Nicholas Perricone books download

University of Michigan professor, Hollywood's first cosmetologist Nicholas Perricone has developed a new nutrition system that not only allows you to quickly lose weight, but also has an immediate cosmetic and healing effect.

You will appreciate the result immediately: in addition to a noticeable weight loss and a surge of energy, your complexion will immediately improve, your skin will become smoother and fresher, circles and bags under your eyes will disappear, your body will become slim and toned, and your well-being will be simply fantastic. What can I say?! Just look at the ever-blooming Hollywood stars: 37-year-old diva Jennifer Aniston, 39-year-old beauty Julia Roberts and 50-year-old Samantha from the series “Sex and the City” Kim Cattrall, who eat exclusively according to Dr. Perricone.

Name: Dr. Perricone's Star Diet
The year of publishing: 2007
Author: Nicholas Perricona
Publisher: Medley
Genre: Health, nutrition
Number of pages: 305
Format: PDF
Language: Russian
Size: 14 Mb


ISBN: 5-7905-1344-1
The year of publishing: 2003
Publisher: Ripol Classic
Language: Russian

Never any plastic surgery! The most experienced physician-researcher, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, discovered for us a method of skin rejuvenation that is unique in its results and amazing in its simplicity and accessibility. And don’t think that if you are far behind. then yours

Never any plastic surgery! The most experienced physician-researcher, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, discovered for us unique in its results and amazing in its simplicity and accessibility...

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This year, Dr. Perricone’s cosmetic brand Perricone MD will be presented in Ukraine. On this occasion, I propose to get acquainted with his philosophy in skin care, which includes not only skin care with cosmetics. The starting point is the right lifestyle, including nutrition, dietary supplements, physical activity and meditation.

Look at Perricone's clients - Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts, Kim Cattrall, Courteney Cox - and you will definitely want to know the secret of their youth! All are over 40 years old, yet their energy is overflowing, chiseled figures, ease of movement and clean, elastic skin. Not many 18-year-olds can boast of such a set. The secret of the stars lies not only in plastic and expensive cosmetic procedures. More like a lifestyle. Daily routine, proper physical activity and nutrition - all this is daily work that requires maximum discipline and complete dedication.

To many of his fans - including Jennifer Lopez and Bruce Williss - Perricone is a true god, a skincare genius." - Telegraph Magazine

The essence of Dr. Perricone's effective anti-aging program is to follow an "anti-inflammatory" lifestyle. Nicholas Perricone believes that sweet, starchy and fatty foods cause micro-inflammations in the human body, which lead to premature aging of the body, wrinkles and provoke serious diseases in old age (diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases and others). At the same time, there are products that can extinguish these inflammations. These include fish, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Following such an anti-inflammatory diet, a person not only loses weight, but also maintains the youth of all internal organs for as long as possible, which, as a result, allows him to look young and healthy.

A huge advantage of the Perricone diet is the fact that excess weight loss occurs without loss of muscle mass.

We need muscles in order to perform physical activity. They determine our strength, balance, ability to burn calories and resist disease. Loss of muscle mass leads to a deterioration in the appearance and general condition of people.

A young man's body is 30% muscle, 20% fat and 10% bone. In a person aged 75 years we observe the following: 15% muscle, 40% fat and 8% bone. Age-related muscle loss is called sarcopenia. People with sarcopenia have higher rates of inflammation than those who have lost less muscle mass. In other words, patients who lost more muscle mass experienced persistent inflammation in their bodies. In most cases, with a significant weight loss, approximately 50% of muscle mass is lost, and the loss of muscle mass leads to a deterioration in the appearance and general condition of people. With the help of the Perricone diet, this problem can be avoided.

The book pays a lot of attention to the importance of nutrition, telling which foods affect the human body and health. But if you select The central message of the book, without any doubt, is the importance of eating a diet rich in essential fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties, especially omega-3 fats. A diet rich in extra virgin olive oil can help redistribute fat and remove unwanted fat from the midsection.


Supergroup No. 1 Fatty fish

  1. Functional Weight Loss Factor: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  2. The best choice: Pacific salmon
  3. Options to choose from: sablefish, sardines, anchovies, herring, North Atlantic mackerel, trout, tuna

Supergroup No. 2 Fruits and berries

  1. Functional weight loss factor: fiber, anti-inflammatory antioxidants and other phytonutrients that help fight obesity
  2. The best choice: apples, pears, grapefruits
  3. Options to choose from: berries, peaches, plums, cherries, oranges, pomegranates

Supergroup No. 3 Vegetable fats

  1. Functional weight loss factor: anti-inflammatory antioxidants, monounsaturated fats
  2. The best choice: avocado, acai, olives
  3. Options to choose from: coconuts

Supergroup No. 4 Spices

  1. Functional weight loss factor: anti-inflammatory antioxidants, polysaccharides and other phytonutrients that promote weight control.
  2. The best choice: cinnamon
  3. Options to choose from: turmeric, fenugreek, cloves, Jamaican pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf

Supergroup No. 5 Pepper

  1. Functional weight loss factor: anti-inflammatory antioxidants, fiber and phytonutrients that promote weight control.
  2. The best choice: red capsicum
  3. Options to choose from: cayenne pepper, ground red capsicum, red pepper flakes

Supergroup No. 6 Seeds and nuts

  1. Functional weight loss factor: anti-inflammatory antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, fiber, lignans
  2. The best choice: sesame and flax seeds
  3. Options to choose from: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Supergroup No. 7 Beans and lentils (legume family) to stabilize blood sugar

  1. Functional weight loss factor: fiber, resistant starch, starch blockers and phytonutrients to promote weight control.
  2. The best choice: beans and beans, lentils, chickpeas (chickpeas)
  3. Options to choose from: any type of legumes

Supergroup No. 8 Low-fat probiotic dairy products containing calcium

  1. Functional weight loss factor: biologically active substances that promote weight control.
  2. The best choice: low-fat yogurt
  3. Options to choose from: low-fat kefir, acidophilus (milk with the addition of beneficial probiotic bacteria L.acidophilus)

Supergroup No. 9 Whole grains

Scientists from Cornwall University have found that whole grains contain more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables. Scientists also found that 80% of the antioxidant content of whole grains comes from the bran and sprouts, which are removed during grain processing. Wheat bran contains 20 times more antioxidants than refined wheat flour.

  1. Functional weight loss factor: fiber, anti-inflammatory antioxidants and other phytonutrients that promote weight control
  2. The best choice: buckwheat, oats
  3. Options to choose from: barley

Supergroup No. 10 Vegetables

  1. Functional weight loss factor: fiber, low-calorie, low-glycemic index foods, anti-inflammatory antioxidants and other phytonutrients that promote weight control
  2. The best choice: garlic, spinach, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables
  3. Options to choose from: aromatic seasonings (parsley, mint, rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano)

All products that have anti-inflammatory properties and help fight many diseases and the aging process promote significant weight loss - and they are completely safe for adults and children.

In addition, Perricon pays special attention to the importance of dietary supplements. He believes that it is impossible to obtain all the necessary nutrients from a properly balanced diet in our conditions. For example, alpha lipoic acid is one of the most powerful and beneficial anti-inflammatory antioxidants, and is also an important element in the fight against aging and obesity. Meanwhile, none of the food products contain this acid in sufficient quantities. Therefore, to be optimally healthy and control weight, we must obtain it as a dietary supplement.

The products and nutritional supplements included in the Perricone Star Diet allow you to more effectively burn body fat, maintain muscle mass, and also regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, which is important for preventing or combating obesity.


#1 Fish oil (Omega-3)

Omega-3 fats are among the most advanced antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. They have the following properties: reduce the intensity of inflammation of all organ systems, accelerate the burning of body fat, elevate mood, improve attention, stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce insulin levels, suppress appetite, improve skin condition, strengthen the immune system, prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system .

#2 Alpha Lipoic Acid

ALA has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, improves the body's ability to process food into energy, prevents the development of signs of aging and successfully fights excess weight.

№3 Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is found in the algae haematococcus pluvialis, which lives in Arctic waters. It is a natural carotenoid (a class of substances that gives different colors to living things - from carrots to flamingos). Astaxanthin is an extremely powerful antioxidant, sometimes called the “red gold of the sea.”

№4 Carnitine

Carnitine and its derivative acetyl-L-Carnitine are of great importance for weight loss. Carnitine helps prevent muscle loss during illness, and also prevents sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass due to aging. Carnitine protects the liver and strengthens the immune system, especially under stress.

№5 Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is more powerful than carnitine. But both forms of the supplement are important for weight loss and preventing the process of glycolysis.

No. 6 Conjugated linoleic acid

SLA refers to fatty acids. Now SLA is found only in fat milk (previously its sources were lamb and beef, but after livestock production switched to mixed feed, its content in meat decreased significantly). SLA has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As an antioxidant, it is 3 times more effective than vitamin E. SLA also helps reduce the size of fat cells (fat cells grow with age)

No. 7 Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Its action is in many ways similar to carnitine. Acting together with carnitine and ALA, it activates metabolism, improves the body's endurance, increases energy levels, and also promotes the burning of body fat and prevents the slowdown of energy processes in aging cells.

No. 8 Chrome

Chromium is important for weight control. By supplementing your diet with it, you can reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, and this is the main condition for the success of an anti-inflammatory diet.

№9 Gamma-linolenic acid

GLA is one of the omega-6 fatty acids. Our body converts GLA into dihomogamma-linoleic acid, which is related to prostaglandin E1. This is a hormone-like substance that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and helps neutralize inflammation, normalize blood pressure and many other physiological processes.

№10 Glutamine

Glutamine (an amino acid) is an essential dietary supplement for anyone seeking to lose weight. In stressful situations, glutamine reserves are quickly depleted, and our body does not have time to synthesize this amino acid to compensate for the losses. If we are overweight and have inflammatory processes in our body, we need even more glutamine, otherwise the body will begin to break down muscle tissue to obtain it. As a result, we lose valuable muscle mass.

No. 11 Maitake mushrooms

Maitake mushrooms are used to produce a dietary supplement that prevents metabolic syndrome, which increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

No. 12 Dimethylaminoethanol

Dimethylaminoethanol is a natural substance with anti-inflammatory properties. Found in fish, including Pacific salmon, anchovies and sardines. Taking dimethylaminoethanol normalizes the condition of the skin and tones the muscles.

Perricone's stellar diet doesn't stop at nutritional recommendations. It also covers aspects such as sports and general well-being..

Exercise has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties. Ideally, your program should include aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises such as Pilates or yoga. However, the workout should not last more than 45 minutes. Excessive activity leads to the production of the hormone cortisol in the body, which increases the volume of fatty tissue, especially in the abdominal area, promotes the breakdown of muscle tissue and accelerates the aging of the body.

So, basic principles of an “anti-inflammatory” lifestyle according to the Perricon system:

  1. follow an anti-inflammatory diet - With every meal you should get protein, low glycemic index carbohydrates and healthy fats. Eat a protein product first. This will help suppress your appetite. Then rich in fiber (vegetables, cereals), and finally carbohydrate foods (fruits);
  2. exercise regularly (at least 3 times a week);
  3. sleep normally;
  4. don't skip meals;
  5. Don't snack all day;
  6. avoid dehydration;
  7. learn to control stress.

You can see the diet option according to Dr. Perricone’s system HERE. Note that Perricone sees no problem in eating sweet fruits in the evening - which is classic approach to weight loss considered harmful to the figure.