Which weight loss diets give results and are not harmful to health?

Excess weight can be a problem that worries many people, especially women. Of course, the ideal solution to the problem is to visit a nutritionist and develop a personal diet that will help achieve the desired result. However, visiting a specialist is not always possible, so we decided to consider several diets that will help you lose weight and not harm your health.

Diet of Kim Protasov

Kim Protasov's diet is suitable for those who love vegetables and can remain without meat for some time. Its duration is 5 weeks, and during this time you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight. The diet is divided into several stages: in the first stage (two weeks) you can only eat raw vegetables, two green apples, fermented milk products and 1 egg per day. There are no restrictions on the amount of food. The main thing is to eat only approved foods.

After two weeks, a piece of lean meat or fish is added to the permitted foods. You need to stay in this mode for another three weeks. Kim Protasov's diet is not difficult for the body, since it does not cause hunger and is relatively balanced.

Ducan's diet

The Dukan Diet is another effective diet that is now very popular and has many fans. In fact, it's more of an eating style that you can stick to for years and stay in great shape.

This diet works for weight loss by limiting carbohydrates in the diet. After all, carbohydrates are the first ones to turn into fat deposits. The fewer carbohydrates enter the body, the more reserves the body takes from fat deposits to create energy, thereby stimulating a person to lose weight.

The Dukan diet consists of four stages: Attack (active weight loss), Cruise (smooth achievement of the desired weight), Consolidation (consolidation of the result obtained), Stabilization (stabilization of the achieved result). The nuances of the diet vary depending on the stage: first, carbohydrates are removed as much as possible, then they are gradually added. During the process, we observe how the body reacts. Dukan's principles can help you maintain a beautiful figure until old age.

However, it is worth noting that the Dukan diet is not suitable for people with kidney disease.

Watermelon diet

The watermelon diet during the watermelon season is a very popular diet for quick weight loss. It is based on the use of watermelon as the main food. Watermelon contains few calories and a lot of water, which helps you quickly fill up and reduce the amount of food consumed.

For 5-7 days on this diet, you need to consume only watermelon and water. You need to eat at least 1.5 kg of watermelon per day for every 20 kg of weight. For example, if a person weighs 60 kg, then he should eat at least 4.5 kg of watermelon per day. It is important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

The watermelon diet helps you lose weight quickly, but is not recommended for a long period as it is unbalanced and can lead to deficiencies in some important nutrients.

In any case, before starting a diet, you should consult a nutritionist or doctor to ensure that it is suitable for your health and will not cause any problems. It is also important to remember that the diet must be accompanied by physical activity and a healthy lifestyle to achieve the best results and maintain health.