Acne on the back in women treatment

It is difficult to identify acne on the back at an early stage due to its invisibility, unlike other parts of the body, but it is better to eliminate the problem immediately, since starting the process will inevitably lead to damage to large areas. Treatment can be lengthy and the consequences can be disastrous. What is the cause of acne on the back in women?

Types of acne


Acne, depending on the cause, appears in the form of:

  1. Papules are small red, round and inflamed areas.
  2. Pustules are larger red formations with a purulent and painful nodule in the middle.
  3. Acne - in the case of a bacterial infection, which inevitably leads to suppuration in the depths of the skin. The tubercles become painful over time and cause particular discomfort. Bluish or white pimples with an abscess inside require treatment and elimination of foci of inflammation.

Often it is the blockage of skin pores with sebum that causes a rash on the back, and the addition of pathogenic flora leads to inflammation and suppuration. Treatment required.

External reasons

So, the main cause of back acne in women is clogged pores due to increased functions of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the influence of external provoking factors is possible:

  1. Lack of personal hygiene, when there is irritation and even the appearance of unpleasant non-healing wounds on the body.
  2. Wearing synthetics that fit tightly to the body, which can lead to an allergic reaction due to the lack of air flow, the skin pores stop breathing.
  3. Another reason for acne on the back in women is the excessive use of shower gels and foams, which, instead of cleansing the skin, lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands and the proliferation of bacteria on the back.
  4. Frequent use of fatty creams and gels.
  5. Abuse of antibiotics and hormonal drugs, when the functioning of the thyroid gland and intestines is disrupted, dysbiosis develops, and hormones begin to be produced in large quantities.
  6. Abuse of salty foods, which over time leads to slagging, contamination of the body and filling with toxins.


So, blockage of the sebaceous glands is the cause of acne on the back in women, fatty spots, pustules or blackheads. The pores become clogged with bacteria and inflammation develops. The body can no longer fully remove waste and toxins on its own.

Internal reasons

Internal causes are diseases that can lead to disruption of the functionality of internal organs and trigger blockage of the sebaceous glands. The cause of acne on the back can be:

  1. pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body;
  2. puberty when the body experiences significant changes;
  3. dysbacteriosis;
  4. diseases of the genitourinary system;
  5. vitamin deficiency in case of vitamin B deficiency;
  6. a malfunction of the endocrine system leads to increased activity in the production of sebaceous glands, resulting in acne appearing on the back and shoulders of women.

Puberty in girls


During adolescence, in girls 12-18 years old, acne on the back and shoulders is a common occurrence. There is an increase in the production of hormones and clogging of the skin with fat. Treatment with cleansing lotions, gels, and scrubs is required. But low-quality hygiene products, on the contrary, can only increase irritation on the skin and increase the area occupied by acne.

Often the culprit is an allergy, which can lead to damage to large areas on the body and pimples with a red-bluish tint. The problem needs to be eliminated and consult a dermatologist.

You cannot ignore festering areas when harmless pimples have led to the development of an inflammatory process caused by pathogenic flora.

It happens that the cause of localization of acne on the back is androgen (male hormone), leading to increased oiliness of the skin and blockage of pores. Girls and women suffer from this scourge during pregnancy, lactation and PMS, when the sebaceous glands become overactive.

Recommendations for women

How to treat acne on the back in women? Regardless of the cause of the rash, whether it is related to internal or external triggers, it is extremely important for women to keep their skin clean and follow simple rules of personal hygiene.

Acne, for example, in women appears when the menstrual cycle is disrupted, or if there are problems in the sexual sphere, or obesity. In these cases, it is no longer possible to do without going to a specialist and conducting an examination. If the reasons are external, then you need to quickly eliminate the provoking factors and not neglect simple hygiene rules.

What not to do?


The main thing to remember is that you should not squeeze pimples to avoid worsening the situation!

So, if a woman has acne on her back, how to get rid of it quickly?

  1. wear synthetic tight clothing, particularly dirty and tough ones;
  2. Frequently visit the solarium and expose your back to open sunlight;
  3. take a shower less than 2 times a week, and first you need to wash your hair, then the whole body and thoroughly rinse off particles of shampoo and soap;
  4. use rough pumice stones, synthetic washcloths and brushes on your back so as not to damage the skin and cause irritation and inflammation;
  5. use low-quality oily cosmetics and oils that can only clog skin pores.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you won’t have to wonder why acne appears so often on the back of women.

After shower

If you already have rashes on your back, then after taking a shower it is recommended:

  1. thoroughly dry your back, carefully blotting it with a soft towel so that the infection does not spread throughout the body;
  2. use exclusively personal hygiene products and things.

Simple recommendations will help improve your skin condition. If nothing helps, then the problem may be internal, which means you need to consult a dermatologist. If inflammation is present, antibiotics are no longer necessary.

To keep the skin clean, it is important for women to pay attention to their diet and exclude unhealthy and fatty foods. Diversify the menu with cereals, herbs, vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and drink plenty of sparkling water.

How to get rid of acne?

If treatment is not started on time, acne will soon cover the entire back and spread to the shoulders. The situation can greatly worsen, and the lesions can increase in size. If a rash appears, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist to find out the true cause of the development of the inflammatory process. It is necessary to eliminate provoking factors and select the optimal treatment regimen, because a protracted pathological process will inevitably ultimately lead to serious complications.

Remedies for back acne in women


Pimples or acne on the back are treated with external means: creams, ointments, healing solutions, antiseptics. Among all the drugs, special mention should be made:

  1. chlorhexidine;
  2. boric acid solution;
  3. potassium permanganate;
  4. anti-acne, zinc-salicylic, sulfur ointments;
  5. "Differin";
  6. "Zinerit";
  7. brewer's yeast (in tablets);
  8. folic, salicylic acid;
  9. boric alcohol for constant rubbing of the skin to get rid of rashes.

Sea salt is an excellent remedy for acne. It can be added to baths, or simply wiped over the back with the composition to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect. If a purulent infection occurs, the doctor will additionally prescribe antibacterial agents. Salt baths will no longer be effective.

Folk remedies


When treating a rash on the back, not many women know that the disease can be eliminated with ordinary potassium permanganate by adding a weak solution to the bath. You need to fill the container with hot water, dilute the solution, which is not very dark in color, and carry out the procedures for 20 minutes, 2 times a day. Next, wipe your back dry, lightly dabbing with a towel.

Healing herbs help: chamomile, sage (give an antiseptic and eavesdropping effect). It is good to prepare and apply to the back in the form of compresses or simply wipe the affected areas, moistening with the applied composition. Alcohol infusion of calendula will help remove accumulations of subcutaneous sebum. White pimples on the back of women disappear quickly after such therapy.

Compresses are good because they first steam the skin, then remove comedones out. However, if purulent pimples appear in large quantities, it is not recommended to use them, as this may be caused by infection. An increase in temperature will only favor the proliferation of bacteria and the spread of infection throughout the body.

If traditional methods do not lead to proper results after several days, then it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination, because acne is often caused by more complex internal factors.

Ultraviolet light quickly kills germs accumulated under the skin, thereby eliminating acne. However, do not overdo it to avoid heatstroke.

The bath is an excellent folk remedy for the appearance of acne and the development of skin diseases. When visiting a steam room, the pores of the skin open up, and water procedures will quickly help flush out clogged pores, thereby freeing the sebaceous glands from comedones.

Preventive measures


Every woman needs to love herself and pay attention to her skin. It is better to fight acne at the initial stage to prevent it from spreading over the entire back and shoulders. You should:

  1. stop wearing synthetics;
  2. pay attention to bedding so that the skin can breathe at least at night;
  3. take a contrast shower at least 2 times a day;
  4. cleanse the skin with scrubs at least once a week to avoid blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts;
  5. control your diet and give up unhealthy fatty, spicy, fried foods, which only increase the secretion of sebum;
  6. eliminate bad habits (alcohol, smoking) that lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin and excessive susceptibility to microbes and bacteria.

If you know how to deal with rashes on the back, it will not be difficult for women to choose the optimal treatment option, and when summer comes, they will be in good shape and not be ashamed to appear in public in revealing outfits.


The best prevention is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying in the fresh air, and regulating your diet. If such a problem as acne on the back could not be avoided, then therapy cannot be avoided. The sooner you contact a dermatologist, the faster the problem will be solved.

We looked at why painful acne appears on a woman’s back. The reasons are varied, but one thing is clear - timely treatment will relieve the problem for a long time.

Any inflammatory formations may indicate more serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Why do rashes appear and what does it mean?

What it is

Acne is an inflammatory change in the epidermis associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands. Acne is called acne. Red, inflamed acne is often caused by bacteria.

Acne on your back can ruin your appearance and make it difficult to wear the clothes you want. They can also cause itching and pain when touched or in contact with clothing.


Signs of acne are immediately visible. Usually these are numerous formations that may have different appearances.

Main types of acne:

  1. White. They are formed due to blockage of the sebaceous ducts. They look like white dots. Popularly called “millet”. They may be painless to the touch and not cause discomfort.
  2. Black. They also appear due to the closure of the pores. Black color is acquired by oxidation. They also don’t hurt or itch.
  3. Reds. Inflamed acne. They appear when an infection gets inside the pore. They usually hurt and may itch.
  4. Subcutaneous. As the name suggests, they are located deep under the skin. They look like red lumps. They cannot be squeezed out. Very painful when touched.
  5. Purulent. The most severe rashes. They talk about serious disorders in the body. If squeezed, they can cause blood poisoning. They hurt a lot. The pores may release green pus and an unpleasant odor.

Causes of acne on the back in women

Acne on the back most often appears in men, because their sebum production is much higher than that of women. However, this problem can also occur in women because the epithelium on the back is usually fattier than in other areas.

The causes of acne are the same for all types of acne:

  1. hormonal imbalance;
  2. diseases of the digestive system;
  3. damage to the sebaceous glands;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. smoking, drinking alcohol, as well as bad habits;
  6. harmful work;
  7. improper skin care;
  8. dirty air or water;
  9. allergic reaction;
  10. low-quality clothing made from synthetic fibers;
  11. stress.

Video: What causes rashes on the back


As you can see, the reasons can be both internal violations and external influences. To determine the exact cause, you must consult a doctor. Based on the type of rash, a dermatologist can determine what exactly caused it.

Treatment method

Depending on the number of rashes, three forms of severity are divided.

For mild cases, external gels and ointments may be sufficient. In moderate and severe forms, oral medication is required.

About squeezing out blackheads. Details here.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotic treatment is prescribed when internal problems are not detected, and acne appears due to pathogenic microbes that have entered the epithelium.

There is a wide variety of antibiotics. There are broad-spectrum drugs, and there are those that act on specific bacterial pathogens.

Therefore, the selection of tablets should be done by a doctor. Before this, he will do tests in order to find out which microbes affect the body.

Antibacterial drugs exist in the form of tablets, for oral administration, or in the form of ointments for external use.

Do not think that ointments are safer and that you can prescribe them to yourself. Despite the fact that they are used externally, the active substances can be absorbed and enter the bloodstream.

When taking it, you need to remember that antibiotics can negatively affect the beneficial intestinal microflora and take supportive medications.


Pharmaceutical companies offer a large number of topical acne medications. The most commonly used antibiotic ointments contain zinc and vitamin A retinoids.

Antibiotic cream:

  1. levomekol;
  2. erythromycin ointment;
  3. tetracycline;
  4. syntomycin;
  5. benzamicin;
  6. zenerite

Ointments are arranged as the effectiveness and severity of the drug increases. The latter is not the heaviest, but one of the most effective. Used to treat adolescents.

Zinc ointment is a more natural preparation that contains fewer contraindications and side effects. It dries well, thereby removing excess formation of subcutaneous fat. Kills germs.

Retinoids are drugs containing subtypes of vitamin A. Some consider it the safest and most effective treatment, while others call it extremely dangerous. The annotations for the drugs indicate that it should be used only if other methods have not helped.

It is especially worth considering the use of women. The instructions indicate that the attending physician must make sure that the woman is not pregnant and that she is using at least 2 methods to prevent pregnancy.

A large dose of vitamin A thins the skin, renews the epithelium and allows subcutaneous sebum to come out without clogging the pores - this is the principle of action of these ointments.

Folk remedies:

  1. Sea salt baths can draw out formations from pores. Pour a teaspoon of sea salt into a glass of water and dissolve completely. Wash problem areas with this solution.
  2. Calendula tincture kills bacteria and germs and promotes healing. Apply directly to acne twice a day.
  3. A clay mask diluted with water wonderfully dries and cleanses. The result will be visible literally from the first use. Apply the prepared solution for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  4. Taking baths with the addition of a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, and celandine is beneficial. You can also add 15 drops of orange, grapefruit, lemon or tea tree essential oils to the water. This will soothe and disinfect the skin.

Diet therapy

Diet is very important in treatment. If you eat improperly, the liver and kidneys cannot cope with large amounts of fat and harmful substances, and this can affect your appearance.

Proper nutrition for acne:

  1. try to give up fried, fatty and fast food;
  2. reduce coffee consumption to a minimum (if you do not have problems with blood pressure);
  3. avoid chips, crackers, processed foods and anything containing preservatives and dyes;
  4. replace fatty meat with dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), and eat only non-fatty fish (cod, haddock, silver hake, pollock, river perch, pike perch, bream, pike, roach, mullet, flounder, all types of shellfish and families cancerous);
  5. eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, preferably fresh;
  6. drink as much water as possible, even if you don’t feel like it.

It is generally accepted that acne on the back is not as serious a problem as rashes on the face. But this is a superficial judgment. The presence of acne in a woman, regardless of the reason for its appearance, causes a lot of trouble, ranging from problems with choosing a wardrobe to difficulties in her personal life and career.

The human body is covered with small hairs that grow from follicles. Inside the follicles are sebaceous glands. Excess sebum clogs skin pores and comedones form. Fat accumulates, the number of bacteria and microbes increases, which lead to inflammation and acne.

Olga Rosen

Inflammation of the sebaceous glands and follicles is called acne. The appearance of acne on the back is quite common, because the largest number of sebaceous glands are located on the back and shoulders. If we exclude infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, and chickenpox, then staphylococcus can be considered the most common cause of inflammatory processes. This bacterium causes complicated forms of acne.

Rashes on the back can be of several types:

  1. Comedones are open blackheads that rise slightly above the skin. The fat on top oxidizes, which is why they are dark in color.
  2. Closed subcutaneous tubercles, dense and painful.
  3. Vulgar purulent acne appears as a result of the inflammatory process.

Internal reasons

The causes of acne in women on the back can be divided into internal and external.

Internal causes include hormonal imbalance in the body. A jump in progesterone levels leads to an increase in skin oiliness. And an increased amount of sebum leads to inflammation on the skin.

A surge of hormones is observed:

  1. At puberty.
  2. Before menstruation. Rashes appear approximately 3-7 days before menstruation due to an increase in the amount of steroid hormones.
  3. For gynecological problems. For example, with polycystic disease or ovarian dysfunction, rashes appear as a result of increased levels of androgens, male hormones.
  4. During pregnancy and after an abortion, hormonal levels undergo strong fluctuations.
  5. As a side effect of birth control medications.

In addition to hormonal changes, there are other causes of back acne in women:

  1. Dysbacteriosis and slagging of the body due to poor nutrition and previous infections. Toxins usually come out through the pores of the skin, but when the sebaceous glands are clogged, they do not have this opportunity.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver.
  3. Endocrine disorders: diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland.
  4. Chronic internal diseases.
  5. Increased sweating.

Predisposing factors are the characteristics of the microflora of the skin surface, increased sebum production, and heredity.

External reasons

Violation of nutritional rules is one of the main causes of back skin problems. Acne caused by poor diet is dense, painful to the touch, and located under the skin.

They are easy to distinguish from allergic rashes. With allergies, the skin of the back becomes covered with a small red rash. Allergies are caused by some cosmetics, medications, and foods.

In addition, there are the following external reasons:

  1. tight synthetic clothing that prevents air exchange and does not absorb moisture;
  2. insufficient or improper hygiene;
  3. heat, high humidity;
  4. ultraviolet radiation: long exposure to the sun activates the sebaceous glands;
  5. violation of hygiene rules: long, oily hair loose over the shoulders and back can contribute to the spread of infections and dirt.

Working with chemicals and harmful substances can also lead to a rash on the back of women.

Alcoholic drinks, smoking, drinking carbonated and energy drinks aggravate the situation.

Psychological reasons

Many psychologists believe that the cause of acne on the back in many cases is related to the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Chronic nervous tension and everyday stress lead to the appearance of acne.

This has a scientific explanation: stress provokes the production of male hormones androgens by the adrenal glands. Sebum production increases with increasing androgen levels.

An ugly appearance, in turn, leads to a bad mood, depression, which leads to an increase in the number of acne on the back and other parts of the body.

Stress leads to a decrease in immunity, which contributes to a greater spread of infections, which means an increase in the area of ​​affected areas of the back.

How is the treatment carried out?

Don't think that acne on your back will go away on its own. This is a serious problem that cannot be dealt with on your own. It is necessary to visit a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and gynecologist. You need to get tested, a hormone test is especially important.

Treatment should be comprehensive: local and systemic therapy is carried out.

Systemic treatment: it is necessary to eliminate the internal causes that caused acne, cure chronic diseases, improve intestinal function, and balance hormonal levels. It is believed that acne on the back usually indicates problems with the thyroid gland and endocrine diseases.

Only a healthy body, well-established functioning of all organs and systems guarantee that acne will not reappear.

  1. Local treatment includes various masks, applications, and medicinal baths. In severe cases, when there are many purulent pimples on the skin, you have to resort to antibiotics.
  2. Preparations with zinc are prescribed, which dry and disinfect the skin of the back, for example Zinerit lotion.
  3. Baziron, Levomekol, salicylic acid. These medications prevent the further spread of acne.
  4. Very often, doctors prescribe hormonal birth control pills to normalize the balance of hormones.
  5. Physiotherapy is used. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the consequences of acne: scars and spots.

Along with drug treatment, a woman should make an appointment with a psychologist.

Treatment with folk remedies

Medicinal plants and home remedies are usually used as an effective addition to back skin treatment by doctors. In some cases, they can be used as independent treatment.

Lotions: 1 tsp. per glass of water. Or salt baths.

Use the tincture to wipe the problem area twice a day.

Use for masks, applications, diluted with water or aloe juice.

Mix with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate your back once a day to cleanse.

2 tablespoons of crushed root per liter of cold water. Leave for 2 hours. Take a bath with this solution added. Repeat after 10 days.

Pour 50 g of roots with a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Add to the bath. Course 2 weeks.

1 tbsp. l. mix with chilled boiled water. Add a little lemon juice. Apply to skin. Wash off after drying. Brewer's yeast is considered an excellent remedy for curing acne and saturating the body with vitamins.

Apply a paste of baking soda and water to problem areas.. Wash off after half an hour.

Apply a 2% solution once a day for 2 months.

Mix with tea tree oil, which is considered one of the best antiseptics. Apply twice daily.

Very often, for acne, talkers from different products are used:

Levomycetin – 5 g, 2% salicylic acid – 5 ml, boric acid – 50 ml, medical alcohol (90%) – 50 ml. Apply only once a day in the evenings. This chatterbox is often prescribed by doctors.

40 ml calendula, 4 paracetamol tablets, 4 aspirin tablets. Leave for a day.


It is necessary to establish nutrition. Low-fat varieties of fish and meat, vegetables, fruits. Eliminate fat, preservatives, dyes. It is especially recommended to pay attention to highly carbonated drinks with dyes.

You need a diet that helps get rid of acne without baking, sugar, fried, smoked foods. You'll have to forget about chocolate, pastries, cakes.

Eat more grains, dairy products, vegetable soups. Limit consumption of tea and coffee. You should drink clean water and freshly squeezed juices.

The diet must be balanced, contain the required amount of amino acids and fatty acids, otherwise the body is forced to increase the secretion of sebum. It is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

What happens if you don't get treatment?

The problem of acne cannot be ignored. Even if they go away on their own over time, scars, scars, and pigmented areas will still remain on the body.

Acne causes problems communicating with friends of the opposite sex. 20% of girls suffering from rashes on their backs claim that they had to break up with their boyfriend because of this. Career also suffers. I have to give up sports and going to the pool becomes impossible.

A person goes deep into himself, depression and an inferiority complex appear.

Why is it important to treat acne?

If left untreated, back acne can lead to further worsening health problems. Cosmetic complications include scars and spots at the site of pimples. In some cases, you can get rid of them in beauty salons using cosmetic or laser peeling.

With improper care and treatment, scratches and abrasions appear on the body. And this is a direct path for further penetration of infections. Folliculitis is one of the complications of acne. This is inflammation of the hair follicles. It manifests itself in the form of pustules or nodules on the skin. They leave behind new scars.


It should be remembered that acne on the back is not an aesthetic defect: simple acne can hide serious health problems.

To avoid acne it is recommended:

  1. do not wear artificial clothing that fits tightly to the body;
  2. bed linen and clothing should be made from natural fabrics;
  3. to refuse from bad habits;
  4. carefully observe personal hygiene;
  5. use only personal hygiene items: towels, washcloths;
  6. do not use skin cosmetics, shower gels, scrubs, various creams, tonics;
  7. use tar soap to cleanse the skin;
  8. monitor bowel function: constipation is a constant companion to acne;
  9. Do not scratch or squeeze pimples.

In most cases, acne is caused by hormonal changes, especially at a young age. Therefore, it is impossible to completely eliminate the appearance of acne. But you can get rid of concomitant infections and complications. This can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

It is possible to eliminate risk factors on your own: promptly identify and eliminate chemicals that affect the body, establish a proper diet, cure gastrointestinal diseases, eliminate stress, and strengthen the body’s defenses.
