Acne inflammation how to treat

Inflamed acne on the face is not just an aesthetic drawback. Most often they hurt a lot and spread quickly. The causes of inflammatory acne are all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. Such acne is treated based on the nature of its appearance and type.

Inflamed acne on the face: treatment - general recommendations

For effective treatment, the type should be determined:

Papule is the mildest form of inflammation. Localized exclusively in the upper layers of the skin. It looks like a small ball, dense, red. The papule is most often painless. You can treat it yourself using pharmaceutical and folk remedies. Dermatologists do not recommend treating them yourself. A papule may be one of the symptoms of meningitis, syphilis, allergies, scabies;

Nodule - appears when inflammation penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. Large, more than 5 mm. Very painful. It is after the knots that scars appear on the skin. Requires serious and long-term antibiotic therapy;

Cyst - formed after suppuration of the nodes. It can form passages between pimples. Such problems are difficult to treat. They always leave a scar. You won't be able to cope without a dermatologist. A full course of antibiotics, immunomodulators, and physical procedures is required;

A pustule is an ordinary pimple with a white head and red areas of inflamed skin. The pustule bursts, pus flows out, and a crust forms. They don't leave any scars behind. If the pustules heal safely and do not spread over a large surface, you can cope on your own. It can also be a symptom of a more serious disease. If the pustule festers badly and does not heal, see a doctor!

Papules and pustules are treated:

spot application of iodine. A strong antiseptic will help cope with inflammation;

protein-honey mask. Mix a tablespoon of honey and egg white, apply the mixture for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Honey will relieve inflammation, protein will help healing;

- garlic juice. Great care is required to avoid burning the skin. Apply directly to each inflammatory pimple.

It is better not to treat nodules and cysts with traditional methods, otherwise there is a risk of acquiring many ugly, deep scars.

The following remedies are used at home:

If nodules appear: “Zinerit” and “Zerkalin” are local antibiotics; you cannot do without them in the treatment of nodules;

You should not steam or heat inflammatory acne - you can start a very serious process;

Treatment of inflamed acne on the face with antibiotics

Antibiotics for acne are prescribed by a doctor. No amateur performances. In addition to banal dysbiosis, antibiotics still have many “trump cards”. They have the ability to interact with other medications and produce unpredictable effects. They may simply not have an effect on resistant strains of the pathogen. Therefore, treatment should be supervised by a doctor. If necessary, the antibiotic is changed.

Basic antibiotics for treating inflammatory acne:

  1. macrolides: Rovamycin, Josamycin. Effective against staphylococci that cause inflammation of soft tissues. Folliculitis, boils and other skin infections are the direct prescription of the drugs;
  1. fluoroquinolones: Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin. Active antibiotics. Their course is usually 5-10 days - this is convenient;
  2. penicillins are rarely used; many microorganisms are resistant to them;
  3. tetracyclines, in particular doxycycline (Unidox Solutab). The direct indication is severe acne.

Antibiotics are prescribed in combination with pro- and prebiotics. After the course of treatment, you need to take multivitamins and immune stimulating agents. Some antibiotics themselves can cause acne (as a side effect). Therefore, the main thing is the supervision of a specialist!

Doctors often prescribe Roaccutane, a drug with a “lion’s” dose of vitamin A. In severe forms of inflammation, you cannot do without it. After a course of Roaccutane you should not become pregnant, since large doses of vitamin A can cause various mutations in the fetus. Only by doctor's prescription!

Inflamed acne on the face and its treatment require a serious approach. Often one drug is not enough. Local, internal remedies should be used. And traditional medicine is strong in the absence of a serious disease. If the inflammation process is stopped in a timely manner, the appearance of scars and scars on the face can be avoided.

Amina Pirmanova / article author

Inflammatory acne is redness of the skin accompanied by suppuration and tissue swelling. They can be very painful, and sometimes they don’t hurt at all, depending on the source of inflammation. The culprit of inflammation is pathogenic flora, bacteria, microbes that feed on sebum.

Inflammatory acne is divided into several types:
1. Papules - this is one of the milder forms of inflammation, they look like dense red nodules, somewhat reminiscent of a small ball on the surface of the skin, the diameter of which is no more than 5 mm. As a rule, they are not painful, or in very rare cases they begin to become very painful when the papule develops into something more serious (see picture, Fig. 1).

2. Pustules - also look like a ball, but on the surface we see not a dense white head (which sometimes bursts), but along the edges of the ball there are red, inflamed areas of skin. Sometimes they are painful, but not much. As a rule, after the ball bursts, pus flows out and a crust forms. Scars almost never form after pustules. Their diameter does not exceed 5 mm (see Fig. 2).

3. Nodes – these are larger inflammations (more than 5 mm), differ from papules and pustules in that the inflammation goes deep into the skin. They can be very painful; as a rule, scars remain after the nodes (see Fig. 4).

4. Cysts – after the stage of nodes, when suppuration occurs more strongly, cysts begin to form. Their appearance resembles red-bluish small compacted balls. They can be very painful and leave scars behind. Sometimes passages form between the cavities (pimples), which greatly aggravates the treatment problem (see Fig. 3).

But, nevertheless, do not be alarmed, not everything is as scary as it is written. If you start treating acne on time, you will not let your skin reach a severe stage.


The first thing I want to say is that if you find more than 8 pustules on the skin, any nodes or cysts, go quickly to a doctor, of course, a dermatologist. Your situation is more serious than all of us can imagine, which requires serious treatment than your initiative.

So, inflammation is most often treated, it depends on the degree of inflammation, let’s go in order:

1. You have papules
How to treat, choose one thing:

  1. iodine (my favorite remedy, but it is not suitable for everyone - it can cause burns!), apply directly to the papule, 2-3 times a day, depending on the absorption of iodine;
  2. baziron, if you have 1-5 papules, then apply it pointwise, locally on each pimple 1-2 times a day, if there are more than 6 papules and they appear more often than they go away, apply the drug to the entire face;
  3. dalacin,
  4. zenerite,
  5. skinoren,
  6. differin,

2. You have pustules that have begun to fester.
Yes, dermatologists will forgive me, but pus is the breakdown of bacteria, in fact, a foreign substance (albeit a composition that consists of part of the skin and sebum), I squeeze out the pus and smear it with any bacterial agent. You can’t do this, but you know that the pustule will go away faster if you squeeze it out, because it will take a lot of time until the pus dries, a crust forms, and then it deigns to fall off. But my skin regenerates very quickly and if your skin is sensitive and prone to scarring, then DO NOT squeeze it out!

Instructions on how to squeeze out pimples (if you've already revealed the secret of the universe, you'd better do it right). 😉

How to treat and cover up wounds:

  1. spot application of iodine - locally on each inflamed pimple (an all-time favorite remedy, cheap and effective - attention: it causes a burn, be careful, it is not suitable for everyone);
  2. You can apply it to spots, or on the whole face:
  3. baziron is product number two, an excellent bactericidal agent, if the skin can’t stand it, then all the bacteria will definitely die.
  4. zenerite is addictive),
  5. dalacin (addictive),
  6. differin (but it is rather weak).

3. You have nodes and cysts
People, let's go to the doctor, maybe the doctor will prescribe you oral antibiotics. It is very serious when nodules and cysts form. But if you have already been there, then read on:

How to treat, smear:
- here you can’t get rid of it with just one drug, but don’t overdo it, the fact that you mercilessly dry out the skin is not a plus for the treatment. Take your time, get ready for the fact that nothing will pass in a couple of days or even months - this is normal, Moscow was not built in one day either, be prepared for this. Prepare psychologically that everything will be fine and you will be cured, believe me, it will be so, the main thing is to see the goal you are moving towards and follow it every day...

To begin with, choose one remedy for yourself, it is best to choose either zinerit or dalacin - these are broad-spectrum antibiotics that help very well with moderate and severe acne. Apply it for a week, write down the results, you don’t need to count anything, just visually evaluate your face: has it become better, worse (put a plus or a minus). At first there will be many disadvantages, but we still have everything ahead.

After a week, if the results are not significant, we add another drug in the evening: baziron, or differin, if the skin tolerates it well, leave it and apply it. In fact, all this should help cope with inflammation very well.

If the skin peels, and it will if you rely on medications to treat acne, then use Panthenol or Bepanten, which is very helpful against dry skin, dermatitis and improves the regenerative abilities of the skin. I would say this is a must have.

Don’t forget to cleanse your skin well (don’t rip it off, but clean it), this can be done with any detergent, for example liquid soap, face wash gel, makeup remover milk, but what has accumulated during the day must be removed from the face, and then the pores will become clogged and everything will start all over again.

Inflamed pimples appear as red bumps on the skin. When they form, swelling of the surrounding tissues is observed. There is pus inside the formation. Inflammations can be very painful, or they may not cause any discomfort at all.

Most often, rashes occur during adolescence, but they can also appear in a later period. Such unpleasant phenomena greatly spoil the appearance, in connection with this, the question of how to remove an inflamed pimple is relevant for many.

Causes of inflammation

The main reasons for the appearance of inflamed acne is blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. During their normal functioning, natural hydration of the skin surface occurs. In addition, they provide protection from the negative effects of environmental factors.

But certain reasons can cause the glands to work harder. Most often this happens due to improper use of cosmetics.

Using masks and lotions to cleanse the skin can cause the top layer to become too dry. The body tries to normalize the balance on its own and produces sebum in large quantities.

In addition, the following reasons can increase sebum production:

  1. Hormonal imbalances in the body.
  2. Using low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Taking medications.
  4. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  5. Stressful situations, depression, nervous fatigue.
  6. Poor nutrition, abuse of sweets and fried foods.

Stages of maturation

The process of the appearance of an inflamed pimple occurs in three stages:

  1. First of all, active secretion of sebum occurs on the surface of the skin. It mixes with keratinized particles, becomes dense in consistency and clogs the pores. In this regard, the passage of the secretion becomes impossible; it begins to accumulate inside the follicle.
  2. Due to the blockage of the sebaceous duct, an optimal environment for the proliferation of harmful bacteria is formed. As a result, an inflammatory process begins, which leads to the formation of pus.
  3. Due to the fact that the duct is closed, the resulting pus has nowhere to go. As a result, an inflamed bump with a white top forms on the surface of the skin.

All experts say that you cannot squeeze out an inflamed pimple yourself. This may lead to further spread of the infection.

How to remove an inflamed subcutaneous pimple

To avoid causing further damage to the skin, it is recommended that you perform all actions with caution. Traditional methods of treatment are very popular.

You can relieve inflammation and redness on the skin of the face using ice cubes with parsley.

To prepare them you need to take:

  1. Clean water.
  2. A bunch of greenery.
  3. Ice molds.

Finely chop the parsley, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then the water is filtered and poured into molds. Frozen cubes should be wiped over the skin twice a day.

You can use pharmaceutical products designed to treat areas of inflammation:

  1. Salicylic acid helps get rid of rashes well. It is used for spot application.
  2. Baziron gel is used to regulate sebum secretion. It has an anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect. The course of treatment in this way is 2-3 months.
  3. Effezel gel helps with acne. It is a fast-acting drug and has an antimicrobial effect.

People often make a big mistake when treating acne on their face. They treat the skin with alcohol lotion, which makes the skin very dry. As a result, the sebaceous glands begin to work even harder. You can only use products that regulate the level of sebum production.

To treat inflamed acne on the chin, you can use the following methods:

  1. A mask made from small oatmeal flakes with the addition of vegetable oil will help you get rid of acne quickly and effectively. They need to be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the site of inflammation. The mask should stay on the skin for at least half an hour. Then the product must be removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.
  2. Calendula tincture is good for treating acne. She needs to rub the inflamed areas at night.
  3. You can use toothpaste. It dries out areas of inflammation well. The product is applied precisely to the site where the pimple appears.

Acne can often appear not only on the face, but also on the body. You can get rid of them using the same methods as on the face.

Aloe-based products help remove an inflamed pimple on the back or other part of the body. A piece of leaf pulp can be applied to the site of inflammation and secured with a band-aid. This compress is left overnight.

How to quickly cure acne on your face? The answer is here.

All procedures performed at home must be combined with drug therapy prescribed by doctors.

To relieve redness and reduce inflammation, you can use the following methods yourself:

  1. Tar soap helps dry the skin well. It can be bought at any pharmacy or household chemicals store. It is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent of natural origin. It should be used locally, only at the site of inflammation. The soap needs to be foamed and applied to the skin area. Leave the soap on the skin for no more than one minute, then rinse off.
  2. You can make an acne mash at home. To do this you will need 2 aspirin tablets, 4 chloramphenicol tablets, 1 teaspoon of motherwort tincture. All components are mixed well and applied to problem areas of the skin. You can treat skin areas up to three times a day.
  3. Washing with chamomile decoction helps get rid of acne well. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of water. You can use this product several times a day.

These methods will help you relieve redness and inflammation at home on your own.

A good way to get rid of acne is to use aspirin. To treat rashes, it should be used externally.

It has the following effects on the skin:

  1. Aspirin is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.
  2. It effectively dries out inflammation without burning the skin.
  3. It has a cleansing effect, it eliminates not only acne, but also blackheads.
  4. Using aspirin can improve your complexion, as the product has a whitening effect.
  5. Aspirin masks help exfoliate dead skin.

Aspirin can be used as part of masks or spot on. To prepare the mask, you need to crush 2 aspirin tablets into powder, then you need to take boiled water into a pipette.

Carefully pour water into the crushed powder until a paste forms. The mixture is applied to inflamed areas of the skin for 20 minutes. The effect will be noticeable after the first use. But you should use this mask no more than once every four days.

At home, you can easily get rid of acne using masks. Every housewife has products from which she can prepare effective remedies.

To get rid of acne you can do:

  1. White clay mask – it very effectively fights inflammation, helps eliminate oily skin, making it matte and smooth. To prepare you need to take 1 tsp. white clay, 1 tsp. talc and 2 tbsp. l. milk. All components are mixed until smooth. Milk should only be used warm. The resulting mixture is applied evenly to the face and washed off after 20 minutes.
  2. A white clay mask can be supplemented with honey and yeast. To prepare the mixture, you need to combine half a teaspoon of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of clay, 2 tablespoons of warm milk, 1 teaspoon of dry yeast. You should get a mask with the consistency of thick sour cream. It is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  3. An egg mask works well against skin inflammation. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of honey and egg white. Honey and protein are mixed until smooth and applied in a thick layer to the face. You need to wash off the mask after half an hour with warm water.

Is it possible to squeeze out

Inflamed pimples need to be removed very carefully.

The danger in extrusion is as follows:

  1. An opened abscess can be infected with bacteria or microbes from the hand or air. As a result, your face may experience redness and even more rashes.
  2. The development of the inflammatory process occurs due to improper actions during extrusion. The pus may begin to come out not outside, but inside.
  3. If the wrong actions are taken, a scar or pigment spot may appear at the site of the pimple, which is difficult to get rid of.

In this regard, the problem of rashes must be solved very delicately.

Contact a specialist

Most often, the appearance of acne is associated with problems within the body. If a person develops more than one pimple, but several areas of rash, it is necessary to undergo a full examination. If a problem arises, you can contact a therapist, dermatologist or cosmetologist.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. Taking any medications should only be under the supervision of a doctor.

The following may be prescribed as therapeutic treatment:

  1. antibiotics;
  2. Activated carbon;
  3. brewer's yeast;
  4. furatsilin as a wash and lotion;
  5. vitamin complexes.

Salon procedures performed by a cosmetologist have a good effect. They have a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin.

Cosmetologists can offer to get rid of acne with the help of:

  1. Laser cleaning.
  2. Peeling.
  3. Ozone therapy.
  4. Cryotherapy.
  5. Ultrasonic cleaning.

Such procedures can not only get rid of acne, but also improve the appearance of the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Care instructions

Acne treatment requires not only proper skin care, but also adherence to a certain regime.

Experts recommend:

  1. Maintain proper nutrition, exclude all sweet, salty, fatty and fried foods from your diet.
  2. Do not touch inflamed areas of the skin, poke or put pressure on them.
  3. It is necessary to avoid using scrubs, they further injure the skin. It is best to use soft lotions for care.
  4. You can't take hot baths. You can wash your face only with cool water, and best of all with chamomile decoction.
  5. Before applying any mask, the skin needs to be steamed.
  6. At least twice a week you need to take steam baths with herbs, chamomile is best.
  7. It is recommended to avoid washing with plain tap water.

These recommendations will help avoid rashes, relieve inflamed skin, and relieve itching and redness.