Massage :: Page - 109

Vinyline Shostakovsky balm application


At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, a Soviet scientist created an antiseptic that was widely used during the war to treat wounds and accelerate tissue regeneration ...

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Visine for acne reviews


Well, the pimple seems to have gone away, but now there’s another problem (((how to remove the redness? by tomorrow morning))) experts Find out the opinion of ...

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Types of acne on the face


Acne and other types of pimples appear against the background of seborrhea, that is, excessive secretion of sebum. They form in areas of the skin that are richest in seba ...

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Types of Makeup Removers


Makeup removal is a full-fledged stage of skin care, so you should choose products for this process carefully. We will tell you how to do this, and also present a mini-co ...

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Types of birthmarks on the body


All iLive content is reviewed by medical experts to ensure it is as accurate and factual as possible. We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable sites ...

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Types of stretch marks on legs


On the path to perfection, modern women have to face many problems. Among them there is one that is found not only among representatives of the fair half of humanity, b ...

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Types of acne in children


As soon as they see pimples on the skin of a child, especially a baby, parents begin to panic. They try to fix the problem themselves, using the products available in the ...

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Types of acne on the face and their treatment


Dirty air in big cities, poor diet, constant stress - all this negatively affects the condition of the skin. All these factors affect the functioning of the sebaceous gla ...

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Types of redness on the face photo


Skin dermatoses are quite common. They often make themselves known by the appearance of spots on the face - pink, bright red, flaky, itchy. Irritations on the skin of the ...

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Types of facial peelings in cosmetology reviews


Any woman who cares about her skin sooner or later resorts to a procedure such as peeling. It is necessary both as an independent procedure and as a preparatory stage for ...

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