Don't have time to go to the gym? Drink red wine!

Red wine is not only a delicious drink for dinner or a romantic evening, but also a potential assistant in the fight against excess weight and maintaining muscle mass. Leading French scientists have shown that resveratrol, found in red wine, can prevent muscle degradation, especially in zero gravity conditions.

Researchers conducted an experiment on rats, hanging them by their tails for two weeks. During this time, the rats lost body weight and bone density. However, when they were supplemented with resveratrol, there was no change. This result confirms that resveratrol can help maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle degradation.

These findings are especially important for people who are unable to go to the gym or who are busy and cannot devote enough time to exercise. Trading one gym workout for a few glasses of red wine may be a more appealing option for many people.

However, we should not forget that drinking red wine cannot completely replace physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. One glass of red wine a day can reap its beneficial properties. However, drinking alcohol in large quantities can lead to health problems.

Thus, red wine can be an interesting and healthy additional option for those who do not have access to the gym or want to supplement their physical activity. But do not forget that a healthy lifestyle includes not only proper nutrition, alcohol in moderation and physical activity, but also adequate rest and sleep.