Shakira's beauty secret: perfect figure after second birth

Shakira is not only a beautiful and talented woman, but also a real athlete. Having given birth to her second child just a few months ago, she already boasts an ideal figure that many girls who have not yet given birth do not have. What is the secret of Shakira's success? In this article we will figure out exactly how the singer achieved such impressive results.

One of the main secrets of Shakira's ideal figure is belly dancing. This type of dance helps to work the deepest abdominal muscles, making them not only sculpted, but also very strong. Shakira has been belly dancing for many years, and it helped her get back into shape after giving birth.

In addition to dancing, Shakira is actively involved in sports. Her program includes both cardio and strength training. She practices almost every day, and such regularity helps her quickly achieve the desired results.

However, in addition to training, Shakira pays great attention to her diet. She tries to eat more protein and less carbohydrates to lose body fat and gain muscle mass. The star's breakfast consists of toast with cheese, herbs and avocado, as well as coffee. Shakira then goes to work out, after which she drinks a protein shake and eats fruit. The star's lunch consists of poultry or fish and vegetable salad. An afternoon snack is dried meat with vegetables. And for dinner, the singer eats a steak of meat or fish and a vegetable side dish. If Shakira wants something sweet, she allows herself a couple of slices of dark chocolate. She drinks about 1.5 liters of water a day and has completely eliminated alcohol from her diet.

Shakira's menu can be diversified by inventing some of your own dishes. However, remember that proper nutrition is an important component of an ideal figure. Breakfast should consist of carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, which will give the body energy to start the day. Lunch and dinner should contain plenty of protein and vegetables, and snacks can be made with yogurt, cottage cheese or jerky.

So, the secret of Shakira's success is regular training, proper nutrition and love for your body. In a short time after giving birth, Shakira was able to regain her ideal figure thanks to her self-discipline and perseverance. If you want to achieve the same results, then you need to follow her example and exercise, eat right and love your body. Don't forget that an ideal figure is not only beautiful, but also healthy. Therefore, you should not strive for extreme results, but follow the golden mean and take care of your health.