Top 6 teas for effective colon cleansing

Colon cleansing tea is a drink made from a special combination of medicinal plants. They complement each other perfectly, mutually enhance and prolong detoxification effects. The result of a course of tea intake is high-quality cleansing of accumulated toxins. Natural remedies are well tolerated and rarely provoke the development of adverse reactions.

The herbal remedy has numerous medicinal properties. A warm drink with a bitter specific taste helps to cope with cramps, reduce fermentation, and reduce inflammation. But it is especially valued for its ability to dissolve small crystals and normalize their discharge. The herbal infusion has the following properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antispasmodic;
  3. moderate antimicrobial;
  4. carminative;
  5. painkillers.

These qualities are ensured by the unique composition of the collection, for the formation of which the manufacturer used green tea, nettle, oregano, lemon balm, buckthorn and a dozen other medicinal plants. An analogue of herbal cleansing remedy is the Monastic collection with fireweed tea.

Homemade Cleansing Tea Recipes

Teas that remove toxins from the intestines can be prepared at home. They contain not only herbs, but also vegetables, fruits, and dried berries. Many are prepared on the basis of basic chamomile tea, the beneficial properties of which can hardly be overestimated. A teaspoon of dry ground chamomile flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for an hour, cooled, and filtered. The components added at the brewing stage allow you to enhance the effect of this infusion on the intestines:

  1. pieces of dried pumpkin, dried beets, carrots in combination with chamomile provide a mild laxative effect of vegetable tea;
  2. a slice of lemon, prunes cut into slices, pieces of fresh apple will not only improve the taste of fruit tea, but also eliminate the bubbling and rumbling in the stomach.

Green tea with ginger has proven itself to be an excellent intestinal cleanser.. This combination provides a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect of the drink. To prepare it, pour 1/2 teaspoon of green tea into a teapot, add chopped ginger on the tip of a knife, pour in a glass of hot water and leave to steep for 20 minutes. Then cool slightly and drink 0.5 cups three times a day.


The chemical composition of ginger contains many substances that have disinfectant and antiseptic properties. After drinking even one cup of green tea brewed with ginger, harmful salts are quickly absorbed and removed from the body.

Contraindications, precautions

It is forbidden to cleanse with any teas if you have an individual intolerance to the ingredients in the collection. The list of contraindications includes pregnancy, lactation, childhood and adolescence. People with liver and kidney diseases need to consult a doctor first.

Exceeding the recommended dosage of medicinal drinks is strictly prohibited due to the risk of intoxication. It is not recommended to additionally add any other herbs to the tea, as in combination they can cause negative reactions from the body. Treatment or cleansing can be carried out using only warm tea. A hot drink unnecessarily irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. And iced teas begin to exhibit therapeutic activity only after heating in the human body.