Visine for acne reviews

Well, the pimple seems to have gone away, but now there’s another problem (((how to remove the redness? by tomorrow morning))) experts

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Buy sinaflan ointment at the pharmacy.

and if the camouflage pencil doesn’t get through, go into battle!

Visine sometimes helps me - it constricts blood vessels and makes the redness less noticeable.

if you need it urgently, I would advise making an anti-inflammatory mask, then applying a cream with reflective particles, and of course, applying a thick foundation

I read on one website how a cosmetologist advised that if you pick something on your face and it creates a red spot, you should put a cotton pad soaked in Visine in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes and apply it to the reddened area.

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I have the same problem. But Elokom Cream helped me a little. Try

I have a problem with redness, nothing helps, help me. plz

To prevent such problems from arising, cleanse the code at the cellular level - this can be achieved with Beauty Secret cosmetics., read reviews

what about toothpaste? I heard it helps

toothpaste doesn't help. An excellent remedy is bee celandine. It helped me a lot and costs about 80-150 rubles

Of course, there is no way to heal urgently, but hydrogen peroxide helps very well, before going to bed, drip it on a cotton pad and wipe it, then immediately apply Boroplus cream on top, in the morning everything will become too drawn out; all you have to do is apply a little foundation and that’s it)))))

Well, I have to go to school in half an hour and it’s urgent, you’re smart, I know, help me plzzzzz

Damn, same problem, I'm going to school tomorrow and I popped a pimple on myself and rubbed off the red, I can't imagine what to do

current, keep in mind that I can’t go anywhere to the pharmacy anymore, so I need something from scrap materials

I tried applying ice, it didn’t help, and now I dropped Tosh toothpaste with cold Visine (eye drops) onto a cotton pad, waiting for the effect

Visine helped but I want it

Good for acne - Proactiv was developed by dermatologists Rodan and Fields.
Their website:
They recently released several different lines of cosmetics, including ones for oily problem porous skin (acne pimples). The next development after Proactiv. This is the line:
And also from redness (allergies, after acne and even psoriasis)
Everything is in English, but with a translator you can understand everything.
And there are prices there too. Very good result (tested on my brother and myself :))
I constantly order from a friend of mine once every 3 months somewhere (she distributes these cosmetics). And she sends me a package with cosmetics from the States.
I'm looking for someone who would be interested and start ordering it too, and then I can split the cost of delivery from America between the two of us (delivery costs 1,500 rubles - a little expensive for one).
my e-mail is [email protected]. if anyone is interested, write

Damn it’s my birthday in 3 days and I’m breaking out a lot, what should I do?

BF-6 glue will help you

the best remedy is Zenerit. In a couple of weeks there will be no acne)

zenerite does not help, but only dries it out, and is addictive; if you suddenly stop using it, you will break out even more than before

Andrey, can I buy it at the pharmacy?

I suffered with acne and blackheads for a long time. I tried all the ointments, nothing really helped. I tried the drug Polysorb. She completed a course of treatment. The skin became clean. Rarely, but one pimple appears.

Vchera bila u kosmetologa, ana blin delala raznije maski, a posle vidavila vse moji prishi. segodnja blin lico uzhasnoje. zavtra ne vijdu na rabotu potomu chto stidno za lico.u menja lico v zizni takimm ne bilo. a tut blin.pipec kakojto. ja vsjo pereprobocala..proactic,neutrogena,clean clear..budu zavtra lechitsja narodnimi sredstvami

try soaked soda) it helped me)

try soaked soda) it helped me)

please help me I have to go to school tomorrow and I have a lot of red pimples, I don’t have Vizim and I don’t want to go to the pharmacy, help!

Toothpaste helps. But of course not right away!! After 1-2 weeks it helped, now all the girls at school are mine! I am 13.

Yes, I’m already tired of it, every day I can’t squeeze out red pimples, they hurt a lot, but I can’t get rid of them, give me advice on how to get rid of them!? I heard that if you don’t touch them, they will go away!

Yes, I’m already tired of it, every day I can’t squeeze out red pimples, they hurt a lot, but I can’t get rid of them, give me advice on how to get rid of them!? I heard that if you don’t touch them, they will go away!

I also suffered from acne for a long time. I heard a lot that it could be hormonal imbalances. I went to the gynecologist (although I didn’t take hormone tests), the doctor prescribed me hormonal ones. A month has passed, I am very pleased, my skin has become cleaner and much less oily. Girls, try it, for those who have been struggling with this problem for a long time, it will suddenly help, just don’t self-medicate, the doctor knows best what pills to prescribe!

Salt and soap also cleanses the skin well. Apply as a mask for 10 minutes))

what to do about redness after a pimple and wound?

urgently need advice after pimple wound and redness.

Do not under any circumstances smear your face with Sinoflana ointment. I tried it too, at first my face became clearer and I liked it, but then my skin suddenly worsened by half. The dermatologist said that this is a hormonal ointment, and now it takes about 6 months of treatment to improve the situation. In general, don’t even think about it, even the instructions for use say you can’t apply it to your face.

Toothpaste helps. But of course not right away!! After 1-2 weeks it helped, now all the girls at school are mine! I am 13.

I’ve been using eel for 2-3 years now) the tincture is simply wonderful! dries out acne and TREATS the skin! After a week of use, the result is visible!

The allergy left some redness that hasn't gone away for 2 days.
What to do?

Hi all. This is my second year using the Fresh Look facial scrub. I am delighted! Before using the scrub, my face was always flaky, but now it’s smooth, and the inflammation has stopped. It does not injure the skin, but rather dissolves dead cells and tingles a little. I use it once every 10 days, which is enough for me, because... he is very active. The price is affordable, so I started using it on the body. Active ingredients: sea salt and pineapple enzymes. It is also advisable to take a course of polysorb, it will remove toxins and waste and will prevent new acne from appearing.

The allergy left some redness that hasn't gone away for 2 days.
What to do?

wash with tar soap, then apply baby cream all over your face (since soap dries out the skin a lot) and cover the pimple with BF6 glue overnight. The swelling goes down and so does the redness. This helped me right before the exam :)

They say you can also anoint the pimple area with iodine

baby cream, top with powder (baby) at night))

Wash your face less often. Water acts as an irritant

I read on one website how a cosmetologist advised that if you pick something on your face and it creates a red spot, you should put a cotton pad soaked in Visine in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes and apply it to the reddened area.


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A sudden pimple on the face can ruin your mood for a long time. Especially if it appears on the face. In this case, a bad mood is simply guaranteed. The reason for this may be improper skin care, hormonal changes in the body, or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order to get rid of rashes, you can go to a dermatologist, consult a cosmetologist, or try to get rid of them yourself.

Before taking any acne remedy, it is better to find out the root cause of its appearance. For example, if this is adolescence, then treatment will be aimed at normalizing hormonal levels. In this case, it will be very difficult to get rid of the rash on your own, and treatment will take a long period.

At home, you can fight acne using folk remedies or drug therapy.

Of course, you won’t be able to quickly get rid of skin rashes in a short time. But there are special products that help disguise the pimple and make it less inflamed.

One of these means is Visine for acne. Visine will help in cases where it is necessary to remove redness and inflammation from the skin so that the pimple becomes less noticeable.

Visine is available in the form of drops and is primarily intended to relieve the effects of eye fatigue and swelling of the skin around the eyes. It is sold in any pharmacy at an affordable price. It contains tetrizoline hydrochloride. It is he who has a therapeutic effect in the fight against rashes.

Visine for acne works effectively due to its vasoconstrictor effect, which helps to significantly reduce the size of acne breakouts and reduce the inflammatory process. Visine will not be able to completely remove rashes from the skin, since the main task is to relieve swelling and narrow blood vessels.

How to use Visine for acne

  1. It is first necessary to cleanse the skin of any remaining cosmetics and sebum.
  2. Then you need to take a piece of cotton wool and apply Visine (a couple of drops) to it.
  3. After this, the cotton wool with the medicine is placed in the refrigerator in the freezer so that it freezes.
  4. After a few minutes, the cotton wool is removed and applied directly to the site of the skin rash.
  5. After thawing from the cold, the cotton wool will adhere firmly to the skin. After 5 minutes you can remove it.
  6. After the procedure, you can wash your face with warm water. The effect of the drops on the skin lasts about 3 hours after use.

As a rule, if the skin rashes are minor or sporadic, you can significantly improve the appearance of the skin and disguise the pimple. In more advanced cases, it is recommended to repeat this procedure one or two more times. This product can only be used if there is no allergic reaction to the components that make up Visine. Also, do not use drops that have expired.

Visine for acne reviews:

The use of Visine for acne has quite varied reviews, but mostly there are more positive reviews than negative ones. Visine helps dry the skin, constrict blood vessels, relieve inflammation, and relieve discomfort. If done correctly, treating acne with Visine will help reduce the number of breakouts and make them less noticeable.

“I didn’t know you could use eye drops for acne. A friend advised me, now I use this method in emergencies.”

Even when using Visin for acne, it is necessary to carry out some more procedures to get rid of them.

  1. Firstly, it is necessary to cleanse the skin daily. To do this, you can wipe your face with tonic, wash your face with a special gel for problem skin, or use herbal decoctions for these purposes.
  2. To destroy bacteria and germs from skin areas, drug therapy should be used. The drugs are applied externally, directly to the inflamed area of ​​the skin.
  3. In severe cases, acne tablets are prescribed for internal use: antibiotics, hormonal agents, and so on.

The use of traditional methods helps in the fight against acne. Often, it is precisely those means that have long been known to everyone, are available, and are very cheap that are effective. These are pimples for acne, masks made of white or blue clay, the use of salicylic acid, etc.

Visine for acne is not a cure and will not help get rid of acne permanently. It is an emergency remedy when a pimple pops up and you need to be at some holiday or event. In this case, Visine will be an excellent masking agent and will help get rid of feelings of psychological and physical discomfort.

As surprising as it may sound, some people use Visine for acne. Visine is an eye drop that eliminates redness of the eyes due to its constricting effect on the blood vessels. Therefore, it will be effective only on inflamed pimples. When treating acne or subcutaneous pimples on the nose, unfortunately, Visin will be useless.

Composition of Visine and its effect on acne

The main substance is tetrizoline hydrochloride. If you don’t go into the details of its pharmacological action, but explain it “on your fingers” and in simple Russian, then its main functions:
1. Relieve swelling due to the outflow of blood and interstitial fluid.
2. Narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, and, therefore, a decrease in redness.

The only thing to remember is that it does not work on intact pimples. This is because the active substance does not penetrate the skin and also does not have a bactericidal effect. Those. it does not treat acne, but helps hide redness and remove swelling from a squeezed, inflamed pimple. As an emergency aid before leaving home, this is an excellent remedy.

The use of Visine in the fight against acne

Visine will not help you get rid of acne. But eliminating redness from the inflamed area, like camphor alcohol for acne, is always welcome. The magical effect of Visine does not last long - 3-4 hours. But this time can be increased by cooling the eye drops in the refrigerator. You can put a couple of drops on a cotton pad and freeze. Due to the effect of low temperatures on the inflamed area, an even greater narrowing of the blood vessels occurs. But if 3 hours without a red bump on your face (or other part of the body) is enough for you, then 1 drop on a squeezed pimple is enough and after a couple of minutes there will be no trace left of it. As a temporary measure to help you look great, Visine is simply magical. But it is absolutely useless for them to treat non-inflamed pimples, blackheads or subcutaneous pimples. And it doesn’t remove unsqueezed pimples. So there is no point in talking about its medicinal properties - because that would be a lie. Visine does not treat acne, but only eliminates the unpleasant consequences of eliminating them.