The upper eyelid is peeling, what should I do?

One of the most important organs for humans is the eyes. They are very vulnerable to external factors. They are protected by the eyelids, the skin of which is thin and delicate. Patients often turn to an ophthalmologist complaining of peeling or redness. It is irresponsible to ignore this symptom and consider it harmless to health. If the eyelids peel, this may be the first sign of the development of an ophthalmological disease that can cause serious harm to the organ of vision.

Causes and provoking factors

Sensitive eyelid skin reacts negatively to any negative external influence. The epidermis turns red, cracks and peeling appear. Also, such symptoms can signal a malfunction of the internal organs. Most often, problems with the skin around the eyes are caused by the following factors:

  1. Allergic reaction;
  2. Use of low quality cosmetics;
  3. Eyelash mite causing demodicosis;
  4. Inflammatory lesion of the epidermis resulting from exposure to damaging factors;
  5. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  6. Fatigue of the organ of vision;
  7. Exposure to sunlight;
  8. Weathering;
  9. Spending a long time in front of a computer monitor;
  10. Lack of vitamins;
  11. Infectious disease;
  12. Dry eye syndrome;
  13. Fungus.
Several factors can simultaneously cause peeling of the eyelid. To stop the disease, it is necessary to identify them all and eliminate them with the help of well-chosen therapy.


One of the most common reasons causing the development of anomalies. When a person comes into contact with an allergen, the eyes become very watery, and accordingly the skin becomes irritated and begins to peel off. The longer the body is exposed to the “pest”, the stronger the unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, a negative reaction occurs upon contact with the following irritants:

  1. Plant pollen;
  2. Animal wool;
  3. Cosmetical tools;
  4. Products;
  5. Dust;
  6. Harmful fumes from household chemicals, etc.

To get rid of an allergic reaction, you must stop contact with the irritant.


This ophthalmic disease is caused by eyelash mites. Most often it appears in autumn and spring. The cause of the damage is a weakened immune system; pensioners are also at risk. Mites get under the skin of the eyelids and begin to feed on hair follicles and can affect the sebaceous glands. The first symptom of the disease is loss of eyelashes and inflammation of the eyes, increased lacrimation and peeling of the skin under the eyelids.

Self-medication should not be practiced under any circumstances; any medications should be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination and a series of examinations.

You will learn how to protect yourself from demodicosis from the video.


Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules and the use of other people's cosmetics leads to a person contracting a harmful fungus. In this case, you need to prepare for long-term treatment, since it is impossible to get rid of the “pest” in a couple of days.

As a result of a fungal infection, chronic mycosis can develop, affecting the hair and nails. The risk group includes people with weak immune systems. Often the fungus “joins” other pathologies, such as diabetes or oncology.
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Infectious diseases

If the eyelid is peeling, the reason may be hidden in the development of such ailments as:

  1. Conjunctivitis;
  2. ARVI;
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Trachoma;
  5. Herpes;
  6. Keratitis.

Bacterial blepharitis often affects the delicate skin around the eyes. The disease can affect the cornea and conjunctiva. To treat the disease, ointments are used that contain gentamicin or erythromycin.

Seborrheic dermatitis is harmful to the skin. Its main signs are swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of small scales between the eyelashes that connect to the epidermis. In appearance they resemble dandruff.

Lack of vitamins

Peeling of the skin provokes a lack of vitamins A, D and E. The causes of vitamin deficiency include:

  1. Unbalanced diet;
  2. The presence of an illness accompanied by problems with the absorption of beneficial microelements from the intestines;
  3. Lack of solar radiation;
  4. Taking medications containing vitamin antagonist substances.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, review your menu and lifestyle.

Inappropriate cosmetics and improper care

These factors often cause the development of anomalies. To avoid skin flaking and redness, follow these rules:

  1. Do not use cosmetics containing abrasive particles;
  2. Do not wipe the area around the eyes with toners that contain alcohol;
  3. Never apply expired cosmetics to your skin;
  4. Select products according to your age;
  5. Store cosmetics correctly;
  6. Wash your hands before applying makeup;
  7. Make sure that all instruments that come into contact with the eyelid skin are clean.

When caring for the area around the eyes, the following is prohibited:

  1. Rub cosmetics intensively;
  2. Leave them overnight;
  3. Apply masks more often than prescribed in the instructions;
  4. Use toilet soap to remove cosmetics.

If you experience itching or burning after applying skin care products, wash them off immediately. Rinse your eyes with clean water and take Diazolin or Suprastin.

Herpes and adenovirus

The first disease is accompanied by the appearance of small blisters; with complications, ulcers form in their place. Adenovirus affects both eyes simultaneously and is accompanied by pathologies of the respiratory system.

Acyclovir is used to treat herpes. For the treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis, warming lotions and eye drops from the group of corticosteroids are used.

Associated symptoms

Peeling of the skin around the eyelids is accompanied by additional symptoms. Some of them are very specific and help to easily identify the cause that triggered the development of the anomaly.

Typical accompanying symptoms:

  1. Unbearable itching;
  2. Redness of the epidermis around the eyes;
  3. Swelling of the eyelids;
  4. Intolerance to bright light;
  5. Increased tear production;
  6. Pain in the eyes;
  7. Eyelashes break and fall out;
  8. Redness of the sclera is observed.
Discharge of pus may signal the development of conjunctivitis; in this case, before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish its type (allergic, bacterial, etc.).

If the skin under your eyes peels, you should immediately consult a doctor. Unbearable itching and redness cause discomfort, and the damaged epidermis becomes very thin, which can lead to serious complications. Medical attention is required if unpleasant symptoms persist for three days.
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Where to go?

The appearance of the first signs of damage to the epidermis around the eyes is not a reason to panic, but you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Do not forget that the skin of the eyelids is very thin and delicate, and any injury to the organ of vision can lead to irreversible consequences.

First of all, visit an ophthalmologist and a dermatologist; in some cases, a consultation with an allergist is required.


Initially, the ophthalmologist conducts a visual examination of the patient, asking him in detail about the symptoms accompanying the course of the disease and illnesses suffered in the recent past.

To make an accurate diagnosis, a blood test is performed, eye secretions and tear fluid are taken for examination. To visually analyze the condition of the organ of vision, the doctor uses a slit lamp. To detect eyelash mites, four eyelashes are taken from the upper and lower eyelids for laboratory testing.

Treatment with drugs

Therapy is selected for each patient individually after identifying the factor that triggered the development of the disease. It is important to treat not the manifestation of the disease, but its source. Otherwise, any measures will not bring results.

Most often, medications are the first to hit the target. The doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Antibiotics. The most commonly prescribed eye drops are Okomistin, Albucid and Tsipromed. For damage to the mucous membrane, tetracycline ointment is used;
  2. Antiallergic and antihistamine medications. Helps get rid of itching and relieve swelling. This could be Claritin, Loratidine, or hormonal ointments that contain hydrocortisone;
  3. Antiseptic drugs. Block the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Use the most gentle means, such as “Vitabakt” or a solution of boric acid;
  4. To combat the fungus, Levorin or Nystatin is prescribed;
  5. Antiviral drugs. These include “Anaferon”, “Solcoseryl”;
  6. If the cause of peeling lies in inflammation, then Sofradex or Maxitrol eye drops will help;
  7. To relieve visual fatigue, doctors recommend taking Visine.

To strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to negative factors, take a course of Vitrum Vision or Complivit Oftalmo vitamins.

Often, to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, doctors prescribe topical medications (ointments and drops). They affect the source of the disease and almost never enter the circulatory system. If you need to use several types of drops, use them with a break of fifteen minutes.

Help from traditional medicine

If the cause of the anomaly does not lie in a serious illness or you simply don’t have time to visit the clinic, try using the gifts of nature and grandma’s recipes. Some of them are excellent substitutes for medications and successfully fight the disease. However, despite their effectiveness, there is no need to abuse traditional medicine. Before using any recipe, consult your doctor.

To moisturize dry skin, use melt water and wash your face with it every morning; herbal decoctions or tar soap are also suitable for this purpose. Tinctures from medicinal plants are an excellent option for compresses. The most commonly used plants are calendula, chamomile, and St. John's wort. At the stage of epidermal regeneration, you cannot use string and celandine, as they are very drying. Use the latter with extreme caution, as it is poisonous.

To prepare a medicinal decoction, no special knowledge or skills are required. Take a tablespoon of herb, pour a glass of boiled water and keep in a closed container until the infusion has cooled. Next, strain it and use it in the following way:

  1. As lotions. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and apply to the affected organ of vision for half an hour;
  2. For washing. Soak a cotton swab well in the solution and wipe the eye in the direction from the nose to the temple;
  3. For rinsing. Dilute the broth with boiling water in a ratio of 1:5, and irrigate your face with it every time after washing.

Several proven traditional medicine recipes will also help get rid of peeling.
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Camomile tea

Take one tablespoon of dried chamomile flower and pour boiling water over it. After the composition has infused, strain it. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and apply to damaged eyes. If the infusion is diluted with water, it can be used as eye drops. It relieves fatigue, relieves dryness and irritation.

Tea brewing

They help with visual fatigue and as therapy for a variety of ophthalmological pathologies. It is better to use loose leaf tea, but you can opt for bagged tea. The brew should be very strong, soak the discs in it and apply for about fifteen minutes.

Aloe juice

Cut the aloe leaf and place it in the refrigerator, this will help achieve the desired consistency. Within seven days, the juice is saturated with enzymes and becomes liquid. Lubricate damaged skin with it. The juice moisturizes well, eliminates redness and itching, and restores the epidermis.

Prevention and care of eyelid skin

It is impossible to 100% eliminate the risk of flaky skin around the eyelids, since the symptom is associated with various processes occurring in the body. But it can be reduced with simple preventive measures:

  1. Buy high quality cosmetics, do not skimp on yourself and your health. Be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed;
  2. To wash your face, use clean water and toners that suit your skin type;
  3. Apply soothing compresses once every seven days;
  4. Give your eyes rest, do not overstrain the organ of vision;
  5. Create a balanced diet, eat healthy foods and, if necessary, take vitamin complexes;
  6. Avoid touching your face and eyes with unwashed hands.
To prevent the development of this or that pathology, carefully monitor your health and listen to your body. If peeling occurs, seek medical attention immediately.


Dry skin around the eyelids and flaking are the first signal that something is wrong with the body and it needs help. Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid the development of serious pathologies, which often cause complete loss of vision. Contact your doctor, he will find out the cause of the disease and help you choose the optimal therapy.
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There are many reasons that cause this unpleasant problem - the eyelids peel, itching, and severe burning appear. You should not treat alarming symptoms carelessly - a dangerous sign can portend more serious problems and even provoke a serious eye disease. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to determine which factor caused the peeling, try to eliminate it, and, if necessary, seek the help of a specialist. Timely use of medications or alternative medicine will allow you to effectively cope with the problem and prevent complications.

Causes of peeling eyelids

If the skin on your eyelids is peeling, there can be many reasons for the manifestation. Some of the factors that provoke the problem are quite harmless, and you can cope with them on your own. There are also more dangerous reasons for health, the elimination of which will require the help of doctors.

Some of the most common causes of redness and flaking of the skin include:

  1. allergic reaction to external irritants (low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics, frost, wind, ultraviolet radiation);
  2. the use of synthetic-based cleansers;
  3. age (in old age, peeling occurs more often);
  4. regular work at the computer;
  5. viral, infectious diseases;
  6. constant scratching of the eyes;
  7. severe fatigue;
  8. improper functioning of the sebaceous glands (women with dry skin are more likely to suffer from the problem than women with oily dermis);
  9. low humidity in the room where you have to stay for a long time;
  10. errors in choosing or wearing contact lenses;
  11. using too harsh a liquid to wash your face.

Some of the most dangerous factors that provoke peeling are diseases. Demodicosis is one of the most common. Infection with a subcutaneous mite can lead to loss of eyelashes and the release of a thick liquid with an unpleasant odor from the skin.

Viral diseases and fungal infections also often lead to problems with the dermis. Itching, peeling, and the appearance of small bubbles with clear liquid are only part of the unpleasant symptoms that will have to be eliminated with the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

If you can’t determine why the skin is red, or what factor caused the unpleasant problem, it’s better to go to the doctor. It is recommended to begin treatment with pharmaceutical drugs or home remedies only after an accurate diagnosis - improper use can cause dangerous vision pathologies.

Prevention of the problem

It is not possible to completely prevent a dangerous manifestation even with preventive measures, but it is quite easy to partially reduce the danger. The eyelids often peel and itch as a result of careless hygiene or improper care of the skin, so it is better to adhere to the basic recommendations.

Strict adherence to the following rules will partially prevent trouble:

  1. use only high-quality cosmetics (preferably natural), and be sure to completely wash off makeup before going to bed;
  2. do not rub your eyes with your hands, especially dirty ones;
  3. for washing, use only preparations suitable for your derma type (if necessary, consult a cosmetologist about what to give preference);
  4. regularly carry out procedures to soothe the eyes, use herbal decoctions (chamomile, green tea);
  5. change your diet, introduce vegetables and fruits.

Do you know? Often, even complete regular rest is enough to prevent problems with the dermis of the eyelids. Eye fatigue is one of the reasons for the unpleasant manifestation.

What to do if your eyelids are peeling

The first rule for successfully treating flaky skin on the eyelids is to accurately determine the cause that provoked the unpleasant manifestation. If the factor is not too dangerous and can be eliminated without the help of a doctor, you can cope with the problem even with simple folk remedies. Lotions, compresses, masks - home cosmetology offers many effective methods that will quickly eliminate the problem.

Important! For complex diseases, it is better not to carry out treatment on your own. Improper use of aggressive medications or even home remedies on the upper eyelid can lead to dangerous diseases. It is not difficult to predict the results of self-medication - a significant deterioration or even complete loss of vision.

The causes, main risk factors for eyelid inflammation and treatment are described in the video:

Folk recipes

If it was possible to determine the cause of the unpleasant manifestation without any particular difficulties, and the skin of the eyelids is peeling due to harmless external factors, you will be able to cope with the problem without the help of a doctor. Among home cosmetology products, it is recommended to pay attention to chamomile decoction, tea leaves, and juice squeezed from aloe leaves. It is not necessary to stop at one method - it is better to alternate different compositions.

In addition to eliminating flaking, a home remedy will help you cope with additional symptoms - itching, burning.


  1. Rub 20 grams with your hands. dry inflorescences of the plant.
  2. Boil water (150 ml).
  3. Brew the vegetable raw materials, stir.
  4. Close the container and wrap it with a towel to increase the concentration of nutrients.
  5. Leave for half an hour, strain.

Using chamomile decoction is simple - soak cotton wool discs with liquid, place on the affected dermis, and leave for a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure daily, if the upper eyelid is itchy and very red, it is recommended to carry out at least three manipulations per day. You should not store the decoction for more than one day - the beneficial qualities quickly disappear.

Aloe lotions

The use of aloe will eliminate peeling, destroy bacteria that cause unpleasant discomfort, and relieve redness.


  1. Stock up on plant leaves in advance, wrap them in polyethylene film, and put them in the refrigerator for a week.
  2. Grind the wilted leaves into a fine paste with a sharp knife.
  3. Squeeze out the juice using a gauze cloth folded in several layers.

Soak cotton sponges with liquid, place the lotions on your eyes and leave for half an hour. Two procedures per day are enough. One is best done after waking up, the second before going to bed. Typically, the duration of treatment does not take more than two weeks - this time is enough to completely eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Using green tea is a great way to cope with flaking, fatigue, and red eyes. If the lower eyelid is peeling, it is better to use tea bags - it is more convenient to use in the procedure.


  1. Brew 15 g. tea granules (it is recommended to take tea without additives or flavorings) boiling water (100 ml).
  2. Infuse the liquid; half an hour is enough to obtain a rich product.
  3. If you use bags, it is recommended to simply pour boiling water over them, remove them from the liquid after a quarter of an hour, and squeeze them out a little.

Place wet tea bags or cotton pads soaked in liquid over your eyes. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. For severe peeling, it is recommended to carry out up to three manipulations per day.

A carrot-based emollient will eliminate flaking, promote healing, and improve the condition of the skin.


  1. Peel, wash the carrots, turn into pulp using a grater.
  2. Add mashed yolk to the mixture.
  3. Add flour (20 gr.), mix.
  4. Use immediately.

Place the prepared mixture on your eyes in a thick layer. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove with a sponge, wash with a herbal decoction (chamomile, string). One procedure per day is enough.

What can you buy at the pharmacy?

If the skin not only flakes and itches, but also turns red and even becomes covered in a rash, it will not be possible to cope with the manifestation without the use of drugs from the pharmacy. The use of medications should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. A specialist also prescribes the medicine, having previously diagnosed the disease.

Peeling eyelids are most often treated with the following medications:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. The use of Okomistin, Torbex or Tsiromed drops is usually recommended. The number of applications and dosage is calculated by the doctor based on the severity of the damage to the dermis.
  2. Antihistamines. Recommended for manifestations provoked by irritants. Claritin or Opatonol is usually prescribed. Instillation is carried out as prescribed by a doctor, who determines the number of procedures and the required dosage.
  3. Antifungal agents. Used only for fungal infections of the dermis. The recommended drug is Nystanin.
  4. Antiseptics. Among the most popular and harmless drugs is Vitabact.
  5. Vasoconstrictor medications. One of the best remedies against eye fatigue is Visin drops. It is often prescribed as a preventive measure for people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

Regardless of the drug prescribed to get rid of the problem, there is no point in experimenting. Excess of dosage, improper use, incomplete course of treatment are the main causes of relapse of eye disease and intense peeling of the eyelids.

When to contact a specialist

You should not always hesitate with treatment and visits to doctors. There are several reasons to go to the doctor if you have to deal with an unpleasant manifestation. Among them:

  1. dry skin on the eyelids does not respond to home remedies, peeling continues to develop rapidly and affect healthy tissue;
  2. reddened eyelids, which are accompanied by increased production of tears;
  3. the skin is very itchy and covered with a profuse rash;
  4. ulcers appear on the dermis, secreting a viscous liquid with an unpleasant odor;
  5. bleeding areas form;
  6. eyelashes begin to fall out.

In no case should you try to cope with the problem yourself - use gentle home cosmetology products or drugs from a pharmacy. Delay in contacting a specialist can lead to dangerous complications and the development of serious illnesses. It often happens that the disease is already lurking and waiting for the right hour, indicating itself with an alarming signal - peeling of the skin of the eyelids.

If the skin above the eye is peeling, you should not expect it to go away on its own. Neglect of alarm signals will lead to irreversible consequences, so it is better not to hesitate. If the manifestation is not dangerous, you can cope with it with home remedies, otherwise you will have to resort to medications that will quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate, has a small number of sebaceous glands, is thin and quite vulnerable, therefore it is susceptible to negative factors much more than other areas of the skin on the human body.

For women, the acute question often arises: what to do if the skin of the eyelids is dry? What measures and procedures will help the skin of the eyelids not to lose elasticity because in the future this can lead to expression wrinkles if no measures are taken. To understand how to escape from dry flaking eyelid skin, you need to understand the reasons why they occur.

Causes of peeling and dry eyelids

1. The first and main reason is chronic inflammation of the eyelids, which manifests itself in itching, redness, and irritation around the eyes. If you are prone to allergies, then one of its symptoms may be dry eyelids; this is how the body responds to the action of any remedy or product that you previously used. The problem may even be in your shampoo, so allergy sufferers are advised to use only hypoallergenic products.

2. Another reason for dry eyelids may be your decorative cosmetics, which you apply to your eyelashes or eyelids, so you need to carefully select your decorative cosmetics. It happens that having purchased a new eye cream with a different composition, the skin reacts instantly, then we can safely say that it was the new cream that caused the dryness, which needs to be replaced.

3. Heredity also plays an important role in the problem; dryness can appear both at 20 and at 50 years old - it depends on predisposing hereditary factors. The scorching rays of the sun, strong wind, frost, polluted air - all these factors negatively affect the condition of the eyes and eyelids.

4. Stress is another factor that affects not only the condition of the eyelids, but also the condition of the eyes. It is necessary to monitor your diet, eat a lot of foods that are rich in minerals, microelements and vitamins; you should not eat canned food, instant food, or fast food, such food will only cause harm.

5. Lack of water in the body leads to dryness and flaking, it’s not for nothing that a person consists of about 80% water, so its lack also threatens such a problem as dry eyelids.

6. Poor sleep, if a person sleeps poorly or little, this negatively affects the entire body, dryness appears around the eye area, elasticity is lost, skin color becomes gray, uneven, facial wrinkles form - all this is a consequence of poor sleep and lack of rest.

7. It often happens that dryness was caused by a lack of vitamins in a person’s orgasm such as: A, B, C, D, B, E. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, based on his recommendations, select the most suitable course of vitamins.

Treatment of dry and flaky eyelid skin

Of course, at the first symptoms of dry eyelids, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist, who will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary treatment and give the necessary recommendations for caring for the skin of the eyelids. Dry eyelids may hide corneal disease or blepharitis, eye infection, conjunctivitis, including allergic conjunctivitis, so in any case you need to go to the doctor, do not let the problem take its course. You should not try to solve the problem yourself, especially if your eyelid dryness is constant or has appeared recently and does not go away; it may hide a serious problem that only an experienced doctor can solve.

If the doctor assures that there are no serious problems, then you just need to follow the rules that will help prevent the appearance of dry eyelids.

To prevent dryness and flaking, you must follow simple rules:

- drink plenty of fluids (at least 1.5 liters);
- eat right, in some cases follow a diet;
- use moisturizing eye cream;
- wash off makeup (one of the main points)
- do not allow care products and decorative cosmetics to get into your eyes;
- use day and night eye cream;
- giving up bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes) that negatively affect not only the skin of the eyelids, but also the condition of the entire face as a whole;
- have a good rest
- avoid exposure to sunlight, try not to stay in severe frost or wind for a long time.

In order not to get such a problem as dry eyelids, you should just follow these tips; it is always easier to prevent a problem than to cure it later. There is also a huge number of folk remedies that will help you get rid of dry eyelids, all of them are time-tested.

Products and simple recipes to combat dry eyelids

With the problem of dryness, simple recipes can help you, as well as products that are almost always on hand.

— Quail eggs (have beneficial properties), you need to use the yolks, they will perfectly help in nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the eyelids.
— Sour cream with a high percentage of fat content, sour cream can be replaced with yogurt, yogurt should be without additives so as not to cause allergies.
— Honey – the beneficial properties of honey can be listed for a long time, so it is also an assistant in the fight for healthy eyelid skin.
— Olive oil (vegetable, peach, jojoba), banana and cucumber are also suitable for softening and nourishing.
— Aloe is an excellent healer, as well as an assistant in the fight for beautiful and healthy eyelid skin.
— Cosmetologists recommend after 36 years of age to nourish the skin with grape seed oil for prevention.
— Preference in choosing a cream or care product should be given to products with collagen and hyaluronic acid.
- Last but not least are cosmetics that will help eliminate dry eyelids. It is necessary to use micellar water or hydrophilic oil, which in turn has a gentle composition, removes dirt, and does not remove moisture from the skin at all.


An expressive look lies not only in eye health, but also in well-groomed eyelid skin, so it is important to monitor your diet, eat a lot of fruits, drink a lot of water, properly care for your eyelid skin, wash off makeup every evening, avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, and also protect yourself from severe frost.

One comment for “Dry and peeling eyelids: causes, treatment”

It should be noted that dry skin and peeling of the lower eyelids in some cases become a sign of further development of stye. After two to three days, a swelling forms in the irritated area. If you go to the doctor in a timely manner, it is not difficult to cure stye, but it is not recommended to treat it yourself, otherwise complications cannot be ruled out.

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