Ukus salamander

It is said to be a reptile similar to the azaa lizard, with four legs and a short tail. They claim that it does not burn, and that if you throw it into a stove, it will put out the fire. The one who is bitten by it experiences severe pain, a fiery glow in the body and a hot swelling on the tongue, the tongue becomes stiff and the person stutters. Its bite causes numbness and trembling, often a round blackening appears on the bitten organ, and it falls off.

They say they treat this in the same way as they treat Spanish flies, a more special method that is used is to drink the resin of any pine tree with honey, also drink a decoction of Dubrovnik and a decoction of iris with nettle leaves and olive oil, and some give the sick boiled frogs, drink their frog soup and apply bandages from their meat, and also give boiled eggs of land and sea turtles.