Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4289

Vyrzungov Protok


Wirsungian duct (ductus Wirsungianus) is an anatomical term that refers to the pancreatic duct that opens into the duodenum. This duct was discovered and named after the ...

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Douglas Bag


Douglas Sack: Life and Scientific Contributions Douglas Sack (eng. S. G. Douglas) is an outstanding English physiologist, born in 1882. He became famous for his studies o ...

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Hypertension Reflexogenic


Reflexogenic hypertension is a condition in which increased pressure in the arteries occurs due to effects on the nerve endings in the neck, shoulders, back of the head a ...

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Resort Business


Resort business is a set of activities for the organization, construction, management of resorts, provision of treatment and cultural services for patients and vacationer ...

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Reduction2 In Cytologies


Reduction 2 in cytology is the process of restoration of cell ultrastructures or biochemical constants after its reversible damage, which occurs as a result of exposure o ...

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Flocculation: what is it and how is it used in immunology Flocculation is a process in which antigens and antibodies combine to form clumps, or flocculi. This process is ...

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Genus (Genus, Plural Genera)


Genus is a category used to classify plants and animals. The term comes from the Latin word “genus,” which means descent or family. Genus is one of the basic elements of ...

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Urine Residual


Residual urine is urine that remains in the bladder cavity after urination or removal of urine through a catheter. The presence of residual urine is caused by weakening o ...

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Anticholinesterase Agents


Anticholinesterase drugs are a group of drugs that are used to treat various diseases associated with disorders of the nervous system. They block the action of enzymes ca ...

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Lefort-Neugebauer Operation


The Lefora-Neugebauer operation is a surgical procedure that is used to treat various diseases of the vagina and cervix. It was developed in the 1950s by French gynecolog ...

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