1. individual characteristics;
  2. age-related changes;
  3. health problems.

Many people have this skin from birth. Moreover, in her youth she is a source of real pride - she is not shiny with fat, has no enlarged pores, and is not susceptible to inflammatory acne.

However, with age, it is precisely this advantage that develops into a problem, and skin without excess sebum becomes vulnerable to aggressive environmental influences and begins to experience moisture deficiency.

Owners of this skin type may notice the first wrinkles on their face as early as 25 years old, while their peers with normal or oily skin face this problem no earlier than 30 years old, or even later.

The epidermis is negatively affected by improper and unbalanced nutrition. This is especially noticeable if:

  1. food does not supply enough vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
  2. the diet is dominated by carbonated drinks, canned foods, coffee and sweets;
  3. as a result of strict diets, the body does not receive enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  4. the body is dehydrated or water consumption is reduced to a minimum;
  5. no restrictions on alcohol.

Eating fish, liver, vegetable oil, nuts, vegetables and fruits, following a drinking regime, and giving up bad habits help your face transform.

Dry facial skin can be the result of improper care, the use of aggressive detergents, low-quality cosmetics and unsuccessful procedures. For this type the following is prohibited:

  1. alcohol-based cleansers, as well as alkaline detergents;
  2. mechanical and chemical peels;
  3. exfoliating scrubs;
  4. drying masks.

The use of all these cosmetic manipulations that dry out the skin of the face is a common reason for the deterioration of its condition.

Negative factors that loosen the upper layer of the epidermis and provoke moisture loss include difficult climatic conditions and unfavorable working conditions.

How to identify dry facial skin in time?

To determine whether your skin is dry, you can perform a simple test. To do this, you need to carefully examine your face in the mirror through a magnifying glass to see:

  1. parchment paper-like appearance;
  2. grooves and wrinkles that dotted the entire upper layer of the epidermis;
  3. the condition of the pores, when dry they are narrowed;
  4. the presence of rashes all over the face or individual areas;
  5. the surface of the dermis – if there is a problem, it is rough with pronounced flaky fragments;
  6. a shade of the skin surface that is unevenly hyperemic.

After visual examination, a paper napkin will help to continue determining your skin type. A few hours before the experiment, you need to wash your face and refrain from using cosmetics. The procedure is simple, all you need to do is:

  1. lie down on the sofa;
  2. cover your face with a napkin and press it lightly for tight contact;
  3. wait 10 minutes.

When the surface is dried, there will be no imprints of the natural production of sebaceous secretion on the napkin, which indicates a high degree of the problem.

Another way to determine your skin type is to press firmly on a specific area. If after this there is a red imprint left, which disappears rather slowly, it is overdried.

Timely care for a dry face will help avoid global problems with turgor and help protect against wrinkles.

How should you care for dry skin?

Rules for caring for dry skin are based on manipulations of hydration, nutrition and protection. Particular attention should be paid to:

Intensive external hydration. Helpers for a beautiful face - hyaluronic acid, collagen and chitosan create a protective breathable mask that retains moisture and does not allow it to evaporate. As a result, the face is transformed - the skin becomes elastic, nourished and fresh.

Support of internal reserves. Active natural moisturizers will help give the lost structure to the epidermis and stimulate its own functions: lactose, glucose, glycerin, urea. Deep-acting products should contain amino acids, lactate, and provitamin B.

Restoring the lipid barrier, which was torn and became unable to retain moisture. The unprotected dermis is depleted and all attempts to nourish it are fruitless - after a short period of time after applying the moisturizer, it becomes tight again. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, natural oils, phospholipids and ceramides will cope with this task.

Protection from the negative influence of external factorsWhich provoke skin aging. Components such as antioxidants such as vitamins E and C, as well as UV filters, can do this. Winter care face cream will provide good protection. Such products are specially created to create a film on your skin that protects from cold and wind.

Presence of beneficial elements in a facial care product. For example, extracts from grape seeds, seaweed, and honey make it capable of healing the skin, restoring its freshness and elasticity.

Regeneration, which is most intense during night rest. For this purpose, night creams of a denser consistency are used, which contain oils, ceramides, fatty acids, collagen and elastin.

And if we take care of even very dry skin according to all the rules, the result will not be long in coming. Soon you can feel the amazed glances of your friends who will be delighted with the transformation.

Watch the video in which a cosmetologist will talk about proper care for dry skin:

Daily facial skin care

Proper facial skin care involves performing procedures that help not only maintain the condition of the dermis, but also significantly improve its appearance.

To do this, even the simplest manipulations that make up daily care must be carried out with special care due to the increased vulnerability of dry skin. In order not to aggravate the situation, you should abandon cosmetics containing surfactants in favor of delicate, specialized cosmetics.

What should I wash my face with, and should I wash my face at all?

Dry dermis needs regular cleansing just like other types. This can be done without harm if:

  1. instead of soap, use gels and foams, which in addition to cleansing also moisturize;
  2. remove makeup with a special milk based on hydrophilic cleansing components, then rinse your face with water at a comfortable temperature;
  3. use micellar water as a preliminary stage of cleansing, as well as in road conditions.

For dry skin, the most favorable time to wash your face is evening. Removing the remaining outdoor air, dust and sweat will prevent inflammation and allow it to breathe. Clean, settled or filtered water at room temperature is suitable for washing.

While it is not recommended to wash your face in the morning with water or other cleansers, even the most delicate ones. Overnight, a protective film is formed on the skin, produced by the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which helps retain moisture and wash it off in an extremely irrational way.

Toning is a must!

It is a mistaken belief that it is not necessary to use a tonic. For dull, dry skin, toning is as important as cleansing.

Ideally, if the cleansing products and tonic are from the same cosmetic line and complement each other perfectly.

If such procedures are tactful and caring, very dry facial skin will soon delight you with a healthy and fresh look. For this purpose it is recommended:

  1. use tonics with a predominant composition of softening and moisturizing components;
  2. avoid alcohol-containing products.

Tonics fully justify their purpose if they contain:

  1. silk and wheat proteins, which have a lifting effect and make the skin velvety;
  2. extracts of algae, rosewood, acai berries, wheat germ, which improve blood circulation in the skin and have a rejuvenating, softening effect;
  3. sodium hyaluronate – a component that promotes the production and retention of moisture in the skin;
  4. vitamin B3 – enhances the protective functions of the skin.

By their action, tonics improve microcirculation of the skin, saturate it with oxygen, make the epidermis ready to absorb the beneficial substances of cosmetics, and improve their effect by almost a third.

Moisturizing cream or nourishing?

To fully restore the skin and give it a healthy, fresh look, you need nutrition and hydration. It is not advisable to give preference to any one type of cream, because one of them supplies the skin with necessary nutrients (feeds), and the other saturates it with moisture. Just as there is no question of what is better, water or food, so in the case of creams, they should work equally hard to restore the thinned epidermis.

Moisturizing creams are preferred for morning care. These cosmetics should contain hyaluronic acid, which can not only attract moisture to the top layer of dry dermis, but also bind it inside the deeper layers of the epidermis.

It is recommended to use the nourishing cream in the evening, since it is at night that the processes of cell division and the removal of waste substances are activated.

All components of this product will help the skin:

  1. update;
  2. normalize metabolic and restorative processes;
  3. get a whole arsenal of vitamins and microelements.

Care for very dry skin in warm and cold seasons

Dry skin at different times of the year requires special attention.

Winter care must take into account the following nuances:

  1. it is necessary to cancel scrubbing, toning with ice cubes and gel products - all this will irritate and injure the surface of the face exposed to extreme winter weather;
  2. give preference to thick formulations with a greasy texture;
  3. It's time to pay attention to fruit and milk peels, which will even out your complexion, remove wrinkles, and start the regeneration process.

Due to the fact that most of the time has to be spent in heated rooms, care for dry skin in winter is aimed at intensive hydration.

It is necessary to saturate not only the dermis with moisture, but also the dry air. To do this, it is recommended to use thermal water or moisturizing tonics for the face during the day, and special moisturizers for the area around.

Products for the care of dry skin in the warm season should nourish, moisturize and protect it. Particular attention should be paid to:

  1. nourishing masks that need to be done every 3-5 days;
  2. the presence of sunscreen filters in cosmetics that protect the epidermis from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  3. regular use of thermal water.

Home remedies for dry skin

At home, caring for dry dermis is very effective, using available components. Among the leaders - all dairy products, designed to neutralize the alkaline reaction of dry skin, thereby improving its condition. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the dried surface. honey, vegetable and fruit juices.

For a good result, a composition based on kefir, sour cream, yogurt is applied to cleansed skin, to which one of the active additives is mixed - carrot juice, dill, berry puree, jojoba oil.

After applying the composition to your face, you need to wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

From this table you can try several effective tonics and masks:

Masks Compound Application Action
Cottage cheese – 1 tbsp.
Strong black tea – 1 tsp.
Fish oil – ½ tsp.
Fish oil – ½ tsp.
Flaxseed oil – 1 tsp.
Heat the oils and mix with other ingredients. The mixture should be slightly warm. Apply to face, avoiding the eye area and leave for 20 minutes. It has a tonic and moisturizing effect, helps improve the condition of the skin, nourishes it and rejuvenates it.
Fresh chicken egg yolk
Refined olive oil – 50 ml
Sea buckthorn oil – 10 ml
Beat the yolk with a blender and add oil. You should end up with an emulsion similar to a cream. This mixture is applied to the face and left for up to 20 minutes. The finished emulsion can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, helps remove flaking and get rid of inflammatory processes on the skin.
Oatmeal – 1 tbsp.
Olive oil – 1 tsp.
Milk – 2 tsp.
Vitamin A – 10 drops
Vitamin E – 10 drops.
Pour the oatmeal with warm milk and cover with a lid for a couple of minutes. Vitamins are added to the oil, and then the oatmeal and oils are combined. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. It is enough to use 2-3 times a week. Nourishes and tones the skin, evens out color, enhances regeneration and moisturizes the skin.
Beans – 100 g
Olive oil – 50 g.
The beans are well boiled, then kneaded and mixed with oils. The mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Gives a rejuvenating effect, removes flaking, evens out skin tone.
Tonics Flower tonic Mix petals of roses, chamomile, jasmine, linden blossom. Everything is poured with boiling water and infused. Store this toner in the refrigerator and apply with a cotton pad or spray. Refreshes and softens the skin, helps get rid of inflammation, and promotes hydration.
Strawberry tonic Fresh strawberries are ground with a spoon and filled with mineral water. You can add a couple of drops of glycerin to the mixture to soften the skin. Softening and nourishing effect.
Oatmeal tonic Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of oatmeal, let it brew, and then strain. Toning, nourishing and moisturizing effect.
Chamomile lotion Mix the required amount of water with milk and bring to a boil. Pour this mixture over the rosea flowers and let it brew. Store the mixture in the refrigerator Nourishing, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

Salon treatments for dry skin

Salon care for dry skin includes the following procedures:

  1. chemical and hardware peelings that smooth the surface, stimulate its regeneration, smooth out wrinkles;
  2. massage, which helps to launch metabolic processes, creates a muscular framework for the dermis;
  3. biorevitalization – filling the dermis with hyaluronic acid, which has hyper-moisturizing and toning properties;
  4. injections of vitamin complexes that nourish the skin and promote a magnificent appearance.

Products for the care of dry skin can restore it to a healthy, fresh appearance and restore turgor, provided that all manipulations are carried out taking into account the characteristics of this derma type.

A comprehensive guide to caring for dry skin will answer questions: how to cleanse it properly, how often to exfoliate, what products to use to moisturize. If you are still not sure whether your skin is of the dry type, we will list its characteristic signs.

  1. Signs of dry skin
  2. Causes of dry skin on the face
  3. What else you need to know about dry skin
  4. Rules and tips for moisturizing your skin
  5. How to care for dry skin: a step-by-step guide
  6. Features of seasonal skin care
  7. How to choose a dry skin care product
  8. Tools Overview

Signs of dry skin

Caring for dry skin is a responsible undertaking. To make sure that your skin is of this type, check the list of its characteristics. Typically dry skin:

prone to redness and peeling;

has reduced turgor;

distinguished by invisible pores;

does not suffer from pimples and acne;

shows creases and fine wrinkles;

often covered with pigment spots.

You can make sure that you have dry skin by passing a special test.


Now let’s tell you a little more about the main features of dry skin.

She's thin

You can put an equal sign between dryness and thinness of the skin. Capillaries shine through it, it is prone to obvious manifestations of rosacea. Compared to oily and normal skin, dry skin is more prone to irritation and flaking. But not to inflammatory acne-type rashes.

Those with dry skin only complain about acne during adolescence or in case of allergies.

Dry skin is thin and vulnerable, prone to early aging © iStock

She's aging faster

Those with dry skin notice the first wrinkles in the mirror before others. First in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and around the eyes, and then around the lips.

To prevent premature skin aging, cosmetologists recommend starting to use moisturizing and nourishing creams from the age of sixteen.

Causes of dry skin on the face

Before diving into the topic, watch our video. Perhaps you will already find answers to your questions there.

As you can see, there are many factors that cause dry skin; let’s look at the main ones in more detail.

“People are born with dry skin, this is a genetically determined factor,” says Vichy brand expert Elena Eliseeva. “With age, it becomes even more vulnerable, because after 25 years, the process of collagen production slows down.”

Low activity of the sebaceous glands

Dry skin is caused by low activity of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, this skin type has a thinner protective barrier, which includes a hydrolipid mantle, cells of the stratum corneum and intercellular lipids. Such skin is more exposed to the external environment and loses moisture very quickly.

You've probably already noticed that cosmetologists have a very negative attitude towards tanning. There is an explanation for this: direct sunlight reduces the skin's immunity and contributes to its aging. Therefore, even when in the city, at least in the summer, choose creams with a sun protection factor. And going to the sea without a cream with SPF 30 or 50 is completely contraindicated for those with dry skin. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses are strictly required.

Wrong care

This can also cause dryness and flaking on the face. As soon as you notice that something has gone wrong, do not delay visiting a cosmetologist.

Air conditioning, dry air in the office, the November wind and winter frosts - all this also contributes to dryness. Put a moisturizing facial mist in your office cosmetic bag, and before going outside on a windy or frosty day, use a nourishing cream (half an hour before going out). Your skin will thank you.

Dry skin is caused by heredity © iStock

What else you need to know about dry skin

There are some nuances that are worth considering.

Do not confuse dry skin with combination skin

It must be looked after accordingly.

Morning and evening, cleanse your face with a mild gel or lotion. It is advisable to include a Clarisonic device in your cleansing ritual, using the brush attachment only on the T-zone. This will help get rid of excess sebum and cleanse the pores.

Master the multimasking technique. Apply a moisturizing mask to dry areas of the face, and a cleansing mask (for example, with clay) to those that suffer from oily shine and inflammation. The procedure can be repeated up to three times a week.

Use masks for dry skin once a week © iStock

The skin is not just dry, but very dry

Does your skin feel tight even in the shower? Most likely, you have very dry skin. What does it mean?

Cleansing tonics and gels containing alcohol or acids, even soft ones like fruit and glycolic, are contraindicated for you.

Creams should contain as many nutritional components and oils as possible that will retain moisture in the dermis throughout the day.

Neglecting night cream is a real beauty crime. Two or three times a week you can replace it with overnight leave-in masks.

Dry skin is prone to irritation

If your skin is prone to irritation (reddens and peels), it means the protective barrier is damaged.

In creams, look for ceramides and lipid-restoring components - they are now your best friends.

But it is better to exclude products with retinol and its derivatives from your beauty ritual.

You don't have to wash your face with water. The skin is already dehydrated, and hard tap water will only worsen the situation. Your option is milk or micellar water to remove makeup, plus mineral or just bottled water to wash them off.

Rules and tips for moisturizing your skin

“Dry skin requires the most gentle care possible. It should be aimed primarily at nutrition and hydration,” says Elena Eliseeva. “All efforts must be devoted to restoring the hydrolipid mantle and creating a barrier that protects against aggressive factors.”

In summer, dry skin needs toner and moisturizer © iStock


If you are not ready to give up washing with water (see above), then invest in cleansers in foam format. They usually do not contain aggressive ingredients that dry out the skin. Choose formulas with ceramides and oils (not mineral ones).

Milky or lotion-textured cleansers containing chamomile and jojoba oil are ideal. They will moisturize the skin and make it softer.

Your category of creams is moisturizing and nourishing with hyaluronic acid, chitosan and squalene. Oils do not moisturize the skin, but retain moisture perfectly.

It’s good if the day cream contains SPF - it will save thin, dry skin from photodamage, which means age spots and premature wrinkles.

How to care for dry skin: a step-by-step guide

Stages of care

Your actions Morning care Evening care
Washing with soft gel or foam
Daytime moisturizer in summer or nourishing in winter
Moisturizer with SPF factor
Moisturizing eye cream
Moisturizing cream for the lip area
Revitalizing night cream
Cleansing cream or micellar water
Bi-phase oil-based makeup remover

Features of seasonal skin care

Depending on the time of year, dry skin can become even drier or remain stable. So care will have to be adjusted according to the season.

Autumn, winter and early spring

During the cold season, even oily and combination skin can suffer from dryness. This is due to the wind, dry air in rooms with central heating and a sharp temperature change.

In winter, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to intensely moisturizing creams with a thicker texture. In the morning, you can add a couple of drops of moisturizing or restoring serum to the cream to protect thin skin from irritation.

Don't forget to use night cream or concentrate. Overnight, the skin needs to restore the resources spent during the day.

Twice a week, replace your night cream with a leave-in moisturizing or nourishing mask. The next morning the skin will become soft and elastic. If you don’t have a special product on hand, apply a regular mask, after 15 minutes, carefully remove the excess with a cotton pad, and let the remainder absorb.

Do not overuse scrubs and peels. During the cold season, you can arrange home cleansing rituals no more than once a week. Choose soft products without hard abrasive particles.

Take care of the delicate skin of your lips - do not be lazy before going to bed, apply a nourishing balm with jojoba, shea butter, and olive oil.

Late spring, summer and early autumn

In the warm season, dry skin lives a little easier. She does not need to find additional resources to fight the cold. But this does not negate proper care.

Toner and moisturizer with SPF are your best friends for the summer.

Masks you will need: a) cleansing, b) moisturizing. The first will help with the removal of dead cells, getting rid of toxic city dust particles that inevitably settle on the skin during the day. The second will maintain the level of moisture.

Stock up on a cooling and soothing gel in case you suddenly couldn’t protect your face from the sun’s rays and got a burn or irritation.

Caring for dry skin requires nutrition and hydration © iStock

How to choose a dry skin care product

We'll tell you what ingredients to look for in a cream for dry skin and how exactly they work.

Cosmetics ingredients for dry skin

Ingredient name Action
Hyaluronic acid One of the main components of the extracellular matrix. One molecule of acid attracts up to 1000 molecules of water.
Ceramides They act on the principle of cement: they hold connections between cells and prevent the evaporation of intercellular fluid.
Vitamin B complex Without exaggeration, these are some of the most powerful vitamins for the skin. Their task is to smooth, relieve irritation, activate collagen production and lighten dark spots.
glycerol This common ingredient is often added to creams for dry skin. It is classified as a natural moisturizing ingredient that smoothes the skin and makes it softer.
Antioxidants (green tea and grape seed extracts, vitamin E and licorice root) Protect skin from free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
Shea, coconut, sunflower and mango butters They prevent moisture evaporation and visually smooth the skin, making it softer.

Tools Overview


Product name Action
Cucumber Herbal Conditioning Cleanser, Kiehl’s The duet of cucumber extract and rosemary oil perfectly cleanses and refreshes the skin. The product does not cause a feeling of tightness thanks to the glycerin in the composition.
Gentle Cleanser, SkinCeuticals The milk does a great job of removing makeup without drying out the skin. Natural orange oil has a tonic effect.


Antioxidants in high concentrations neutralize the effects of oxidative stress and prepare the skin to fight the aggressive external environment. Ascorbic acid promotes the restoration of cell membranes, and ferulic acid prevents moisture loss and the aging process of cells in general.

Name Action
Fluid “Genius of Hydration”, L’Oréal Paris The lightest fluid in texture consists of 82% purified water. Instantly absorbed. Aloe vera juice and hyaluronic acid are responsible for hydration.
Antioxidant serum C E Ferulic, SkinCeuticals
Antioxidant gel Phloretin CF Gel, SkinCeuticals Serum in gel is a patented complex of antioxidants that help protect the skin from premature aging and prevent pigmentation. Two to three drops are enough to treat the entire face. Apply immediately after washing.


Effectively eliminates dry skin problems, including flaking.

Provides intense hydration for 48 hours thanks to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and shea butter.

Facial skin care is a mandatory daily procedure in the life of any woman. The care program depends directly on the skin type, which can change throughout life due to various factors (nutrition, state of the nervous system, care, etc.). Dry facial skin causes many problems for its owner, but if you know the basic rules for caring for this type of skin, many problems can be avoided.


The peculiarity of dry facial skin is that in young years it practically does not cause any trouble: there is no oily shine, pores are not visible at all, there are no problems with pimples and blackheads, and the skin has a peach tint. However, after twenty years the situation changes radically. In the absence of proper and thorough care, the skin becomes very dry, rough, its elasticity decreases, a strong feeling of tightness appears, cracks, irritation, as well as so-called “lichen” spots. In addition, dry skin types become more sensitive to exposure to sunlight, cold air and wind, and strong temperature changes. Due to the absence or lack of hydration and nutrition, dry skin is susceptible to the early appearance of signs of aging, especially noticeable in the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds. Already at the age of twenty-five, a girl’s wrinkles can be pronounced, while in girls with a normal skin type, the first signs of aging appear at the age of thirty and later, depending on lifestyle and care. Therefore, it is very important from an early age to properly care for dry skin, focusing on its hydration and nutrition.

Causes of dry facial skin.
Caring for dry facial skin must begin with identifying the causes of its dryness. The most common cause of dry skin is dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Insufficient sebum secretion deprives the skin of its natural protection (fat film) from the aggressive effects of the environment, consisting of fat, sweat and moisturizing substances, which also provides elasticity to the upper layer of the epidermis. Because of this, the stratum corneum becomes loosened, as a result of which the skin quickly loses moisture and ages quickly. With age, the sebaceous glands begin to work much more slowly, which is quite normal. Other reasons leading to dry skin may be disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (poor absorption of food), various diseases of the nervous system, lack of any vitamins, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, frequent use of soap in skin care, prolonged exposure to in the open sun, as well as working near hot stoves.

Rules for caring for dry skin.
Caring for dry skin should be done using cosmetics that do not contain alcohol. Dry skin requires daily care, but does not tolerate overload with care products or constant use of new products. It is better to use a small arsenal of products from one line with a carefully thought-out dry skin care program.

It is better to cleanse dry facial skin in the evening using soft cosmetic milk or cream. It is these products that perfectly dissolve fat, while not only preserving the natural fat layer, but also moisturizing and nourishing the skin. For this purpose, you can use various oils, including baby oils. Since cosmetic milk dissolves perfectly in water, after cleansing your face can simply be rinsed with slightly warm water. Instead of milk, to cleanse dry skin, you can use gels for sensitive skin, which contain bisabolol, algae extracts, ecotera oil, evening primrose, azulene, etc.

If the water is very hard, after washing, to avoid even greater dryness, the skin can be lightly wiped with a special alcohol-free eau de toilette for the face using a cotton pad. The evening skin care routine ends with the application of a nourishing night cream for dry skin types. As a rule, creams for night use contain more fat than those for daytime use, since it is at night that the skin regeneration process takes place, which requires sufficient nutritional support. Therefore, if you have dry skin, it is better not to use the same cream day and evening. In case of a particular lack of moisture in the skin, a moisturizing substance, for example, a hydrogel, is allowed to be applied under the night cream. For dry facial skin, it is necessary to choose semi-synthetic fatty compositions containing vegetable oils, essential fatty acids, and ceramides as a night cream. In addition, night creams for dry skin often include extracts of aloe, algae, as well as substances that enhance immune processes, whey proteins, vitamins A and E. Night cream should be applied a couple of hours before bedtime, ten minutes after After applying it, your face should be blotted with a napkin.

In the morning, the skin cleansing procedure includes washing with regular slightly warm water. You can also use decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, sage, mint, lemon balm, or you can use eau de toilette for the face. The use of cleansers in the morning is not recommended, as they destroy the natural fat film, which contributes to drying of the skin. After washing, the skin needs toning and moisturizing. For this purpose, it is recommended to use tonics that do not contain alcohol and include wheat and silk proteins, vitamins, wheat germ and algae extracts, and collagen. These types of tonics can be prepared at home; they will not only heal dry skin, but also add freshness and a healthy glow to it.

Recipes for homemade toners for dry skin.
Crush one tablespoon of strawberries until a paste forms. Add 200 ml of cold boiled water to the resulting pulp. Strain the mixture and add one teaspoon of glycerin. This toner perfectly cleanses the skin of remaining impurities and moisturizes the skin.

Pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of dried elderberry flowers, leave covered for ten minutes, then strain and cool. Instead of elderberry, you can use chamomile flowers, as well as linden blossom. Such tonics perfectly cleanse and tone dry skin, as well as soothe the skin and relieve irritation.

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 poppy petals or two tablespoons of grains, leave for an hour and strain. The resulting decoction can be used instead of water for daily washing.

Mix poppy, linden, jasmine, rose, and chamomile petals in equal proportions. Take two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain. This toner perfectly refreshes very dry skin.

After toning, the skin needs hydration, for which you should use an intensive moisturizing day cream with a light but rich texture (with oils and nutrients). Ideally, such a cream will contain sun protection factors, SPF of at least 15, which will protect the skin from the premature appearance of signs of aging. The composition of a day cream for dry skin should include vitamins, moisturizers (hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, milk proteins), antioxidants, extracts of wheat, oats, honey, as well as collagen and elastin. As a biological additive in the cream, gammalinoleic acid is effective, which helps the skin retain moisture and fat, as well as urea, which smooths out rough and flaky areas. It is better to apply the day cream in two steps: after applying the first layer of cream, you should wait about five minutes and apply the cream again to the remaining dry areas. After the cream has been absorbed, the face should be blotted with a napkin, after which you can apply makeup. Cream-based products are suitable as a foundation for dry skin.

Masks play a special role in caring for dry skin. They even out the surface of the skin, moisturize and nourish the skin, making it elastic and beautiful. Masks for dry skin types can be purchased in stores in the form of ready-made creamy products that are easy to use, or you can prepare them yourself at home.

For dry facial skin, toning masks in combination with nourishing ones are suitable; they perfectly strengthen and protect the skin, increasing its tone. The nourishing mask has a dense consistency and a high concentration of fats, so it should be done 2 times a week. Toning masks for dry skin types include microelements, algae, guarana extract, gingko bilobo and other substances. Masks with beeswax nourish dry skin well. Any mask must be kept on the face for twenty minutes, and then washed off first with warm, then with cold boiled water. After this, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

Before applying the mask, you should check it for the possibility of an allergy to its components. To do this, apply a little of the product that you are going to use as a mask to a small area of ​​skin (preferably behind the ear), and after fifteen minutes, rinse it off with warm water. Sensitivity to the components of the mask can manifest itself either immediately in the form of redness or severe burning, or after some time. It's better to wait a day. You should know that the mask can only be applied to healthy, non-injured skin.

In summer, a rich night cream for the care of dry skin can be replaced with light cooling agents (you can wipe the skin with pieces prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs), which have a calming effect.

Recipes for masks for dry skin.
Curd mask. To two tablespoons of cottage cheese, add two teaspoons of sesame oil (if not, you can use any vegetable oil) and stir until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, after twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. Remains of the mask can be removed using a cotton pad soaked in cosmetic milk.

Curd and honey mask. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese until a homogeneous mass is formed with two tablespoons of honey, previously melted in a water bath. Apply the resulting mask to your face, and after twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

Oil mask. Take a piece of gauze, folded in three layers, cut holes in it for the eyes and mouth. Soak gauze in any heated vegetable oil (in emergency cases, you can use almond oil) and apply this “compress” to your face for 20 minutes. After this time, you should remove any remaining oil from your face with a swab soaked in hot water (tolerable), and then blot your face with a damp towel soaked in cold water.

Moisturizing mask. To prepare such a mask, mix a teaspoon of fresh cottage cheese with the same amount of fresh cream and carrot juice.

Yolk mask. Grind the yolk with half a teaspoon of olive oil and add 5 drops of lemon juice.

Cucumber mask. Mix cucumber pulp (2 tsp) with fresh milk (1 tsp).

Honey mask. Grind honey (1 tsp) until white and mix with a small amount of fresh milk. Instead of honey, you can use fruits (peaches, raspberries, strawberries, apricots, etc.).

Dry skin types also require “aggressive cleansing” (exfoliation, peeling), which should be done in the summer. However, it is best to carry out this type of procedure in the office of a professional cosmetologist. If you decide to peel at home, you should know that for dry skin, the acid content in the peeling product should be no more than 20%, and scrubs should not contain abrasive particles.

Tips for those with dry skin.
Dry skin is harmful to visiting a sauna, active sports, as well as swimming in chlorinated water, since this helps to wash out valuable nutrients, the replenishment of which is very difficult. After such procedures, it is recommended to apply a thick layer of rich moisturizer to the skin, or make a nourishing or moisturizing mask.

In winter, it is better not to experiment with the use of new dry skin care products, since during this period the skin is already under stress due to cold and low air humidity.

Alcoholic drinks are the enemies of dry skin because they take moisture and minerals from the tissues, so to maintain healthy skin it is better to avoid drinking alcohol.

If you have dry skin, you need to maintain normal air humidity in your apartment using humidifiers.

Diet is important for keeping dry skin healthy. The diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits, as well as foods rich in vitamins A, group B, C, E, D, F.

What to do in advanced cases?
If your skin looks really depressing, using panthenol ointment before bed instead of your regular night cream will help. In addition, you can use almond oil or jojoba oil as compresses. To do this, heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in a water bath and soak a piece of gauze in it, folded in three layers with holes cut for the eyes and mouth. This compress is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

Walking in rain and fog is very beneficial for dry skin. This stimulates blood supply to the skin, as well as saturation of the stratum corneum with moisture.

In addition, once a month you can use the express program for dry skin. After removing makeup, nutrients, collagen, elastin, and vitamin E (which can be purchased at any perfume and cosmetics store) should be rubbed into the skin. After this, it is necessary to apply a light nourishing cream with liposomes, which facilitate the rapid delivery of biologically active substances into the deep layers of the epidermis.

For redness and irritation of dry skin, it is recommended to use emollient creams with vitamin A. A wider range of treatments for dry skin care can be obtained in beauty salons.

Product name Action
Nourishing cream for deep restoration of dry and very dry skin Nutritic Intense Riche, La Roche-Posay