The papilloma has increased, what should I do?

Papilloma has increased in size

The content of the article:
  1. Why has papilloma increased?
  2. What does papilloma look like?
  3. What to do if papilloma increases
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal
  4. Prevention of papillomas

The condition when the papilloma increases is a sign of the progression of the disease “papillomatosis”. Such a manifestation should under no circumstances be ignored. The growth of neoplasms and redness or an increase in their number in one area of ​​the body indicates a decline in the body’s protective functions, and in some cases, other more dangerous conditions of the body. To prevent serious consequences for your health, a person should immediately consult a doctor as soon as he notices that the papilloma has increased in size.

Why did the papilloma increase and turn red?

Traumatized papilloma

Photo of an injured papilloma, prone to enlargement

When the first papilloma appears, most people simply do not attach much importance to it. Especially when the growth does not cause discomfort and has formed in a place hidden by clothing. Considering that such structures are mostly benign, people ignore the problem. However, the formation of growths is caused by the human papilloma virus, and if you do not pay attention to such formations, the patient’s body will become covered with unpleasant growths that will continue to expand.

Often, a doctor is consulted when the papilloma has increased in size sharply and painfully. This development indicates inflammatory processes in the body and does not tolerate delays in treatment.

The reasons for the sharp growth of papillomas may be:

  1. accidental damage to the tumor;
  2. decreased immunity;
  3. transformation of the growth into an oncoform.

When the reason why papillomas enlarge is due to damage to their integrity, not only an increase in the size of the formations is noted, but also a change in color. Such growths darken due to impaired blood circulation in this area, tissues die, and a kind of crust forms.

Under no circumstances should such a crust be torn off on your own, since mechanical damage will lead to aggravation of the situation - areas nearby will begin to become inflamed, and new papillomas will inevitably appear and their number will increase.

To prevent growths from increasing after they appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor, conduct laboratory tests to determine the genotype of the virus, and begin treatment appropriate for the given HPV strain.

Important! When papillomas have increased in size, only a doctor can tell you what to do. In this case, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Traditional methods of treating HPV during periods of inflammation are not effective. Only a specialist can answer why papillomas are increasing and how to stop this process.
  1. Read also about the treatment of papilloma with cauterizing agents

What does a papilloma that is growing look like?

Papilloma is increasing

The photo shows a papilloma that is growing

The formation of papillomas at the initial stage is difficult to notice. The first signs - small seals on the skin, to which the patient does not even attach importance.

But as the papilloma becomes larger, the visible symptoms of the disease expand:

  1. Structures on the body increase in size and their number also increases;
  2. Formations appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membrane;
  3. In the area of ​​formation, pain, itching, and sometimes burning are felt;
  4. If growths appear in the anogenital area, the patient is not even aware of their formation, but pain during sexual intercourse should be an alarming fact.

TO associated symptoms diseases also include weight loss, loss of appetite, and general weakness of the body. Women may experience cycle disruptions.

The high degree of spread of the disease is also due to the fact that at the initial stage the virus does not manifest itself in any way. That is, a healthy person does not suspect that he is in contact with a carrier of the infection. And the patient himself learns about his diagnosis only during a specialized examination or in the case when the papilloma enlarges.

What to do if papilloma increases?

If you do not know what to do when the papilloma begins to increase in size, then consult a doctor immediately. This scenario is the only reasonable one in this situation. The doctor prescribes additional tests and analyzes to determine the reasons for the growth of tumors. In addition to general blood and urine tests to identify inflammatory processes in the body, consultations with an immunologist and oncologist will be scheduled. Depending on the reasons for the enlargement of the structure, the doctor will offer two treatment options: complete destruction of the papilloma or stopping the development of the formation with the help of medications. Of course, if the papilloma has enlarged, the preferred option would be complete removal of the growth, and in the case of oncological transformation, this option will be the only possible one.

What medications should I use if the papilloma has increased?

Medications for enlarged papilloma

In the photo there are medical remedies for papilloma, which is increasing

Neoplasms with a necrotic crust are removed using external medications. The most effective drugs in a situation where papilloma increases are the following:

  1. Solcoderm in the form of a solution. Quite effective, but expensive. It costs 400 hryvnia in Ukrainian pharmacies, 950 rubles in Russian ones. Its good analogue is Verrukacid (read reviews about the use of Verrukacid).
  2. Dermavit-gel. It is a more affordable option, not inferior to other drugs for removing papillomas when they increase. The price in Russian pharmacies is from 280 rubles. In Ukraine, an analogue, Feresol, is used; a jar of a solution of this substance costs only 18 hryvnia. Read reviews about Dermavit.
  3. Cryopharma. Removes build-up by cooling. The drug costs from 3590 Ukrainian hryvnia, 890 Russian rubles. However, many doctors recommend its more affordable analogue, Wartner. Read in detail the instructions for using Cryopharma.
  4. Salicylic ointment. Perhaps the most accessible remedy. The price of ointment in Ukraine is from 20 hryvnia for 25 g, and in Russia - from 27 rubles. Read about the results of using Salicylic ointment.

Specialized ointments, gels and solutions not only prevent the occurrence of situations where the papilloma becomes larger, but also contribute to its complete destruction. It is recommended to apply the product at least 2 times a day.

To achieve maximum effect, the doctor will also recommend the use of immunostimulating and antiviral drugs. Among the most effective stimulants are Allokin-alpha, however, its high cost (up to 2000 hryvnia in Ukraine and 7500 rubles in the Russian Federation) leads many to use analogues - Cycloferon or Amiksin with a more affordable price (from 300 rubles in Russia, 150 hryvnia in Ukraine).

To fight the virus from the inside, when papillomas increase, they are prescribed Groprinosin or its analog Neoprinosin. The price of drugs ranges from 600 to 800 Ukrainian hryvnia (1500-2000 Russian rubles) depending on the manufacturer.

Important! Considering the need for complex medications, only a doctor can prescribe the correct combination and dosage.
  1. Read also about Betadine ointment for papillomas

Methods for removing papilloma if it increases

Laser removal of enlarged papilloma

The integrity of the papilloma, especially when it increases in size, can be accidentally damaged - the growth is touched by folds of clothing or by friction with other parts of the body. If the tumor is located in a potentially traumatic location, the optimal solution is to remove it. And if damage could not be avoided, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic, covered with a band-aid and immediately see a doctor.

Papilloma removal can be done using a laser, liquid nitrogen, electric current, or traditional surgery. Surgery will be the only option in case of cancerous lesions. Its cost is calculated in each specific case.

Removal of a large papilloma laser - a rather labor-intensive process, but the procedure is relatively painless. The laser is a high-temperature directed beam, has a targeted effect, removes pathogenic tissue, but at the same time minimizes blood loss. The cost of removing papilloma, which is getting larger all the time, depends on the volume of work. On average, in Russia such a procedure will cost 2,000 rubles, and in Ukraine - for 600 hryvnia.

A liquid nitrogen, on the contrary, acts on formation at low temperatures. The papilloma freezes, then dies and disappears. The procedure does not have a targeted effect, that is, healthy skin can also be accidentally damaged, but the likelihood of relapse is negligible. The price for removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen is from 900 rubles, 300 hryvnia in various clinics.

Electric current is considered an outdated method of destruction, but it continues to be actively used in many institutions. The cost of the procedure is low - 300 Ukrainian hryvnia or 700 rubles. The method is quite painful, but reliable.

The method of removal is not chosen by the patient himself, but based on the doctor’s recommendations.

Important! There are a number of contraindications for the destruction of papillomas when they increase: inflammatory processes in the body, diabetes, infectious diseases, as well as a number of other ailments.
  1. Read about treating papillomas with laundry soap

Prevention of papillomas: supporting immunity

Echinacea tincture to boost immunity

In the photo, echinacea tincture to support immunity

It is very important to know what to do if the papilloma has increased in size, but it is still much wiser to pay attention to the prevention of the disease, to prevent the appearance of growths or to prevent their increase.

Basic preventive measures:

  1. Maintaining immunity - maintaining a daily routine, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, giving up bad habits;
  2. Fighting chronic and infectious diseases;
  3. Avoiding frequent changes of sexual partners and using contraceptives;
  4. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

If a growth still forms despite the measures taken, you must immediately see a doctor and begin treatment.

When the papilloma has increased in size, the problem cannot be ignored. Irresponsible behavior can lead to a general deterioration in health and an expansion of the body's coverage area with unaesthetic formations. A timely consultation with a doctor will help you get rid of the problem and maintain normal health.

  1. Related article: Types of oils for papillomas