Things suitable for the stomach

As for food, the one that is most suitable for the stomach is that which has an astringent property and bitterness without being pungent or pungent. Astringent substances are useful for healthy people to strengthen the stomach, but those who have a fever should not go overboard in this regard and use very astringent substances, because they create harmful dryness in the mouth of their stomach; and if it is no longer possible to do without it, then they should be given such food with caution. Among the dishes suitable for a stomach that does not take food well due to weakness is, as Galen testifies, the inner skin of chicken stomachs. Refusal to copulate also greatly strengthens the stomach.

One of the measures suitable for the stomach of most people is to induce vomiting twice a month so that mucous juice does not accumulate in the stomach. The easiest way to induce vomiting in this case is to eat radishes with fish. Then, when you really want to drink, drink it with honey or sugar sikanjubip with hot water, and vomiting will begin. You should not do this more often, because then nature gets used to throwing excess into the stomach. Know that light, insignificant vomiting, not violent or frequent, when you need it, is of great benefit.

One of the measures that is suitable for the stomach of most people is to limit meals to one meal a day, without filling the stomach with this meal. As for laxatives, the most suitable remedy for healthy people is sabur and wormwood, but in the form of a herb, and not squeezed juice, because the squeezed juice separates from the tart substance contained in the herb. As a snack, sweet raisins are sometimes suitable for the stomach due to their moderate cleansing effect. By cleansing, it soothes the slight burning sensation that sometimes occurs in the stomach, but if the burning sensation is severe, a more powerful remedy is required. Myrtle fruits with vinegar are good for the stomach and flavored capers too. As for vegetables, lettuce is useful for a somewhat hot stomach, as is fume, and celery is generally useful for any stomach, as well as mint and elecampane marinated in vinegar. Among the things suitable for the stomach due to its special properties, and also suitable for the esophagus, is a stone called jasper; It is useful if you hang it around your neck so that it reaches the stomach area, or make a necklace out of it, and even more so if you add it to medicinal porridge or drink half a dirham of it.