Herbal ice for face

2019 Blog about beauty and fashion


Hello, dear readers! This article is about the benefits of herbal ice for the face.

To make your skin look well-groomed, beautiful and attractive, you need to take care of it every day.


One of the facial care products is ice. It is used to massage the skin to cleanse and tighten pores, improve tone, remove oiliness from the face, rejuvenate the skin, and make the face more elastic and firm.

Herbs, in turn, have been actively used in cosmetology since ancient times, when there were no ready-made care products (lotion, cream, masks and others).

Herbal remedies have always helped improve the condition of the skin for the better, get rid of acne, wrinkles, moisturize it, protect it from negative environmental factors, and remove oily shine from the face.

In addition, ice is good for the skin around the eyes.

Ice with herbs is an effective remedy against puffiness, bags, and swelling under the eyes. In the morning, take an ice cube and rub the skin in this area. If you do such procedures every morning, your skin around the eyes will improve and fine wrinkles will disappear. Ice containing parsley will help lighten dark circles.

The benefits of herbal ice


Ice for the face with herbs is easy to prepare at home and this product brings many benefits, namely:

  1. tones, moisturizes, cleanses the face
  2. eliminates oily shine
  3. tightens pores
  4. makes the skin tightened and elastic
  5. smoothes wrinkles
  6. increases blood circulation in cells
  7. restores metabolism
  8. eliminates swelling
  9. normalizes sebum production
  10. penetrates deeply into cells
  11. relieves inflammation
  12. improves facial tone
  13. dries and removes acne

What herbs are good for the face


Each herb has its own beneficial properties and brings the following benefits to the skin:

  1. mint – refreshes, relieves swelling and inflammation
  2. chamomile – soothes irritations, removes inflammation, makes the face matte and more elastic
  3. sage – cleanses clogged pores and tightens them, treats acne
  4. lavender – rejuvenates, activates metabolism in cells
  1. Linden – moisturizes and softens the skin
  2. aloe – moisturizes, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, neutralizes strong sebum secretion
  3. calendula – has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, relieves acne, soothes irritations
  4. parsley – whitens the skin
  5. nettle – cleanses the face, cares for oily skin

Indications for use

Use an ice facial massage if you have:

  1. dry skin
  2. fat
  3. problematic
  4. fading
  5. tired
  6. freckles, age spots

Indications for the use of herbs for the face


There are a lot of herbs. Different herbs are suitable for each skin type. Therefore, decide what problem you want to cure and then choose a herb from this list:

  1. for oily skin – mint, aloe, burdock, horsetail, nettle, plantain, linden, oak bark, birch
  2. for dry – calendula, thyme, oregano
  3. for problematic acne – calendula, plantain, aloe, St. John’s wort, lavender, chamomile, coltsfoot, string
  4. for aging against wrinkles – chamomile, rosemary, sage, coltsfoot
  1. for skin with pigmentation – parsley and dandelion
  2. for facial cleansing – nettle and rowan



In addition to its beneficial properties, the product also has contraindications:

  1. sensitive skin
  2. if you are sick with the flu or a cold, then you should not use
  3. rosacea
  4. dilated vessels
  5. problems with the thyroid gland (in this case, you should not wipe your neck)
  6. cannot be used in winter an hour before leaving the house to go outside in the cold
  7. irritated, dehydrated skin
  8. microdamages on the face (abrasions, scratches, wounds)
  9. individual intolerance to grass

Correct Application


To properly prepare the product and improve the condition of your skin in a short time, you need to follow the tips for use:

  1. It is best to prepare the product from mineral water.
  2. Pour the prepared infusion into molds and place in the freezer to freeze.
  3. Wait a minute for the ice to melt slightly before using.
  4. You need to wipe along the massage lines (there is a photo below).
  5. Wipe gently and not for long so as not to injure the skin.
  6. Use the product daily - morning and evening.
  7. The shelf life of one prepared product is up to 5 days in the freezer.

Recipes for the face

For oily skin


Mix different herbs (mother-and-ma Czech, kale ndulu, wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail, birch buds or leaves). Take 1 tables. spoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Wait for the infusion to infuse, strain it and freeze it in molds.

For dry


We will need chamomile, sage, lemon balm, linden, parsley, mint. Take 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture and pour boiling water (1 glass), leave, strain and pour into molds.

For normal

Take one of the herbs to choose from: sage, mint, plantain, St. John's wort, yarrow, valerian.
We will need 1 tables. spoon of herbs and 1 glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the herb and wait until the mixture infuses. Next, filter the infusion, pour into molds and freeze.

For problematic

Mix chamomile, oak bark, mint, calendula. We take 1 table. spoon of the mixture and pour boiling water (1 cup). Cool the infusion, strain and freeze in the freezer.


Chop the parsley and pour boiling water (1 cup). Let it sit for 30 minutes. Then strain, pour the infusion into a mold and freeze.

Ice with sage

1 tablespoon Pour boiling water (1 glass) over sage, leave for half an hour, strain. Pour into a mold and freeze in the freezer.

With chamomile

Chamomile soothes the skin, fights acne, relieves inflammation and redness, improves complexion, moisturizes, and tones.

We will need 2-3 tablespoons. chamomile and a glass of water. The mixture should be brought to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Leave for half an hour for the broth to brew and cool, strain it and freeze in the freezer in ice trays.

With linden

Linden moisturizes, tones, softens, makes the skin silkier, smoother, and cleaner.

2 tables. l. Fill the linden blossom with water, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat, then cool, strain, pour into ice cube trays and put in the freezer.

With mint

To normalize sebum production, refresh your face, cleanse pores of impurities and tighten them, prepare mint ice for your face:

  1. 2 tablespoons Mix mint leaves with a glass of water. We wait until the mixture boils and boil for no more than 5 minutes over low heat. Next, you need to cool the mixture and strain. Pour the broth into an ice tray and place it in the freezer.
  2. To enhance the effect of mint ice, you can add 3 drops of mint essential oil before pouring it into the mold.
  3. Mix 1 tables at a time. spoon mint and chamomile. Pour boiling water, wait until the mixture is infused, strain and freeze in an ice tray.
  4. 2 tables. spoons of mint pour 1 glass of milk (the milk should be hot). Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then strain and freeze in the freezer.

With parsley

Parsley ice refreshes the face, tones, improves the tone of the face, brightens the skin, fights acne and wrinkles:

  1. Pour boiling water over the chopped parsley and boil for another 5 minutes over low heat. Cool, strain and pour the broth into a mold.
  2. Chop 1-2 large bunches of parsley. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. You can dilute it a little with mineral water, pour it into molds and put it in the freezer.
  3. Chop a couple of bunches of parsley very finely. Place the mixture in molds and freeze.


Using ice on your face is a simple and sure way to achieve healthy and glowing skin at home and without much expense.

Beauty salons also use ice therapy, it is called cryotherapy. It is considered one of the most famous and effective skin treatment methods.

The effect of ice on the skin

Cold provokes metabolic processes, increasing blood flow to the skin. Cells are filled with oxygen, which accelerates regeneration and promotes the production of collagen and elastin. This is the basic principle of how ice cubes work. Water is quickly absorbed, penetrating deeply into the layers of the epidermis, delivering useful substances there. Despite the low cost, this tool can:

  1. restore skin tone and elasticity;

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    give the skin radiance and healthy color;
  3. get rid of acne;
  4. make wrinkles less noticeable and prevent their appearance;
  5. tighten pores;
  6. reduce the number of blackheads;
  7. relieve swelling, including in the eye area;
  8. lighten age spots;
  9. make the facial contour clearer.

In salons there is a procedure called cryotherapy. It is performed using liquid nitrogen. The result of this procedure is quite noticeable: the face is rejuvenated, the skin becomes elastic. This procedure does not cause discomfort, despite the low temperature. Using ice at home is often called private cryotherapy. It allows you to achieve the same effects that are obtained using a special mask.

Low temperatures have a positive effect on the surface of the skin, improving blood circulation. This, in turn, solves problems such as:

  1. spots on the face;
  2. unhealthy color;
  3. circles under the eyes;
  4. swelling;
  5. wrinkles and lines;
  6. pimples, blackheads.

Herbal facial ice is a natural product to prevent dryness, pimples and black spots on the skin. It also helps prevent various facial skin imperfections, including wrinkles. The most effective herbs are:

  1. white mulberry;
  2. ivy;
  3. pine bark;
  4. aloe vera;
  5. sage.

You can also use fruit or vegetable juice to freeze. Ice cubes for the face made from herbs, fruits, berries or vegetables will give the skin additional care, saturating it with vitamins.

Cooking method

Despite the ease of manufacture, some features should be taken into account in order to make a high-quality and effective skin treatment product.


The base, as a rule, is ordinary water. It is better not to use tap water. It lacks beneficial minerals and may contain elements that the skin does not need. It is best to use spring water. But if there is none, then filtered or distilled. You can replace it partially or completely with fruit or vegetable juice, plant extract or herbal decoction. Any liquid must be cooled to room temperature before placing in the freezer.

This product should be used no earlier than 10 hours after placing it in the freezer. This time is enough for the ice to harden well and also receive maximum beneficial properties.

Ice trays can hold more than just liquids. It will be useful to lower a leaf of a medicinal plant, a berry, a piece of fruit or vegetable to the bottom.

Terms of use

You need to wipe your face with ice every morning and evening. Only with regular use can you achieve the best results.


The cubes are rubbed in with massage movements for about 2-3 minutes: from the chin to the ears, from the nasolabial fold to the cheeks and from the center of the forehead to the temples. You can rub the ice around the eyes, moving from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer and from the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the inner. Movements should be either from top to bottom or from the center to the outer corners.

After the procedure, you should wait until it is completely absorbed. To enhance the effect, you do not need to wipe your face with a towel. Then a moisturizer is applied to a dry face.

Ice should not be stored for a long time. Herbal decoctions retain their beneficial properties for about a week, and natural juices become unfit for consumption after just 2-3 days.

Care should be taken not to use more than two dice. Using too much cold can cause skin problems.

Methods of application

Cosmetologists often recommend using ice cubes on the face. There are a variety of recipes. You can achieve smooth skin by using the following method. Every day before going to bed after washing your face, fill a plastic bag with ice and gently massage your face and neck with it for about 3 minutes. In just a few days the result will be noticeable - the skin will become fresh and smooth. Ice treatment also prevents wrinkles.

Get rid of acne Ice treatment of problem areas helps. The procedure is performed on a clean face. Wrap an ice cube in a clean, soft cloth or towel and gently press it onto the pimple for 3-5 minutes. The very next day, the boils will subside and the pimples will begin to heal. Do the procedure every day until completely cleansed.

Improved blood circulation Helps prevent premature skin aging. Ice has this property and, as a result, helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and remove existing ones. To do this, you need to massage your face for about a minute every day and allow the skin to completely absorb the moisture. After this, regenerating cream should be applied. This method is suitable for women in need of rejuvenation. At a young age, when the first expression lines appear, you can replace the anti-aging product with a regular baby cream.


Ice cubes are very effective in the fight against enlarged pores. Cosmetologists recommend rubbing 1-2 ice cubes over your face. The massage should be done for no more than 3 minutes, so as not to cause hypothermia. The procedure will not help the first time, but with daily use the effect will be noticeable within a week.

Puffy or dark circles under the eyes arise for various reasons. Cosmetic ice for the skin around the eyes is the right solution. All you need to do is wrap 2 ice cubes in a piece of clean cotton cloth and gently massage the eye area for 2 minutes using slow circular motions. Along the upper eyelid you need to move towards the temples, and under the eyes from the temples to the inner eyelid. The remedy will be most effective if, instead of water, you freeze a decoction of rose water and cucumber juice.

In addition to the face, ice can be beneficial for the entire body. In order to influence the process of burning belly fat, you need to keep ice on it for 15 minutes every day. As a result, the metabolic process improves and fat cells are burned. Private cryotherapy provides the best results when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Ice can be a natural skin toner. It is also very effective before applying makeup. If you use it instead of a makeup base, your skin will look smooth and flawless, and your foundation will last longer.

To make the skin smooth and velvety, sage is best suited for the face. For infusion, 1 tablespoon of dry sage or 2-3 sprigs of freshly picked is enough. Pour 200 g of boiling water, cool, strain and pour into molds. Apply morning and evening, running ice along the massage lines of the face.

Another property of ice is that it constricts blood vessels. It is useful for skin inflammations. In order to remove redness, it is recommended to use ice from chamomile infusion. Apply to inflamed areas of the skin for 2 minutes with light movements, do not wipe, allow the water to completely absorb into the skin.

If you get a burn, you can rub the affected areas of your face with ice cubes wrapped in cotton cloth. This product has a cooling effect and relieves pain and irritation.

Find out how you can use ice on your face: skin rejuvenation and tightening have now become available at home. If you know the preparation technology and the best recipes for ice cubes, complexes about age-related changes can be avoided. Now no wrinkles will touch your face.

Every woman dreams of youth and beauty of her skin, but not everyone manages to achieve this even with the help of the most expensive cosmetics or salon procedures. There is one little secret that will help you maintain youth for many years without spending fabulous sums on it and spending days on end in beauty salons.

At home, it’s easy to make cosmetic ice for your face and regularly wipe your skin with it. This rejuvenating, toning, refreshing massage instead of the morning washing will wake you up, give you a lot of pleasant sensations and slow down the aging process of the skin. The effectiveness of ice cubes exceeds your wildest expectations.

How it works"?

Why is ordinary ice so much healthier for the skin than water? Everything is explained by the wonderful properties of the melt water into which it turns, and the low temperatures that affect the skin in the most beneficial way. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of ice for the face, because scientists have long discovered the secrets of the miraculous effects of magic cubes on the skin:

  1. upon contact with warm skin, a cold ice cube begins to melt and turns into healing melt water, which is perfectly absorbed by the cells and saturates them with moisture;
  2. together with it, the components included in the cubes penetrate into the skin and are well absorbed by the cells;
  3. low temperature and simultaneous facial massage with ice activates blood flow to the skin;
  4. skin tone noticeably improves;
  5. emerging wrinkles are smoothed out;
  6. increased fat content decreases;
  7. enlarged pores narrow;
  8. the skin softens;
  9. the facial contour is tightened;
  10. easy disinfection occurs;
  11. small, local foci of inflammation are removed, which makes it possible to use cosmetic ice for the face against acne;
  12. metabolism increases, which allows skin cells to renew and acquire the necessary elasticity;
  13. complexion improves, a gentle blush appears.

Such a miracle can be created by the most ordinary ice cubes for the face, which are easy to prepare at home.

In this case, you need to be very careful, because failure to comply with contraindications or certain nuances can be fraught with unwanted side effects for the skin.

It is imperative to follow the recommendations of those who know a lot about this and have more than once resorted to the help of miraculous ice cubes to rejuvenate aging, mature skin.

How to make ice cubes for skin?

It’s not enough to just wipe your face with ice in the morning: you need to know how to do it correctly to achieve the desired effect. Following simple rules in preparing ice cubes for the skin will allow you to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect from them.

  1. To prepare cosmetic ice for the face you will need molds for ice, filtered water (drug decoction from grass) and active Components to enrich the cubes with substances beneficial to the skin (they come according to the recipe you choose).
  2. First, 1 ingredient is placed in each mold: half a berry, a piece of fruit or vegetable, a fresh or dried sprig of a medicinal plant.
  3. After this, it is poured into molds to the brim filtered water room temperature. If there is no filter, take mineral water without gas. If this is not possible, settled water will do as a last resort.
  4. Ice cubes for the face will be even more effective if, instead of water, you pour a pre-prepared cooled decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs that are good for the skin (chamomile, mint, calendula, St. John's wort, etc.) into the molds.
  5. Once filled to the brim, the molds are placed in the freezer for at least 8–9 hours.
  6. Cosmetic ice for wiping the face is usually preparing in the eveningso that you can use it in the morning.
  7. You need to wipe your face with ice twice a day: in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, an hour before bedtime.
  8. Indications for using ice: withered, mature, tired, inflamed, pigmented skin.
  9. Contraindications for facial skin rejuvenation with ice cubes: sensitive skin, rosacea, open wounds on the face, serious skin diseases, extensive inflammation.
  10. It is strictly recommended to wipe your face with ice cubes. via massage lineswhich pass:
  11. from the central point of the chin - to the earlobes;
  12. from the central point located above the upper lip - to the center of the temples;
  13. from the corners of the lips - to the middle of the ears;
  14. from the central point of the forehead - to the center of the temples (should be on the line of the eyebrows);
  15. on the lower eyelid: from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones;
  16. on the upper eyelid: from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones.
  17. You need to wipe your face with ice cubes very carefully, without pressing on the skin, so as not to injure it.
  18. The massage should last no more than 2 minutes. As soon as you feel that the cold tingling is intensifying, the procedure should be completed.
  19. After wiping, the skin should not be wiped or blotted with anything. It should dry on its own: This will allow water and active substances to be better absorbed.
  20. After 15–20 minutes, you can wipe your face with your favorite tonic and apply cream.
  21. The procedure must be regular, that is, it must be done daily.
  22. Try to constantly use different recipes: if you run out of molds with one product, be sure to try some other composition.

The undeniable benefits of ice for the face make it a very popular home remedy for rejuvenating and toning the skin.

Its effectiveness largely depends on which active component was chosen to enrich the water in the composition of cosmetic ice.

Ice for the face: recipes

In fact, you can wipe your face with ice from the simplest water - this is a basic, classic recipe that does not require time spent searching for a suitable composition. But it is much more pleasant and useful to enhance the effectiveness of these remedies by adding not water to the ice trays, but a medicinal herbal decoction or pieces of fruits and vegetables. In any case, the choice will be yours.

Chamomile is considered the best anti-inflammatory and disinfectant for the face: ice prepared from this medicinal flower will have the same properties. If you need to get rid of pimples and acne, chamomile ice for the face will allow you to do this in the shortest possible time.

Pour one tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. Or put a dried or fresh flower in a mold and fill it with filtered water. Cosmetic ice with chamomile for the face will help refresh and whiten the skin, get rid of inflammation (acne and pimples).

Parsley is actively used as a whitening agent for the face: ice based on the fragrant green leaves of the plant will help get rid of unwanted age spots. In a decoction, parsley leaves lose most of their beneficial properties.

Therefore, it is better to make an infusion from the root of the plant: grind it, pour a glass of boiling water in the amount of one tablespoon, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. But most often, parsley ice for the face is prepared with a small sprig of the plant, which is filled with filtered water in a mold.

Everyone knows how beneficial herbs are for the face: ice based on their decoctions and infusions has the most beneficial effect on the skin. The cooking process is not complicated.

Decoction: pour a tablespoon of chopped herb into a glass of hot water, boil for 15 minutes, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. The infusion is prepared in the same way, but without the boiling step. Decoctions and infusions are poured into molds already completely cooled. You can use ice with herbs for the face and on the basis of whole leaves, twigs or flowers.

A small fragment of dry or fresh raw materials (calendula flower, nettle leaf, dill seeds) is placed in a mold and filled with filtered water. Such ice for the face made from herbs is often much more effective than decoctions and infusions. Choose herbs based on your skin type:

  1. for normal: mint, plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, sage, tricolor violet, horsetail;
  2. for dry and sensitive: rose, linden, lemon balm, any red berries (rowan, hawthorn, strawberries);
  3. for oily and problematic: calendula, birch buds, wormwood, coltsfoot, chicory root or bergenia.

Herbal ice cubes have a shelf life of a week.

Green tea has tonic and refreshing properties: it is very easy to prepare ice for the face based on it. To do this, just pour the prepared fresh, but already cooled drink into molds and put it in the freezer overnight. You can use different types of tea, not just green: black will improve your complexion, red will smooth out facial wrinkles. In any case, ice tea for the face turns out to be an excellent cosmetic product for any skin type.

Mint has refreshing properties for the skin: facial ice based on this herb will give tone and vigor to tired, aging skin. It activates metabolic processes, accelerates blood circulation - after such rubbing, a healthy, natural blush flares up on the cheeks, and the skin itself becomes unusually elastic throughout the day. Be sure to try making mint ice cubes for your face at home. Recipe No. 1: Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour, strain. Recipe No. 2: Place dried or fresh mint leaves in a mold and fill it with filtered water.

Facial ice with essential oils has a soothing effect on the skin: it softens, refreshes, smoothes. Add 5 drops of rose essential oil, 3 drops of geranium essential oil and 2 drops of mint oil into a glass of cool water. Shake thoroughly, pour into molds and put in the freezer. You can experiment with this recipe for cosmetic ice by adding different amounts of different essential oils. The main thing is to always adhere to the same proportion: 10 drops of ether per 250 ml (glass) of filtered water.

Cosmetic ice for the face with fruit, vegetable and berry juices has pronounced rejuvenating properties. Lemon, orange, grapefruit juices are diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Feel free to freeze watermelon, cucumber, and all berry juices without diluting them. Remember: the shelf life of ice cubes for the face made from juices is no more than three days.

Dilute fresh, homemade milk of medium fat content in equal proportions with filtered water and pour into molds. Milk ice cubes for faded, mature skin, which is already beginning to suffer from the first age-related changes, will help preserve youth for many years.

For problematic skin that requires daily thorough cleansing, you can use facial ice with salt. Suitable for both food and sea food. First dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water, then cool, shake thoroughly again and pour into molds.

Now you know how to prepare and properly use ice for your facial skin to restore your youth and beauty.

With such a perfect, almost ideal cosmetic product, you can forget about complexes about your appearance and about the inexorably approaching old age. Don't be lazy: be sure to pamper yourself with these invigorating treatments in the morning to give your skin freshness for the whole day.