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How to use peach oil for cosmetic purposes


In this article you will learn how peach oil is beneficial for the face and how exactly the composition of the oil affects the skin. You will find out how to use this oil ...

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How to treat pigmentation on the face


A large number of people face such a problem as the appearance of age spots on the face. Their appearance can be influenced by a variety of factors: hormonal changes, m ...

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How to treat chills without fever


Chills occur in every person during infectious diseases that are accompanied by an increase in temperature. In this case, trembling is a protective mechanism that helps t ...

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How to treat burns in children


All young children actively explore the world around them. And even parental prohibitions cannot always protect curious children from quite dangerous research. As a resul ...

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How to treat burns with boiling water and blisters


Human life is fraught with certain difficulties. At least once in their life, everyone could encounter a burn - skin damage as a result of thermal, chemical or electrical ...

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How to treat a burn with vinegar essence


Experts have developed several effective treatment regimens that can successfully treat acetic acid burns on the skin, helping to reduce the impact of the traumatic facto ...

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How to treat a vinegar burn


Vinegar is an organic acid and contains aggressive substances. Their contact with the skin or mucous membranes leads to a destructive effect, resulting in a vinegar burn. ...

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How to treat a burn from boiling water peeled off skin


Having received a severe burn, a person does not always realize what needs to be done. Such injuries are accompanied by unpleasant complications, and treatment at home is ...

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How to treat a 2nd degree burn from boiling water


None of us are immune from such household injury as a burn with boiling water. At such moments, most people begin to panic: they don’t know what to do, where to run or ...

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How to treat wrinkles under the eyes


Wrinkles around the eyes appear first, this is due to the fact that, along with the fact that the skin there is the most delicate and thin, this area is actively loaded w ...

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