Horizontal bar for home - simply inexpensive and effective

The horizontal bar has long become a basic exercise machine for most athletes, both professional and amateur. It is universal because it is capable of pumping up the entire upper belt of muscles in a short time practically without additional equipment. On the horizontal bar you will quickly pump up your back, arms and chest, and you will also be able to get rid of excess weight. The horizontal bar is the main equipment on all sports grounds in all courtyards. In summer and spring you can see a lot of people on the horizontal bars.

But some people, due to certain circumstances, cannot go to sports grounds and spend a lot of time training and on the way home. In this case, you can buy horizontal bars for your home, which will be mounted either on the wall or on the wall bars. With such sports equipment, you will not need to leave home to play sports and keep fit. You will no longer pay attention to the weather and will be able to study at any time. Even if you work from home, you can study during breaks. Today, the market offers a large selection of horizontal bars for the home.

You can train yourself and involve all your family and friends in training. Classes on the horizontal bar are cheaper (since the horizontal bar is yours) than a monthly gym membership, but at the same time bring the same benefits. In addition, no one can tell you how many times a week you should exercise. You regulate your classes yourself, based on your schedule. You develop your own training program, or look for a program on the Internet. You will succeed because only you can, based on your feelings, develop a program that is best suited for you.

The online store shvedskiestenki.com.ua offers a large selection of products for home exercises, including horizontal bars. Prices for goods in our store are among the lowest in Ukraine. For example, the wall-mounted horizontal bar T3 costs only 160 UAH and is intended for home use and is useful not only for adults but also for children. The horizontal bar can withstand a load of up to 130 kilograms. All products on the website in the horizontal bars section comply with TUU 36.1-21940919-001-2004 with amendments No. 1. Has a hygienic certificate No. 51177 dated 08/18/2009.

This means that they are not only durable and reliable, but also environmentally friendly. The paint that covers the horizontal bar is environmentally friendly and does not emit any harmful substances when evaporated. In addition, all products on the site have a quality guarantee.

You can buy a parallel bars horizontal bar in our online store. We offer you a competitive price, a large selection of products, good quality and fast delivery. In addition, a horizontal bar for home costs much less than a gym membership and you can exercise on it at least every half hour, while a fitness membership only requires a few classes a week.

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