How to organize the right day off for an athlete?

So, another week has flown by, and it’s time for the long-awaited Weekend – everyone’s favorite days: Saturday and Sunday. We worked hard during our working days. By “worked hard,” I of course mean working in the gym. Some had two classes, some had three, or maybe even four – it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that we clearly worked according to the planned training plan, and noted the achieved results in the self-control diary, and finally deserved the long-awaited quality rest. But here’s the question: what’s the best way to spend your weekend? How to organize an athlete’s day off with maximum efficiency? This is what we will talk about...

Well, first of all, you need to get a good night's sleep. Here, as they say, God himself commanded. Weekends are given to a person in order to get enough sleep, especially since you don’t have to go to work, and the harmful, annoying alarm clock can be completely turned off, which we strongly recommend that you do.

Secondly, the athlete needs to eat well on his day off. After a productive week of work in the gym, you need to sufficiently supply your body with all the necessary building materials, otherwise you will not see any muscle growth, like your ears (well, except perhaps only in the mirror). So on rest days we eat heartily and fully. Well, for the pros and all those who don’t have enough protein from a regular dinner table, of course, we recommend purchasing specialized sports nutrition for bodybuilding, and also increasing the number of meals up to 6-8 times (every two hours). Dilute your classic meals with protein shakes, and don't forget about vitamins and minerals. Remember: hunger is our most terrible enemy. If you regularly feel hungry and do nothing, you lose more than you gain!

The fourth point again follows from the third. On your day off, switch to another active activity. Play sports, but not weightlifting! Team games or aerobic training are best suited for this. Play football, volleyball with friends, and if you don’t have many friends, play table tennis – why not have an active pastime? Modern team competitions such as paintball and laser tag are also perfect. If you can’t organize partners, it doesn’t matter! You can have a good time alone. Go for a short run outside the city, ride a bike, hit a punching bag.

By the way, boxing is an excellent option not only for switching your muscles, it is also a good psychological relief. For example, when I feel bad at heart, I’m in a bad mood, I’m angry or even angry from some troubles in life, then I just go to my favorite pear and take out all this negativity on it. It helps a lot, I recommend it! Well, the third important advantage of boxing is the ability to stand up for yourself in difficult times. As you can see, boxing is the most optimal option for weekend training, no matter how you look at it. Moreover, the goods you need for boxing: a punching bag or bag, gloves, etc. can be bought inexpensively at any sports store...

In a word, active recreation rules! Because our muscles in some way atrophy from routine and monotonous work in the gym. And switching to another type of activity is a good shake-up for them.

Stick to all the recipes described above, and you are guaranteed an excellent, and most importantly healthy weekend! And from next week, with new strength, a twinkle in your eyes and genuine enthusiasm, you will be ready to rush to the gym again to build up your muscle mass and hone your definition. Be healthy!

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