Cracks and warts on the penis

They are treated in the same way as fissures in the anus are treated. Here is a remedy whose benefits are close: take Kimolos clay, tutia, grated henna and prepare a plaster from this with wax, egg yolk and egg oil.

Pain in the penis occurs for various reasons; it is often caused by urine retention and is cured by mild enemas. When preparing them, you should limit yourself to barley water with julab and not bring the seeds close to them so that they do not bring down the excess from above. And then, after the enema, they make a poultice around the pubis and penis to the extent that it softens the skin, and pour warm water over the penis, and also lubricate it with violet oil.

They are cut off, and then a medicine is applied to stop the bleeding and treated in the same way as other warts.

Treatment for a pimple that resembles a tusa and for excess meat on these areas of the body.

They take burnt bavrac and the ashes of grapevine stems, finely grind both with water and apply them to the tusa and similar growths. If this does not work, then cut off the pimples and sprinkle the wound with verdigris and vitriol. And when the growth is more malignant, cauterization cannot be avoided.

The penis is softened with emollient oils, for example, sesame oil, iris oil or narcissus oil, as well as well-known rarefied fats - chicken fat, duck fat, bone marrow of cow or deer legs and ratiyanaj, in a bath or not in a bath. Enemas are done of the same kind with the help of syringes and force the penis to straighten.