Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4262

Amoeba Metacyst


Amoeba Metacyst: Description and Features Metacystic amoeba, or Metaamoeba sp., is a protist from the class Amoebozoa. It gets its name from the presence of metacysts - s ...

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An electric knife is a surgical instrument for bloodless dissection and coagulation of soft tissues using high-frequency current supplied to the working surface of the in ...

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Sacroiliitis: understanding, symptoms and treatment Sacroiliitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the sacroiliac joints located between the sacrum and the ilium. T ...

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Recombination Index


The recombination index is an indicator of the potential ability of an organism to recombine chromosomes during the process of meiosis, expressed by the average number of ...

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Sympexia (from the Greek sympexis - connection, strong bond; synonym - sago grains) is an aggregative state of some substances, in which particles are combined into loose ...

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Katu virus


Kathu virus belongs to the Bunyavirus genus of the Bunyavirus family. It is an arbovirus from the ecological group of arboviruses and the Guam antigenic group. The Katu v ...

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Bronchitis Dust


Dust bronchitis Dust bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi that occurs as a result of prolonged inhalation of dust. Causes The main reason for the development of d ...

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Gonorrhea Latent


Latent Gonorrhea: Key Facts and Warnings Latent gonorrhea, also known as gonococcal carriage, asymptomatic gonorrhea or latent gonorrhea, is a form of gonorrhea that can ...

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Tricarboxylic Acids


Tricarboxylic acids are organic acids that contain three carboxyl groups in their molecule. They are formed in the body as a result of the oxidation of various substances ...

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Scalenus syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment Scalenus syndrome is a neurological disorder that is associated with compression of the nerve running between the scalen ...

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