Laser mole removal, will there be scars?

Moles are benign formations that differ from the surrounding skin by some elevation and different pigmentation. In most cases, they do not cause any inconvenience, but sometimes you need to think about removing them. The scar after mole removal may be small or very noticeable.

When to remove a mole

Moles can be found on the body, without exaggeration, of literally every person. Benign formations mostly look normal and do not cause any physical or psychological discomfort. However, the question of the need to remove them does not often arise.

Mole removal is necessary if the mole is too large or located in a visible place

Here are the cases in which you can think about removing this formation:

  1. if the mole is too large, which frankly disfigures the body;
  2. if it is located in a visible place, for example, on the face or neck, which causes a certain psychological discomfort to the person;
  3. if the mole is subject to mechanical stress, which significantly increases the risk of injury.

It is also important to remember that a mole can potentially degenerate into a malignant formation. This is not all that uncommon if she has been severely injured.

Most people are interested in the question: do scars remain after mole removal? If yes, then what is the point in this procedure, because having gotten rid of one problem, a person automatically gets another. It should be noted that there is such a risk. But it can be minimized.

Why do scars appear?

A scar or scar is a consequence of the natural protective reaction of the epidermis to damage to the layers of the skin. At the site of the structural defect, collagen fibers are actively produced, which fill it and, as a result, lead to its healing. The layering of collagen is the scar.

The more connective tissue is formed, the larger and more noticeable the scar.

As a rule, the largest and roughest scars form after major surgeries, severe wounds, skin incisions, etc. As for moles, everything is much simpler here. The smaller it is, the lower the risk of noticeable scar formation. The most pronounced scars appear if a nevus, a large pigmented spot, was removed. The more radical the intervention, the higher the risk that it will leave rough and unpresentable scars on the skin.

Small mark after mole removal

Scars may appear after mole removal if a person has a tendency to keloid disease. In this case, coping with the problem is much more difficult than, for example, getting rid of stretch marks at home. It is also important how the patient looked after his skin after the removal procedure, whether he followed the doctor’s recommendations, whether he exposed the wound to direct sunlight, etc.

Why laser?

There are many ways to get rid of a mole. Today, there are many techniques that allow you to literally remove a birthmark in a matter of minutes, after which you can calmly go home.

For example, laser removal. Modern technology, which has proven itself, and compared to other popular methods, is presented in an exclusively positive light. You can evaluate the features and advantages of such methods to understand how effective laser removal is:

Method Description
Surgical excision The most radical method, but at the same time it is one of the most common. In our country, surgery for birthmarks is used very often. The procedure involves excision of the mole (it can be flat) along with a layer of tissue. After a minor operation, a suture is placed in this area. Accordingly, a scar remains here.
Electrocoagulation The essence of the method is that the mole is exposed to high frequency current. The electrical discharge kills connective tissue cells, as a result of which the entire spot dies. It should be noted that electrocoagulation is a rather painful method. Therefore, patients are often given local anesthesia. Scars remain after removing moles using current, but they are very small and neat.
Cryodestruction The fight against birthmarks in this case is carried out by exposing them to liquid nitrogen - a very cold liquid that literally freezes the formation cells. The method is effective, but there is an important drawback - adjacent tissues may also be damaged, since it is virtually impossible to limit the area of ​​exposure to liquid nitrogen. Despite all this, scars should not remain.

Laser removal combines all the advantages of the above methods, and at the same time is devoid of their disadvantages. The essence of this installation is to polish the epidermis. A narrow beam with adjustable depth of exposure heats the connective tissue layer by layer to extremely high temperatures. As a result, it literally evaporates, leaving no traces behind.

Removing a mole using a laser

The advantages of laser removal are obvious:

  1. the depth of laser penetration can be adjusted, which eliminates the risk of damage to the deep layers of the skin;
  2. the skin adjacent to the mole is not affected;
  3. The laser method is ideal for combating birthmarks on the face and other open areas of the body;
  4. there is no risk of bleeding, since the laser instantly seals damaged capillaries;
  5. all cells of the mole are removed, which eliminates the possibility of relapse, that is, re-formation of the spot;
  6. the procedure is very quick and lasts on average from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the volume of the formation;
  7. healing after the procedure lasts only a few days - much faster than with all other methods.

But the most important advantage of laser therapy is that there is no scar left after mole removal. That is, the stain literally disappears without a trace, and nothing reminds us that it was there before.

Of course, a lot depends on how qualified the specialist is doing the removal, as well as the equipment used. The doctor must be a professional with extensive experience - this will ensure the best result and patient safety. Modern equipment is more versatile, functional and reliable.

The nature of education also plays an important role. If we are talking about small, classic birthmarks, then their removal, as a rule, is not accompanied by any complications. But large nevi, especially if they are located on thin skin, may be a contraindication to laser removal. Often such formations require surgical excision. Naturally, after such an operation a scar remains, and not the smallest one.

There is usually no scar after laser mole removal. If it does exist, then you can deal with it at home, since it will be small and inconspicuous. There are quite a large number of special products - ointments, gels, creams, etc., thanks to which the connective tissue softens and is absorbed. If you regularly use such products, then you can get rid of a minor (normotrophic) scar in the shortest possible time.

Moles always deserve special attention, as they have the ability to be reborn. For this reason, it is advisable to remove some of them. They can also have a very unsightly appearance. Fortunately, removing a mole is not a problem now, but another difficulty may follow. Scars from moles on the face are not that uncommon. Let's find out when you need to wait a little and when you should worry.

Ways to remove moles

Do scars remain after mole removal? Almost always. However, in most cases they are completely invisible and no one except you may even be aware of them. What kind of trace will remain depends on the method of removing the formation. There are several of them and each of them affects the skin differently.

  1. Electrocoagulation is the effect of high-frequency current on a mole. This method “evaporates” the problematic growth, practically without affecting healthy tissue. Thanks to this, it is very possible to remove a mole without a scar using current. But if it was quite large, immediately prepare yourself for the fact that a small trace will still remain.
  2. Cryodestruction is the freezing of moles with liquid nitrogen, after which they die. This is a more traumatic procedure compared to the previous one. The depth of freezing cannot be controlled, so nitrogen may affect healthy tissue. For this reason, cryodestruction is not used on the face.
  3. Surgical removal with a scalpel is the oldest method. With its help, any formations can be successfully cut out. A raised scar after removing a mole using a scalpel method is very likely, since part of the surrounding tissue is cut out along with the mole. This method cannot be used on open areas of the body.
  4. Laser excision is the most modern and popular method. The scar from laser mole removal on the face is practically eliminated. Thanks to the most precise effects, the laser removes only diseased cells without touching healthy skin.

Healing process

At first, there are always scars after mole removal on the face or other parts of the body. Their complete disappearance is a matter of time and the characteristics of your body.

At the site of any removed mole, redness first appears, which there is no need to be afraid of. This is a normal process. This period lasts from two months to a year, depending on the depth and extent of the damaged area. Since most moles are small, after 1-2 months the mark begins to fade.

The duration of healing depends on the method of mole removal. After using the laser, healing lasts the shortest and lasts 5-7 days. After liquid nitrogen and electrocoagulation – 7-10 days. Wounds take the longest to heal after excision with a scalpel. The scar after mole removal hurts for the same amount of time as it heals.

The healing time of the wound may be affected by an associated infection. A complication caused by improper wound care or the wrong direction of the cut, resulting in tissue displacement.

You can read more about the stages of the healing process in the article “Safe and dangerous consequences of mole removal”

Removing a mole on the face without scars is not the only task. In addition to the problem of scars, the patient can expect other complications:

  1. New mole. This happens not so rarely when another one, or even several, appears in place of the deleted one. If a mole appears on the scar again, it is advisable to undergo examination by an oncologist, and only then remove it again.
  2. Melanoma or malignancy.
  3. Inflammation of the wound. This phenomenon is often observed when using a scalpel. The surrounding tissues swell and pus accumulates in them. This is one of the reasons for the appearance of rough scars.

Care after mole removal

Even after laser removal of a mole, a scar may remain if the wound is not properly cared for. To prevent this from happening, always follow your doctor's instructions. Also remember the following rules:

  1. The resulting crust should not be wetted or peeled off. It should fall off on its own.
  2. Do not use alcohol-based products.
  3. The new pink skin under the crust is very tender and sensitive. During the first 5-6 weeks you should not sunbathe, and after this period has expired, you must apply sunscreen to the scar. Do not rub the mark with a washcloth or comb it. If the scar itches after mole removal, be patient.
  4. If the wound suddenly becomes inflamed, it is necessary to use antiseptic drugs, which can be prescribed by a doctor.
  5. The use of special ointments or patches to prevent scarring is highly recommended. Moreover, they need to be used until the wound is completely healed.

If a scar remains after laser removal of a mole, this is often the result of non-compliance with one of the above rules.

Treating a scar at home. A reminder for you!

Alarming symptoms

Still, sometimes, even following all the rules, the patient may find that a scar has appeared at the site of the former wound. If it does not go away after a few months, you should consult a doctor for advice.

You should be alert to the following symptoms:

  1. Raised scars after mole removal.
  2. Constant itching and burning.
  3. Persistent pain, feeling of discomfort.
  4. Noticeable enlargement of the scar over time.
  5. After the mole was removed, the scar darkened, became red or bluish.

All this may indicate that a colloidal scar is forming. It can grow for many years and disfigure the surface of the skin. Also, instead of a colloid, there is a possibility of a hypertrophied scar. It's easier to remove. Usually, it is enough for the doctor to give one or more steroid injections for the scar to completely resolve.

What is not recommended is to resort to surgery. Since the previous operation already caused such a problem, you are not immune from the fact that the new operation will not end in the same way.

Our video. How to remove moles from your face

Scars after laser mole removal indicate your predisposition to scarring. If you took care of the wound correctly, used special products, but they still appeared, it’s all due to heredity. The caveat is that you have had wounds that have healed before, leaving behind scars. In this case, it is better to completely refrain from removal and do it only when there is a threat to health.

For one reason or another, a person sometimes does not like the moles that he has on his body. The desire to get rid of a cluster of pigmented cells may be of an aesthetic nature: an inharmonious shape or an unfortunate location. But there are also moles whose removal is required for medical reasons. The main danger is that they tend to progress and become malignant. Some people are interested in how moles are removed with laser and how safe this procedure is.

Laser mole removal

There is no concept of “mole” in the medical community. The pigmented area is called a nevus. The attitude of health workers towards such entities varies. In one case, it is recommended or even necessary to remove large moles, in another - it is completely acceptable and safe. Sometimes the reason is aesthetic rejection. When and why should you remove moles with laser?


Often people start thinking about this when a previously unremarkable spot becomes deformed and brings discomfort in the form of pain. All this may indicate the development of melanoma - a cancerous skin tumor. After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist will suggest several ways to eliminate the skin defect.

Today the most popular method is laser technology. The removal of one nevus occurs in a few seconds. The essence of the operation is layer-by-layer removal, resulting in the formation of a micro-wound. Larger moles are removed in several procedures. Moreover, the break between them should be at least a week. Then the removed part is sent for histological examination. There are several types of laser systems, but Neodymium is often used.

Benefits of the procedure

Even if a large mole does not cause inconvenience to a person, it is in any case advisable to remove it in order to avoid problems in the future. Elimination of nevi using laser beams is considered the safest method.

In addition, there are many more advantages of this cosmetic procedure:

  1. complete painlessness (the problem area is anesthetized);
  2. does not require penetration into the skin;
  3. Only pigmentation is removed, healthy cells are not involved;
  4. absence of bleeding, noticeable damage, scars and cicatrices;
  5. eliminates the possibility of relapse;
  6. fast healing;
  7. the ability of a laser to accelerate the process of skin regeneration.


Removal of minor moles is carried out without anesthesia, and the consequences of such an operation are minimal. The possibility of infection entering the wound is also eliminated, since extremely high temperatures are involved in the process.

Features of laser removal on the face

When removing a mole on the face, a person expects a smooth and clean skin surface. The laser method is the best option for this purpose. After a short period of rehabilitation, there are practically no noticeable traces of the operation left on the face. Only in the first days will a slight deepening be noticeable. The only caveat is that it is not always possible to completely remove a pigmented area from the face. For example, moles on the nose can grow deep into the skin tissue.

The specialist diagnoses the nevus and analyzes the possibility of eliminating the defect. In some cases, the limitation is the diameter and depth of the mole. If the formation is located far in depth and to the sides, then a significant amount of skin will be removed. It is impossible to carry out such an operation without leaving a trace. You should also take into account the doctor’s qualifications and his capabilities, because not everyone has the ability to accurately eliminate small formations.

Care after surgery, prevention of scars, cicatrices

A wound will appear immediately after the procedure. A specialist will disinfect and give care tips. After some time, the wound will be covered with a protective crust. It is extremely important not to touch, comb or intentionally tear off - it speeds up the process of cell regeneration. With proper care, the skin at the removal site will not differ from the rest. It is worth noting that it is recommended not to apply cosmetics and other beauty products and to visit a solarium. Iodine, brilliant green and soap products are also prohibited.

As soon as the crust comes off, the skin in this area will have a bright pink color. It is recommended to protect this area from direct sunlight. You can apply sunscreen or cover with a thick cloth. You should not use other various ointments and creams. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional skin products. Performing these simple steps guarantees the absence of scars.

Reviews and consequences

As a rule, there are no unexpected consequences after laser surgery, since the procedure is carried out quite quickly and without significant problems. Possible complications include the formation of a protective crust and subsequent pinkish spot. Also, after removing large nevi, a small scar remains. All other manifestations disappear after a week. It is worth noting that the duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the complexity of the operation.

The risk of complications increases if a person trusts an inexperienced doctor. After the operation, the wound may be very itchy, characteristic discharge, high temperature and swelling will appear. All this indicates incorrect care or errors when performing the laser procedure. Sometimes swelling and swelling occur due to an allergic reaction.

Relapse, that is, the reappearance of the nevus, occurs due to incomplete removal. Such interference causes the malignant course of the mole. Women with hormonal problems may experience inflammation and bleeding. The result of non-compliance with care recommendations is scars. Otherwise, most patients note rapid and traceless healing of the wound.


As a rule, there are no contraindications to the effects of laser beams. Even sensitive skin rarely experiences red spots, allergic reactions or burns.

But there are situations when laser removal is prohibited:

  1. A viral skin disease that is accompanied by an inflammatory process.
  2. Psychological illnesses.
  3. Reduced immune defense of the body.

There are also restrictions on the removal of moles for people suffering from skin diseases: acne, atopic dermatitis and herpes. To begin with, these diseases are treated or another method of getting rid of the defect is chosen. Only when there is a critical need is it possible to remove a dangerous formation that has turned into a tumor.


Laser surgery is an extremely serious and expensive procedure, but the result will justify the money spent. The main advantages of this method are painlessness and minimal consequences. The fears of most people are related to possible complications, because the laser literally burns through the skin. In this case, it is advisable to trust a professional with extensive experience and undergo regular examinations during the rehabilitation period.