Remove wrinkles in a beauty salon

Below we describe all modern means - from cosmetics to hardware - with which you can remove wrinkles under the eyes. There are enough ways for any woman to choose care according to her needs.

First, let's try to answer the question that worries many: “Is it possible to reduce expression wrinkles under the eyes?”


How to remove wrinkles under the eyes: folk remedies

The most popular home treatments are masks and compresses. There are a huge variety of recipes, among them you can easily find your own, those that are suitable exclusively for your skin. The most effective anti-wrinkle ingredients that can be included in homemade masks are honey, egg yolk, oils (olive, apricot) and aloe juice. All of them, in fact, are natural cocktails of vitamins and active nutrients that nourish the skin and make it denser. Spinach is a powerful natural antioxidant, cinnamon stimulates blood circulation, non-acidic fruits and vegetables (bananas, peaches, cucumbers) perfectly moisturize, and parsley and raw potatoes provide good lymphatic drainage and reduce circles around the eyes. Folk remedies can be very effective, the main thing is not to be lazy to do the procedures regularly, and take the time to prepare masks, which, of course, is not suitable for all modern women.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes using cosmetics

It should be understood that it is very difficult to remove wrinkles (or reduce existing ones) with the help of cosmetics. Those who are focused on preventing such changes and begin caring for the skin of their eyelids no later than the age of 21 have a greater chance of success. And here's what the professionals offer:



With the help of exercises, you can not only model the oval of the face, but also prevent the appearance of wrinkles, one of the reasons for the appearance of which is the loss of tone and elasticity by the epidermis. Exercises help create a reliable “framework” for the surface layers of the skin, strengthen the muscles of the upper and lower eyelids, help reduce crow’s feet and longitudinal wrinkles under the eyes, and increase the tone of the upper eyelids. All exercises involve pinching a specific area with your fingers and then moving your eyebrows or eyelids. For example, to get rid of crow's feet, you need to gently pinch the skin on the upper eyelid (on the edge of the eye socket) with your fingertips, while closing your eyes and holding them in that position for a while.

How to reduce wrinkles under the eyes with massage

This is a fairly effective way for persistent women who are ready to carry out daily work. The undoubted advantage of the procedure is that it has absolutely no contraindications, and it can be carried out while applying the cream, after properly preparing the skin (cleansing, applying a light gel for better glide). You can do basic movements, such as patting and stroking, or you can resort to Japanese shiatsu massage, affecting acupuncture points. Massaging your eyes with cold water is also very beneficial.

How to remove wrinkles under the eyes in beauty salons

Salon procedures include surgical, injection, and hardware methods.


Surgical procedures include blepharoplasty.

  1. Botox injections. The neurotoxin does not directly affect the skin, but allows the periocular orbicularis muscle to relax. It is this method that allows you to “erase” existing wrinkles around the eyes.
  2. Mesotherapy - specially created preparations containing vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and collagen are injected under the skin with the thinnest needles. The doses are microscopic. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the active substances reach the problem area.
  3. Fractional mesotherapy is a technology for injecting a drug under the skin, involving multiple microscopic punctures. The latter are so small that the procedure is practically painless and can be performed without local anesthesia.
  4. Contour plastic. Special preparations are injected under the skin - fillers (usually based on hyaluronic acid), which seem to fill the area under the skin. This method is intended for very mature skin.
  5. Biorevitalization – injections of hyaluronic acid. This method differs from mesotherapy only in the composition of the preparations.


Hardware methods for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes involve microdamage to the skin, which allows you to start regeneration processes and the growth of new young cells. Today, salons offer the following services:

  1. Chemical peeling is the action of acids on the skin. In essence, a burn forms on the skin, after which the epidermis is intensively renewed. There are special formulations for the delicate area around the eyes.
  2. Myostimulation is the effect of current on the skin, which causes muscles to work and triggers metabolic processes. Myostimulation devices can be purchased for home use.
  3. Photorejuvenation is the effect of pulsed light on the skin. This procedure is not performed in the area under the eyes, but it is characterized by a complex effect, so wrinkles under the eyes are reduced after photorejuvenation.
  4. Laser skin rejuvenation – exposure of the epidermis to a grid of laser beams of microscopic thickness. This triggers regenerative processes in the skin and stimulates collagen production.

The only method that does not involve damaging the skin is hardware massage. Massagers that stimulate blood circulation in the area around the eyes, promote lymphatic drainage, strengthen and tone the delicate skin around the eyes are quite accessible for use at home.

It is also worth mentioning oxygen-ozone therapy, which is extremely widely used in cosmetology, including can be used to restore the skin around the eyes. An oxygen-ozone mixture is injected into the problem area, which improves blood circulation and eliminates puffiness and circles under the eyes.

As you can see, the methods used in beauty salons are both surgical (albeit with minimal invasiveness) and physiotherapeutic. The former are associated with certain risks. Before resorting to injection methods of correction, you should weigh everything carefully.

Of course, these methods can and should be intelligently combined, depending on the existing problems. For example, botulinum toxin injections should not be performed if the skin around the eyes is swollen. First, it needs to be prepared using hardware massage and mesotherapy, which will improve blood circulation in this area and avoid complications after Botox injection. In addition, there are many nuances, such as: after Botox, compensatory wrinkles may appear in the corner of the eye and on the nose (since the orbicularis oculi muscle is blocked in one place, it begins to gather in another). Such points also need to be taken into account, so only a competent specialist can choose the optimal program of salon procedures after a thorough examination.


It can be very difficult to remove nasolabial folds and “erase” them from the face. This type of wrinkles is a facial wrinkle, so “strings of grief” can appear on the face at a fairly early age. Their specificity is that they quickly deepen, instantly making the face more mature. Modern cosmetology offers several effective ways to properly remove nasolabial folds in a beauty salon without surgery.



The method consists of introducing fillers under the skin - components that contribute to the rapid restoration of skin tone and rejuvenation due to this. It is based on a method of comprehensive treatment of all areas of the face. Nasolabial folds are formed, among other things, due to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the cheekbones and changes in the elasticity of the area under the eyes (for this reason, the visualization of nasolabial folds is often accompanied by the formation of noticeable small wrinkles under the eyes).

For the session to be successful (if it fails, the face becomes somewhat “swollen”), the specialist must correctly select fillers for each of the treated areas.

The classic scheme of the procedure involves the introduction of heavier components into the upper part of the face (it bears a greater load) and less active ones into the lower part. If ordinary hyaluronic acid cannot cope with the area in the cheekbones and eyelids on mature skin, then it is quite enough to remove nasolabial folds.

The disadvantage of this method of getting rid of age wrinkles is its fragility, compared to other salon procedures. It will be possible to remove nasolabial folds using fillers for about six months. After this time, the introduced components lose their effectiveness.



This technique for eliminating nasolabial folds involves filling them with fat cells.

The material is taken from the waist or hip area and injected into the area being treated using a syringe (shallow penetration, minimal pain). The lipofilling method allows you to effectively remove nasolabial folds of any depth. With this approach, you can get rid of them for a long time: other salon-level solutions to the problem do not provide such a long-lasting effect.

The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure. This technique is indicated for those patients who have severe allergic reactions to fillers (especially severe ones). The procedure time in the beauty salon is half an hour.

Thread facelift – threadlifting


This is already a new generation of cosmetology, which allows you to achieve the same results in an hour without surgical intervention as a full-fledged plastic surgery can guarantee. The technique of Korean origin allows you to quickly remove nasolabial folds and provide a long-lasting effect.

Facial rejuvenation occurs immediately after the session. For the procedure, special needles are used (they are made of medical steel), mesothreads (they split on their own 8 months after a thread lift; they turn into gas (carbon dioxide) and water, leaving no potentially dangerous compounds in the cells) and local anesthetic.

The thickness of the mesothreads does not exceed 0.3 mm. Visually, they are not noticeable, but they form a strong foundation of collagen, thanks to which noticeable and rapid rejuvenation occurs.


Threadlifting allows you to get rid of not only the signs of aging on the face, but also in the décolleté area. Despite the fact that mesothreads completely split within 8 months, the effectiveness of the described procedure is fully maintained for up to 2 years. This happens because in places where artificial threads penetrate, the formation of your own collagen begins.

Effect of thread lifting:

  1. wrinkles of any depth become less noticeable, the skin acquires an elastic appearance;
  2. a beautiful oval is formed;
  3. the skin texture becomes smoother (the complexion improves, decorative cosmetics adhere better).

Mesothreads do not cause an allergic reaction. There is no recovery time required after the session. Threadlifting can be intelligently combined with other salon procedures (peelings, plasma therapy, mesotherapy). The session lasts about 30 minutes and is painless for the patient. After it, discomfort may be observed, and tubercles may form at the puncture sites.


Contraindications to thread lifting include:

  1. pregnancy and lactation period;
  2. presence of cancer;
  3. infectious infections;
  4. poor natural blood clotting;
  5. the presence of inflamed skin areas in the area where punctures are planned.

In addition to the fact that this technique can be used to remove nasolabial folds and visually rejuvenate the face, it can be successfully used to correct sagging eyebrows, reduce sagging tissue in the arms, buttocks, chest and neck. Threadlifting also allows you to get rid of complex wrinkles on the forehead.


Mesotherapy is not only a cosmetic procedure, but also a highly effective complex for the care of mature skin. Cocktails with an active nutritional composition are injected under the skin using injections. These can be vitamins, essential amino acids, coenzymes, acids (including hyaluronic), natural plant extracts.

These components stimulate skin cells, resulting in a rejuvenating effect and improving the appearance of the skin. Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of shallow nasolabial folds, and in the case of serious age-related changes in this area, it reduces their depth.



The use of Botox-based drugs allows you to remove nasolabial folds, but there are different opinions regarding these beauty injections for this area. The fact is that Botox limits muscle plasticity, and because... Since the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is an area with high facial activity, it is not entirely correct to use it to solve problems in this spectrum.

With the help of Botox, wrinkles can be removed in any area, but after the effect of the drug wears off, nasolabial folds can be more clearly visualized, since the skin has not yet become toned, and it is subjected to intense stress every day. This effect is fraught with aggravation of the problem of sagging skin, for which gentle hardware cosmetology will no longer be effective.


Modern cosmetology is fully capable of solving many problems of aging and premature aging of skin of any type. “Beauty injections” and new generation technologies make it possible within half an hour to get rid of signs of aging that were previously only subject to plastic surgery.

With regard to salon procedures, the choice of a competent specialist and strict adherence to hygiene rules in the establishment play an important role. Since the master will work with blood, such sessions must be carried out under sterile conditions.

Subcutaneous injection of cosmetic preparations in most cases does not cause particularly painful sensations, since the needle is inserted shallowly, but after the session the patient may feel discomfort in the treated area. Which should completely go away after 2-3 days. Swelling in the puncture area may be present, but it should go away completely.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  1. You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  2. You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared.
  3. Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return.

But there is an effective remedy for wrinkles! Follow the link and find out how to get rid of wrinkles in just a month.

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  1. You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  2. You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared.
  3. Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return.

But there is an effective remedy for wrinkles! Follow the link and find out how to get rid of wrinkles in just a month.


Due to excessive activity of the facial muscles due to excessive emotionality, visible folds form on the skin. These are expression wrinkles, which differ from age wrinkles in that they can appear not only after 30 years, but also much earlier.


  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Kinds
  3. Salon techniques
  4. Cosmetical tools
  5. At home
  6. Preventive measures

How to remove expression wrinkles

They age girls and women, look ugly, and spoil even the most pretty face. It's especially sad that they are very difficult to get rid of. It is much easier to constantly take preventive measures to avoid their formation, but, as a rule, the fair sex thinks about it too late.

So, what to do with this unpleasant cosmetic defect, which adds a couple (if not more) years to your actual age? There are exits. But first you need to understand the mechanism of formation of facial wrinkles.

According to the definition of cosmetologists, facial wrinkles are skin folds on the face that appear as a result of too intense muscle contraction. How does the process of their formation occur?

Some women are very emotional: any experience is immediately reflected on their face: fear, disappointment, joy, indignation, anger, annoyance, etc. Since this happens quite often, in moments of this kind of emotion folds form on the face: a smile is accompanied by wrinkles near the mouth, anger and dissatisfaction - on the forehead, sadness (especially when crying) - around the eyes.

Up to a certain point, they quickly smooth out as soon as the face takes on its normal expression. But over time, the facial muscles lose their elasticity from too frequent tension and can no longer return to their original state. In place of the folds, barely noticeable longitudinal depressions are formed, but then they become more pronounced and noticeable.

The question is, why do some people develop facial wrinkles almost simultaneously with age wrinkles, only after 30 years, and for others - already at 18? The intensity and speed of their formation is influenced by various factors.

Exogenous (external) causes

  1. Bad climatic conditions;
  2. intense solar radiation leads to photoaging of the face due to the destruction of cellular structures, DNA, the accumulation of pathological collagen - all this reduces the elasticity, natural hydration of the skin, and the strength of blood vessels;
  3. problematic environmental ecology: chemical pollution of water and air, poor quality of products, radiation from electrical appliances;
  4. improper work and rest schedule;
  5. excessive alcohol consumption;
  6. smoking;
  7. frequent visits to the solarium;
  8. incorrectly performed facial massage;
  9. poor quality facial skin care.

Endogenous (internal) causes

  1. Excessive facial expressions due to the habit of actively expressing emotions;
  2. constant stressful situations that increase adrenaline and other biologically active elements in the blood, which leads to increased tissue demand for oxygen;
  3. impaired metabolism;
  4. problems with hormonal levels;
  5. diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver;
  6. skin pathologies;
  7. sudden weight loss.

It is these factors that determine the age at which facial wrinkles appear: with an unhealthy lifestyle and excessive activity of the facial muscles, this is possible as early as 18 years old.

Calmer, balanced people who know what a healthy lifestyle is, encounter such folds only after 30-35 years. So if you want to preserve your youth for as long as possible, make sure that these reasons do not intrude into your life if possible.

With the world on a thread. Smart and advanced Japanese have created a robot that copies human facial expressions as closely as possible, smiling and laughing. But after all these emotions, no wrinkles remain on the mechanical face.

Depending on what emotions a person is most often exposed to, facial wrinkles appear first in a certain part of the face. Each of their types has characteristic features. Cosmetologists conditionally divide a person’s face into three zones that are most susceptible to the formation of this kind of folds.

On the forehead

  1. Vertical (interbrow) wrinkles (they are called proud, thinker or anxiety folds) appear as a result of surprise, amazement, confusion, excitement, embarrassment, sympathy, and a state of heightened attention.
  2. Horizontal wrinkles (anger or lion folds) are formed if a person often experiences anxiety, anger, or is constantly focused.

Around eyes

  1. Crow's feet are the most cheerful facial wrinkles on a woman's face; they are the result of frequent smiling or laughter, and sometimes the habit of squinting due to poor vision.
  2. Wrinkles on the lower eyelid appear due to poor lifestyle and internal diseases (in particular, impaired kidney function or heart pathologies).

At the mouth

  1. Nasolabials appear in girls with an incorrect bite and those who like to smile.
  2. Perioral folds (purse-string folds, smoker's wrinkles) are located between the nose and upper lip and are formed when the lips are pulled out with a tube. They are typical for people who have the habit of smoking, pursing their lips tightly (being capricious), and drinking cocktails through a straw.
  3. Mimic wrinkles in the corners of the lips are formed both in overly cheerful people who love to smile, and in sad people, whose corners of the lips are always down.
  4. Puppet or mentolabial folds (sorrow wrinkles) run from the corners of the mouth to the chin, giving the face a sad and despondent expression.

Folds on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones form much less frequently and at a later age, not presenting any particular problems for a woman’s appearance. But all the others described above require increased attention from the first moment of their appearance.

It's time to get acquainted with the main ways to remove facial wrinkles using modern salon techniques and folk remedies at home.

Today, salon correction of facial wrinkles is one of the most effective and long-lasting.

Firstly, after just one procedure, results are visible. Secondly, the duration of action of some drugs is 6 months or more. Thirdly, beauty salons guarantee maximum safety of all proposed techniques for smoothing out wrinkles on the face caused by active facial expressions.

The occurrence of side effects is a rare, exceptional case. Among the most popular methods today are the following.

Injection techniques

  1. An injection of botulinum toxin is the injection of special preparations under the skin: facial wrinkles are corrected with Botox, Lantox, Dysport, Xeomin, Relatox; places - frontal, interglabellar, paraorbital, oral areas;
  2. Mesobotox;
  3. Contour plastic surgery: correction of facial wrinkles with hyaluronic acid, fillers are used mainly after 35 years in order to simultaneously combat facial wrinkles and age-related wrinkles;
  4. Bioreinforcement;
  5. Biorevitalization is the saturation of the facial skin with hyaluronic acid, which, along with Botox, is the best filler for facial wrinkles, according to cosmetologists;
  6. Threadlifting;
  7. Plasmolifting is a very popular and effective facial injection for facial wrinkles, which involves injecting the patient’s own blood plasma into the skin.

Hardware techniques

  1. Galvanization;
  2. ultraphonophoresis;
  3. microcurrents;
  4. myostimulation;
  5. thermolifting.

Other techniques

  1. Plasticizing mask for facial wrinkles (alginate, for example);
  2. face massage;
  3. muscle relaxant creams;
  4. chemical peeling;
  5. microdermabrasion;
  6. gas-liquid peeling;
  7. laser resurfacing;
  8. peptide cosmetics - instant-acting remedies for facial wrinkles that smooth them out in a few minutes literally before your eyes, but last only a day; brands: Sher Cosmetics, Joico (USA), Christina Fitzgerald (Australia), Medical Collagene 3D (Russia), Storyderm (Korea).

If you want to quickly and permanently get rid of facial wrinkles, be sure to contact your nearest beauty salon for specialist advice. After an examination and a series of studies, a dermatocosmetologist will determine the reasons for their early appearance, the most problematic areas of the face, and select the optimal correction program in accordance with the patient’s age and her individual characteristics.

The above procedures are used independently and in combination with each other. At the same time, one must take into account their high cost and the risk of complications, which will then take too long to get rid of. Therefore, most women prefer to remove facial wrinkles on their own using store-bought cosmetics.

Interesting fact. In fact, botulinum toxin (Botox) is a powerful poison that, under certain conditions, can cause peripheral muscle paralysis.

Today, in any pharmacy or specialty store you can purchase a highly effective mask or cream for facial wrinkles. The world's most popular cosmetology brands offer dozens of similar products. A small rating will help you navigate the variety of products.

Creams and serums

Look for the best creams for facial wrinkles in pharmacies, where the product, despite high prices, is certified, which means it is of good quality. Pay special attention to the following tools.

  1. Forever Young Absolute Fix - serum from Christina (Israel), 6,000 rubles.
  2. Line Filler Correcting Serum from Declare (Switzerland), 4,750 rubles.
  3. Progressive cream from Skin Doctors (Australia), 4,150 rubles.
  4. Infini Jeunesse Concentre Rebelion Age from Anesi (Spain), 2,200 rubles.
  5. Cream for the first expression lines from Nirvanesque (France), 2,150 rubles.
  6. Smoothing fluid from +Active (Russia), 2,000 rubles.
  7. Serum-corrector of expression lines from Gloris Beauty (Russia), 1,100 rubles.
  8. Cream for correcting facial wrinkles with almond oil from Doliva (Germany), 1,000 rubles.
  9. Silk energy N1 from Teana (Russia), 850 rubles.
  10. Cream-serum Cora (Russia), 700 rubles.
  11. Expert cream with collagen from Medical Collagene 3D (Russia), 700 rubles.

Choose anti-wrinkle creams according to your financial capabilities, age and individual preferences.


Store-bought and pharmacy masks against expression wrinkles, which are recommended to be used 1-2 times a week, are very helpful.

  1. Inhibit Tensolift from Natura Bisse (Spain).
  2. Alginate mask from Medical Collagene 3D (Russia), 850 rubles.
  3. Dizao (China), 800 rubles.
  4. Alginate mask with argireline from Alganika (Russia) smoothes out the deepest expression wrinkles, 540 rubles.
  5. Doliva (Germany), 300 rubles.
  6. Anti-wrinkle sticker mask based on stem cells from Nesura Cosmetics. Co., Ltd (Korea), 250 rubles.
  7. Gel mask for facial wrinkles Cornflower and argireline from Natural Element (Russia), 240 rubles.
  8. The God of Patches from LG (Korea), 180 rubles.
  9. Sun Smile (Japan), 130 rubles.
  10. Budget, but very effective Botox mask for facial wrinkles Efecto de Botox from Floresan (Russia), 125 rubles.

At the pharmacy you can also ask for oil against expression wrinkles for regular applications to problem areas of the face. Almond cosmetic helps in this matter, as well as esters of patchouli, neroli and lavender.

The latter can only be applied to the skin in diluted form. It is recommended to include oils in homemade masks, which are sometimes quite effective in eliminating this cosmetic defect.

Helpful advice. When purchasing any products, even the most expensive ones, that you have never used before, do not forget to check them for the presence of allergens for your skin. In this rule, folk recipes for facial wrinkles are no exception.

It is, perhaps, unlikely to be possible to quickly and permanently remove facial wrinkles at home. But it is possible to improve the condition and appearance of the skin.

Folk remedies in the form of masks and applications can only make the folds less pronounced and less noticeable, but eliminating them is not within their competence. Therefore, you should not place too much hope on homemade masks for facial wrinkles, the composition of which you will have to select yourself in accordance with folk recipes.

Mask for facial wrinkles on the forehead

Parchment paper soaked in warm oil (sea buckthorn, almond, flaxseed, sesame, ylang-ylang) is applied to the forehead and tied with a wide bandage. Action time: up to 1 hour. This unique application mask will help fight expression lines if done regularly: 2-3 times a week.


Mix banana puree in equal proportions with honey melted in a steam or water bath. Leave on your face for 15 minutes. This honey-banana mask helps get rid of expression lines quite effectively at home.


Mix raw grated potatoes (15 g) with a warm decoction of parsley (30 ml), add olive oil (15 ml). If you apply such a mask to your face a couple of times a week for 2 months, the fight against expression wrinkles at home promises to be quite effective.

Also use folk remedies for facial wrinkles, such as cosmetic ice (wipe your face with ice cubes with frozen decoctions of medicinal herbs every morning) and vitamin therapy (apply oily vitamin E to the folds). If you supplement cosmetic procedures at home with special gymnastics, the result will not take long to arrive.

At home, you can perform special exercises for facial wrinkles, which train facial muscles relaxed from constant emotions. As a result, they are tightened and wrinkles are smoothed out.

For forehead wrinkles

Press the pads of your fingers to your forehead, your ring fingers to your eyebrows. Overcoming the resistance of your own hands, try to raise your eyebrows.

For crow's feet around the eyes

For 2 minutes, intensively and at the same time gently tap the skin around the eyes with your fingertips.

For wrinkles on the cheeks

Purse your lips tightly, puff out your cheeks, press your fingers to your lips, pressing lightly on them.

For wrinkles around the mouth

Press your fingers to the corners of your mouth. Try to smile without opening your lips and tensing all your facial muscles.

Regular face-building (you need to repeat the exercises twice a day) is a very effective elimination of facial wrinkles at home. This technique can be an excellent alternative to salon procedures that you cannot use for some reason.

As practice shows, smoothing out facial wrinkles is a labor-intensive process and does not always bring the desired results. Every girl should keep this in mind, starting from a very young age. The sooner you think about preventive measures, the later these telltale folds on your face will appear.

Origin of name. Facebuilding is translated as “face building.”

To delay the appearance of facial wrinkles for the maximum period of time, it is necessary to engage in your lifestyle from the age of 18. Preventive measures involve the following set of measures.

  1. Try not to expose your skin to intense sunlight.
  2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, only high-quality foods.
  3. Organize the correct work and rest schedule.
  4. Do not abuse alcohol.
  5. No smoking.
  6. Visit the solarium no more than once every six months.
  7. Use only high-quality cosmetics that suit your skin type.
  8. Restrain yourself from showing emotions.
  9. Avoid stressful situations.
  10. Get enough sleep.
  11. Put your metabolism and hormonal levels in order (consult a doctor if necessary).
  12. Treat diseases in a timely manner.

As soon as you notice the appearance of folds on your face, look for folk remedies for the first expression wrinkles: in such cases, it is not recommended to go to salons, at least for the first six months.

Botox, hyaluronic acid and other correctors have the bad property of causing addiction to the skin. So, having used them once, be prepared to repeat the cosmetic course after a certain period of time.

So first - face-building, then - masks, then - creams and serums, and only lastly - beauty injections and chemical peels. Only such a sequence will allow you not to become a hostage to your own emotionality.