Tired looking face what to do

When we encounter the first manifestations of signs of aging, it is important to be fully prepared to fight the enemy: you need to know your skin type and its characteristic aging pattern, which, by the way, is inherent from birth at the genetic level.

Further, based on this information, you will be able to choose the right products and methods that will effectively affect your skin, specifically neutralizing any signs of aging.

There are only 4 most common types of aging: “tired” type, deformation, finely wrinkled and combined.

The first type is most common among European women. It is considered the most neat, healthy and responsive to cosmetic care and anti-aging products.

In women aging "tired" type, there are no obvious signs of aging on the face: deep wrinkles on the face, chin and neck, their cheeks do not float away and the contour of the face is not deformed. But their age betrays a constantly tired appearance: “crow’s feet” around the eyes, dark bags under them, deepened nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds, drooping corners of the mouth and a dull complexion.

But the most surprising thing is that all these signs disappear after a full 8 hours of sleep. At the beginning of the day (approximately before lunch), the woman looks youthful and fresh, her mild wrinkles are smoothed out, a healthy color is restored and bags under the eyes are resolved. But by the evening, under the influence of external factors, the skin again takes on a pronounced tired appearance.

The “tired face” type of aging is characterized by a decrease in the tone of the facial muscles and ligaments as a result of age-related impairment of lymphatic drainage and blood supply. This is especially noticeable in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, on the forehead and in the corners of the eyes.

How does aging occur:

  1. swelling appears on the face;
  2. the skin “dries out”;
  3. complexion becomes dull, acquiring an earthy tint over time;
  4. the nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds deepen;
  5. the corners of the mouth droop, which leads to the appearance of “puppet” wrinkles;
  6. bags and tear troughs appear under the eyes;

Signs that predict this type of aging:

  1. combination or normal skin type;
  2. mostly smooth and clean, but thin;
  3. capillaries are visible on the eyelids;
  4. in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin, the skin becomes covered with a fatty film, most often in summer at high temperatures;
  5. oval, diamond-shaped, or thin face

How to fight the signs of aging:

Sleep at least 8 hours.

Eat right: replace frying with baking, eliminate processed and canned foods, replace sweets with fruits, eat as many greens and vegetables as possible.

Drink vitamins of groups A, B, C, D. But vitamin E is especially important for the fight against aging - o

Use tonic creams and serums that contain vitamin C, as well as products containing AHA acids. These elements improve blood circulation, which in turn helps restore healthy color and radiance to the skin and stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Make chemical and homemade peelings- they stimulate collagen synthesis and give the skin a healthy glow and color.

In addition, toning massages, microcurrent therapy and others will be extremely useful and effective for your skin. procedures that tone muscles and improve blood circulation.

In order to have an attractive appearance and perform its functions, facial skin needs proper nutrition. Lack of nutrients, impaired water-salt balance, improper care, poor-quality cosmetics, stress, poor lifestyle - all these factors adversely affect the condition of facial skin, making it dry, flabby and lifeless.

What information will you find out:

Causes of dry and tired skin

If you have dry facial skin, it is important to understand the real reasons for this condition. Cosmetologists identify several reasons why the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and “colorless”:

- malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
- unhealthy diet;
- frequent exposure to the sun;
- frequent peelings;
— age-related changes;
— malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs;
- incorrect daily routine.

Facial skin becomes flabby if a person experiences severe mental or emotional stress. If you do not give your body proper rest (including sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day), after some time your face will become dull and will look constantly tired.

If the skin gets tired, its appearance will definitely change. At first, the face simply becomes dull and the skin loses its elasticity. If nothing is done, the skin feels dry and bruises appear under the eyes. If your skin has become dry, you need to urgently look for the cause, otherwise in a short time your face will be “decorated” with wrinkles. In order to prevent this, it is important to contact a specialist as quickly as possible and help tired skin become healthy, elastic and radiant again.

What examinations are recommended for excessive dry skin?

Many girls, when any skin problems arise, go to a cosmetologist, who performs a series of procedures that nourish the skin and helps them choose the right skin care cosmetics for independent use.

However, the issue of dry and tired skin is not always purely cosmetic: in some cases, the problem lies in the malfunction of some organs or systems of the body.

In order not to start the process and to help tired facial skin as quickly as possible, you need to contact a therapist who will prescribe a list of examinations to find the real cause of this condition.

The standard list of analyzes includes the following:

— general blood and urine analysis;
- blood test for eosinophils and immunoglobulins;
- stool analysis for dysbacteriosis;
— tests for parasitic allergens;
- skin tests.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor can give a referral to specialized specialists:

- endocrinologist;
- dermatologist;
- gastroenterologist;
- nephrologist.

The list of diseases that can occur with dry facial skin is quite extensive. Hypothyroidism, sarcoidosis, eczema, ichthyosis, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, as well as some diseases of the liver, kidneys and digestive organs can cause excessive dryness and sagging skin.

If the doctor has questions about the test results, he may prescribe additional examinations, such as blood biochemistry, ultrasound, gastroscopy, etc. After these procedures, the doctor will definitely prescribe treatment and give recommendations regarding nutrition and lifestyle.

Mesotherapy – “first aid” for dry and tired facial skin

If the dryness of your skin is caused by non-medical problems, it is important to remember a few rules, the use of which will make your dry and flabby facial skin more elastic and “alive”.

  1. Nutrition. Normalize your diet, enrich it with fruits, vegetables and fiber. Dry skin loves water, which you need to drink at least 1.5 liters in its pure form. per day. Include white meat and fish rich in unsaturated fatty acids in your menu.
  2. Daily regime. To keep your skin looking healthy and glowing, it is important to get enough sleep. Go to bed no later than 23 and get up no earlier than 6-7. Get outdoors every day and minimize time spent on the computer.
  3. Say no to stress. Minimize its presence in life, limit yourself from everything “unloved” and master several mood control techniques.


If, after applying all the above recommendations, you are still faced with the question of what to do for sagging and dry facial skin, pay attention to one of the most effective and efficient procedures for improving skin condition - mesotherapy. The essence of the method is to inject the necessary nutrients into the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. Mesotherapy is used for various skin problems:

- with increased dryness;
- with flabbiness;
- when withering;
- with age-related changes;
- lack of vitamins;
- when wrinkles appear;
- for acne;
- for “smoker’s skin;
- for pathologies of the vascular system.

The benefits of mesotherapy for facial skin have been clinically proven. However, remember that this procedure is not only cosmetic, but also therapeutic, so before performing it, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

If you want to get an impeccable result from mesotherapy, it is best to contact a specialized clinic whose doctors are true professionals in their field.

Clinic "Althea", located in Nizhny Novgorod, on the street. Dolgopolova, 17/38 (near the Respublika shopping center) offers its clients a full range of medical services at reasonable prices. You can make an appointment for a consultation with a cosmetologist, as well as for mesotherapy, by calling 8 (831) 217 ​​3 29.

Take care of your skin correctly and trust its health to the best specialists.

Almost every person has noticed at least once in his life that his face looks somewhat tired. There may be several factors causing this. If your skin constantly looks tired, then the process of aging may be occurring.

But a painful appearance does not always indicate this. The reasons why a person gets tired can be different:

  1. chronic lack of sleep;
  2. staying in one position for a long time (sitting at a computer);
  3. strict diet or fasting;
  4. tanning abuse;
  5. bad habits;
  6. low temperatures in winter, vitamin deficiency;
  7. diseases of various nature;
  8. long-term use of medications;
  9. menopause, etc.

A constantly tired person is grounds for undergoing a medical examination. At a minimum, with such skin you need to contact a dermatocosmetologist, and, if necessary, other specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist). This way you can determine the root cause of facial fatigue and understand how to get rid of it.

How to remove tired looking skin: general recommendations

To restore the skin to a healthy appearance, natural shade, and remove bags under the eyes, you need to strengthen protection and care for it, as well as change your usual lifestyle.

  1. Ensure healthy, full sleep. During the rest period, the body significantly reduces the production of stress hormones, which, in fact, have a negative effect on the skin. Therefore, lack of sleep will only add to your tired appearance. But 2 hours of daily rest will add strength, vigor, and significantly improve your skin.
  2. Increase your physical activity. This could be exercise, swimming, running, or just walking in the fresh air. Any movement is one of the best and most effective ways of transformation. Playing sports quickly relieves the effects of stress, mental strain, and loss of strength. They improve not just the physical condition of the body, but have a positive effect on emotional well-being. Thanks to this, physical activity relieves fatigue from the facial skin in a short time.
  3. Turn your thoughts in a positive direction. The less you think about the bad, the more you shine and look younger. A tired face can be removed if you do more often what brings you pleasure and joy. Taking a bath, walking in a picturesque area, reading books, or eating your favorite treat will have a positive effect on the skin. The emotions received from such a pastime will very soon make you feel more energetic, and your skin will breathe freshness and health.
  4. Do breathing exercises. It may seem that such activities will not give the desired result. And how to wake up tired facial skin with normal breathing? But science has proven that breathing slowly, deeply, and with concentration can easily relieve tension. Judge for yourself: mostly people take shorter and not too deep breaths. This prevents the body from being fully saturated with vital oxygen. Therefore, whenever possible, try to breathe calmly and slowly for at least a few minutes. Rested skin is guaranteed.
  5. Avoid junk food and regulate your food intake. Watch your diet, include fruits and vegetables in your diet, drink more clean, fresh water. It cleanses the body well and removes toxins. Don't eat at night and try not to overeat, don't abuse alcohol, because this can lead to puffiness and a dull face in the morning. Such a change in diet and nutrition will have a positive effect on the skin and relieve it from fatigue.
  6. Quit bad habits. If you smoke, then it is advisable to stop this addiction, which negatively affects not just your face, but absolutely all organs. Does a smoker's skin look good? It is characterized by a grayish tone, dryness, premature appearance of wrinkles, and sunken cheeks. During smoking, the content of carbon monoxide increases, so blood circulation in the skin, the supply of oxygen, and nutrients deteriorate. The consequences of the habit are changes in skin structure, dull color, premature aging. Of course, by giving up smoking, a person gradually transforms, becomes healthier and more resilient.
  7. Proper timely skin care. Remember to cleanse and moisturize your face regularly. Even if you come home from work very tired, still take the time to remove your makeup and take care of your skin. Otherwise, a tired reflection awaits you in the mirror. Learn to choose the right cosmetics for your personal care, taking into account your skin type and age. Various creams, tonics, washing gels, scrubs, etc. help relieve fatigue. You can also resort to natural products, making masks from them. If possible, seek the services of a professional cosmetologist.

If you need to refresh your skin for several hours, then there are some tricks here too.

How to quickly give your face a fresh look?

Often women try to hide their tired appearance with the help of decorative cosmetics, applying a thick layer of makeup. But this can make your skin look even duller. But caring cosmetics provide a wide range of products that can relieve fatigue from the face.

  1. To prepare the skin, exfoliating products are used that remove the dead top layer and make it smooth (peelings, scrubs, gels, etc.).
  2. After this, you can apply a mask made from natural products (eggs, potatoes, herbs, honey, citrus fruits, etc.) to your steamed face. Then rub it with an ice cube from a decoction of calendula, chamomile or cucumber juice.
  3. Apply cream to prepared skin. There are a large number of them on the cosmetic market. The Payot energy line (night cream Gelee De Choc), concentrated serum from Biotherm, relieves fatigue well and improves color. The revitalizing Matis Energising Cream with vitamins has a pleasant texture. The famous brand Yves Rocher offers a whole complex for the care of tired facial skin called “Anti-Stress”. These are day and night creams, eye contour care rollers, etc. The inexpensive but also quite effective Green Mama brand produces an anti-stress cream “Licorice and Rosehip.” According to the results of use, the listed products had a positive effect on the skin.
  4. If you use foundation, always moisturize your face with foundation cream before applying. To prevent eye makeup from creasing, apply a special cream to the eyelid.
  5. From decorative cosmetics, blush helps to soften facial features and disguise fatigue, which lightly marks only the cheekbones.
  6. Even the right clothes can change your tired look and highlight your skin. Give preference to pastel colors (pink, purple, light blue).

By following these rules, you can quickly restore your skin to a healthy and radiant appearance. The efforts made will definitely yield results. But remember that only in combination with proper rest, a healthy lifestyle, and giving up bad habits can you achieve the desired success.