How to create a women's first aid kit

The life of a modern woman is a busy whirlpool of events, from which representatives of the fair sex experience health problems from time to time. Stress, headaches and menstrual pain, as well as a number of other ailments cause a woman a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, today you can cope with most unpleasant symptoms with the help of medications. And in order not to constantly run to the pharmacy during exacerbations, you need to prepare a first aid kit for yourself, where all the medications you need will be stored. Especially if you are leaving for another country, to the country or on a business trip. Keep in mind that in other countries the range of medicines in pharmacies may differ significantly from what is usual in our country, so it is better to stock up on medicines for future use.

Forming a first aid kit

Drugs to normalize the gastrointestinal tract

These are a kind of “sos-drugs” that must be present in the first aid kit. Traveler's diarrhea, a well-known affliction, mars the holidays of more than a third of tourists. Overseas food, unusual climate, as well as local water primarily affect digestion. In third world countries, where the level of sanitary culture is low, you can even catch an intestinal infection. Therefore, we put activated carbon (or other sorbent drugs), antidiarrheals, as well as medications that restore intestinal microflora (for example, probiotics) in the first aid kit.

Cold medications

Acute respiratory viral infections lie in wait for you at every turn. If you overheat in the sun and then immediately plunge into cold water, your immune system will fail. As a result, the body becomes susceptible to many viral and bacterial infections. In order to alleviate the course of the disease, we take with us antipyretic, antiviral, and immunomodulatory drugs.

Allergy medications

What woman doesn't love flowers? Unfortunately, you may become hypersensitive to some types of plants, especially in foreign countries. Flowers, overseas fruits and insect bites are the main reasons for the development of allergies at resorts. During an allergic attack, it is important to take an antihistamine quickly. It is also advisable to contact your local doctor in case of rash, swelling or other allergic manifestations.

Saving yourself from cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the bladder, occurring mainly in women. It is already known that the main cause of the disease is infection. Unlike the male body, women have a wider and shorter urethra, which makes it much easier for pathogens to enter the urethra. The weakening of local immunity contributes to the development of infection. Excessive exposure to water or sunbathing in a wet swimsuit can just add fuel to the fire. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are used to treat cystitis. Antibiotics can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, as soon as the pathogen is identified, so it is not recommended to use them as the first remedy for cystitis without medical advice. Natural preparations based on cranberry extract are effective against cystitis, which you can also take with you to your medicine cabinet.

For headaches

Headaches are much more common in women than in men. Suffering a headache is only to your detriment, especially if you want to enjoy your vacation. Therefore, we put a proven headache remedy in the first aid kit. You should not rely on foreign drugs, as they may not help you. It is best to take a proven product that you are used to. These can be analgesics, citramon, spasmalgon and other drugs.

Remedies for menstrual pain

Pain during menstruation can be simply unbearable. To relieve pain, painkillers and antispasmodics are taken. For these purposes g