Knowledge :: Page - 18

Coleoptile (Gr. Coleo - Shell, Ptile - Feather)


The coleoptile (from the Greek words “koleo” - shell and “ptile” - feather) is a special organ characteristic of seedlings of monocotyledonous plants. This is a hollow cy ...

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Kinins: polypeptide substances that affect body functions Kinins are a group of polypeptide substances that are formed in the blood and tissues of the body. They influenc ...

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Placenta (Lat. Placenta - Cake)


The placenta (from the Latin placenta - flat cake) is an organ that is a kind of bridge between the mother and the embryo, providing nutrition and protection to the latte ...

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Horse sorrel.


Horse sorrel is a perennial herbaceous plant of the buckwheat family, up to 1.5 m high. The rhizome is thick and short. The root is underdeveloped, taproot. The stem is f ...

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Chronic Prostatitis


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that is common in men and can cause some unpleasant symptoms and complications. Chronic prostatitis is one of the mos ...

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Heart diseases


Recognizing one or another type of heart disease and its correct treatment is the job of a doctor, but in no case can it be taken upon by people who have little understan ...

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Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B3)


Action. Participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Indications. Neuritis, neuralgia, eczema, allergic reactions, trophic ulcers, burns, toxicosis of pregnancy, chro ...

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Isogamy (Gr. Isos - Equal, Gamos - Marriage)


Isogamy is a type of sexual reproduction in which two gametes of equal size and structure merge. The term "isogamy" comes from the Greek words "isos" - equal and "gamos" ...

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Candidiasis (Candidamycosis)


Candidiasis (candidiasis) is a disease caused by the Candida fungus, which can affect the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. This fungus is often part of the nor ...

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Mud therapy


The use of mud (peloids) of various origins for medicinal purposes - peat, sulfide silt, sapropel, etc. is mud therapy. Peat mud consists mainly of decomposed organic mat ...

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